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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Well it looked like a sparrowhawk and was no bigger if not smaller than a pigeon, I can't say whether or not it was bigger than the pigeon it killed as there was not enough left to tell.
  2. Back in the 70's when I lived in Romford (directly beneath the signal box) at the foot of the embankment but in my back garden I discovered a clump of Japanese Knotweed. I used a large bag of rock salt normally used for de-icing on it. It must have been effective as the knotweed disappeared and did not return.
  3. Systemic weedkiller, but keep it away from anything you want to keep. (And the fish pond!)
  4. If she's a shot putter you've got to have the balls for it.
  5. A few years ago I came down one morning to see a Sparrowhawk taking a pigeon breakfast on my patio. All that was left afterwards was the head, a few feathers and a spot of blood.
  6. Someone once made a 'double 20' using two Lima class 20 bodies to make a centre cab Co-Co, IIRC it was on a modified Deltic chassis..
  7. You don't have to use the 'goods' provided, you can make up your own items. I have a set of 1/76 scale LP covers produced for military modellers printed on photographic paper after the style of 'Tiny Signs', a friend of mine has used them on a Wills market stall and they look very effective. All sorts of things can be sold on market stalls, what about bags and suitcases, there are plenty of model bags and cases you could use.
  8. The second stall is books, trying to paint both of them will drive you mad.
  9. If I'm going somewhere that I am unfamiliar with I 'drive' the route on Google Streetscene. Even with my memory I have always found my destination.
  10. When is the open season for Jehovah's Witnesses?
  11. You might find this at least as reliable as seaweed >> http://www.funnysigns.net/johns-weather-forecasting-stone/
  12. Sounds like you had a very lucky escape.
  13. Shakespeare could provide a few names as well. Sir Toby Belch anyone?
  14. On the subject of wheels, the way to tell an AEC trolleybus from a Leyland was the rear hubs, the AEC's were chrome plated, the Leyland's were painted.
  15. Photo 4 appears to have been deleted.
  16. Tony_S. In reply to your post on another thread about ads on Facebook. Last night due to server problems my Facebook account was erased and I will now have to rejoin and re-establish my groups and find my friends and contacts. I have deliberately omitted my marriage status (single) as I kept getting ads for dating agencies, I don't mind so much but I'm nearly 66 years old and hobble about with the aid of a stick.
  17. I think the German woman is his wife, they might be one and the same anyway. PS I think we had better leave it there as we are getting dangerously close to a barred subject.
  18. The red lines indicate an emergency evacuation route. We have them here in south Essex on the roads leaving Canvey Island, just in case of a repeat of the 1953 floods.
  19. A lot of British police forces use confiscated performance cars as undercover vehicles just giving them new registrations, some like Essex even register them 'out of county'. They keep some or all of the 'boy racer' trimmings on them as well.
  20. Thats better (dodgy link)
  21. Not forgetting the link to the Pirelli Calender.
  22. A TV documentary a few years ago showed some buildings in the Namibian desert, the bricks had been eroded away completely by sandstorms leaving just the mortar courses.
  23. I'll take the blame for the weather, I had the car washed and valeted yesterday. Wouldn't have made a lot of difference anyway as the window cleaners four weekly visit is due on Tuesday so it was bound to start raining as soon as he had finished.
  24. Just started raining here only a few miles west of Tony_S. I hope you got that table put away and the washing in Tony.
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