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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. And it will keep the local fox population happy.
  2. Marmalade toast this morning, just had the bacon butty this evening for supper, yummy.
  3. A former colleague of mine was pestered by a debt collecting firm chasing after the former occupant of her flat. Her husband got rid of them by telling them that the person they wanted was in prison for assault with a deadly weapon.
  4. I have obtained a Deltic from my local Asda's. I must be lucky as there is no overspray of the white paint around the windows and the totems and numbers line up. However the light green band is more yellow than it should be and a very small amount of paint has crept under the masking. Certainly worth £8.99.
  5. Ready for the morning, New pot of marmalade in the cupboard and a pack of dry cured smokey bacon in the fridge, have plenty of thick sliced bread and baps so now the only problem is what to have for breakfast.
  6. 2509 days since I retired.
  7. Started to prepare for breakfast this morning, plugged the toaster in then remembered that there was no marmalade to go on the toast. So checked the fridge, no bacon for a bacon butty, so ended up with a yogurt for breakfast.
  8. My post above # 64184 took ages to post and looked ok, but when I went to edit it it came up 'double'.
  9. As well as a 'Groan' button we could do with a 'You rotten bastard' one it seems.
  10. Both bidders names start n***, I wonder what the *** stands for?
  11. I had an internet problem a couple of weeks ago, same thing, press 1 etc. But it only took a minute or two to get in touch with a nice gentleman in India who sorted out the problem, at 11 o'clock in the evening.
  12. What does curried pigeon taste like?
  13. Funny ads http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqbcYbq13Ow
  14. I see the paving blocks have been tidied up.
  15. Despite your warnings I just had to Google it!
  16. Or a Mackintosh stout. Do they still make it?
  17. Not a lot of protection against the other dodgem cars. For my A13 commute before I retired I used to buy an old banger with a long MOT and replace it with another shortly before the old MOT expired, I don't ever recall washing them.
  18. I acquired my garage almost two years ago, shortly afterwards I disposed of the vehicle I intended to keep in it. I inquired with my insurance company as to any savings I could make by keeping my everyday car in the garage. The saving would have been £10 per year and what is more I would have had to keep the car in the garage at all times it was not in use, if I had left it on the drive for example and it had been stolen it would not be insured so the car stayed on the drive. The garage now is used for storage of my layout and other items. The vehicle that I intended to store in the garage was a 'classic' van that I hoped to restore, when preparing it to move to the garage I realised that I was very unlikely to achieve that aim so I sold it on to someone who is now in the process of restoring it.
  19. Last time I was being 'navigated' my 84 year old navigators most common comment was 'We should have turned off there.'.
  20. PhilJ W

    Bus Models

    There is a range from Hong Kong in 1:120 scale http://www.jotus.com Just click on 'bus' and then select 1:120 scale. They include DMS types and Metrobus double deckers. IIRC the plastic Minix bus was to a similar scale.
  21. The LSWR had Road Vans designed as such, as did the Metropolitan Railway (Ex R.O.D. based on the LSWR design). IIRC the GER also had a few.
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