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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. My car was made in India and it is far better built than some other vehicles from nearer to home.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. My mum used to watch soaps religiously but I could never get into them. I can remember Coronation Street when it first started but they just don't interest me. Now to see what the fridge has in the way of dinner.
  3. The Brightline Florida. https://www.local10.com/news/local/2022/05/03/jeep-brightline-train-collide-in-hollywood/
  4. I worked in the payroll department of a London Borough. One day one of the trade union branch secretaries came storming into the office while I was dealing with another employee shouting about a payment that was due to him. I had not even been informed about the payment and told him so but he kept ranting on so I told him to F off. That as you might imagine put the cat amongst the pigeons. I apologised to the employee I was dealing with and he said he would have said the same thing in the circumstances. As it happened I was a rep for the same union but a different branch. Half an hour later I got a call from the regional secretary and I explained to him what had happened and he said he would deal with it. Next time the branch secretary came into the office he was full of apologies. What had happened was his line manager told him a payment was going to be paid to him and then omitted to pass it on to the payroll department.
  5. I see that Agathagate will be dealt with at twelve today. A tiff between two silly cows with more money than sense. Its estimated that its cost them £1.5 million each, a good time to be a lawyer methinks. Only thing is what are the tabloids going to write about next?
  6. Those into brass band music may recall the Black Dyke Mills Band. They once did a tour of the USA and they had to explain that their name was not offensive.
  7. There were nine but now they are seven as explained. (The red shirt crew member and the clown character who was dropped.)
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. It appears that the rain predicted for Sunday will not happen, anyone in the wetter parts of the country want to swap? Its high noon, literally in the Agathagate case today (yawn). A spat between two silly cows that will cost them £1.5 million each. A good time to be a lawyer. Apparently its the end of Neighbours tonight, its one program I've never watched ever!
  9. There's an ex BR van body used as a store in Malta.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A bit late as I've been trying to navigate Farcebook. They've made more changes that make it even less user friendly. No wonder their revenue is down.
  11. Another actor who has passed away, David Warner. Best known for playing Jack the Ripper in the movie 'Time After Time'. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Warner_(actor)
  12. Our old friend again.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis has been grumbling again but the Nurofen is kicking in now. Nothing much on the box to interest me at the moment so I might be able to catch up on some reading.
  14. 1955 Modernisation plan, 1956 Suez Crisis. The latter must have had an effect on the former.
  15. He did drive it, although the look of horror on his face when he saw it was a picture. In the end he was laughing and joking about it.
  16. A week or two ago John Nettles (Bergerac) was one of the guest celebrities on Celebrity Antiques Roadshow. The guests and experts drive a classic car or cars from antique dealer to antique dealer buying items for auction. The program started with John Nettles driving a Mk. II Jag and his companion asked him about the Triumph Roadster and he said that it was a pig to drive and he hated driving it. They then arrived to meet the experts who were to accompany them with the other classic car. The other classic was the same Triumph Roadster that featured in Bergerac.
  17. News just breaking, Bernard Cribbens died this morning at 93 years of age RIP.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Very little on BBC breakfast except the Commonwealth Games or on the news for that matter. Weather forecast is much the same as with possibly some rain on Sunday but nowhere near as much as required. Now off to run a bath, be back later.
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