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Everything posted by TheSignalEngineer

  1. Not surpising there were no bids. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Antique-Meccano-Hornby-locomotive-and-red-esso-parrifin-carraige-/150939056356?pt=UK_Antiques_Other_RL&hash=item2324ab38e4
  2. Looks as if it has passed something with a serious oil leak
  3. Cashed in my winning Euromillions ticket, celebrated with a coffee, now what shall I do with the other 17p profit?

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      coffee's expensive nowadays :)

    2. 69843


      Take it to the bank ;)

    3. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Sex, drugs and Rock and Roll. Always a popular choice!

  4. Two-year-old Sam has just pointed out that 'Emily' is a Stirling Single.

    1. Hippo


      Bet your proud


    2. Metr0Land


      Bodes well for the future

  5. We had similar problems with early fibre optic banners. They were so bright at night that it was difficult to tell what they were showing until you got about 50 metres from them.
  6. Don't forget we need to see a section of "Staffordshire Cobbles" or "Blue Diamonds" on a bit of pavement somewhere.
  7. Charlie's Cabin will have a slate roof, but my problem is that the slates on these small cabins were about 2/3 the size of the York ones. Think it will have to be strips scored to suit.
  8. Bangalore Telecomm finally admitted that my broadband problem was actually their problem.

  9. Reminds me of the Curzon Street Presflos. Right troublesome when empty. Some came off one night in 1966 whilst being made up for the return working and hit 13 cross rods outside the box. My grandfather, myself and the depot blacksmith spent all next day repairing the damage while the pway gang working on the new PCD were moved over to straighten up the double slip that had been at the centre of the derailment. The Chief Pway inspector aka 'Brown Boots' came out specially to watch the 08 shunt back and forth several times with a rake of empties before personally declaring the road fit for traffic. As we set off down the yard for home, the 08 came along with another rake. There was an almighty clatter and we looked round to see three Presflos at strange angles. Grandfather says "that's tomorrow's job decided" (Three make sharp exit to Eagle and Tun ................)
  10. Sorry haven't had time to look back in the thread, but has the Smethwick Level Pump House at Galton been mentioned?
  11. Big hammer and a couple of chains as well as the packing then.
  12. How many hours is it possible to waste trying to converse with Bangalore Telecomm?

    1. Horsetan


      Did you set up an 0906* number for them to call?

    2. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      ...answer: how many hours have you got? A copnservative estimate would suggest take the number of hours you have, double it add 3 and you're still no where near the number of hours needed.

  13. Grandson wants to go train riding tomorrow :-)

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      It would be a shame to disappoint him. ;)

    2. 28XX


      Aye, start em young. How old is he?

  14. Another morning of getting up to no water, 3rd time in 3 months. When will United Utilities get off their backsides and look at the number of places where water is coming up through the road?

  15. The story continues That journey in January 1966 was no train spotting trip, I can't remember much about the actual journey except that I copped a couple of brand new 86s at Crewe on the return. I was off to an interview to train as an Engineering Student in the CS&TE Department. I had received a letter telling me to report to the DS&TE Offices in Gresty Road and enclosing a free ticket. The principal gentlemen on the other side of the table were Harry Birchenough, an A.F. Bound recruit and sometime Chief S&T Draughtsman of the LMS, and Jim Fews who was in charge of resignalling for the electrification from Euston to Manchester. Someone must have tipped them off about me as they seemed to know quite a bit more than I put in my application letter. I suspect it was A.E. Matthews, ATA at Rugby, who was my Grandfather's boss and whom I had met on a couple of occasions. After about 15 minutes Mr Birchenough said “I think we've heard enough, (Mild panic)... when are you available to start?”...(Relief followed by euphoria). A few weeks later there was a medical, then I got the letter confirming the offer of employment with British Railways.
  16. Norton Junction No.1 was a bit of a strange animal. . It did have an oversail, the sidings in front of it were very close. The "Clayhanger" or Walsall Wood Colliery Branch curved off immediately to the north of the box on the Up side. I think at least one of the sidings may have been a later addition, possibly part of the 1927 remodelling? Anyway, the front of the box base was set back about a foot behind standard. I don't know if that was original or a later alteration, but it meant that there was no room to get round the back of the locking. IIRC there were removeable panels in the front wall so that the back of the frame could be accessed from outside the box.
  17. Thanks for the additions Mike. The frame number 1280 in my notes would have been consistent with being built in 1895, as I had 1203 as 1893, 1245 as 1894, 1326 as 1896 and 1373 as 1897. The box top at No.2 could well have been an LNW Type 4 from 1895 as I had recorded, but moved to its new location on a new base c1927. Regarding the old No2 box, was that the cabin that stood by the low hump on the other side of the road bridge from No.3? I also had a feeling that there was a crossover in the vicinity that wasn't on No.3 box, but I'm now trying to recall shunting a train there in about 1973/4.
  18. I will stand corrected on No.2 box. From the picture it looks like a LNW Type 5 / early LMS build. The original notes have demolished pencilled on, so it had probably already disappered by then. The frame numbers were all taken from BR drawings ex-Crewe DS&TE Drawing Office which had survived various relocations and reorganisations. The frame number 2284 at No.3 box would be consistent with late LNW / early LMS as they had got up to about 2100 by the beginning of WW1, although frame numbers are probably more indicative of the sequence of orders than commissionings. There were also instances of where equipment destined for one job ended up on another due to change of priorities.
  19. Having had chance to review the information so far, next I need to look at construction methods. It's going to be fairly simple, so I'm looking at what is available without going to custom made etches and the like. Compromise without spoiling the look sometimes has to be considered. Firstly I'm looking at the planked sections. From the picture I think that there are 28 planks on the front. Assuming that Midland style 3.5" planking was used that would make the panel 98" long. Options for this would be to scribe plastic or card, or to use Evergreen sheet. They do planking at 50thou width which would be equivalent to about 26 planks for 98". Slaters do 1mm planking which would give 32 planks to the panel. Decisions, decisions.
  20. Norton Junction No.2 is visible on this shot http://southstaffsrail.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=104575774 Look just above the right hand rake of empty stock.
  21. I think that No.2 was burnt down pretty early on. As far as I remember it was composite. All wood boxes were a bit rare around the BC due to underground fires which burned for long periods. IIRC No.2 was the one where we had a complaint from the mother about her child getting hurt whilst out playing. She hung up rapidly when I referred her to BTP who were investigating repeated vandalism in the area.
  22. I've still got the one being used here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/60196-the-human-side-of-the-railway/&do=findComment&comment=758239
  23. I think some local low life burnt it down before the other pictures on that site were taken
  24. Just thought of another one I visited about 1969 - East Cannock Junction.
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