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Siberian Snooper

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Everything posted by Siberian Snooper

  1. About 18 years ago when lodging in Warwick and on a pub crawl I had a pint of brew 11 from the hand pump, a totally different pint to the sh1te that comes out of a keg.
  2. Incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons in EE Deltic engines used to create havoc with mine sweeper funnels. When they did decide to combust, as an apprentice, I had along with other unfortunates the dubious pleasure of trying to get the ........ things apart for repair.
  3. Hi Gordon Good to see you've made a start with the new version of ET. and another good advert for Martin and Templot. SS
  4. I think it needs more wheels for slipping and possibly a tender to be totally authentic, perhaps it's a Hornby design clever jobbie.
  5. He'll probably solder them to a tin of American meat product and call it a choo choo.
  6. Hi Larry, Can you please make it a 'funny couple of hours or so', being a follower of all things "Gods Wonderfull", glad to see you back.
  7. Hi Gordon What ever decision you decide on, I'm sure your loyal band of followers will continue to support the ups and downs of progress in the hopes that you will finally reach Valhalla and no I don't mean St Pancreas for those who read Douglas Adams.
  8. I'm sure the good Captain would be only be to pleased to sort out the red tape.
  9. Just to inform you that I have edited post no 892 to explain that I was on about mods to the centre chimney.
  10. You could try putting the spigot in a drill chuck and using files reduce the casting at the base of the chimney a bit, to improve the look of it. Best of luck with whatever route you choose to take, it's turning into a fine model. Edit. I should have mentioned that I was on about the centre chimney, sorry for any confusion.
  11. Ron This epic masterpiece is very slowly coming on to the finishing straight, if you're starting to think of tracklaying. To para-phrase Winnie it may not be the beginning of the end, but it may be the end of the beginning. I look forward to the rest of the saga.
  12. I believe that it is your first 7mm kit, so it might also be the worst ever 7mm kit you've ever built. Of course you may have put some American tinned meat products on wheels, that may or may not be to 7mm to the foot.
  13. Could do with adding a few inches to the 21, I do like to be able to get me arms around them without being able to shake hands around the front.
  14. The first U boat to turn up on a North Devon layout was on Port Sandford and this was done by Dave Rowe and turned up at a Bristol show. The tradition being carried on for all other sea and estuary based layouts.
  15. Hi Ron you've pretty much got the right idea, the keys are driven in in the direction of the main imposed forces,where the forces are more or less in both directions then the keys are put in in opposite directions, so long as both keys on the sleeper are put in on the same side, joints excepted as you can't get the key in because of the fishplate and one or two other places where access is reduced.
  16. One of mine had no problem with a untightened screw the ferule which is fitted into the body under the smokebox had no sign of glue. The other had a tender hand rail loose and a couple of other faults which I have not yet got around to sorting yet.
  17. With the skill sets that you're learning with a proper engine will they not transfer to sorting out the problems with the BWT? depending of course on what the deficiencies are with said kits.
  18. Just hide all the bits behind a bit of sheet or two and call it a spam can.
  19. Now ensconced in the 3 guineas drinking Brickworks by Binghams. Thanks for the tip on this pub.
  20. Having just done Scaleforum one is now in the Kings Head Aylesbury partaking of a pint of Chiltern Brewery's finest. If I new how to upload a photo of what remains of it I would. I will add the pic when I get home.
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