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Everything posted by TravisM

  1. I think this has been asked in a earlier thread and like others have said, Elgin seems to have been the furthest north a Class 08 has traveled. Can you imagine how soul destroying it might have been to have driven one up to say Georgemas!
  2. Very happy bunny and duly ordered 50017 ‘Royal Oak’, the loco I was instrumental in saving for preservation. It also has a family connection.
  3. I’ve decided dabble and build a small RhB layout but I have a few questions to ask, and I hope people will be patient with me. I’d like to try and model a transition period from maybe green to red loco’s with more engine and coaches than units. What time period would that be? Also, who makes RhB catenary and signals as the whole layout would be pointless without it. Finally, are non DCC ready Bemo loco’s easy to fit a decoder? Thanks in advance.
  4. I hope this is the right thread to ask this, but as I have 37402 on order, I’m wondering if there’s any difference between 37402 and 37418? As I model the present day, I also have Revolution Trains 975025 ‘Caroline’ on order, so as it’s been working with 37418 recently, I’m hoping it’s just a simple job to renumber.
  5. Thought about that and the great thing about living alone, I don’t have family to bother me lol.
  6. The scenic break for the line to Skegness, will be either the approaches or the actual over bridge for the Sleaford avoiding line. The line to and from Peterborough will be hidden by trees, bushes and other foliage.
  7. I’m modelling Sleaford East Junction in the summer of 2019, the crossover of East Midlands Trains and East Midlands Railway. I have 4 Hornby Class 153’s, 4 Realtrack Class 156’s and 2 Bachmann Class 158’s which I think is enough; I did consider the new Hornby HST but it’s just too big. The 153’s can be used on the Peterborough - Lincoln service though one can be attached to a 156 for a Nottingham - Skegness service. The 156’s and 158 again for the Nottingham - Skegness service. I have a pair of Hornby Class 60’s in DB Cargo and 21 Bachmann BYA’s for the Boston steel, a pair of Bachmann Class 66’s for the RHTT, plus others on order. Have I got too much for the size of layout?
  8. I saw the layout at the Spalding show, and the amount of detail was staggering. The other way it worked well, was he used small engines and 4 wheel wagons, so the tight curve’s didn’t look out of place.
  9. My layout will a ‘around the walls’ continuous layout with a lift up flap. I did consider doing a all change and doing HOm Swiss RhB. The tighter curves are more acceptable and with the smaller train’s, layout is possibly more pleasing to the eye. The only reason I didn’t is I’d have to sell my current stock to finance it, but more importantly, I don’t really know much about the RhB.
  10. If I was starting afresh, I’d consider N or TT, but with nearly £2.5k’s worth of OO gauge stock, I’m not about dispose of that and start again. I must admit that your Dawlish Warren layout is stunning.
  11. I’ve joined a few clubs over the last few years but I’ve found unfortunately, you always get a minority who think their opinion is all important and their modelling is superior to anyone else’s. Or you get those who hog test tracks etc, so that’s why I’ve struck out on my own.
  12. I’m sorry to say that I’m becoming disillusioned with the hobby as I don’t have the space I’d like to build the layout I’d like to create. I’m stuck with a 8.6x7.6 room and I’ve drawn out numerous track plans, but the curves still look toy train like, which frustrates me no end; and as I model present day, so longer coaching stock and even with a single track layout, I just can’t deal with these sharp curves. It does my head in. To me, a good layout should be visually stimulating and operationally interesting, but am I setting my goals too high, therefore becoming disillusioned with the whole process
  13. Are any of the bogie details going to be available as spare parts? I've lost a couple of the brake cylinders off the bogie side frames and it would be really helpful if these were available, even at a small cost.
  14. As I plan to have as a minimum 3rd radius curves on my layout, I think number 18’s are a good choice but I can adjust them once the track is down.
  15. I want to fit Kadee's to my Class 156's. which one is recommended?
  16. I believe it was for export but I think the person who told me about the coal may have been confused with the LaFarge self discharge train as @Davexocpointed out. To the layman, they look similar.
  17. Would the loco been in garter blue with it’s late LNER numbering? It would be a interesting train to model with Mallard in garter blue and attached to GWR coaching stock. Hard to see, but the words ‘British Railways’ on the tender been in the same font as the loco’s numbering?
  18. There’s a regular steel flow into Boston docks with empties in, loads out with DB Cargo contracted to run it, though Colas once held the contract. I was wondering if this has been the only regular freight into Boston docks since privatisation or has there been anything else? Someone did mention that a coal train using HAA hoppers used to run to Boston Sleaford Sidings and tripped across to the docks in the same manner as they are now, but finished not long after the start of privatisation. I struggle to believe that as there seems to be no unloading facilities within the docks to handle coal. Maybe someone could shed some light on this?
  19. Duly ordered my Class 158 in Scotrail Saltaire livery, even though I have no logical reason to buy it, except I just picked up a Realtrack 156 in Scotrail Saltaire livery, and EMR hired 156503 for a few month’s, so in my little world, the 158 could be doing the same. My railway, my rules.
  20. The 158 I’ve got is the older version, probably the first one’s that they produced, so the 3D printed air dam is suitable. It only cost me £35, so if it goes wrong, I won’t be too upset.
  21. I’ve recently acquired a Bachmann Class 158 and I want to model it as 158747 when it was with Wessex Trains, still in Provincial Express livery. It was fitted with a ‘Scottish’ style pilot/snowplough fairing and I was wondering if anyone actually does one as a detailing part? If anyone point me in the right direction, I’d be most grateful.
  22. As D9009 has decided to get renumbered to 55009, it it safe to say that there’s absolutely nothing different from the stock model to the prototype 55009? They’ve not changed anything substantial whilst it was undergoing it’s long term repair? I’m hoping that it’s going to be out on the mainline soon, so a quick renumber and a long awaited sound chip, it will look and sound like the real thing.
  23. I have a Bachmann Mk2F DBSO and I’m thinking of detailing it to 9701, which has all the extra lights and other instruments fitted to the front of it. Does anyone do a detailing kit so I can modify my model?
  24. Just seen 180104 and that’s running in it’s correct formation. Only got that as it was running slow through Peterborough station.
  25. They seem to be all over the place at the moment, but does anyone have a current list of Grand Central’s Class 180 set formations?
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