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Right here is the next project. I know some of you wanted a 43XX, but you will have to make do with a Hall.


Right my bargain finally arrived from the UK. Now I have actually got it in my hands what do we know about it?


Well. I have seen worse not sure when or where, but I must of. I came in a ACME hall box, but I am not sure it is from them. The Hawksworth tender has JM models written on it. The loco etchings look good, if not complete, Lots have been put on back to front or inside out so you are looking at the rivet dimples rather than lumps.


It seems from enquiries that I have a Modified Hall, of the 6959 series. So at least I know what pictures to look at for details. I will decide what name to use later on.

It has been assembled with blobs of solder evostick a filler of some sort, and something I can't describe and not really sure if I want to know where it came from.


Apart from getting more information about the prototypes, I could do with a set of instructions for the ACME hall, can any one help, pleeeaaasssssse. A set for JM's tender would also be handy. Unless it is just the inner chassis from them. The first proper job will be to shift the paint and see if I can remove the whitemetal before I stick it on the gas stove, after the cook has gone home.


I will let you make up you own minds from the photos. But I feel it has got to be easy after the West Country.












Edited by N15class
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  • RMweb Gold

Well Pete, you obviously like a challenge! But in your hands it might actually work out well. What is the cause of the lumpy painting, is it solder remains that hasn't been cleaned off, or just poor painting?


I think it's a good idea to wait untill the cook has gone home. And preferably everyone else too :-)

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Hello Peter, You sure like making work for yourself dont you, l would blow the whole thing a part, clean and re-build the loco/tender completely, you have certainly got the skill, start fresh.


l think your Bullied has turned out great, l know how hard it was to build, but you've done it, well done.



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Wow, I see the turkey arrived early this Chrismas! I particularly like the numerous coats of paint, dodgy electrics and missing parts. It reminds me of a beetle I scrapped, it's PO had re wired it using some telecom cable he got from work, unfortunately he only got one colour...

I am sure this will look wonderful once you have worked your magic. As its panto season, " come on boys and girls, everyone shout 'we believe in the kit fairy..."

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Wow, I see the turkey arrived early this Christmas!


It probably voted for it!


As its panto season, " come on boys and girls, everyone shout 'we believe in the kit fairy..."


Oh no we don't!

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Right lets start with the paint. No it is not painted with artex and paint the pictures obviously show it in a better light. The lumps are a mixture of araldite evostick, solder and of course paint. I am in the process of taking it apart the loco etches are quite nice. It all looks a bit of a hotch potch. Matthew, yes the wheels are round but go around no. George, I bought it with the thought of stripping down and rebuilding I have not been prooved wrong, win some loose some. Devon, I know it is the turkey now but I am hoping it might grow up to be a swan.

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Hmmmm...... that is a challenge.


I think I'd start with a good soak in some cellulose thinners. That should get rid of the horrendous paint job and any bits glued on should drop off.


I'd love a Hall of my own, but I think I'll wait and maybe one day I'll be able to afford a JLTRT kit.

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Hmmmm...... that is a challenge.


I think I'd start with a good soak in some cellulose thinners. That should get rid of the horrendous paint job and any bits glued on should drop off.


I'd love a Hall of my own, but I think I'll wait and maybe one day I'll be able to afford a JLTRT kit.

You will probably be better off with a JLRT kit. I am seeing if I can get a set of castings from ACME. But a quick look at Hobbyhorse the basics will be best part of a

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The paint is off now and I am begining to make it a kit of parts. Slowly making a list, I want to keep it as small as possible otherwise the feeling of bargin starts to dissapear.


Yes, exactly.

Hopefully your list of parts required wil be short.

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You might want to have a look at Warren Shepherd's website to see if he might be able to do something for you....

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You might want to have a look at Warren Shepherd's website to see if he might be able to do something for you....


Thanks Ivan

I have had a look along with various other places. I am trying to speak to ACME about get a complete set of castings I then will have some for the spares box. I think I have found all the bits I need but from 3 suppliers so thats 3 lots of postage ect wich makes it all a bit more expensive.

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Hi Peter,


Was that kit assembled or attacked?


All the best,



I think it was done blindfolded.

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