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GWR HALL 7900 (15)

Right thought I would do my last post on the hall. It is now finished and ready for packing. But I will give it some days before that happens just to give the paint some more time to really go off.   It has been interesting and I am pleased with the way everything worked out. I just hope I can find myself some more bargains like this one. An Adams radial or a T6 would be nice. Either I feel will sit nicely on my layout when built.   I am nearly in need of getting some wheels,

GWR HALL 7900 (14)

I was asked in sometime in the past, that I should do a before and after post.   So as the hall is almost finished I thought I would bore you all with a whole load of pictures. I still some work to do including a coat of varnish. But as you can see it is almost there. Well I hope you enjoy the following, If you do get board before the end, I will understand.

GWR HALL 7900 (13)

Some progress here, I have started some of the assembly whilst I am doing the lining and trying to get my head around my 0298 class.     I have manged to get the wheels, gearbox and motor installed. All went together without a hitch.     I then added the the coupling rods which just need a little tweek on the lap joint, so that they would run smoothly. The conecting rods when on, and just the drivers side giving trouble. This was just getting the vacuum put to

GWR HALL 7900 (12)

Well a little more of this done, I have had a good time with the airbush, all of the model has turned black, I have also managed to get the red on the frames and buffer beams.       The tender chassis was assembled but I need to remove the wheels again and add a few more washers to get rid of some of the slack.           The tender has also lost its green and gone to all black. I think it looks quite smart in black. I feel it wi

GWR HALL 7900 (11)

I have been detailing the boiler, firebox, smokebox unit. It is one of those jobs where you think you are almost there, just a couple of bits to add. A hour later 10 more parts added and the couple you thought you had to do are still undone. So on and so forth.       I think I just need to final fit the handrail, it is not a very straight forward one one these, it has all sorts of kinks and bends. The top feed pipe work was a pain to do, mainly as I want the boiler to c

GWR HALL 7900 (10)

Have been doing a little to the hall body.   We started with the smokebox front which was a little small. So I rolled up a bit of 010" brass to fit inside to reduce the diameter. I also did the bands on firebox, which was easy once I had the right information from the good folks on here.     It was then onto the sand box linkage and the reversing leaver. Then on with the other white metal castings on the running plate. I had to make a couple of handrail and e


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.

GWR HALL 7900 (9)

I have had couple of days or half days back at my bench. The chassis has had all the castings etc fitted, just need to decide how I will do the pickups. I think I might try some back scratchers if I can find my copper strips.   It will then be of to the paint shopearly in the week. The wheels will need painting too, which I am having a little trouble with rust at the moment. Not sure if it is residue flux fumes or the hi humidity here, or a combination of both.

GWR HALL 7900 (8)

As I have now received the castings from ACME I can get on with this again. There are castings I will not need as I thought it easier to get a complete set rather than trying to sort which ones I needed. Also it saves the Oh Bu**er I forgot that one. They are mostly whitemetal which is not too much of a problem. There are one or two that seem to of escaped from elsewhere and come here for a jolly.   So here are some pictures of what came in the box. Q


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.

GWR HALL 7900 (7)

A little has been done on the Hall, mainly with the tender. I have now got it into it's two basic colours. Just a little tidying up, buffer beam and lining to do. I also have been working on the wheels more of these later. I am still waiting for castings, but it does now seem that they are on their way to me. So hopefully later this month work can restart in ernest on this. I would like to get it out of the way, as it will be financing some wheels for me. I hope we can get some fore my 0395, I a


This is about as far as I can go with this until my new castings arrive. It has been fun doing it so far, the kit would be good to do from new.   I have now got the running plate finished etch wise, the overlay for the top had to have 3 bits removed and new made. It turned out very well. As Eric used to say to Ernie "you can't see the join" Well I hope you can't anyway. I made the joins where they were on the prototype. I missed spaced a couple of rivets, but I put it down to the fitte


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.


Here we have my version of the Hawksworth 4000 gallon tender.   I now have the body ready for cleaning and priming, the chassis is just waiting for some info on the water scoop mechanism at the front end. I had to solder a piece of angle onto each of the compensation beams as the nickle I used was a little thin.       I am pleased with the way the tender went together, I only had to make or add a few bits to what was already there. I think the wate


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.


Progress to date, has been quite good. I have now got all the sub assemblies together most need more parts adding and all need to be fitted together. The boiler needs lots of fitting to get the cone to fit right. I will look into it properly in a few days. I have manged to speak to John at ACME and he is going to supply a complete set of castings for the loco. I know you can get better ones but I thought it far more cost effective doing it this way. Maybe if I was going to keep it I wo


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.


It has not been a bad couple of days. Not as long at the bench as I would of liked.   Things are progressing quite nicely. I have the loco frames back together. I will remake the rods and then I will get it running, hopefully it will run well as the chassis is nice and square. I have had to make new cylinder covers. The look 100% better than the original ones.       The running plate is now folded up the right way out. The front stepdown has been remade


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.


Here we are it has been a dirty few days but most of it is free of solder if not clean. I think I will be cleaning as I go, stops the boredom. My wet and dry has taken a hammering, but is well worth the effort.   I start with a picture of my dustpan, this little lot was just taking the tender apart not scrapping the solder off. I think the whole thing as losy 0.5kg.   I took some pictures of the loco before taking it apart to show what I had to start with. Surprisingly


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.


Right here is the next project. I know some of you wanted a 43XX, but you will have to make do with a Hall.   Right my bargain finally arrived from the UK. Now I have actually got it in my hands what do we know about it?   Well. I have seen worse not sure when or where, but I must of. I came in a ACME hall box, but I am not sure it is from them. The Hawksworth tender has JM models written on it. The loco etchings look good, if not complete, Lots have been put on back to front


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.

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