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Progress to date, has been quite good. I have now got all the sub assemblies together most need more parts adding and all need to be fitted together.

The boiler needs lots of fitting to get the cone to fit right. I will look into it properly in a few days.

I have manged to speak to John at ACME and he is going to supply a complete set of castings for the loco. I know you can get better ones but I thought it far more cost effective doing it this way. Maybe if I was going to keep it I would source the individual castings.


The fire box wrappers have been replaced, but some silly sod formed them the wrong way around So the left and right sides were reversed. As I managed to get them fitting really well I re drilled the washout plugs and filled the wrong ones with wire.



Both sets of frames work well the loco chassis rolls very well with the connecting rods attatched. It is now wating for the castings to arrive so that it can be finished. I have started the tender brakes and found a water scoop from my spares box.




The bogie has been rebuilt and is now waiting for me to sort out the centralising system.



The tender has had the cosmetic frames added aswell as the steps. Half the treads were missing so new ones have been made.



The loco running plate just needs the overlay sweating onto the top, then I can start fitting the upper works.



The cab has been assembled but needs a little cleaning up before fitting to the footplate.



As you can see with all the parts resting together it is begining to look more like a locomotive than a pile of scrap.



Edited by N15class
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Thank you all.

Honest it is the same loco. I am pleased with it too. I will soon be coming to a holt with the construction until my parts arrive. I have decided it will be "St Peter's Hall" in green with early crest. I can only find later pictures when it was attatched to a Collett tender, but I assume it would of been built with the Hawksworth one. If anyone knows more I would be gratefull.

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I knew nothing about these until I started this one. Well outside my normal era for modelling. Hopefully it will end up looking the way it should.

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