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Managed some more to my little Well tank. I am pleased with the way it is going. To me it is taking on the character of Beattie's little engine, hopefully you all will agree..


The chassis is almost finished, I just need to add some detail to the marine type big ends and nut detail to the crosshead. I have already added the sand pipes and brake gear. I also had a slight accident with the rear buffer beam. I need to reattatch it, the epoxy glue failed. I made the crankpin nuts from a 12BA nuts rethreaded to 10BA to which a small washer and a piece 2.5mm tube were added, as the slaters top hat bushes where not quite long enough as the coupling rods are outboard of the connecting rods. The nuts I think need to be reduced in height.

I also added the front cylinder covers. Which I feel has added to the feel of the loco.






I have started to finish off the body now. I was not happy with the smoke box door, so I repositioned that before making the hinge and putting a new dart on as I was unhappy with the original.


I also added the handrail which was a bit of fun to do. Got there in the end with it though. The cab steps needed to be removed and made slightly shorter, as they too far forward. I also had to move them more towards the outside of the footplate. As you can see it is a little tight with the rear crankpin.

I have made but not fitted yet what I think is the blower valve linkage, on the right hand side just above the handrail. Also have drilled the holes in the cab front plate, for the whistle and injector controls.




I am pleased with the progress with the little tank, I had it on the bench before I came to Brazil. But that time I did not really make any progress with it. Whether it was a lack of skill, or a lack of enthusiasm I am not sure. I am hoping once completed it may well give me the inpetus to make a small layout come test track.

Edited by N15class
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I did wonder about the leading axle and axle box - are they not meant to be in line, or is that just the camera playing tricks again?

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I did wonder about the leading axle and axle box - are they not meant to be in line, or is that just the camera playing tricks again?

They are inline laterally but without butchering the crossheads and the slide bars they are out of line vertically. I felt that the slide bars would be able to move closer together, this would move the axle box to the right position. But the crosshead would need to be remade. I felt this would be detremental to the look. So for the time being I am accepting there is a slight hieght difference. If when all in black it shows to much I may have to butcher the whole lot again.

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Beautiful workmanship again Pete, Those crosshead nuts are so much more professionally done than my crude attempts in my current blog entry.

I think you'll get away with the difference in height of the axle and it's box, after all you don't view your layout on all fours with your nose on the carpet and backside up in the air do you? or do you?

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Beautiful workmanship again Pete, Those crosshead nuts are so much more professionally done than my crude attempts in my current blog entry.

I think you'll get away with the difference in height of the axle and it's box, after all you don't view your layout on all fours with your nose on the carpet and backside up in the air do you? or do you?


I have looked at your blog, I like what you are doing. As for the leading wheel I am going to wait and see.

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