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The state so far. Well, since the last update I have painted the frames and refitted the wheel. All went well aprt from finding out that the coupling rods should be plain rather than fluted. I tried them on the wrong sides but it was going to go nowhere. Which left the only option of filing the flutes off. Sometime later they where finished and ran well, with just a little fettling of the bush holes. Honestly the inside of the frames is actually red, not bright orange. The sunlight here plays havoc with the colours when taking photos.






I then made a start with the body. as you can see I have managed to assemble the cab and splashers. This was straight forward once everything was tidied up. I must say I do like the platform hanging plates being heavy chassis gauge nicklesilver, they hold everything true and firm.






I have not done much in the workshop the last couple of days as my safety flipflops failed me on Saturday night and I managed to stub my big toe on a curb whilst walking the puppy. Sore is not the word that I would use, but it seems the blacker it gets the less pain there is.


Tomorrow I will take the opportunity to pack up the hall for postage. I may well have a look at some wagons to put on the bench. Well thats it folks until the next time.

Edited by N15class
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