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Blog Comments posted by justin1985

  1. It looks like you've done some amazing work here @snitzl . There are many people out there who swear by the Pentroller, and would love a way to get hold of a replacement. 


    If you're happy for others to make use of your design, I wonder if it would be worth giving your design a formal status (like Creative Commons, used by the Arduino circuit design, amongst others) to give an official recognition of the work that's gone into it, while letting others either produce boards themselves, or get some produced commercially.


    I'm already wondering about converting the design into something that could be uploaded to one of the online PCB prototyping sites that will ship you a fully assembled PCB (or dozen) within a week or two?

  2. I think it's more that I just don't like inertia/brake generally, but I bought myself both the Blueline and standard types when I organised a batch of them for the club, but find myself always using the normal one. There are multiple options now for battery only, DC in only, both, and even panel mount etc. Andre is happy to give discounts for ordering a few at a time.


    Didn't you have one (branded as Z-Line or something) on your test track Richard?


  3. This looks really good! I have plans to build a model of Clare myself, in time ...


    I'm intrigued by the drawing you have in the background, it doesn't look like any of the ones I've found amongst the GERS Journal?


    Its also very sad to see Clare looking so overgrown and boarded up. I'd heard that the council were trying to be shot of the country park, but I hadn't imagined things had got so bad

  4. Hi Chris,

    Its good to read a 'warts and all' account of 2FS chassis building! In the etched chassis thread I've mentioned some of the problems with my Jinty kit. I completely gave up on an earlier Fencehouses J72 kit after messing up the chassis so badly two of the wheels are not longer concentric, after so many attempts at adding, removing, and re-quartering!


    It does seem a problem with etched chassis in general that its almost "one shot", as its so easy to distort things once you start removing and replacing components - I like your bracing solution! I think I might be able to get away without this on the Jinty, but I'll definitely try it if it comes to it! 


    I also like the thicker phosphor bronze for the springs. You said you went up from N gauge spring to DG wire, then back down a bit - to which diameter? The springs on my jinty are already, as you say, bent so much they can't be exerting much pressure anymore! Taking my chassis along to the MRC this evening, Tim and Mike were much less pessimistic about its running than I had been, and it was amazing to see the difference with extra weight added. They seemed confident that extra weight, and running in, would sort it out ... I'm not quite so confident but I'll persevere. 


    There is hope for us beginners ... I hope ! :)



    • Like 1
  5. Looks like you had a great holiday, and some good finds too!


    The 'Dutch' dogfish did seem to have had only a very limited release, while there were endless variations of the black with regional lettering, and crudely weathered rust black, with endless variations in regional engineers lettering. Inevitably those got bargain-binned, and it seems like Dapol decided on the basis of that "Dogfish don't sell well, we won't make any more for a while". Typical slightly flawed decision making of the RTR manufacturers! That said, not many of the dogfish made it into Dutch, despite it being more popular amongst modellers. I repainted one Dapol dogfish into Dutch myself, but then got some Stephen Harris finescale etches for both catfish and dogfish - perhaps I should sell on my Dapol wagon!


    The finish on the blue riband Mk1 coaches is so good it almost seems a shame to repaint them doesn't it? I got a second blue BSK from a certain Liverpool model shop for a bargain price of

    • Like 1
  6. Fox transfers are very definitely water slide, and usually much finer than Modelmaster. The Fox carrier film is an order of magnitude thinner than Modelmaster (although some people seem to have been able to remove the film on these once applied). I've always started with a coat or two of high-gloss varnish, and using Microset, never had any problems :-)


    Modelmaster are N gauge society only.

  7. I've seen a few of these on eBay, but never been tempted enough to buy one! I have no idea how accurate the bodywork is? The chassis is pretty shocking through - personally I would be tempted to either find a similarly sized chassis from a more modern locomotive, and see if it can be made to fit, or build a new chassis entirely from 2mm Scale Association parts! (i.e. to fiNe standards)

  8. Pretty much what I thought - I was quoted "around" £100 (plus VAT) by a company based in London Fields for a single sheet with geometric shapes and cuts all the way through, rather than engraving etc. Should be able to pick it up from there :) £39 (+ VAT) was the quote for the 9mm grade BB ply.


    As you say Andy, I think its worth it relative to the swear-box contributions! I have in mind a few T-Trak modules (I've found it difficult to cut the small sizes accurately), and also a circular layout Mini-MSW style, if I can find a way to cramm it all on to a single sheet, all the better!



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