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Terror Attacks Paris

Dick Turpin

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  • RMweb Gold

 Makes you appreciate just how efficient our security forces have been in stopping this sort of thing before it happens

One has to wonder how those murderers got into the venue with assault rifles and explosives.


Our thoughts are with the French people. Many have said this morning that it is "une guerre civile" now.


On the social media this morning ISIL/Daish acolytes have been celebrating and gloating about this outrage. Perhaps those in our country who insist that 'constructive negotiation is the only way to solve this problem' will now think again. Negotiate with who comes to mind.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just caught the Paris terrorism story. Makes you appreciate just how efficient our security forces have been in stopping this sort of thing before it happens.

For the last ten years anyway.

Sadly I can't help feeling that it is only a matter of time........

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  • RMweb Premium

Yep, thoughts go out to the people concerned. What's brave about going out and mowing down innocents with a machine gun?It's Paris this time but suspect it could easily be any other city, London included. The barbarians are at the door

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  • RMweb Gold

Perhaps Raqqah should be flattened now. An apocalyse would maybe make them think...or maybe not. All this 'hand wringing' by some isn't going to be much use in obliterating these evil, degenerates who are doing so much harm to the millions of decent people of the Islamic faith.

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What's brave about going out and mowing down innocents with a machine gun?It's Paris this time but suspect it could easily be any other city, London included. The barbarians are at the door

They are not innocents in the eyes of the fanatics, they are all Infidels and will ultimately deserve death.

The barbarians are indeed at the doors, many are inside the doors already as we can clearly be seen from this and other atrocities.

It won't end here.

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People forget that we are in a state of war. Whatever the rights or wrongs, we kill people in other countries.


If you poke the dog with a pointy stick it will bite back....


When we have a success, we shouldn't gloat, as frequently done by the press.


Likewise, we shouldn't under estimate the enemy, they are not stupid and know how to hurt us.


We need to stick to our policies, not waver and be very vigilant at home. It isn't just the security forces, we need to do our bit.


I hope this isn't taken the wrong way.

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  • RMweb Gold

A terrible tragedy and yet again showing just how utterly amoral the perpetrators of such events can be.


Alas however it has to be said that many European politicians have, for a variety of reasons, sleep-walked into the situation which allows this sort of thing to happen although they are far from being the only people at fault.  But regrettably as ever it is the innocent who suffer for the stupidity and short-sightedness of others, of those who are supposed to keep them secure and of those who have allowed such a vicious amorality to prosper in their midst.

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One of Lynne's friends lives around the corner from one of the places targeted; we had a text to say she was staying with friends to avoid walking home. The area where the multiple attacks took place is one of the more cosmopolitan bits of Paris, so any attack will almost certainly have caused Muslim casualties; however, as these people would have been somewhere other than a mosque on a Friday evening, they would probably have been considered valid targets.

I've been to a gig at the concert venue that was attacked; it's one that often hosts African bands, and has a lot of North African staff.

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  • RMweb Gold

A Parisian friend of mine is organising a surprise 50th birthday party for her mother this evening. We would have been going but for the recent death of my father. It's been a long time in the planning but I don't suppose that anyone will be much in party mood.


Although military action, against Raqqah in particular, may offer some part of the solution, we should recognise that this is not about religion. Religion is just the pretext by which Daesh/ISIL recruits disaffected young people. The people behind it are gangsters, pure and simple. The real way to put a stop to Daesh is to kill their sources of funding from oil sales.

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Worth bearing mind that the Nazis  couldnt stop resistance  attacks even with the horror they used .Unlikely other methods will be any different .For most of these terrorists in France a decent job might help or even any job .Millions of young men all over the muslim world are unemployed.Not really any answer except the obvious horror  next final solution  coming to Europe .

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I don't see what bravery or cowardice has to do with it. It's not particularly brave to kill someone using a drone. It's war-they (the baddies) say it is and we (the goodies) say it is. As someone said earlier, we gloat when we achieve a "victory", such as the killing of one of their key figures.We can't be surprised when they target capital cities and I am very much saddened to think that our Royals and politicians are targets. Again as said earlier our security forces have been effective and lucky so far. The baddies only have to be lucky once.


Clearly the best plan is for "us" to get out of their sandy places and leave them to it, but we can't because that's where a lot of oil is.  That's all there is there, but we want it as cheaply as possible. We have shat on them for years (my Dad worked for "British" Petroleum in Aden in the 50's), and continue to on them when they come to our country. It seems to me that the only way is to apologise for what has happened, keep out of their affairs and negotiate a withdrawal of forces and civilians, followed by an agreement to pay  a decent price for their oil.


Rant mode off



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.....well I'm in favour of the monitoring of communications, surveillance of individuals/groups by security services, strengthening of border controls and zero tolerance of terrorist activities.


All good wishes to anyone affected by the events of last night.



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  • RMweb Gold

Everybody has nothing but the deepest sympathies to all those affected by the Paris attacks.


We all have our own opinion on the reasons behind it, what should have or should have not been done in the past, the present and what should be done in the future. Perhaps this forum is not the best place to air these views.


I strongly disagree with one of the preceding posts (not going to say which one) but think it best to keep my counsel. Let's keep politics and dogma out of it.

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This is deeply sadenning and I really feel for those caught up in these terrible atrocities.

As some of you may know, I have lived in France and therefore have French friends, one or two who live in Paris so that is worrying.

My experience of France was this;

Up until Mitterands time, France was tough on north Africans who wanted to go and live & work in France, they could - provided they behaved themselves and obeyed the law. If any of these people committed any kinds of offence, they were sent back to north Africa. I know, I met some of them in Morocco!

Once Mitterand came into power he started changing things like this much to the chagrin of the older population and the north African population grew much larger and there were not jobs for them all.

These north Africans were then unable or unwilling to integrate and felt disaffected but the politcians seemed unwilling or unable to do anything about it.

Now, I was a forienger in France myself but, I learnt the language and how to conduct myself in a French way, I followed the law and I found the French to be a wonderful warm and welcoming people. I was also self supporting because I had to be, no social security for me back then!

What's the difference?

I didn't demand change of any kind or accomodation from the French, I fitted in with them not the other way round. I was the outsider, if I wanted to live there, I had to learn their ways - same as I would if I were to go and live in Germany, Greece, Italy or America.

Therefore I suggest that France goes back to a way of dealing with these people that was proved to work, way before any of this dissafected youth/populations nonsense kicks in: If they behave badly, send them back to where they originate from.

Oh, as well as five years or so spent in France, I also spent 2 ½ years in Morocco. I say north African because it includes Morocco, Algeria & Tunisia - all former French colonies.

Vive la France!

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Perhaps after all this, it will make people rethink the 'refugee' situation, and it's possible infiltration by these shadowy agents of cowardice.


Don't forget these refugees are fleeing the same lunatics behind the Paris attacks.


Many of IS's number aren't from there. They're from here.

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It’s been reported over here that a Syrian Passport was found on the eighth (unblown up) terrorist.


Could it be that IS infiltrated the refugees or indeed planned the whole exodus to get into  Western Europe? They are quite capable of that.


Best, Pete.

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a timely reminder that we now have the smallest army ever, it can almost be seated inside Wmbley, and will be able to do so in a year or so time.


Yup the entire British army seated in Wembley, with plenty of spare seats.


The Police are being cut to the bone, with another huge round of cuts coming.


We are going to need an awful lot of luck, and luck often unfortunately, runs out.

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Could it be that IS infiltrated the refugees or indeed planned the whole exodus to get into  Western Europe? They are quite capable of that.


I'm sure they are no doubt delighted at the West having to pick up their mess. But they don't need to 'get into' Western Europe when half of them are from there anyway.

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