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The Oak Hill Branch - LBSCR / SECR 1905ish - New layout starts on page 129

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I must've struck lucky with my built examples then!


Looks like Finecast is the way to go then, should I find any 2nd hand examples cheap enough. The only SEF Kit I've seen 2nd hand recently is on a certain traders stand that goes to most shows in the south. It's an SECR P, and he's priced it (unbuilt) at £105! He states on his stand that he is unwilling to accept offers, but my bought example was only £55 completely finished as 1027 in SR Green, and the forthcoming Hattons one is £99. Am I right in thinking that a new kit from SEF is cheaper? More expensive than my example, but still cheaper than the Hattons one without wheels?

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  • RMweb Premium

It depends if you are buying a body only kit. add in chassis and wheels and motor/gearbox etc and yes it could be in the £100 territory.


What I'd do is visit the website http://www.sefinecast.co.uk/Contents.htm then look at the body line kits and look for southern stuff (looks like page 2 http://www.sefinecast.co.uk/Locomotives/Bodyline%20Locomotive%20Kits%202.htm or 3 for them) and then look at the prices http://www.sefinecast.co.uk/PriceList.pdf the prices for the southern bodyline stuff is about 40 quid with vat. Etched chassis kits start from 32 quid inc vat, but you need to add wheels motor etc on top.


The full kits are shown from here: http://www.sefinecast.co.uk/Locomotives/New%20and%20Revised%20Loco%20Kits%20Page%201.htm


and they start at about 80 quid inc the chassis and vat, but again wheels etc add to that.


drivers are 5.50 plus the axles, and the ponys are 4.50 an axle, but you can get Romford look-a-likes elsewhere cheaper, but with plastic centres..


Count up what you need, and then you will get the feel whether the price you have been offered is reasonable, and then shop where is cheaper...


Andy G


Edit: SEF will also provide parts from any kit as spares for a very moderate price, great service all round!

Edited by uax6
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  • RMweb Premium

Sorry if I started a hare running. When I made up a Ks GWR Beyer goods there wasn't a lot of choice (I don't think there is a kit these days). But it had outside cranks and i got it working. However, i gave up on a Ks 48xx. The solid chassis were not a good way to go.

Another current source of cast metal body kits if that is what you want to try is GEM - yes they are still available. 1196 is a GEM kit but with an etched chassis, bought in wheels and a High Level motor and gearbox, so not cheap. But it happens to be exactly the loco I want/need for Sarn. I have three other kits awaiting building, all from different sources, and they are far more daunting than 1196. One I suspect will need a complete replacement chassis for the etched offering in the box, if its sister, built for me by a friend, is anything to go by.


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I forgot all about GEM, but yes, they are still available, and I believe (in a vain attempt to get back to Gary and Oak Hill!), that the Managing Director of the erstwhile Oak Hill Railway company is the owner of a GEM LBSCR B1!

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  • RMweb Gold

Alex (formally Midland Mole) has a GEM one that he got pre-built that he posted on here. You may be thinking of that, I have tried on several occasions to suggest he should send it my way. He does still read this thread although he is no longer an RMWeb member so I will take this opportunity again!




Anyway I can second the suggestion for South Eastern Finecast kits. They are wonderful and go together very nicely!



Edited by BlueLightning
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Anyone know what chassis the SEF G6 Takes (Besides their etched one, before anyone says that!)?


Didn't realise that 'Midland' Alex had left RMweb, shame. I did wonder why I hadn't seen many posts from him of late...

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Blimey, all of these pre-grouping cross-country cross-thread links...


It's almost like we're making our very own British Railway!


*Ducks for cover*


Let's think...


We have a few GNR, GCR, MR and LNWR layouts to form the central core, a few SER, LCDR, GER, SECR, (LTSR?), WNR (!) and NER to fill the Eastern side, a plethora of GWR layouts and LSWR layouts to cover the West, a helping of LBSC layouts to plug the gap, a few Met layouts to connect the GCR to the SECR and provide a Sheffield - Paris link... then a few Welsh layouts and a fair few Scottish ones to complete the picture!


Challenge: name a pre-grouping company for which you have seen NO models from any individual, be that layouts, locos or stock... go on, I dare ya'. :jester:


I've taken this too far, methinks...

Edited by sem34090
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  • RMweb Gold

Looking at pictures of the G6 I think it fits on a Hornby-Dublo 0-6-0 chassis. The SEF one is the old Wills kit, I don't know if the body has been updated.


Yes Alex left RMWeb due to the rather negative nature of a lot of the forum. I am still in contact with him on Twitter and he also has a personal blog here: https://smallfaraway009.blogspot.co.uk/ He posts reviews of 009 stock and books here.


I have also told him several times that he is missed on RMWeb and should return, however I am doubtful this will happen.



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Understandable that he left, especially as he was trying to promote a business, which is something I think should happen more on here, but it seems many respond badly to that.

Shame also that, even in enjoyable pastimes and hobbies such politics can overtake personal enjoyment. There are a few people who, whilst justified in their views, need to reign it in a little bit, perhaps a certain exponent of RTR NER stock (A cause I support!) comes to mind... Not a criticism (I love said person's modelling), but to effectively insult every Southen Modeller on the basis that a manufacturer has indentified the Southern as more profitable than the NER is not exactly fair!


Still, Gary, you ought to tell him to rename himself on his blog from that strange box on wheels! He says as a fan of Bulleid Pacifics, and possibly... even... Leader... RUUUN!!!


Why else do you think I've (more or less!) stayed within the friendlier part of the forum?!

Edited by sem34090
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  • RMweb Gold

I have seen some the abrasiveness on other parts of RMWeb, the rest of the site isn't as civilised as we are in the pre-grouping section!! Alex had his account deleted when he left and most of his content was in the form of Blogs, so I think these may have gone with him. It is a pity as he is the custodian of a very nice layout called Guilsborough!


He still has his account that promotes the shop he works at although that is solely used for promotion of the shop! and yes he has a strange obsession with these box shaped "things" not sure what to make of them myself!! (Although I did today discover that GBRf have a class 66 called "Blue Lightning")



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  • RMweb Gold

I hope so too. I however cannot see it happening.


And please do not worry about quoting your coursework here. Especially a piece like Wuthering Heights. It is always nice to have a bit of class and elegance around, after all those things don't typically come from me!!!!



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Not the time for coursework? Probably best to be doing that than chatting to a bunch of men online (Just to make it sound a bit more dodgy... :jester: ) 

I always enjoyed History essays, but was better at English Language than Literature! Did a nice (according to the teacher!) piece on Dinorwig Slate Pits, and another on a heritage railway gala (I remember the opening line to that: " They buzzed like sooty flies around the iron throughbred..." - Sums up most trainspotters really! :jester: )


Trouble is that the mob model the 50's and 60's, when standards were beginning to slip! One must retain Edwardian standards at all times! Ahem...


Actually, I seem to have become a bit 'pre-grouping' of late: following my watch giving up, and not always having my phone on me, I found myself buying a cheap pocket watch on the IOWSR with which to tell the time until I get myself a new wristwatch. That was 6 months ago, and I'm now getting used to it! Still raises a few eyebrows, and I don't keep it in the proper place (Keep it in my inside pocket: saves people nicking it!), but at least I can see the time when I've forgotten to put my glasses on!


I do hope the friendly approach here rubs off elsewhere, but like yourselves, I doubt it will happen.

Just so long as they don't end up with some of the posts from Castle Aching when that thread goes through its 'Artistic' phases or displays something other than railway modelling...  :O

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  • RMweb Gold

I did, and it is good you enjoy it. I never got on with English at all until I started at college and my tutor really inspired me! He was capable of reading us Chaucer in Chaucer's English as well as explaining to us what it all meant!! It really brought everything alive how much energy he put into it, and how incredible it sounded. I must admit I wish I had paid more attention to these things before!! Still I am trying to make up for that now with a little bit of writing that may or may not see the light of day at some point in the future.



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  • RMweb Gold

I am familiar with the type of writing you refer to!! My writing at the moment is mostly children's stories, I am planning on making a YouTube series to tell them if I feel they are good enough, and once I can get enough finished!! I have 3 that I am happy with, and ideas for a further 5. I never used to be very good at writing but one of my old employees was a rather good writer and spending time with her and talking about it really helped me with how to get ideas going.



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I need to do a bit more writing, for various reasons, but I like the sound of the Children's books, Gary. 


I assume railways wouldn't feature, so no 'Ollie' (The engine who always got Bulleid) or 'Gladstone the old engine' then..!

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Guest Midland Mole @ Footplate

Thanks for the kind words everyone. As Gary says there is next to no chance I will ever come back to posting on this forum on a personal level, but I do still lurk to post things about the shop or to try and offer advice/info on products. Also need to keep my eye on what my friends are doing! ;)


As to my love of diseasels, it's really only the ones built by EE. Steam will always be my first first and foremost love, especially grouping/pre-grouping & narrow gauge. All the layout threads I follow are pre-1940s, just like this one. I certainly have no interest modelling the diseasel era! :D




Also, here is the GEM B1 I picked up. I will get it repainted into LBSC livery one day. :)


Edited by Midland Mole @ Footplate
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"Only the ones by EE"


Ah, so you'll grow out of it eventually! I never had it in the first place...


I'm sure Gary wouldn't object to repainting your B1 (Don't know how long it would be until you get it back though), but it looks great in Southern Green! (Don't hang me for heresy!)

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  • RMweb Gold

I have seen some the abrasiveness on other parts of RMWeb, the rest of the site isn't as civilised as we are in the pre-grouping section!! Alex had his account deleted when he left

Usually account deletion happens only when the user requests it: most simply say, “removed a/c XXXX” and are registered as a guest.


As to the abrasive ness of “other parts”, I think it varies, but possibly if you Model pre-grouping you have some nostalgia for different times when Society was more deferential, and the “lower orders” more repressed (oppressed?) by their so-called betters. As CJF once said, nostalgia is based on a polite agreement to overlook the faults of the past. To counter that, the North American part of RMWeb is just as relaxed, possibly even more so. Like many with an interest in the subject, I am relatively ignorant of subject matter, so there is a lot of information exchange and it is a minority interest, so fewer people means we all run along rather than rubbing each other up the wrong way.


Also, though, until recently, there was very little RTR to suit the Pre-Grouping era, at least not without some modification, and hence this part of the forum has more active modellers rather than box-openers.


It always strikes me as slightly amusing when some people fly off the handle over a minor imperfection on an 00 model: I mean, there is a big error in that the track is to the wrong gauge. As CJF pointed out in the mid 70s, whilst still at the helm of Railway Modeller, the great advantage of 00 is that having accepted the gauge discrepancy, it is easier to overlook a few other errors, too, without getting too worked up about it.


On fiction, my daughter writes “fan fiction” and I believe she has over a million followers. But she won’t tell me what is her nom-de-plume!

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