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Jazz 7mm Workbench


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Hi guys, hello and thanks.


Ozzyo, nowhere near up to speed yet but enjoying the WB.


Peter, the West Country tender is a bit complex than the GCR one to build ;) . I think this particular GCR tender is one of the most simple ones to build as it also goes together so well.


Rob, this kit makes into a very nice looking loco, I built one for Geoff not long ago.

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Hi. I've been slowly tackling the J11 over the w/end and today. The chassis was a doddle to build, centre axle sprung as usual. I have the Slater's GB03 gearbox unit (The one which is totally enclosed and has ball race bearings) which is a nice fit from the rear axle and up into the firebox.


The body, so far, is going OK. The firebox sides needed to be shortened a tad to get the bolt holes to line up with the cab front. The splasher tops where a bit tricky as they have reverse curves at the ends. A little care is need in the forming.


The boiler is a brass tube, which also the smokebox wrappers fit around. So that is another day.





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Hi again. I've been beavering away at the J11 on and off over the past week. It's not gone together quite as well as the tender BUT only because the loco and the tender were purchased many years apart. The loco is a very early production edition and does not benefit from upgrades and alterations as seen in current kit. The tender was purchased only weeks ago.


The loco etches were quite tarnished and requires a good cleanup prior to starting the construction.


Anyway, no real problems were encountered and not really worth laying out here as it is a totally different beast to build now.


So having bored the pants of you all with that introduction with nothing learned, here is the photo on all the soldering completed. Now it's down to the detailing. For a plain freight prototype there is a fair bit of detailing you could do. I will add the obvious that can be seen in photos of the prototype.


When finished she will be on ebay.



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Nah. It's the angle of the camera and the fish eye effect of the macro setting it was on. The bolt holes in the firebox/boiler/smokebox all lined up on the flat plate and was perfect with the calipers too.

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Oh, I've been known to miss things. At least with etched kits unsoldering and resoldering is a doddle. White metal kits, a little more difficult to correct.

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Now were're rockin' & rollin'. Just the cab interior to detail, handrails aand ejector pipe to add, then a little filiing and though clean before the paint shop.







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Rob, I think the improvements are probably to the way the kit is assembled. This very early edition did leave a bit of head scratching and some etches were difficult to locate solder in place due to no locating half etched grooves and locating tabs as found on the tender. (Which as I mentioned, is the latest edition). The splashers, cab front & cab sides would have really benefited from locating tabs as this was the datum for the whole build. So as I said, these are more than likely issues now taken care of making the build much easier.

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The J11 is now ready for the final coat of satin varnish and fitting of the glazing. Painted with acid etch satin black it has produced a nice finish. Lettering is by Fox transfers.


Overall it has been a pleasant kit to build.

















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Now here's a first across my WB. The Mercian LMS 350hp jauck drive 0-6-0 shunter. It is , up to now a very nice kit to assemble. But now starting the body work and there is a LOT of etches for that part. Thankfully a goodly amount of the rivet detail is etched. I would NOT like to punch all them even on my riveter.


The chassis ran very smooth first time with just a small amount of reaming on a couple of the crank holes.


This is here so far. (PS Just purchased my ticket for Telford. I intend going on the Sunday as usual. Hope to see some of you there?)









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Hi Paul. It's going to be the centre axle for the drive. Pity about Sunday but I know what you mean, the UK closes on Sunday. Our local bus is not to be seen on Sundays either. As for long distance on the trains all week, ie to London, we cannot return to Llandudno at anytime in the evenings.

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Hello Ken,


I have done the two days at Telford, but two days beer money and over night accommodation and anther day to spend more in the hall!!!! It all adds up to a very expensive weekend.





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The 350 is growing nicely. Everything is fitting together too. More tomorrow explaining some things I have done that are not mentioned in the instructions.







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