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  • Accurascale staff

Hi everyone,


We've made rapid progress in recent weeks with our 2nd project; the cement bubble wagon.  There are still some tweaks to be made to the CAD but below is progress so far!


We will announce livery, price and availability shortly. :)




IRM Team











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  • 7 months later...
  • Accurascale staff

While our ballast wagons have been hogging most of the limelight in recent weeks, we have been working away on the cement bubbles in the background. We have just finished specifying the livery graphic details for our factory in China which you can see below.


Also, we were not too happy with some of the detailing on the Bubble and the pre-production model showed us that some alternations needed to be made. Our in-house design team has now completed this work and it has been passed onto our factory.


This has resulted in the bubbles slipping back to a late September 2017 delivery. However, after the standard we have set with the ballast wagons, we felt it’s vital that you get the very best 4mm scale model of the most iconic of Irish wagons.


Sales of the bubbles has also been swift, so make sure you do not miss out. You can order your bubbles or ballast hoppers directly from our website. :)









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  • 2 months later...
  • Accurascale staff

Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to announce that we can finally bring you an update regarding the Irish Railway Models Cement Bubble! 

As previously stated, production of this iconic wagon is now underway at our factory in China. Since we took over full control of producing the wagons ourselves, we had aimed to have these on your layouts and in your collections by the end of summer.

However, the more we looked at the pre-production tooling sample, the more we were unhappy with the first rendition of the model. Changes we had requested with our previous agent were not implemented and as a result, there were a number of errors that we found unacceptable. It was our goal to make the definitive version of the most iconic wagon on Irish rails, so we took the tough decision to junk a lot of the tooling and retool a number of parts of the wagon. This was expensive, but we felt it was necessary, despite the expense.

As a result, the hatch lid, the underframe detail below the tank and the tank itself have been retooled and corrected. The walkways and ladders are now etched nickel silver and as a result are not only much more sturdy, but finer too. Taking on feedback from customers and magazine reviews, we have also reduced the thickness of the W irons on the chassis to create a more prototypical appearance.

Below are some pics of the results in our deco sample. We hope you like it and agree that the changes are worthwhile.

The arrival of the bubbles will coincide with the October show, which will involve flying them in from China. We apologise for the delay, but we hope you understand the circumstances behind this decision. smile.png

(Also, please excuse the quality of photography, I need to work on my lighting and other areas more! smile.png )
















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  • Accurascale staff

Hi Everyone,

Some of you may have received a number of emails/invoices from us today. 

We are currently updating our website and database and these were sent out in error. Please ignore them. Your orders have not changed and more importantly, you have not been charged for anything.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused. If you have any further questions you can contact us at info@irishrailwaymodels.com smile.png

The pain will be worth it though, as our new site is easier to use and looks a lot better. We hope you like it! www.irishrailwaymodels.com 



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Accurascale staff





Our cement bubble pack A, featuring the distinctive 'Irish Cement' logo, has officially sold out here at Irish Railway Models. Thank you to everyone who has place an order with us!


We are working through orders and shipping them out, and the balance of the ivory bubble production run is due to leave China in the coming days.


Pack B, C and D are selling fast too, so if you want to get your hands on them we advise you to move quickly before they sell out too!


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  • Accurascale staff

Packs B, C and D have now left China and will be with us late next week. We will then inspect and begin sending them out to customers soon after.


Pack A featuring the distinctive ‘Irish Cement’ branding has now completely sold out. Pack B is not far behind, while packs C and D are selling fast too. Thank you everyone for your orders and custom!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Accurascale staff

Hi Everyone,


We have just received pictures of our forthcoming orange bubbles from China. They are due to be with us before Christmas. You can really see the detail pop out on the chassis in this livery! I'm sure they will prove to be popular among modellers, especially those who model the 1970s-early 1980s!


As ever, you can order them via our website. :)









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  • Accurascale staff

Very nice, On the colour of the Chassis, why was Grey chosen, then Black?.  Would Bauxite not of been the Usual colour for Wagons back in the day? I notice some 22ft flats are also Black chassis and also Bauxite? Is the Rhyme or Reason for this?


Inchicore George! Not 100% sure myself but the orange and grey do compliment each other well. Almost everything got bauxite as you know, it was even rare for anything to get a black chassis.

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  • Accurascale staff



Hey everyone,
Just a heads up; We're 75% sold out of the ivory bubbles already. Thank you to everyone who placed an order with us! We really appreciate it and they have been a great success. It's incredible to think that they only arrived just over a month ago! 
We would recommend that you grab some now before they go completely. We all know what happened with pack A after all. Pack B is not far behind from going completely, with C and D catching up too. 
They ain't hanging around!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Accurascale staff



Hi everyone,


Less than six weeks after announcing our run of orange bubbles, they are going through their final checks at our factory in China before taking to the skies. This will give you an insight to the speed of future announcements for IRM and Accurascale! :)


We have a huge amount of pre-orders to get through but we will do everything we can to get them to our Irish and British customers before Christmas.

If you would like to order wagons (including the orange bubbles) and receive them before Christmas we strongly advise you to place your orders ASAP so we can get them to you before Santa arrives!






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  • Accurascale staff
Hey everyone,
Just a heads up: The Irish Railway Models Orange Bubbles have arrived in stock and pre orders will be sent out shortly! Thank you to everyone who has ordered, just over 50% of the run has sold in less than 8 weeks!
If you would like to get some before Christmas, we would recommend getting your order in before lunchtime tomorrow so we can get them to you in time.



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  • 1 month later...
  • Accurascale staff

Our orange bubbles arrived just under a month ago, and already we've sold just over 60% of them. Thank you to everyone who placed an order so far, it's great to see that they've been so well received!

You can read more about the orange bubbles here: https://irishrailwaymodels.com/orange-bubbles-are-here/













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  • 3 weeks later...

I was about to buy a few of these - not because they belong on my railway, but simply because they looked good.  Then I saw that they had cranked couplings. That's where I stopped. Sorry people but unless I can swap out the couplings easily it doesn't work for me.

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I was about to buy a few of these - not because they belong on my railway, but simply because they looked good.  Then I saw that they had cranked couplings. That's where I stopped. Sorry people but unless I can swap out the couplings easily it doesn't work for me.

The reason for the cranked couplings was explained by IRM at the development stage. These wagons look super, run super and Don't disappoint.

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The reason for the cranked coupling hook was for visual fidelity as opposed to having a large block of NEM plastic hanging down. It also helps reduce the visual impact if folk want to run the last bubble in a rake with the coupler removed. It wasn't an easy decision to make. 



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  • Accurascale staff

The cranked coupler also sits into an NEM pocket which can be used for other compatible couplings, although these would be at a different height to NEM standards.


However, There is a guide to use Kadee couplers at the correct height on our site. The ballast and bubble share a common chassis so the same advice is applicable https://irishrailwaymodels.com/ballast-bubble-differences-in-coupling-height-and-solutions/


Hope this is of help!





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