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Oak Road - 2013 to present (a fictitious place somewhere in Somerset) - Raising Money for Meningitis Research

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  • RMweb Premium

It must be getting close to Christmas as another parcel arrived this morning......


attachicon.gifLamp Heads.jpg


Ignore the piston, these are the lamp heads for the posts I've made up. There's three different types, as per Castle Cary and it now means I'll have some station lights that look the right size! These are samples to check everything fits and they're also hollow inside so I can add bulbs or LEDs if I want to.


I make no apologies for the shameless plug in the picture because Alan's work is superb and if you ever get the chance to see him at any exhibitions, please have a look at his fantastic N / OO / O Gauge figures.


There's quite a bit of stuff that I can crack on with now but I need to finish off the O Gauge MK3 coach before the Reading show and if possible, I'd like to take it along to Warley at the end of this month. 


On a further note, Ian's Tidworth is at Thorncombe show on the 11th of this month so if you're down that way, pop along and see us.

Like the updates. Nice to see you’ve got Taunton. Am looking forward to going to the show for the first time next year (just moved back to the west country after 20 years) and seeing the layout it really is excellent. Have you anymore videos of stock running on the layout?


I like the piston in the shot. Read the post wrong initially (due to not much sleep, new job and daughter waking up early) thought you meant piston was going to be used as lamp head. Thought that was very cool idea. In general terms rather than specifically related to the layout.

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  • RMweb Gold

Like the updates. Nice to see you’ve got Taunton. Am looking forward to going to the show for the first time next year (just moved back to the west country after 20 years) and seeing the layout it really is excellent. Have you anymore videos of stock running on the layout?


I like the piston in the shot. Read the post wrong initially (due to not much sleep, new job and daughter waking up early) thought you meant piston was going to be used as lamp head. Thought that was very cool idea. In general terms rather than specifically related to the layout.


Make sure you say hello next year then Phil.


The piston was a present form one of my company's clients  - they work in the rail industry so I get a few nice items sent my way.


Have a look on YouTube for Oak Road as Melangoose has added a few great videos, along with a couple of other guys.

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  • RMweb Gold

So, I've solved the problem of the station building......




..... :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:


and here's the complete station light.....




The heads are a bit short so Alan is going to make them a little longer. I'm really pleased about how they look and once they've got the signs and other bits on them they're going to be fantastic.


As in keeping with the theme of this thread, I'm not shy when it comes to making mistakes and yesterday, I built this.....




It's supposed to be a galvanised steel location case but the camera of death has highlighted just how poor my effort is. The hinges are way too big and it looks like someone should leave Stevie Wonder to making music! I'll be building another one!


If anyone wants it, it's free to a good home!

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Scooby.............. 'I just called..... to say......... I love it......'


If you modelled pre-nationalisation GWR ............. we'd have to call you 'Sir Duke'.


don't knock yourself down as I think it's far better than those ready to plant versions from certain top manufacturers.

If you're so worried about the handles just trim them down a bit.


It may look poor to you..... but to the rest of us it looks great.

keep up the good work and lots of photos please. 


Yours Aye,


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Nothing wrong with that cabinet Mike, it looks fine to me. I saw that photo a couple of days ago but only noticed the cabinet today after reading Giz's reply. The fact that I didn't notice it before means you did a good job - if there was anything seriously amiss with it, it would draw the eye immediately but as it is, I think it blends in nicely with the others. Galvanised steel is a really interesting material to model - it has that strange mottled effect created by all the different 'flakes' of metal reflecting light slightly differently and at different wavelengths. I think from a distance (or the lineside viewer's perspective), I've found aluminium spray finish with a very fine dusting of flat grey to take the sparkle off has worked quite well in the past. You could even try a thin 'wash' of dark grey over the aluminium, which would dull it down and also pick out the raised detail?

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  • RMweb Gold

Nothing wrong with that cabinet Mike, it looks fine to me. I saw that photo a couple of days ago but only noticed the cabinet today after reading Giz's reply. The fact that I didn't notice it before means you did a good job - if there was anything seriously amiss with it, it would draw the eye immediately but as it is, I think it blends in nicely with the others. Galvanised steel is a really interesting material to model - it has that strange mottled effect created by all the different 'flakes' of metal reflecting light slightly differently and at different wavelengths. I think from a distance (or the lineside viewer's perspective), I've found aluminium spray finish with a very fine dusting of flat grey to take the sparkle off has worked quite well in the past. You could even try a thin 'wash' of dark grey over the aluminium, which would dull it down and also pick out the raised detail?

Cheers for the tip Tim, I never thought of that!


The box really is wrong though - it's not the right size and those hinges wouldn't look out of place on the doors behind a portcullis!!

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Ha ha! Well it doesn't look too bad to me, but I know what it's like when you're not happy with something and it bugs you so much you just have to do it again - we are all our own worst critics, that's the problem! Looking forward to seeing version 2 :)

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  • Tempfix

Just spent a very happy couple of evenings reading this from the start while trapped under a baby. Can only echo what others have said on here about the exceptional attention to detail. I particularly like the honest trial and error approach - there isn't anything I haven't found inspirational yet. What I like best (and I have thought the same reading through Loftus Road) is the number of little things you've added that I would never have thought to include that really lift a scene. I think it's these little details - like the point locks - that make it difficult to tell if the picture is real or model.


Of course it also means I'm now looking at my own thinking 'dammit now I have to add that or I'll always wonder why I haven't!'


Would love to see this for real one day - keep up the good work.



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  • RMweb Gold

Just spent a very happy couple of evenings reading this from the start while trapped under a baby. Can only echo what others have said on here about the exceptional attention to detail. I particularly like the honest trial and error approach - there isn't anything I haven't found inspirational yet. What I like best (and I have thought the same reading through Loftus Road) is the number of little things you've added that I would never have thought to include that really lift a scene. I think it's these little details - like the point locks - that make it difficult to tell if the picture is real or model.


Of course it also means I'm now looking at my own thinking 'dammit now I have to add that or I'll always wonder why I haven't!'


Would love to see this for real one day - keep up the good work.




Thanks Rich!

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm feeling a bit flat right now as the other half of my modelling comedy double act Dave (aka DJTrains - Crofton N Gauge), had a stroke (no jokes please) on Monday evening and is currently residing in hospital. He's pretty poorly, but there's been some encouraging signs and the medical team are looking after him.


To say I'm shocked is an understatement and I'm hoping he'll be making a speedy recovery in the very near future because it feels like my right arm has been cut off! He needs to have a lot of rest and visitors are being kept to a minimum, but I'll be able to see him soon and give those of you that know him an update.

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Sorry to here about Dave and hope he gets well soon. Now as your help to his recovery although you are flat at the moment here's a thought. Is there a small project that Dave would really appreciate if it was done. Could be good to give him updates as it progresses.


All the best to both of you always look forward.....



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Sorry to hear the sad news re your friend Dave. I think he was one of your operators at Fareham on the Sunday, he did a sterling job keeping trains running for us the paying public (while you were in meltdown mode).

I wish him a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing behind Oak Road in the future.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the support for Dave. I went to see him today and he's a bit frustrated at not being able to get his body to do what he wants it to do.....but he's getting there. I'm trying to work out if he'll be up for me pushing him round Warley in a wheelchair.


Yesterday Ian and I took Tidworth to the middle of nowhere, in the pouring rain......a place called Thorncombe! After I'd finished trying my best to crash everything in sight, we ended up having a great show and the locals seemed to like it.


At home, I've not done anything to Oak Road at all apart from making a start on the legs for the boards and tonight, I'm going to have a look at block detectors ......watch this space....

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  • RMweb Gold

Still no further progress I'm afraid - I've kind of downed tools for a while, mainly due to work.


I'm going to have a play with my Merchant Navy Class over the weekend as I'm seeing Kevin from Coastal DCC and he's very kindly offered to reblow one of my Loksound V4s for free! To be fair, I did convince a customer to buy an NCE Power Cab from him at Chatham so it's nice of him to return the favour :good: 


There's not really much space for anything in the loco body but there's no way I'm putting a speaker in the tender, so I'll be chopping the weight out to make way for a nice Zimo dumbo, making sure the 'chuff chuff' sounds like it's coming from the cylinders and the chimney!


I've also laid claim to a GWR HST and even though I despise them, an IET won't be far off either.


As far as Dave goes, he's been moved to a rehab ward and has started the long road to recovery. His speech is still slurred but there's much more movement in his arm and he can stand up on his own two feet. Having been in a similar position with Meningitis 30 years ago, I know how frustrated he is feeling as there's nothing worse than your brain thoughts being fine, but your bodily functions not corresponding. I know how much he was looking forward to Warley but there's just no way his wife, let alone the hospital, would let me take him along, which is a great shame as we always have a good time over the weekend. 


We do have a cunning plan though......the ward is huge and there's plenty of space for a train set..... :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Edited by scoobyra
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  • RMweb Gold

Well wish Dave a big get well soon from me, We would happily wheel him round on Saturday, did that with a mate a few years back who was recovering from an op to cheer him up  ;)


Cheers Paul. Unfortunately, it can't happen......and probably for the best because we'd create carnage!  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

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Afternoon Shippers,

Hope Dave is doing well as my father in law had a couple of strokes in his sleep last year and took quite a while to recover.

Ironically his name is Dave too and his greatest annoyance was knowing the word he wanted to say but being unable to remember it.

It was very difficult and emotional for everyone around him, but with time and perseverance he is now almost back to his former self and his self confidence has grown whilst combatting the depression that this loss of memory and confusion often brings.

Anyway back to the issue of Dave and Warley, why not get everyone to swamp You Tube with videos of this years exhibition, which, with any film family and friends record for him, will no doubt give him hours of enjoyment both in hospital and when he gets home which will hopefully be soon.


Hopefully this will also enable him to start planning new raiway projects whilst helping him to get over both the mental and physical aspects of his recovery. I for one can't wait to see some of the ideas and modelling projects you both come up with in the coming weeks. I'm sure he will make a full recovery but these things take time...... and patience, and it's funny what little gems help these memories and abilities to come back.


All the best and keep up the excellent work

Yours Aye,


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Hi Please pass on my best Wishes to Dave, and hope he bounces back soon. I know exactly how he feels having had a number of strokes myself. Sounds like he's got a good fiend with you and that will certainly help



Give my regards to Dave - it was a pleasure operating with him at Fareham - at least he wasn't grumpy! I can loan you some GWR panniers plus wagons for Worthing - you only have to ask!!!!  Stop being so self-critical and get Oak Road finished for Rotarail.


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  • RMweb Gold

Well here's the best Oak Road update ever!


Dave is on the mend....when I saw him a couple of days ago his speech had improved and he's got a lot more use of his arm, hand and fingers. He's been given the all clear to walk under his own steam (diesel or electric  :laugh: ) and has a date penned in for leaving the hospital in a couple of weeks.


All things considering, his outlook could've been a lot worse but I'm sure he'll be in a much better shape in 6 months time and back to his old (well not quite - he needs to make a few lifestyle changes) self.

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