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After modelling 4mm current day I have crossed over to 7mm and suddenly got the urge to model BR Blue.


As a young boy in the late 1970's I have vivid memories of cycling alternate Saturdays between Westhouse's and Shirebrook depot's. I remember on one visit the depot foreman giving me and my mate a demonstration of the TOPS computer system and coming home with reams and reams of print out's of just about every loco I needed to cop.


That got me drifting off into thinking of modelling Shirebrook, after an hour on Google Earth I calculated the depot could be modelled within a 500m window, that equates to around 11.6 m. The layout is intended to be an exhibition layout, providing someone would like to see it, but also I intend to use it at home and my layout space is just over 12m, so looked as though it was do able.


I researched many maps and photographs and came up with a track plan scaled very close to the prototype and then just happened to come across a BR Engineering Track plan for the site, after consultation with some very helpful guy's on the Templot sub forum, this information was given to Stephen Freeman of Borg Rail who has produced me a wonderful Templot track plan for the layout based on the Engineering prototype.


At home the layout is going to be around 9.5m scenic section and a round round fiddle yard, in exhibition mode, initially anyway, it will be around 12m scenic with a small fiddle yard either end. The end to end idea is to simplify the logistics of exhibition transport and not having an army of helpers, need to make it practical as possible.


Very early days yet, but I have 60% of the boards at home and some track on order, so hope to make progress quickly.


Here is a screen shot of Stephen's work, showing the track plan overlaid on the BR drawing.




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Yes, that was instrumental in my decision, again I have the BR drawings for the depot building, it will be interesting to see how close the Heljan model is to the prototype, but it certainly looks to be in the right direction.

Edited by Richard Pike
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  • RMweb Gold

Ah can hear those 20s warbling and the drain valves ticking on the Sunday line up of 47s...


Great subject, looking forwards to seeing this advance





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That would be great and bring back some memories from years ago, out with some mates doing a day spotting on a weekend, hunting down those 56s and 58s that we never saw up in West Yorkshire at the time.


If you would like to model it then carry on , people go to exhibitions to look at model railways of all eras and locations, some are of real places ,some are just made up but at the end of the day its about enjoying the modelling you do.

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This sounds like a good project. I had several trips to Shirebrook in the 70's when the 56's were brand new. I may have some photos if you are interested Richard.




Yes please Jamie, feel free to post them on the thread if you wish.

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Yes I'd be interested to see them too, as we still have a few grey areas about which track was FB and which was BH, especially at the southern end and through the station itself. I've been making a start on the setback siding turnout and trap, taking advantage of the good weather and working in the garden.

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  • 1 month later...

Track laying has commenced, Thanks to Stephen Freeman for producing the initial Northern point work, I have got the first track work layed and am busy wiring and fitting Tortoise point motors.


My rolling stock collection is growing, I have 13 Skytrex HAA's along with 2 or 3 various wagons and loco stock is a 20, 31, 37, two 47's and a 56, so starting to get there.



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  • RMweb Gold

Track laying has commenced, Thanks to Stephen Freeman for producing the initial Northern point work, I have got the first track work layed and am busy wiring and fitting Tortoise point motors.


My rolling stock collection is growing, I have 13 Skytrex HAA's along with 2 or 3 various wagons and loco stock is a 20, 31, 37, two 47's and a 56, so starting to get there.




That incline looks a bit steep!

Were the 02 chimneys still there in your period?



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  • RMweb Gold

Got a pair of 37's lined up as Bankers for the gradient, but it does look a little steep  :jester:


02 chimneys ????, tell me more, don't know about those.


Each side of the office block entrance doors was an ex Langwith Junction 02 chimney with the number painted on, there in my days up to the very early 70's but I don't know when they disappeared.

Yes I was sad enough to write the numbers down at the time, although all my reference stuff is packed away in the garage awaiting man cave construction, I have a colleague who is somewhat in advance of you all with his P4 version of 41J who I gave the numbers to and may well have them to hand.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Richard,

Looking good - shall be following along.  I started with building the depot building (not Shirebrook I hasten to add!) for my layout as I thought once i get into trackwork and scenery i'll never come back to it!  Hope you've got a big area for the man cave!  If you decide a Bone might need to make an appearance, drop me a message and i'll pop over with my 7mm one - seen here inside my shed!


1970s-1980s is great period to model, i've gone a little wider late 70s-late 1980s/early 1990s - concluding with the introduction of the 60s!



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Hi Richard,

Looking good - shall be following along.  I started with building the depot building (not Shirebrook I hasten to add!) for my layout as I thought once i get into trackwork and scenery i'll never come back to it!  Hope you've got a big area for the man cave!  If you decide a Bone might need to make an appearance, drop me a message and i'll pop over with my 7mm one - seen here inside my shed!


1970s-1980s is great period to model, i've gone a little wider late 70s-late 1980s/early 1990s - concluding with the introduction of the 60s!



wow thats what im talkin about great model pal love the class 58 i lived right across from avenue carbo plant in chesterfield and watched them night and day workin coal train on and off really impressed ......

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  • 1 month later...

Each side of the office block entrance doors was an ex Langwith Junction 02 chimney with the number painted on, there in my days up to the very early 70's but I don't know when they disappeared.

Yes I was sad enough to write the numbers down at the time, although all my reference stuff is packed away in the garage awaiting man cave construction, I have a colleague who is somewhat in advance of you all with his P4 version of 41J who I gave the numbers to and may well have them to hand.



Did you ever find out those chimney numbers Mike?

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  • 2 months later...

Currently away from home, so no practical progress, the second and final section of point work is finished and ready for collection from Stephen Freeman, so hopefully in the next couple of months I should make good progress.


I am slowly building up the loco stock, my current fleet is;


08 x 2

20 x 4

31 x 1

37 x 2

47 x3

56 x 1


I am also lucky in having regular visits from a mate with another 08, 47 and  56.


Progress is also coming together with the wagon fleet which currently stands at about 40 units made up of HAA's and 16 Tonner's and I am also working on an engineers train that will include two Hydraulic cranes.


Once I get back home I will upload some pictures of the stock.

Edited by Richard Pike
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