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Sounds like someone has thrown the gauntlet down.


As this thread seem to be turning into a wish list can I request some lampost bases There must be a massive market for them. The most anonymous yet common item of street furniture going.


The good old Revo Mosley manufactured in both short and long base styles and seen in many a street for the last seventy years.





They have held up every type of head from Gas through early electric to the latest LED type.




Seen in all corners of the UK and immortalised in many a film and TV dramas.




and works of art.




impervious to freak weather conditions.




and now reappearing, in attempts to re gentrify exclusive villages and preserved railways all over the country.






The Venerable Revo, Britain's most ubiquitous cast iron lamppost... probably...





(With apologies for my OCD).

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As this thread seem to be turning into a wish list can I request some lampost bases There must be a massive market for them. The most anonymous yet common item of street furniture going.


The good old Revo Mosley manufactured in both short and long base styles and seen in many a street for the last seventy years.



I'll be experimenting with scanning lamp post bases at Llangollen soon, hopefully this weekend during the 1960's gala, I'll report back on how I get on!

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  • RMweb Gold

I'll be experimenting with scanning lamp post bases at Llangollen soon, hopefully this weekend during the 1960's gala, I'll report back on how I get on!


If ever the chance presents itself, Alan, how about some nice L&SWR barley twist lamps....?



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Despatch riders, ARP personnel, firemen, ATS, etc. should all go down quite well.

Presume you have seen the MMS and Dan Taylor Modelworks figures in those categories?


We can always do with some more though!

Edited by wamwig
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They are currently being designed on the back burner, it is taking a time for me to get the twist right!

Twist then Shout


Actually I am very interested in LSWR/SR lampposts as the cast metal Langley ones I bought in 2010 have started to droop. And I could not find replacements in their current catalog.

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Presume you have seen the MMS and Dan Taylor Modelworks figures in those categories?We can always do with some more though!

Nope, not seen those but I'll take a look later.


The only reason I mentioned these different types of auxiliary service personnel is because they are so frequently seen in archive photos of the Home Front, the Blitz, etc. That's before you even touch the other emotive events such as gas mask training, firehose drill competitions, evacuation of children, and so on, all of which could do with some authentic / authentically-dressed figures, hopefully without the heavy crude appearance of whitemetal castings.

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  • RMweb Gold

The  shop at Pendon has released a new batch of Alan's excellent figures covering a group of men in conversation and women shopping. I ordered some online on Sunday afternoon and they arrived in the post on Tuesday morning - excellent service indeed. They came with a brief guidance sheet by Tim Shackleston and on the other side a list of the present range and a suggestion it will be expanded to include graveside figures and workmen. I attended one of their Workshops last year, a most enjoyable and useful day with the bonus of getting a scan of yourself and the subsequent production of your own 3D 1/76 self. 


I think the only problem with ModelU figures is that all others you might have bought and painted look very primitive in comparison. Certainly well worth looking at in my opinion.


all the best 


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Ref your reply to RBAGE in July about plans for WW1 figures, can I put in a plea for some medical staff?


WD Models produce good military figures including WDLR personnel,even good old Airfix,HAT and Emhar are OK and Bachmann do the two military nurses and two wounded. SMA sold through Scale Link produced a German army surgeon and two nurses for WW2 and Scale Link have a WW1 *medical group". However, nobody I can find does WW1 nurses bending, kneeling, holding tray of instruments (or breakfast) and no surgeons in gown and mask.


It would need essentially young people (re-enactors?) who have their own uniforms, (which might be difficult to source) but staff for a CCS or base hospital would be wonderful and, given the anticipated arrival of the Bachmann ROD Baldwin and WDLR wagons, I am sure that there will be many like me building a diorama/small layout based on a hospital "Somewhere in France"


Apologies for the length of the post. Hope this suggestion might be useful!


All the best.



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  • RMweb Gold

As this thread seem to be turning into a wish list can I request some lampost bases There must be a massive market for them. The most anonymous yet common item of street furniture going.


The good old Revo Mosley manufactured in both short and long base styles and seen in many a street for the last seventy years.





They have held up every type of head from Gas through early electric to the latest LED type.




Seen in all corners of the UK and immortalised in many a film and TV dramas.




and works of art.




impervious to freak weather conditions.


attachicon.gifOtley-RevosD1968 Storm 68.jpg


and now reappearing, in attempts to re gentrify exclusive villages and preserved railways all over the country.






The Venerable Revo, Britain's most ubiquitous cast iron lamppost... probably...





(With apologies for my OCD).


I take it Mr Franks isn't moving fast enough, or has he turned a deaf un?



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I take it Mr Franks isn't moving fast enough, or has he turned a deaf un?





Too many buffer requests plus the complexities of the elegant beauty that is the revo is much more suited to a 3D scan. Almost attractive as a well turned ankle,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


It's been a while since I gave an update on new products and where things are in the development queue. I should know by now that trying to get new items developed and on sale during the Spring is not very realistic, so apologies to those that have been awaiting some of the items I listed back in December and January! July and August are my quietest months exhibitions wise, so I'm hoping to catch up on some design work.


In the meantime, here is a summary of the products which are now available:


BR 1970's - 1990's Crew & Guard Figures


During the BRM show at Alexandra Palace I met Paul James who kindly brought his collection of uniforms from his time working for British Rail during the late 1970’s, 1980’s and early 1990’s. Paul’s collection covers the introduction of the BR corporate image uniform right up to the formation of EWS in 1996.  According to Paul, many of the early uniforms lasted into early privatisation days.






Pendon Vale Scene Figures


Last year I was approached by Pendon Museum to assist with creating new figures specifically for the Vale Scene.  A day was spent with Pendon volunteers dressed up in 1930’s clothing, in poses depicting farm workers, people shopping and people in conversation.  18 figures were created in total with more planned, including some scans of children from the local primary school in Long Wittenham.


The figures are being released in batches throughout the year, with initial releases available exclusively from the Pendon museum shop or via their website.  At present 8 figures are available from the Modelu webshop (Farm Workers & Women in Conversation), and 18 figures are available direct from Pendon (Farm Workers, Men & Women in Conversation, Women Shopping). You can access the Pendon webshop here.








Porters and station staff are an area I've been looking to revisit for a time, so it was fortunate to have my stand at the Great Central show alongside Jack Shaw's excellent Penrhyn Quarry Railway.  ack is a volunteer at the GCR and kindly agreed to brave the hot weather and be scanned in some of his collection of period clothing.  Over the weekend we created a number of new figures including: Pre-Grouping locomotive crew, Workmen and Porters.


5 new Porters and a Shunter have been added to the webshop, with rest of the new figures being added to the website over the coming weeks.




Scans In the Pipeline!


These following screenshots are straight from the scanner before I've done any cleanup, but will give an idea of what is to come over the Summer.  I'm aiming to have all of these figures in the range in time for Railwell's in August.


New Loco Crew (Thanks to Chris Chewter)


attachicon.gifLoco Crew Casual.JPG


attachicon.gifLoco Crew Leaning.JPG


Pre-grouping Loco Crew (thanks to Jack Shaw)


attachicon.gifPre Grouping Loco Drivers.jpg


attachicon.gifPre-Grouping Fireman.jpg


Workmen (thanks to Jack Shaw)




attachicon.gifSeated Workmen.jpg


Musicians (Thanks to David Brandreth)




Products in the Pipeline


Point Rodding

LNWR, LMS/BR and L&Y point rodding designs have now been completed and are currently under test.  I'm experimenting with not printing the ferrules which retain the rodding, in order to avoid threading the rollers onto the rods.  Samples of these will be going out for test in the next week or so and realistically they won't be on sale until the Autumn.


attachicon.gifLMS.JPG attachicon.gifLNWR.JPG


Platform Lamps

After the initial success with the L&Y lamps, there has been no movement on this project for many months unfortunately.   Reason being the time they take to print and the demands on my equipment to keep on top of stock for exhibitions and orders.  I have a couple of customer commissions which I'm aiming to finish over the summer, so this project will get some attention finally.  The cost of the final products will be completely dependent on how long they take to produce, which I'm hoping to minimise as much as practical without losing any quality.


Loco Shed Detailing

Last October I spent a day at Didcot with the extremely helpful Loco dept manager Kevin Dare.  Kevin helped me scan many items suitable for detailing a loco shed as well as a few other items of interest.  These include: loco brake blocks, loco oil cans (3 sizes), loco jack, cosmetic screw link coupling, fire hose cabinet, sand and fire buckets, vacuum pipe, ATC bell.  I was also able to clamber up onto Cookham Manor and scan it's BR pattern Chimney!


attachicon.gif7808 2.JPG attachicon.gif7808 Chimney 1.JPG


Chairs and Sleepers

Successful test prints have been made of GWR slide chairs, Concrete Pot sleepers and a number of pre-grouping chairs including LSWR, GCR and Cambrian.  However, the material my equipment uses is a methacrylate and is not compatible with butanone.  I'm currently looking into cost effective methods of producing the chairs in ABS and hope to have some answers over the summer.


That's it for now, just leaves me to say thank you to everyone who has shared photographs of their work on this thread, it really is a pleasure to see where the figures and lamps end up and how well they are painted.





Where are these figures ordered, especially the band figures, I cannot see them on the website. I am ordering the Pendon farm workers and the women figures, but it is the band that is of direct interest at the moment.


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I have found the website properly and ordered what is available so far on the Pendon farm workers and Women figures in conversation, nice website and good range of figures, with the musical band figures shown as in development, and will be ordered as so as available.

Excellent products, keep it coming!


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As well as the direct order I have the others coming by post from Pendon Museum shop.........any ideas of the time scale for the musicians figures, and would they be available as 7mm as well as 4mm? I would like to do a 7mm presentation set as a present for a friend.



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As well as the direct order I have the others coming by post from Pendon Museum shop.........any ideas of the time scale for the musicians figures, and would they be available as 7mm as well as 4mm? I would like to do a 7mm presentation set as a present for a friend.




HI Stephen,  Thank you for your positive comments and for your order!  The musicians are in the queue to edit, most likely in September as getting them on the website takes a little time. However the figures themselves will likely be ready sooner than that, I can drop you an email when I've finished the editing, which will be before the end of the month.



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After years of one particular supplier, no names, who specialised in poses that were more static than a cigar store indian, and have gorilla arms....... or are plain undersized from another, it makes a change to get the figure so accurate. I used to make masters for 54mm figures, but 4mm is too much hassle these days, bad eyesight, old age, and arthritis do not help!

One Plea, some more Victorian figures, bustles and beards, but not together on one person!

Also there is a lack of climbing railway workmen, posed on ladders etc., and also figures with arms raised pulling on chains or ropes



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