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Results - The 00 Wishlist Poll 2019

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  • RMweb Gold
13 minutes ago, Forester said:


Quite so.

The D1 does seem to be pulling clear of the other SE 4-4-0s this year.

My impression in previous polls was a closer clustering (maybe you could confirm that - or otherwise).

If so, we SE 4-4-0 fans need to get behind the D1 next year.

All I'm saying is the demand for a useful BR SE 4-4-0 is stonger than the current split vote suggests and the D class possibly won't satisfy it, nice though a pretty SECR or a (scrapline? does that sound ungrateful? - sorry!) early BR version will be.


Hello Forester


A bit difficult to give a full reply there as we have had the D and E either combined or split over the years.


What I can say is that the D1 + E1 and L1 have consistently been in High Polling and both are Top 50 this year.


A noted previously, we put more store by where an item sits consistently over a period of time. We are confident that even if an item polled 1001 votes, it wouldn't influence a maker if they weren't getting the same strong feeling from people at shows and via emails etc.


In fact, if something ever 'stood out like a sore thumb' we would pounce on it, possibly remove it and possibly nullify the whole Poll.


Brian (on behalf of The 00 Poll Team)

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20 minutes ago, Forester said:


Quite so.

The D1 does seem to be pulling clear of the other SE 4-4-0s this year.

My impression in previous polls was a closer clustering (maybe you could confirm that - or otherwise).

If so, we SE 4-4-0 fans need to get behind the D1 next year.

All I'm saying is the demand for a useful BR SE 4-4-0 is stonger than the current split vote suggests and the D class possibly won't satisfy it, nice though a pretty SECR or a (scrapline? does that sound ungrateful? - sorry!) early BR version will be.



As the D1 is, basically, just a new (simpler) body for the newly announced D it would be a brave manufacturer who intruded on the Dapol/Rails territory.


The L1 is (sort of) Hornby territory (or rather Tri-ang's).


The E1 is pretty open for anyone.



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1 hour ago, phil gollin said:

It will be a brave manufacturer who does the USATC-160.  Only really in use in the UK from late 1943 (?) to 1945 (and, of course, on preserved railways).  But the scope for WW2 railways is presumably there from the number of votes.   


MAYBE if they did 1n "OO" one and then another with an HO body ????

If I wanted one in HO, I'd probably go for the Roco version if I could afford it.


I'd guess it would sell in OO; as you say, of very limited appeal if used "legitimately" (see also: *cough* Lickey Banker *cough*), but I'm sure Rule 1 will apply.


Still, nice to see a military loco winning. Can we expand the poll to re-include some of the LT stuff that was run by or on "mainline" railways in a similar manner now, please?

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello Mark


Don't forget that the purpose of The Poll clearly states that it is for modellers and collectors. 


The S-160 has a rightful place in the lists. Could you let me have your list of suggestions of LT items that we ought to list with good reasons? Thanks.


They will need to be very strong and compelling reasons. We already have a long list of possible new entries - but not enough spare room to get them all in.


Brian (on behalf of The 00 Poll Team)

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Dunsignalling said:

The problem with the U Class is that, whilst they all looked similar to the casual observer, there were several sub-classes (4 IIRC) that differed quite significantly from one another in various dimensions. To further complicate matters, some examples of all received new (different) frames under BR ownership.  Tooling up to produce all, or even most of them, would be complex and expensive.


The obvious alternative, picking one variant and ignoring the rest would not, I suspect, meet with universal approval. 



….....and there is the 'tender trap' too John.  Not that significant but noticeable for many of us.


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Only 1 LNWR loco, no Cambrian, no LYR but a smattering of GER and southern pre-grouping types.


Goes to show why Hattons have got it right with Genesis coaches.


Also the rising numbers of multiple units both diesel and electric will be a challenge to the manufacturers when it comes to pricing.

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  • RMweb Gold
15 minutes ago, woodenhead said:

Only 1 LNWR loco, no Cambrian, no LYR but a smattering of GER and southern pre-grouping types.


Hello woodenhead


I'm guessing you are alluding to The Top 50 Steam, Gas Turbine, Diesel & Electric Locos.


The LYR Aspinall 27 missed out by just two votes and the Webb 'Cauliflower' wasn't all that far behind. The Cambrian, I'm sorry to say, has always been in Low Polling.


Brian (on behalf of The 00 Poll Team)

Edited by BMacdermott
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Interesting that the Hush Hush, Big Bertha, Class 89 and 18000 are all in the overall top 50, and the LNER U1 was in the top 50 locos. I think that shows how much we like the idea of esoteric prototypes, even if it takes a very liberal application of Rule 1 to be able to justify them on the vast majority of layouts. Although recreating the famous incident on the Lickey with a train comprising 38 driving wheels across three locos would certainly make a good exhibition layout!


On a more prosaic note, I'm pleased to see the GER E4 and J67/69 scoring well, with the F4/5/6 also putting in a creditable showing. I hope at least one of those gets picked up by the manufacturers.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello Mark


As noted earlier, the purpose of The Poll is for modellers and collectors to express their views of what they would realistically wish to buy at some time in the future. Loco categories always get more voters than the corresponding ones for rolling stock.


Brian (on behalf of The 00 Poll Team)

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello Clive


Why would you give up? The stock has made The Top 50 - but no-one has announced it yet. One can only assume that the release of the N7 may have had some effect on voters  but the stock has been high up for a long while now.


And I do hope we won't have the usual interjections from those who say it's better to make kits or scratchbuild. There are plenty of threads for that. 


This thread is Results - The 00 Wishlist Poll 2019. Let's keep on topic, please.


Brian (on behalf of  The 00 Poll Team)

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4 hours ago, BMacdermott said:

Could you let me have your list of suggestions of LT items that we ought to list with good reasons? Thanks.


They will need to be very strong and compelling reasons. We already have a long list of possible new entries - but not enough spare room to get them all in.

Thanks, Brian. in which case I will attempt one (although I believe I read of BR-crewed LT *locos* on LT freight around Neasden but it was only one source).


I would plump for Metropolitan Railway Dreadnought stock, on the basis of the Met & GC as a joint line (discuss), hauled by LNER/BR locos beyond Rickmansworth - and one existing RTR Met/LT release. I will have to dig into the exact timings of the change to BR-control beyond Amersham and A-Stock being fully-introduced, so Dreadnoughts may have run on "solely-BR" briefly after 1960. [Scratch that, I can see only one tour after 1961; the whole line LT-owned before that, which is just lovely :rolleyes: Oh well.]


Edited by Mark Dickerson
Subsequent delving
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3 hours ago, GreenGiraffe22 said:

The SR and its groups have done rather well there, if manufactures do use the poll to influence their product announcements, the next few years could get very expensive for me! 


Don't be so sure. SR might have done rather well, but in terms of votes the area has been loosing popularity. I have been tracking a number of engines by comparison and the vote totals for engines in SR territory has been falling.

Thanks must go to the Poll team, and those here at RM Web for hosting and helping complete the process.

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15 minutes ago, The Black Hat said:


Don't be so sure. SR might have done rather well, but in terms of votes the area has been loosing popularity. I have been tracking a number of engines by comparison and the vote totals for engines in SR territory has been falling.

Thanks must go to the Poll team, and those here at RM Web for hosting and helping complete the process.


Has it? Next you'll be telling us that the future is the NER...


Not including things that were everywhere such as BR Standards. Out of the top 50.



17 Southern



When it comes to the top 50 locomotives it's even more skewed towards the SR adding another 8 locomotives as opposed to 5 LNER.





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  • RMweb Gold

Hello David


Thanks for writing.


I will be interested to see the figures...but note that The Team places more store by relative position year on year within the segments of Top 50, High, Middle and Low Polling, rather than a few votes either way (say 30 to 40 or so as given in the reasons in our first post).


A quick count up of (pure-ish) SR and (pure-ish) NER listings shows:


NER: 14. Nine have gone up in votes (one by a good margin) and five have come down (most by small margins). None has polled over the 200 mark.


SR: 10. Three have gone up and seven have come down - but sometimes by only a small margin, although the Leader dropped by most. Four polled over the 200 mark. Two polled over the 300 mark.


Brian (on behalf of The 00 Poll Team)



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3 hours ago, BMacdermott said:

We are at a loss as to how we might attract more voters. Suggestions welcomed.


1. Start it a bit later in the year, run it for longer (a couple of months rather than a couple of weeks), and see if you can persuade the organisers of the big autumn and winter shows (Great British Model Railway Show, Warley, Manchester) to promote it in their exhibition guides.


2. Make sure it's promoted on social media, Facebook in particular.


3. Create a standalone website for it, rather than relying on RMweb and Google docs. That will make it more search engine friendly and give other website operators a permanent URL to link to rather than a different one every year.

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  • RMweb Gold
3 hours ago, BMacdermott said:

Thanks Ian


We are at a loss as to how we might attract more voters. Suggestions welcomed.



The more categories you exclude to focus on "core content" (so far, N gauge, industrial, LT... and narrow gauge has never been covered I think) the fewer the pool of interested voters will be. Speaking for myself, with limited space, my primary interests in British prototype are 009 and N gauge; I do have an interest in certain smaller locos in OO, notably the J67/9 and the J21. If and when these are made I'll have little left to vote for in your poll.

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  • RMweb Gold

Many thanks Mark


We have to run at this time of the year as it fits predominantly with Andy York's diary and with a small number of Team members who have work commitments at certain times of the year.


We get most votes in the first few days. We did run for a month in the past, but found it wasn't to any advantage.


We send out over 400 Press Releases and about the same number of posters get downloaded. We get promoted on numerous Facebook sites as well as websites.


We don't have any budget for a website. We have looked into the matter but have stepped back from it.


In essence, we need a Publicity Manager who is willing to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week for no pay, virtually no thanks, tons of hassle etc etc:)


Brian (on behalf of The 00 Poll Team)

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  • RMweb Gold
6 minutes ago, D9020 Nimbus said:

The more categories you exclude to focus on "core content" (so far, N gauge, industrial, LT... and narrow gauge has never been covered I think) the fewer the pool of interested voters will be. Speaking for myself, with limited space, my primary interests in British prototype are 009 and N gauge; I do have an interest in certain smaller locos in OO, notably the J67/9 and the J21. If and when these are made I'll have little left to vote for in your poll.


Hello D9020 Nimbus


When we ran N, Industrial and Underground, we had 2178 00 voters in 2015 and 2473 in 2016.


The Poll didn't run in 2017.


In 2018, we didn't run N, but were still running Industrial and Underground. We had 2537 voters for 00.


In 2019, we dropped Industrial and Underground. We had 2511 voters.


Brian (on behalf of The 00 Poll Team)

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I'd like to add my thanks to all the team for the meticulous work on this. 


Slightly tongue-in-cheek, i couldn't see any reference to Class AM1/TOPS 301 - the Lancaster-Morecambe-Heysham electrics -  in the poll. I've voted for these in the past (probably under "miscellaneous other" or similar), but unless they're included under the "LNWR Oerlikon electrics" category they seem to have slipped through the net this year. Not that I imagine they would ever attract much interest, as a very niche prototype. However, as someone who grew up with these trains I've decided to get cracking and am currently in the process of building my own 4mm version.  I don't recall ever seeing any such models - ever!



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  • RMweb Gold

Just a thought on the publicity, have you contacted any of the “box openers” on YouTube to get them to get the message out to their followers and subscribers?  My bet would be that many of the people who follow them on those sort of platforms are not natural rmweb or traditional magazine buyers/readers.  I can’t recall but is there a question saying where you heard of the poll?

Thanks to all the team for the effort that goes into producing and analysing the poll.



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