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Big Jim’s attempt to become Slim Jim

big jim

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  • RMweb Gold
9 hours ago, tomparryharry said:

Nice one Jim, those before & after photos are the real result! Do you find it's easier to breathe?


I ask, because I'm overweight and I'd like to get down to 16 stone ( currently 19 stone ). 




as Bodmin says everything is easier both physically and mentally, this weekend for example I was staying on the 2nd floor of the hotel and used the stairs instead of the lift, 3 months ago I’d have a temper tantrum if I had to use the stairs and demand a room on the ground floor rather than use the stairs! 

breathing is the biggest thing I’ve noticed, I regularly used to walk up in the night unable to breathe as I assume my windpipe was being forced closed, I was tested for Sleep apnea the other year but was told I didn’t have it thankfully and now having lost the weight I can see it was just that causing breathing problems and also I’m not feeling tired all the time and nodding off in the chair (thankfully not the loco seat!) as that’s something that used to happen, ok I have had a few ‘power naps’ but not to an extent I used to


Didn’t bother with the gym in the end today, made sure I had a good sleep in readyness for tonight’s shift instead and I feel pretty refreshed after it, Still got a good 2 miles walk in while in work though to and from the various trains! 

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Weigh in day…..


Lost 2lb this week so 19.3 Stone now (122 kg) that’s a loss of 48lb (22kg) since mid February 


Last week Exercise wise:


27.3 miles on the bike 


1.8 miles walking 


7.2 miles running 


Hopefully lose a few more Lb this week and be that bit nearer saying I’m 18 Stone (ok the top end of it but still!) 


Been quite a hard one this week as I’m on nights but I’m getting a commute in on the bike every day which is 5 miles a day and yesterday I got my wife to drop me off 2 mile from home while on the school run and I ran back from there





off to london this weekend to see a show so won’t get any exercise in but I am planning on walking from euston to the hotel in Piccadilly Circus 

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Not much progress this week, a bit disappointed that the shift I’m on means I’ve not been able to get out and have a decent run, I’m trying to do at least 6 miles a week but I’ve only managed 2 so far, I’ll hopefully try and up it a bit on Sunday afternoon 


as for walking ‘exercise’ I’ve managed none, plenty done in work though, I may have a walk to Nantwich on Sunday and run back that will get me my goal of 2 miles and at least 3 mile running in!


as for this evening I rode to the station a slightly longer route as I only did a short ride from basford hall to the station last night so wanted to make up for that, then discovered my train was, for the 4th time this week, cancelled, so I caught a different train to Wolverhampton and rode to bescot from there, I’ve exceeded my 25 mile weekly goal on the bike at least! 




I used the Komoot app for the ride from Wolverhampton as it sets the route best for cycling, avoids busy roads etc and puts you along cycle paths as well as still recording my heart rate, distance etc like the apple app 



off to london tomorrow so hopefully get a bit of waking in from the station to the hotel and to the theatre in the evening 



This morning commute back home, getting quicker! 


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  • RMweb Gold

Well I ain’t going to win any speed medals but I’ve just ran 10k, I was going to do 5k but I just kept going!



got a bit wet part way through but it cooled me down nicely

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You are doing well Jim. Getting the first 10km done is a huge achivement. slowly build it up and aim for a half marathon! but get cofident on being able to do 10km quite a few times first. It is crazy to think what you can do and how far you have come. It is much easier to build and retain your fitness rather than the hard work it takes to do it in the first place. So you have done the hard work keep going and it get easier.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for all the kudos on strava dave!


as you probably know I signed up for the 10k challenge as you did so I thought I’d try it sooner than later in the month, again set the goal and thought I’d have a go as far as I felt comfortable doing but I got to an hour and thought we’ll I’m 2/3 of the way to 10k I may as well keep going!


back started to hurt again at about 4 miles this time but I slowed down to a walk for a short distance and stretched a bit before carrying on, it came back on the cool down walk and stretch though, just had a hot bubbly bath to relax my muscles too!


next week is looking like a decent week cycling, 3 trips to and from the station and new st to Tyseley and back (approx 20 miles)  maybe another wolves to bescot ride (9 miles) as I quite enjoyed that one and I’ll try and get a few shorter runs in too 

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Well done Jim, 10k is a great acheivement! Make sure you recover properly, it's a big step up from 5k so hope you've had plenty of fluids, stretch etc. Check how you feel tomorrow, maybe an easy cycle nothing too hard if you can help it.

I'm a bit envious as I cant manage much more than 6k now.

Keep up the good work :good:

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That 10K is a terrific achievement, great stuff.  It sounds as if the back is going for longer before playing up, too, you did the right thing not to push it when it did play up.


We had a saying for making progress with training - Stress it for progress, but avoid Straining, which damages.  It's particularly relevant where backs are concerned, as damage will also affect the performance of all the other things connected to it.  Just a thought - I don't know if you have anything you can hang from, by your hands, but if you can, we used to get some relief hanging for a couple of minutes and "shaking the legs and spine loose".  {I can't think of a better description of relaxing the spinal muscles, I'm afraid, but letting all the tension out of the muscles and flopping around lets the  loose weight of the legs stretch the muscles while they hang.}  At your height, it might be tricky to find a bar/branch high enough, but you might find it helps, if you can.


Good luck next week, it looks like a good one.




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  • RMweb Gold
53 minutes ago, sb67 said:

Well done Jim, 10k is a great acheivement! Make sure you recover properly, it's a big step up from 5k so hope you've had plenty of fluids, stretch etc. Check how you feel tomorrow, maybe an easy cycle nothing too hard if you can help it.

I'm a bit envious as I cant manage much more than 6k now.

Keep up the good work :good:

I had about 1/2 litre of water on the run then when I got back after the cool down walk and stretches I had another litre or so (2 pints) pretty much straight away


tomorrow is defiantly a rest day from running and the job in on I won’t be using the bike so hopefully a fairly easy day to recover 


55 minutes ago, jcredfer said:

We had a saying for making progress with training - Stress it for progress, but avoid Straining, which damages.  It's particularly relevant where backs are concerned, as damage will also affect the performance of all the other things connected to it.  Just a thought - I don't know if you have anything you can hang from, by your hands, but if you can, we used to get some relief hanging for a couple of minutes and "shaking the legs and spine loose".  {I can't think of a better description of relaxing the spinal muscles, I'm afraid, but letting all the tension out of the muscles and flopping around lets the  loose weight of the legs stretch the muscles while they hang.}  At your height, it might be tricky to find a bar/branch high enough, but you might find it helps, if you can.

there is an outdoor gym in the park with various bits of equipment for core strength training, I’ll have to see if there is any monkey bars there, haven’t noticed any but I’m sure I can find something to swing from!

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6 minutes ago, big jim said:

I had about 1/2 litre of water on the run then when I got back after the cool down walk and stretches I had another litre or so (2 pints) pretty much straight away


tomorrow is defiantly a rest day from running and the job in on I won’t be using the bike so hopefully a fairly easy day to recover 


there is an outdoor gym in the park with various bits of equipment for core strength training, I’ll have to see if there is any monkey bars there, haven’t noticed any but I’m sure I can find something to swing from!


I hope it works for you, I found the relaxation really pleasant.  The great thing is not to push good Stress into Strain, there is always another day, unless you have an Olympic deadline [actually the same applies to them, too, with big consequences if they get into to strain damage].  Does your programme include regular slow and easy days, to flush the muscles out and replenish the fibres?  It looks like you are getting some naturally from the mixture of opportunities with the different work schedules.


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  • RMweb Gold

I’m trying to get a run in every other day but I had 3 days off it the end of last week (and I actually missed it!) however I then ended up walking a fair bit around central London at the weekend to and from euston to the hotel and the hotel to the theatre and back etc (6 miles over 2 days) 

i am pretty much using the bike every day though, I don’t put myself under any particular strain while on it when I’m riding to and from the station, the 2.5 mile just warms me up nicely I recon and gets mu heart pumping nicely 


regarding work this week, as I say I won’t be using the bike tomorrow then I have 3 days of using it to and from Tyseley and Friday is also a non bike day as I have a hire car, I’ll most likely try and do a short run on Tuesday (2 mile maybe) then a longer one on Friday as I’ll be asleep most of the day after my night shift, roll on annual leave next week! 



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Sounds like you're getting some good advice here Jim, I've never tired it myself but know a few people that have but the hanging is meant to be really beneficial especially at the end of your day. I also know someone who swears by an inversion table and regularly hangs upside down for short periods to decompress the spine. 

I think there is a lot more emphasis on recovery now, when I was playing football I've played and trained through numerous injuries and strains and I'm feeling the effects as I'm getting older. 

You could always treat your self to a sports/relaxation massage once a month or more frequently or use a massage roller, that helps me release a lot of tightness, especially in my back. 

Have you tried yoga/pilates? also great for flexibility and stretching. 

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  • RMweb Gold
On 23/06/2021 at 22:56, ikks said:

Hello Jim, Great to see what you're doing but I can tell you an easier way!! Two years ago I had all of my teeth removed (40 years of smoking destroyed my gums) so although most of the teeth fell out by themselves 19 had to be pulled. I cannot get along with the lumps of plastic called dentures in my mouth and do not enjoy eating anymore ............lost 12kg from a starting point of 65kg so never a big bloke. Positives.......haven't smoked since 2004 and have very healthy mouth.

Keep going and good luck.



I have the greatest admiration for what you're doing Jim(I was only joking about the teeth), I have 7 acres on the Fleurieu Peninsular in  South Australia, some of it quite steep, every morning I grab my dog( or she grabs me!!) and we walk up and down the hill around the perimeter of the property, great for the ticker.  Every month , I have a remedial massage..........I pooh pooh'd it for ages until SWMBO said do it!!  believe me ,it really loosens you up and enables me to continue my exercise  routine far easier.:) Good luck and keep going.:good::good:


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Monday was defiantly a rest day from exercise…..




i did plan on cycling to basford hall at 23:00 but it was lashing it down so didn’t fancy it and took the car instead hence the last little bit of movement at almost midnight walking from the car park to the signal!


ive got a running partner tomorrow, one of my ex trainee drivers who is lodging in crewe, said he’d come for a jog round the park, he’s actually an ex professional rugby player who played for Cardiff before retiring and becoming a train driver! 

hea also going to get me into snap fitness on another evening so I can sample some of the core training equipment they have and see if it’s for me

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Had a good run earlier with my work colleague around the park as well as a ride to the station and Tyseley 


weigh in day tomorrow and have kept within my weight watchers points every day so am confident of a bit of a weight loss 


it was nice to have a running buddy earlier who has trained all his life as he knew when to slow down and have a power walk and a stretch etc, and he didn’t speed off too fast!


There was also a warm up and cool down walk as well as walking to basford hall and riding to the station which add another 4.5 mile to the total but below are the main 2 exercise sessions I did today 




got the ride back to new at in the morning and the station to home so that will be another 6 mile before weigh in time! 

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Weigh in time, today I’m 19.1 Stone so a loss of 2.5lb this week and a total loss of 3st 6lb since mid feb 




By 9 o clock this morning I’d already reached my 30 min exercise goal after the ride from Tyseley to new st and the station to home (6 mile + ) and I’ve got to do it again tonight in the opposite direction so a good 12-13 mile covered today, not going for a run as I’m about to have a sleep but I will tomorrow, nothing major just 5k I recon 


got a massage roller off someone to try, blimey it hurts but in a good way! 

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That's great news, Jim, real, continued steady progress and the exercise, too.  


{Please excuse my twisted sense of humour, but I just calculated that, at the present rate, you should have lost approximately 7 St in 10 months [15.6st], approximately 14st in 20 months [8.6st]  and you would have to apply for a new small size set of coveralls...   :training:  }


Back to your current achievements, congratulations are well in order, great to see.   :locomotive: 


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  • RMweb Gold

15.6 stone would be nice but i think id look a bit ill if i got to 8.6!


as for new coveralls, im already at that stage anyway, all my clothes look like someone elses now, my waist has gone down at least 4 inches if not more going by my jeans size



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10 hours ago, big jim said:

15.6 stone would be nice but i think id look a bit ill if i got to 8.6!


as for new coveralls, im already at that stage anyway, all my clothes look like someone elses now, my waist has gone down at least 4 inches if not more going by my jeans size




That's good steady progress, and must feel really good.  Just make sure there is enough support for those jeans, when you're in public view...     :scared: 


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  • RMweb Gold

Been a decent week exercise wise this week, smashed the cycling target, just got over the walking target and just about made the running target with tonight’s run!


still got the weekend to go so may get a bit more of each in then 



decided to have an hours run, originally going to do 5k but as it was only another 15 mins to the hour I carried on and made it just over 4 mile 


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