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Hi all,

I am having a problem with Modelmaster Jackson Evans in Scotland. I ordered and paid for a set of 7mm BR number plates for my Heljan Large Prairie from Jim at Modelmasters in early January 2020 but he sent me a 4mm set. I returned them to him and when I rang him and spoke to him, he apologised and said that he had misread the order and that he would have to order further supplies of the necessary thickness of brass for the 7mm sets. Not long after that, of course, everything went just a little awry with the pandemic and, when I spoke to him again in the summer, he said that, obviously, he was unable to source any supplies of brass and that I would just have to wait until the factory had re-opened, which was fair enough under the circumstances. I rang him again in October and he said that he was still waiting for materials but that it should not be much longer.

In early May this year, I had neither received the number plates nor any further communication from him and, since than have rung him a total of five times but all I am getting is voice mail, so could anybody tell me if they have had any contact with Jim or received any orders because I am beginning to wonder if I will ever see the numbers or my £14.49 payment!

Any information would be much appreciated.


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  • RMweb Gold

I have absolutely no connection, but just read this from their website (copied verbatim,  inc spelling):



Fo;;owing Jim's emergency eye surgery three weeks ago, Elspeth and Jim have made ood progress at sending orders out,

and whenetched nameplate replacements arrive next week. then we should be on an even kel once more, with more than

1700 orders, yes ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NEW ORDERS delivered by only one person working at a time (by law)

and haviving to deal with (until recently) up to forty phone calls and emails a day as well.

When Jim went into hospital for what turned out to be ;just in time' eye surgery, Elspeth took over, and both will be working full time

from Monday coming.

Everyone whose order was delayed during the past four months will receive a personalised Discount Code to use on our website

(except concelled orders)


Our etchers are overworked at present because of earlier lockdowns and the need now to socially distance their work force, which means longer hours and slower outpot, so please bear with us as we are about to replenish a lot of nameplate and transfer stock over the next few weeks!.

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Hi Stubby,


Thank you very much for that, I didn't think to look on the website. Having had emergency eye surgery myself (on my one good eye, naturally!), I can have have a lot of sympathy with him. No wonder they are not able to answer everybody!



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8 hours ago, Johnfromoz said:

Seconded...... never again.


oh, there's other threads about him too.


There always seems to be deaths in the family, major health incidents, dearly beloved dogs dying, yada yada yada - whatever he thinks will make you go away. Persist and the next response is abuse, then beyond that kiss the rest of your order goodbye.


I would rate cooper craft as being the slightly more moral of the two retailers here.

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