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  • RMweb Premium

Has anyone found out which of this type of Coupling will replace fit the older Bachman Bulleid Tension Locks? 

Also the newer Hornby Maunsell and shorty Bulleid NEM types (there is a straight replacement for MK1 NEMS but Baccy MK1s have that swivel type arrangement and I haven't tried any yet).



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Hello Phil


I have used the Buckeye elite close coupling NEM couplings on the Hornby Maunsells, Bulleids and one Baccy MK 1, I run then on 2nd radius curves without any problems so far but the clearance on the buffers is very close, just a few millimeters, so if you are concerned about buffer lock you could use a standard length.



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  • RMweb Premium

Richard, thank you.

Are the 'Buckeyes' actually just pull apart or do they need a pole/stick or similar? I ask as I want to maybe try these for trains that 'split' at Seaton Junction. Only one really but maybe more! With fitted Bellows the esisting couplings are just very difficult to get at 'on Stage'.

I am happy with my fixed sets such as the ACEs, to retain their existing fittings as they only need setting up or breaking down off scene and the Hunts are actually quite expensive if I do all my Coaches!

I'm getting some of the old type to try on my Walrus Kits.


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Hello Phil


I have attached a couple of photos of the couplings,  apart and together,  they just pull apart,  the magnet holder has been shaped to look like buckeye couplings.

I find them very useful at exhibitions when you want to change coaches or packing away.

I think you are right to try them out first on the walruses.

Sorry the pictures are side ways.












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  • RMweb Premium

Thank you very much for doing that. I see what you mean now about Buckeye! Excellent.

So that pic shows 'Close Coupling' length then? Seems quite wide? Is it about the same as Standard Maunsell NEMs? On my sets the paper Bellows hide the NEMs and the separation looks OK to my eyes with no issues of Buffer lock.



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  • RMweb Premium

I am happy to report that I used some of the original Hunt (not Elite) close couplings (named Screw Link close couplings I think it is, without checking in the Loft), with success on Eight of my fleet of Walruses. They are all Cambrian kits, three of which I did not build, and I have another half dozen or so to construct. I have ten Wagons worth (two packs of 5, thus two spare at the moment).

Some of these 8 need completing with weathering, detail, marking up and loads etc. Rather stupidly I did not plan for NEM couplings, with some ideas in my head about using scale Screw Links. Winter project finishing these I think. The Screw Links would not have worked, however good those Screw Links look, as the Wagons need to be carefully spaced for negotiating track without locking buffers. 

If anyone is interested I could provide some pcs and a short description of method and how I judged the spacing of the wagons.

These basic Hunts are marked A & B for Polarity (the newer and more expensive Elites are made so you do not have to worry about Polarity); better on Coaches, especially 'Loose' Stock I would suspect? I 'stuck' an A and a B on each Wagon.


These Wagons will run in Rakes of 8/9 and as long as they go as an A joined to a B, then it should work OK.

I am aiming to have two Walrus rakes, one loaded and one empty. Am I correct in thinking that the empties may have been in longer rakes on return to Meldon? I never saw any going back that way, only ever loaded ones coming up to Exeter Central.


I will attempt to do all my Kit built, loaded Ballast Wagons this way (Dogfish, Tunny etc.) My 8 Heljan ones may retain their NEMS? Unloaded smaller plastic kit builds may be too light for these couplings. I shall have to experiment.


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  • RMweb Premium
15 hours ago, Wickham Green too said:

As with any one way traffic flow, the empty Walruses ( Walri ? ) could have been handled in longer rakes - BUT the same number ( in round figures ) of locos and brake vans would have to return, too, so there would have been little or no advantage.

I can do as I wish then really, within certain parameters of reality. Thanks WG


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  • 1 month later...

I had wondered about the B/eye Elite, but decided they did not close couple enough.  I went for using the included H/by Roco style on one coach end and a proper Roco which is shorter on the other end, I bought from 'Keen Systems', on my Bullieds and Maunsells.  No issues on the 2nd radius in storage yard and look great on mild curves and straight track.  They look bulky on the H/By LSWR 59ft rebuilds without corridor connection. see pics., so will try some B/eye Elite for the LSWR coaches and wagons.  All coaches are fixed rakes with normal small T/locks and cut back NEM pockets with Braian Kirby mod...


LSWR 59ft.jpg

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  • RMweb Premium
On 30/10/2021 at 18:23, confused said:

I had wondered about the B/eye Elite, but decided they did not close couple enough.  I went for using the included H/by Roco style on one coach end and a proper Roco which is shorter on the other end, I bought from 'Keen Systems', on my Bullieds and Maunsells.  No issues on the 2nd radius in storage yard and look great on mild curves and straight track.  They look bulky on the H/By LSWR 59ft rebuilds without corridor connection. see pics., so will try some B/eye Elite for the LSWR coaches and wagons.  All coaches are fixed rakes with normal small T/locks and cut back NEM pockets with Braian Kirby mod...


LSWR 59ft.jpg

Looks good to me.


I did use some Hunts on some Ex Chivers Wagons: they did need weighing with a fake 'load'.



The Van next to the Loco has 3 links that are actually in use here. The loco has a Hunt on the Tender.

I used the articulated ones for these Wagons and the old Hornby B Van (converted to a Track Cleaner).



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A vote for Hunt couplings here.  I don't use them myself but my friend has had rakes of coaches fitted with these on the club layout.  My reaction was "game changer!".  Close coupled, reliable and easy to couple.


Since uncoupling requires pulling them apart, Hunts are really only suitable for fixed rakes (I think).


My 00 days were pre Hunt so I used Kadee on coaches but was always unhappy with the fore and aft slop in the Kadee making close couplings next to impossible.


My next iteration was to borrow Tony Wright's hook and bar system.  This really works well but does require some futzing to set things up.




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32 minutes ago, Wickham Green too said:

Spring the gangways too and they mate perfectly ....... on respectable curves.


Yep, did that, using folded paper.


These are my approach:






These have the Tony Wright couplings, enhanced by soft wire cosmetic vacuum/steam pipes as recommended by Tony.


BTW, if I am at a show and I see a layout with passenger trains going round with whacking great gaps between coaches, I walk away.  Obviously such people are not serious.


IMO, Kadee and Tony Wright couplings are rendered obsolete for coach coupling by Hunt's.



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Have you used Comet faces on those ? - that's what I use to keep paper gangways flat .............. otherwise - depending on the coach structure - I use a 'rigid' gangway that's sprung in its entirety : you'll just see one of the base buffers in this cruel enlargement and there's a Smith's type coupling spring bearing on the top inside.



( One time Hornby 'all-steel' Pullman with Worsley sides, Keen bogies and Kemilway gangways.)

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  • RMweb Gold

Am just in the process of changing over to Hunt couplings.  (Leaving aside kit built items and others I might have to bodge).  My curves are quite generous (mostly 3' but some a bit sharper) am mostly using the close couplings.  Where rolling stock has sprung buffers (especially if both adjacent vehciles are sprung) I am using ultra close. A game changer indeed!


Edit: should have said I'm using the Elite ones so no need to worry about polarity as long as you put all couplings in the same way up.

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  • RMweb Premium

I am finding the Elites of various types, including the 'hinged' ones, to be so versatile. 

As mentioned, not really any use for a shunting/uncoupling in public layout IMO, however a huge advance for rakes even if not always fixed. Assembled off set/ coupled up in some ways on stage (e.g shunting a couple of coaches onto a Train as I will have to achieve).

They may be a teeny bit expensive compared to bits of wire, however, what a great advance . Hoorah for Hunts.

I also use ready made up paper Gangways. The packs have 12 Bellows and 12 single sheet Blanks (like a large rubbing plate that covers the Gangway hole). My coaches in fixed sets have a mix as one bellows fills the 'gap'.

From viewing distance, these and Hunts are truly excellent. If I fitted both of them it would be even better but I reckon my NEMs are OK for now.


This is a Maunsell and and 'old' Thompson on a Cleethorpes Sidmouth/Exmouth Train. The Thompson has aslo had 12.5 wheels fitted as it/they are too tall with 14 as you can see.


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  • 2 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

As a possible new user to these can anyone tell me the product code needed for close coupling on a Bachmann long wheelbase wagon. The Elite type sound the way to go.

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  • RMweb Premium
On 30/01/2022 at 16:55, gwrrob said:

As a possible new user to these can anyone tell me the product code needed for close coupling on a Bachmann long wheelbase wagon. The Elite type sound the way to go.

Sorry Rob can't guarantee to help. Try Gilbert on Peterboro North, he has used thousands.


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