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  • RMweb Premium

Morning quick look in again.


The interweb in the evening here is useless, too many kids nearby and the campsite is at the end of the line!


weather a little cooler today, 8 days el scorchio has been nice though.


As for hair, I'm number 2 in summer, 4 in winter, all over - beard too!


Hit 'the Signal Box' in Rochester on Tuesday, didn't realise it was owned by modelzone - got a few parcels coaches for my next project, including a  Bachmann Southern region green BG for under a tennner!  All stock is 30% off, some even more but not advertised as such.  When I saw the BG scan in, I went back for another!  Staff were putting a brave face on, but they have been brought down by Modelzone, looking at it.


OK, off to leeds castle, via Faversham....now isn;t there a model shop there......?????

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Sunny and hot again but I think possibly a little cooler today.  The free concert last night was rather good, Mrs Stationmaster and Dr Station Cat made their way down to the riverside in the town and heard all of it very clearly, definitely beats three figure ticket prices!  And a bit of compensation for my total lack of luck in trying to book on the 'Patricia' now we're able to go - fully booked for the entire season although i am top of the reserve list for our first chosen date, in the meanwhile we shall also be looking for other small holiday ideas I suspect.


Have a good day one & all.

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Morning all,


Sunny and hot again but I think possibly a little cooler today.  The free concert last night was rather good, Mrs Stationmaster and Dr Station Cat made their way down to the riverside in the town and heard all of it very clearly, definitely beats three figure ticket prices!  And a bit of compensation for my total lack of luck in trying to book on the 'Patricia' now we're able to go - fully booked for the entire season although i am top of the reserve list for our first chosen date, in the meanwhile we shall also be looking for other small holiday ideas I suspect.


Have a good day one & all.

Not much surf on the mighty Thames I guess so BB's concert was certainly over-priced!


I remember that there was a ship sailing between Southampton / Portsmouth and Bilbao / Santandar in th elate 60's also named the Patricia and carrying a small number of regular passengers - very much a case of if you found out about it you wouldn't tell anyone else as berths were very hard to get. I doubt it is the same one and those I knew who sailed in it have all passed on so I can't enquire.

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Morning all (again)  met this chap hanging on the wall of one of my clients sites (think smallest room!)...........I'll wait till I get home! 


Mind you I see he has a "pet" on his shoulder........


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  • RMweb Gold

I had a slightly annoying automotive day yesterday. As I was turning into my drive I managed to graze the rear door on the corner of a neighbours brick wall. As much as I would like to blame the awful parking (school collection time!) and people running about behind me while manoeuvring in, it really was my fault. Neighbour saw it and was very sympathetic. Anyway as it wasn't dented or down to the metal I went out and got a touch up kit. I was really pleased with my virtually invisible repair and then remembered I needed to fill the washer bottle up. As I was doing so I heard my neighbour calling out to me that the scratch didn't look or feel too bad as he was running his finger over it. All I could bring myself to say was that was because I had just painted it and was waiting for 24 hours for it to fully set and I needed to go in. I cleared the smeared paint off this morning and re-did it! I was rather calm. Probably a good job I no longer take lots of steroids, I was less able to be even tempered then!


Also when I was doing the washer bottle I noticed that someone has levered (there are tool marks on the bumper) out the fog light surround. I couldn't understand why until I tried to buy a replacement. £49 + postage for a black one. I went for the £9.00 version in primer. The Halfords satin black I use for locomotives seems to be a perfect match. 


Aditi has finally gone to work. She had a blood test (routine) this morning and is attending a meeting at her previous college at lunchtime so worked from home in-between.  Whatever she was working on this morning was making her somewhat cross so at least she was able to be provided with tea and coffee as appropriate. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Continuing tale of consultants appointment - having asked for one locally I've now got one - but the systems seems to be totally nonsensical as I've been given one in Reading, in September.  I have asked to change it to one here and seem to have possibly secured one - in October.  The entire systems is utterly ridiculous when it takes the best part of 4 weeks to actually make an appointment and it turns out to be a further two months ahead and in the wrong place.  The department concerned has 4 consultants in this particular area of medicine plus one 'specialist' and I'm listed to see one of the former; working a 7 -8 hour day they should be able to see c.15 patients each, let's say they do 3 days a week on initial appointments which makes 45 appointments per consultant per week (seems a realistic workload to me) x 4 consultants.  Knock out a two week summer holiday for each of them so in the coming 8 weeks each of them would have 6 weeks available for appointments = 270 appointments (at the worst, it could be more).  


And we're paying for this!  (rant mode 'off')

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1869 - on this page/year in history... the Sydney Railway Company opens the extension of the Main Southern Line from Sydney to Goulburn.


Might as well take advantage of the insane number of pages in this thread.


*vanishes mysteriously again*

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  • RMweb Gold

Mike (SM) - do these consultants also perform surgery? Do they also work in a private hospital nearby?

I doubt they all get involved in surgery Ian but you never know?  A web search thus far has not revealed any of them in any sort of private practice capacity but that doesn't mean they don't necessarily get involved in running clinics for, say, BUPA under that company's banner.  And I wouldn't be at all surprised if NHN is right on the money.  The bloke I'm currently down to see - on an appointment I have refused - seems to run or be involved in clinics in 4 different hospitals stretching from Banbury to Reading via Oxford and Thatcham - - maybe I could get to see him sooner if I went to see him in Oxford (which in any case has a better reputation than the Royal Berks in this particular field)?

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  • RMweb Gold

I tried to book an appointment today after a referral from my GP.

According to the booking system none of the five choices of hospital I was given have any appointments available.


As I haven't been to a hospital as a patient since I had my adenoids removed some fifty years ago I am a bit unfamiliar with the way these things work. Is this normal?

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh dear - after last night's free treat from The Beach Boys this evening we have someone called Jamie Cullum and while the distance might well distort I don't think I'd ever bother to pay to get any closer to him, it's dreary and dire.  Tomorrow we have Madness in this spot on the programme and that can't be any worse than this bloke, in fact it could be quite entertaining in comparison I reckon.


Saturday is a 'James Bond gala' which could be fun while Sunday is Paloma Faith.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Premium

Long day at Headingley then a minor war T20 this evening - a bit of afters after the two teams played on Saturday.


Cracking day though, steelwork complete and in place in the loft, floors in place - staircase going in tomorrow, plumbers back next week......... shame we have to pay for it all!!


Off out early tomorrow to do some facilitation for Business Plans at a charity so..


Have a great Friday!! 

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Dry, cloudy, 12oC and the sun is trying to break through. Should be a nice day.


Mike - I like Paloma Faith - she always makes me smile (which I'm told is a rare event)


Today's agenda includes visits to bank x 2, shops x 2, car washing, grass cutting,weeding & sundry other tasks. I suspect that it will not all get done today! Nay - I'm determined it won't all get done today, after all, that would be setting a precedent and we can't have that! :no:


Have a good one,



Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all! So on a working day I struggle to get up and can't get in gear. Today I'm off work, down at Mum and Dad's since half eight last night, could have had a long lie-in and have been wide awake since 5.20. Grrrr!


Big night tonight, as I think you know I'm a Freemason and tonight is our lodge's annual installation meeting which is the big night of the year. It's always good fun though usually pretty busy for me too. It's also usually the hottest day of the year and when we take the fire regulations for the meeting room about as close as they can go for the number of people inside...

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An unexplained 'knock' underneath the new (to us) Volvo started and stopped last evening.

The car was moving at the time so it wasn't a mechanic.


Check the rubber bits holding the exhaust in place. That's what it was when mine developed a knock recently...

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