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Early Risers.


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:blum: Soon cometh the Winterval, IL-D! :laugh:...:

Is this one of those made-up PC things that by earnestly trying not to offend does exactly that?


Winterval? Are they "havin' a laff"?


What's wrong with Winter Solstice? It's traditional, been around since before the Romans occupied Britain, deeply symbolic, very myffic (with a capital M) and celebrated, one way or another, by the various tribes of Europe.

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Morning all, seems like I'm not the only one that isn't a big fan of this time of year?   Still only another week to go and I'm outa here! (Tell you more nearer the time)


That being said, 


Try and have a happy Thursday, 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Seems a lot of battening down of hatches will be going on today! I sure hope I'll be back in time before the storm hits, though I don't think we'll be as badly off as the people up on the coast...


Try and enjoy your day, everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry but frost on car, 2oC, may be a bright start but then will cloud over & become windy.

Sounds like Joe is on the mend after 3 days of stomach upset so will probably be back to school today. If so then I'm going on my annual shopping jaunt with my daughter to try & find something "different" for Chris for Christmas.

On being asked (as usual) what she'd like she said (as usual) "Oh don't worry about me - I don't need anything."  Yeh - right!

I'm still not prepared to stick my head above that particular parapet.

Have a good one,


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Morning All,


It is a rather cold and foggy morning in this part of the world.  Apparently, it is due to get rather windy later this afternoon - looks like we will be battening down the hatches for another Winter storm.


Further to the Docs comments on "Chrimble" and so on - One of the phrases that really annoys me is "Christmas Decs".  What's wrong with "Christmas Decorations", or even just "Decorations" if you are feeling lazy? 


My goodness DD - That's certainly a birds nest.


Have a good day everyone...

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Things To Do When I Am Dictator Of The World: No. 457


Ban, on pain of death, any use of "Xmas", "Chrimbo", "Chrimble", "Happy Holidays", "Festive Greetings" or similar.


"Merry Christmas / A Happy New Year" will be the official greetings to be used between Dec 21st and January 2nd.


"Happy Saturnalia" and "Have A Merry Winter Solstice" will also be acceptable, as will the full and correct name of any other religious festival that may occur between December 21st and January 2nd.


iD "The Mighty and All Merciful"


I don't rate the Easter Bunny's chances.  :butcher:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Very dark at the moment still but I have a feeling today is going to be another dull one.


We (Jill and I) went to see her daughter in their school production of Grease - it was absolutely fantastic, full of enthusiasm and generally excellent performances from the kids - I've seen the professional stage show many times and this gave it a run for it's money. Very proud of Consie, she performed well and with gusto, she put her heart and soul into it - the whole production was worthy of much more than a small village school in Norfolk.


Having a cup of tea and then this mornings walk will be undertaken, we are forecast for high winds (but mainly at the coast) and heavy rain this afternoon - it's days like these when I'm glad I'm home based.


Have a good day all - hopefully there will be some bird action later, more than the just the narky robin anyway, the social dynamics are fun to watch with the tits nipping in to grab some food whilst the robin is "shouting" at something else.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Starting to rock here too.

I was hoping to pop out and see Bittern after school but there are all sorts of restrictions in place on the ECML so I will have to keep an eye on the timings. Wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't running. I don't think it will be running at 90 as many we're looking forward to.


Edit: the train set off from Bristol on time but Bittern doesn't take over until York. It's north of there where there are problems.

Edited by BoD
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Morning all. A lovely sunny morning here with the sun just starting to appear and frost aplenty. 

The local cats have turned up to use our garden as a toilet. Now I know their routine I'll be lying in wait tomorrow with a watering can. If I could deduce their owners' addresses I'd be tempted to return some of their pre-loved cat food, too. 

Just had a couple of emails from friends in Plymouth, MA - appears they have just surfaced after Thanksgiving. I guess they'd been partying hard, proving Plymouth rocks. 

Have a nice day everyone. 


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  • RMweb Premium

Blowiing a hooley here with rain in the wind...



Need to find some of the plant covers which have been blown away despite having a large brick or two on them...


Doors to be cut and replaced then ... more decorating...


Have a great and safe day today people!


Barry O

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Beautiful sunrise this morning.  Really lit up the orange and red leaves of the trees around us.  Stood watching the light show for a few minutes and then it was gone.  Amazing just how quickly we go from darkness to light.  I reckon I could detect the change in light intensity every 20 seconds or so.


Nature really is wonderful.


On the other side of the coin, some little oiks decided to take about 40 divots out of our seventh green a few nights back.  All that damage caused in minutes has taken a team of greenkeepers several days to put right, but even then it won't be back to it's former glory until next Spring/Summer.


Absolutely mindless... :mad:

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The sky is a lovely deep blue and the sun is shining but it's only 16C at the moment with a cool 22C promised for later.



The shy is red here with no sun and about 6 degrees.

80-90mph winds forecast.

There may be trouble ahead.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, back from my quick walk to the village shop to get the paper, its blowing a gale, rain is due and the temp has dropped hence it being a quick walk rather than a stroll.


Post office beckons with parcels of train stuff I have sold on a auction site for a very tidy sum which will go in the  "New Locomotive Fund" and then its shredding, methinks tax returns from the 90s might not be needed now!


If you can see the sun enjoy the day, if not just hope you see it tomorrow.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Overcast when I did my walk to the goats, but has now turned misty and then sunny. Quite cold, of course.


Early morning chat with a friend who has got embroiled in voluntary activities that are turning nasty, and with meddling do-gooders adding their unwanted negative contribution. Hard to see how she can extricate herself with any degree of dignity, but her motivation for joining has been abused. A lovely situation as Xmas approaches - not.


I'm not a Xmas fan, lacking any religious leanings and not having kids. And I am entirely in agreement about the vile commercialism. 26th December is not a holiday here, so is a great day!


Hope you can dodge the canned carols today!

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Gordon - I like the sunrise bit of your posting (not the oik bit), I've just come back in from doing the same here - I wonder if it's the same sun ?


Could be, as we are not that far away..:-)


Funny, I wanted to get my camera as the light on the copper beech trees looked spectacular against the frost covered fairways of the golf course, but I realised that it would have changed by the time I had got the camera organised, so I just enjoyed the moment.


I sometimes think we miss a lot by looking through a camera and trying to take that perfect shot.  Perhaps we're better to really take in that special moment and commit it to memory.  Surrounding sounds, temperature and those elements that fall outside the visual angle of the lens all add to the experience and they are impossible to incorporate in a pic, no matter how skilled you are.


Having said that, I can enjoy a great pic as well, so please continue to post your bird and railway pictures...

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Morning all


Overcast when I did my walk to the goats, but has now turned misty and then sunny. Quite cold, of course.


Early morning chat with a friend who has got embroiled in voluntary activities that are turning nasty, and with meddling do-gooders adding their unwanted negative contribution. Hard to see how she can extricate herself with any degree of dignity, but her motivation for joining has been abused. A lovely situation as Xmas approaches - not.


I'm not a Xmas fan, lacking any religious leanings and not having kids. And I am entirely in agreement about the vile commercialism. 26th December is not a holiday here, so is a great day!


Hope you can dodge the canned carols today!

I'm with you on this, Ian.

Like you I've seen Christmas morph from a two day holiday into a two weeks of unmitigated boredom and closures in the UK. Rather like extending a British Sunday from the sixties.

At least over here it is considered over by midnight on Christmas Day. Don't get me started on Christmas "Fayres"......


Best, Pete.

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