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Please visualise.
Tallish woman of a certain age wearing a summer floor length dress proceeding at speed, long blond-ish locks, loosely curled fell (not floated) past her shoulders. The summer dress seemed to support Wagnerian bosoms which were obvious by their presence. The vision of a ship’s figurehead came to mind.
So what also immediately sprang to mind was The Flying Dutchman – or maybe Die Walküre – as she sped past.
Not often you see one of those pushing a shopping trolley in Sainsbury’s.



Awful, isn't it, when you look at the mums not the daughters......damn middle age!

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Mr and Mrs Stationmaster were last heard of happily ensconsed aboard their ship. I didn't hear from them yesterday but they would appear to have spent it out of mobile signal range.


According to Live Ships tracker , currently bobbing along off Newhaven , must have done a U turn as they

were near Lowestoft yesterday .

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Mike, Do you have a link please? It’s always difficult to access from the ‘States (dunno why)....




According to Live Ships tracker , currently bobbing along off Newhaven , must have done a U turn as they

were near Lowestoft yesterday .


Best, Pete.

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Awful, isn't it, when you look at the mums not the daughters......damn middle age!

When you get to your sixties, Neil,  one of the joys is that MILF’s look positively young and GILF are damned attractive! I have no problem with that at all, at all......


Best, Pete.

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I've pasted yesterdays post with minimal editing! Back from twelve hours at Lord's, caught up with RMWeb so it's s beer, a bath, and bed - in that order. Then the same again on Sunday - tomorrow is a diocesan training day. Serious news from some parts - Pete, my thoughts are with you.



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Mike, Do you have a link please? It’s always difficult to access from the ‘States (dunno why)....





Best, Pete.


 Here's the site link ,




Patricia is a small purple sort of color ( US spelling ) still off of Newhaven .


Hope that helps ,I cant find a way to lock on to it so when when I open the site it

go's straight to it .

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 Here's the site link ,




Patricia is a small purple sort of color ( US spelling ) still off of Newhaven .


Hope that helps ,I cant find a way to lock on to it so when when I open the site it

go's straight to it .



I've got it saved as a favourite which seems to work ok. For anyone searching, you want Patricia bouy laying vessel - you can find her quicker if you sort the Patricia's by function.


Anyone else almost feel sorry for Spain?


I certainly feel sorry for the lifeboat family, I hope Mrs LBM recovers swiftly and completely

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Good evening - and judging by the way things are going in Brazil Friday 13th has not been lucky for one major footballing nation! A few things to catch up on. Welcome back Don and thoughts with Pete after his news. I can also say that even as a 38 year old teacher you find yourself looking at the mums. That said their daughters are only six so that would be err just wrong! We are blessed with some very nice mums in our playground at the moment!!!


 A good day at work - a boiling hot day with wall to wall sunshine was just the weather for some outdoor P.E. At the nearby East Midlands airport the gigantic six engined Russian transport plane the "Antelov" at paid a call and took off at 11am this morning allowing us a grandstand view of this beast.

 The school secretary has decided to run a sweepstake on the World Cup. I was not popular when my £2 entry saw me pull out first Argentina, and then Brazil. I think I may have a chance!!

 At the end of he day I had to stay late as the school football team had a home game. With one or two of my regular players dropping out I had to ring the changes and took a couple of risks, giving debuts to a couple of lads who don't normally play. One did well in defence, the other had a decent first half up front. After conceding after 2 minutes we came back to win 4-2 and played some outstanding football, just going to prove the benefits of running the lunch time football league throughout the year. One of the lads, not considered by anyone as a footballer, has emerged as a real no nonsense defender. He came on in the second half and showed just what he was capable of. I could hear some comments from parents on the side lines who were genuinely surprised at his ability. I am very proud of them today.


 Back at home Sarah is back, but is stressed. Amber has not been easy today and she was not in a good mood when I got home. A beer in front of the football seems to have calmed her down though.


Enjoy the weekend.

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If your wife reads this you will be lucky to get cyanide, more likely strychnine.

Let the wife read ERs?  :no:    I have to have some privacy!


Spain 1 Holland 5 - I didn't see that one coming.  Mind you, Spain didn't see much coming either from what I could tell!

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According to Live Ships tracker , currently bobbing along off Newhaven , must have done a U turn as they

were near Lowestoft yesterday .

It looked as if Patricia was circling the Varne Light Vessel at brekkie time today. I hope the porridge didn't spill!

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Let the wife read ERs?  :no:    I have to have some privacy!


Spain 1 Holland 5 - I didn't see that one coming.  Mind you, Spain didn't see much coming either from what I could tell!

Aditi has drawn Holland in her office sweepstake. 

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Evening all,

Not so good now with the news of Pete's good lady : sounds as if the medic has got it under control however so I hope for good news soon. Update us when you can Pete but it sounds like you've got your hands full so concentrate on the priority job - thinking of you both!

Bob, I'm lucky in that my eldest grandson was born just a few days before our wedding (lived in sin for years before the event and youngest daughter started early!) so every time his birthday present discussion comes up, I get the card and present sorted. The birthday is even easier as Joanna was born on October 31st and so Tesco remind me with lots of pumpkins etc. on display for weeks ahead - married a witch eh! Hope you enjoyed your evening.

Neil, sadly I've moved from MILF to GILF but that's an age thing I guess! John, as a Wagner fan, I'm even more excited by the description - not sure if the bromide will be strong enough!

The full moon is absolutely beautiful and clear tonight, and looking up at it makes me feel how unimportant things like football really are when set against the tribulations being endured by Pete and Mrs LBMan, and Jayne, Neil and Debs' friend as well as many others. Hope all endure and recover soon!

Kind regards,


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After approx 6 weeks absence I am once more with you.

I have not attempted to catch up and at this stage don't know, nor can I hazard a guess at, how many pages have passed since some time in April when my box gave in.

I will do a back search but can you just quickly fill me in have there been any mayor events that I have missed; Has Gordon run a train right around the train room, has Dd done any more on Much Wittering, is BoD working on his loft layout yet. Have thee been any more accidents/ illnesses that I should know about?  

I know that now a days I contribute little, but just redsing the posts in ERs started my day every day you have all be sorely missed.

Hopefully daily Cape Town weather reports will resume tomorrow

Missed you on three word game.

Glad you are OK all the best.


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Anyone else almost feel sorry for Spain?


Not at all, they were stuffed good and proper - I can’t believe that anyone who would want to see this game hasn’t heard the result already - one of the most entertaining games of the World Cup I have seen in many a year. It certainly picked up after 20 minutes and for a team to come back from 0-1 to win 5-1 is simply amazing - and to include one of the best headed goals I’ve ever seen too. I simply cannot imagine any other game in this series will be as much fun to watch.


Jock, We as nation have learned to endure and we do so alone too, appalling as it may sound sometimes the very experience actually soothes the soul too with hindsight;  we can become the better for it. Tragedy and setbacks are, unfortunately, a fact of life and personally I do not know anyone who has NOT been through an experience that seems, at the time to represent the absolute nadir of one’s life.

After all is said and done it is such bad times that really make the good times (they will return) really very good indeed.


Hope this makes sense to all who are suffering this morning.....I’m tired so I’m signing off for a kip.


Best, Pete.

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G'day all,


First the weather... it pi55ed it down for most of the night and a good chunk of this morning... it is stsarting to brighten up now but the forcast is for more of the wet stuff.


Now moving on...


When Baz was here a few months back we saw a Jowett Javelin on a trailer and Baz took some photos (not sure if he has shown them here and I aint going looking), and then today on another railway list there is a discussion started about Jowett's... if anyone is interested here's the link to 'The Jowett Car Club'... 




As an aside to this link the original writer also mentioned... one of the Police Stations in Bradford is named "Javelin House" after the Jowett that was formerly manufacured on the site.


Didn't know that.



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Flippin' 'eck, what else did I miss? Good to see you back, Don! –


Apologies whenever this kind of thing might happen to me. It's just that these days, I often don't have the moxie for a thorough check-up on here, but I certainly do not mean any offence... :no2:


Morning all. Looking forward to my parcel.

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