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  • RMweb Gold

Yeah, No. I just want to do it for the money....................Mike, my cousin, does cruise ships - he gives lectures on Birds and takes field trips at each stop. He gets a “free” cruise in return with one of the better Staterooms.


Best, Pete.

Most I ever got was expenses or G&Ts.  I did one for a rotary club (not named to protect the innocent) and on arrival was asked what my expenses were - zero, the firm's paying as they regard it as 'the railway in the community.  What would you like to drink?  Would a G&T be ok?  Yes, happy to keep supplying you with those all night but I hope you don't sink drink like Gxxxx Bxxxxxx a well known cricketer who got through so much booze during dinner his speech afterwards was a distinctly sblurred affair, I didn't.


Weston-Super Mare International Club was a real hoot in  comparison - lots of ladies of quite mature years asking erudite (genuinely) questions about how HSTs (newish to the area at the time) worked.  Mind you visiting Scunthorpe to talk to the RCTS branch was definitely something a bit different.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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The longest day...I was attempting to post 5 hours ago, had my post totally composed and the lovely laptop decided it was time to shut down due to battery exhaustion - that's what you get for composing at the kitchen counter over breakfast! Off out to run the errands and here we go...


Far north as we are today is going to be 15hrs. 36mins. daylight, but still not as long as in Grand Forks, ND where my daughter is, their day will be 16hrs. 2mins.


The day is composed of getting supplies to continue the sealing/repair of the basement workshop walls by venturing into the HomeDepot DIY warehouse, then applying said material - just about to start that now.


Being in IT, I spend 8+ hours routinely at a keyboard so won't be stopping that any time soon - advantage is that I can leave RMWeb, eBay etc., open in a browser tab and just check in throughout the day. Weekends and evenings find me therefore far less online, whcih as some are suggesting is a good thing :) except to watch for items I may want on eBay of course!!


We're managed 28 today, bright and sunny and low humidity, very VERY pleasant. Expecting some isolated thunderstorms/showers tomorrow.

We're now at record rainfalls for the year as well as June, and there's plenty of water "everywhere" that is low lying.

The Mississippi is expected to crest in a couple of days at above recorded highs, so there's every chance the downtown St. Paul airport will be flooded again as it was back in the early '90s.

See the google maps view --> https://maps.google.com/maps?q=St+paul+downtown+airport&hl=en&ll=44.940987,-93.067846&spn=0.033232,0.077848&sll=37.6,-95.665&sspn=37.779043,79.716797&t=h&z=14 will be "interesting" time I get into the office next Wednesday I'm sure.


Have an enjoyable whats-left-of-the-longest-day, maybe I'll manage to post truly early (earlier anyway!!) tomorrow.

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Agree with Andrew. Plus i’ve been getting some weird nerve pains in my shoulders and arms caused by keyboards. Besides it is now Summer.


Later my friends, Pete.


Now that's interesting. I am currently having physio for what I have been told is 'impingement' in my shoulders, which results in referred pain in the upper arms, between the shoulders and the elbows. If I try to stretch my arms to reach for anything, such as in the car glove box, behind the seat, or reaching up into a cupboard, I get an aching pain like a toothache but in the arms, which lasts for about 30 secs and hurts like hell. I also have restricted rotational movement because of the pain it causes. It is supposedly caused by inflammation of the ligaments/tendons that run through the rotational cups in the shoulders. This can be caused by wear, age and sitting too long at a desk using a computer, or so I was told by the physio.

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  • RMweb Premium

I like Andrews wedding theory - registry office, a dozen friends and family, 30 years and counting!


Oh, impingement, Steve....I had femoral acetabular impingement (google is your friend) and it hurt...a lot.  Surgery to fix it hurt too, or at least it did after I woke up afterwards!  I'm about 80% fixed but I have a feeling the last 20% isn't going to happen. To be fair I had a lot of other damage too, and have anchors in my pelvis holding the remaining cartilege in place as well as all the bits of pelvis and femur that were shaved off amd three tears in the cartilege repaired.  I'm told shoulders do better as the range of movement is less comlicated than hips, good luck.


Just awaiting house guests returning but 'mum' (Jayne's sister) has had a few so it may take some time.  I think it has really hit home for her today, she seems to be taking it worse than Jayne, who was in good spirits when we left her an hour ago.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.


We have just got back from a very enjoyable evening watching Evita. Marti Pellow was an excellent Che.

I now have several earworms flying around, but this once I'm not complaining.

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So late on parade I can almost be accused of being early for Sunday! Had a great day at the G.C show today helping to operate Glen Gillie. I have commented on the show, and the experience in more detail in other posts so don't want to repeat myself. But it was thoroughly enjoyable. I bought a new loco (that I didn't need) before the show started and sneaked into the roster. It ran constantly all day and performed faultlessly throughout.

 Sarah and Amber visited the show with her parents. I heard them arrive as Amber shouted "Where's Daddy?" at the top of her voice. I even managed to operate the layout one handed whilst Amber came round the back for a hug!


One day less until the house move too (whenever that will be!)

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While the game today was easy to umpire I did have a bit of a problem. In calling and signalling a no-ball I had a major pain in my arm...and it still hurts now. Luckily this seems to be muscular and nowt else.


However I can report that the world is safe as I saw some more budding spinners!


Have a calm and safe Sunday everyone!


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Morning all...


An early start again as it's Club Championship weekend.  Yesterday was hot and sunny, but managed to get round just four shots off the lead.  Can barely move a muscle without something moaning and groaning, but now an even bigger hill to climb.  18 holes this morning, a 30 minute break and another 18 holes this afternoon to complete a 54 hole competition.  Be a bloomin' miracle if I can get round.  


If I don't make it, it's been great to know you all... :drink_mini:


Suddenly railway modelling seems much more fun..

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

Getting ready for another 100 over game today.

Busy week as I have 4 games of cricket and a day with some important people on Wednesday.

Have a nice Sunday and hope no problems invade your bit of the space time continuum!


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Bright, sunny, clear (but cool - 20C) day today


My condolences to Wales, they really were done down and deserved to win. We won 31 - 30 by virtue of two penalty  tries, the second of which was granted because a tackle by a Welch player on the try line was deemed illegal but was really just in the heat of the moment.. Wales led throughout the game until the final few minutes.


Happy mid Summer Sunday. Long may your bar-be Q

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Mornin' all,


Lightly overcast but warm morning in the Peak District. 05.30 constitutional cycle ride down to Tittesworth reservoir very enjoyable...although the only other bodies to be seen were a couple of twitchers at the waters edge.


Have a good day all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


72 hours required in today so only a fleeting visit.


Impressive cold front due tonight with winds forecast to 85mph with rain, hail and thunder expected and blizzard conditions in higher areas including all our ski resorts.  Interesting.

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Morning all, warm sunny day by the look of things with mundane chores to do shopping , mowing back lawn, cleaning and tidying. I think the F1 maybe worth a look this afternoon I was really pleased to see Massa on pole beating his team mate.....

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Good Sunday Morning one & all,  bloomin cold here (and raining)  it's only 25C!   Theres also a very big black cloud head towards us too......


Looks like I'll be able to get a bit of modelling in today too.  As to weddings - marriages,  I got dumped (by Skype!!) after 37 years... will there be another one .. hopefully ....but I've got to pluck up the courage to ask....(once bitten - twice shy etc) 


Whatever you're up to today try to find some thing to smile at, 



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Re the F1 Austrian Grand Prix and Massa


...maybe more significant in his eyes, is his being dropped by Ferrari only to wind up getting pole when Alonso hasn't been able to.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, bright and sunny once more on Fraggle Rock. :sungum:  :sungum:  :sungum:


Off to see an O gauge garden railway today in the South of the island.  The owner and I got in contact via RMWeb last year but have never met - 25 miles....yet I have met people from hundreds of miles away!  Such is island life.


House guests off on a Tour de Man today, they seem to think as the place is so small they can do justice to several places in one day.  I predict they won't get past the first point of interest they have identified!  There is a certain difference to travelling around too, they are still looking for dual carriageways and roundabouts I think.  Oh, and road signs....we're not good at those.  One point is roads here are all known by names, no-one local used the relatively recently applied orad numbers.  They were looking for the 'A3' the other day, bloke they asked had no idea - now if they had asked for the Ballamodha Straight...... :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Already bright & sunny and hot - so somehow I don't think our lawn or all the grass and undergrowth will be getting the attention it all deserves needs today.  The Austrian GP could be interesting - especially if the Mercs continue to display their inability to go round corners on the correct line but I noticed that Frank williams didn't even let a triumphant smile cross his face in the various shots of the Williams garage.  Might even be worth watching this one and it would be great to see Massa do the business, make a nice change.


That apart I think breakfast might be on the horizon and last night we tried the new local Italian restaurant - interesting,  the interior was very noisy but it was very pleasant just outside in the garden, the service was somewhat mixed (wish I'd kept the wrong bill I was given initially), but when on form it was good and most of the food was well worth the visit with an excellent tomato sauce accompanying the opening aubergine and mozzarella.  Mrs Stationmaster duly pushed out the boat with a half lobster - quite a small one as it happened, I wondered if it was really a langoustine - but she greatly enjoyed it and the housekeeping paid so i smiled too.


Have a good day one & all and take care in the sunshine especially if mooching around out in the middle of a field/pitch/course.

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Morning all, pleasantly warm here today. Just been out to inspect my newly painted garage door, it will have to be done again worst luck. When I was painting it yesterday I had the up and over door partly open so that I could paint along the edges as well as the front. About a third of the way down a walnut sized piece of mortar landed on the freshly painted section and shattered into tiny pieces all over it. I can only think that the fitting of the new frame had somehow dislodged it and it had waited until that moment to drop. I think I said "Oh dear, how unfortunate". 


Enjoy your day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I seem to have slept in really late this morning. I don't seem to have responded to the alarm clock-radio at all. Looking out of the window reveals that much gardening has occurred already.

I didn't make it to my former clubs open day yesterday as I was still rather tired from my trip to Leicester but I did various pottering around in the garden and house tasks. I did one modelling task. I finally gave in and bought one of the Heljan AC railbus models. Dismantling it was really easy to fit the decoder but I wouldn't be able to make a living working on their production line as it took ages to refit the door handrails. I was wishing that a bit of whatever the Heljan version "Design Clever" is had decided that moulded rails would suffice. Anyway all done and I'd fitted driver and a couple of passengers so I hope I don't have to open it up again.


We are going over to Enfield today. Matthew will get a chance to see his Grandmother and some cousins. We are planning a pub lunch.



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Good morning all from Clacton where, amazingly, it's sunny again!


Read 'andyrams' post in bed last night and that is the last I remember of yesterday! Woke up with a very stiff neck early, iPad balanced precariously on my lap - that was a strong Rioja last night! Got up and emptied the dish-washer before the usual dog duties and then it all went a bit pear shaped. Just prepared healthy breakfast of cereal and fruit when Joanna called out that Archie the Westie had been sick. Strange how he becomes 'your' dog at these moments!!


Had a pleasant surprise yesterday in that I followed the link in a post by 'Jaz' in 'Lunester Lounge' and discovered 'Arboretum Valley'. What a revelation - that Jaz and Kal have done so much in little over a year, learning as they went from no modelling experience whatsoever. They're now coming up with new ideas : very inspirational. Trouble is, I'm now following so many threads that it takes me ages to trawl through them all and I am now receiving comments about the amount of time I spend on the iPad or PC!


Neil, I hope you enjoy your trip today - I could easily get hooked on 'O' gauge if it wasn't for the expense. Glad to hear the roads in the Island haven't changed - many years since I last visited. The closest we come here is in the West Country, Wales or North of Scotland where a good map and a sense of direction are important. Wonder if 'sat-nav's' are programmed with the names?


Trev, I lived with that fear for some years after my first sentence but, to my amazement, when I finally tied the knot with Joanna, our relationship became closer and more relaxed - I think she liked the fact that I'd shown my commitment.


Have a good Sunday one and all,

Kind regards,


PS C'mon Lewis!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Saturday is ring-MiL-day, so I duly obliged. Half way through, Jon the builder drove in - to collect his roof ladder to go down to Sheena, who wanted to borrow it to adjust tiles ona leaky bit of roof. Finished chat with MiL, followed by the same activity (but much more fun!) with Sherry, and then thought I'd have a shower. Just emerged from shower when Jon reappeared. I was then given a stern lecture about the warring couple, Alison and Ben. Ben is very wronged, I'm told - and I am apparently completely taken in by Alison's flirting. Sitting in a dressing gown on my terrasse being told I'm being duped is such a pleasure on a Saturday.... Yawn.


Spent an hour pumping out the horses' water tank and refilling, as with every bucket and dustbin (they make great water containers for soaking hay in nets) in sight.


F1 does need a few races where we can't predict what happens next - even if we aren't allowed to watch live. Massa has upstaged not only Alphonso Bonso but his own replacement Raikkonen several times this year. Initial view was Lewis had a car problem, but he didn't seem to be claiming that?


Talking of Alonso, here he is last Saturday just before starting the race at Le Mans. Look for a shiny suit and shades, not to mention slightly funny shoes.




Hope your day of rest is restful!

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Good morning all from Clacton where, amazingly, it's sunny again!


Read 'andyrams' post in bed last night and that is the last I remember of yesterday! Woke up with a very stiff neck early, iPad balanced precariously on my lap



Was my post really that bad Jock that it sent you to sleep?


Good morning all. It is warm and sunny here and plans include some more sorting out and packing as the move date, whenever that is, creeps closer.

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