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Good morning all,  


Hope all goes well Railsquid - like most on here we've bin-there-done-that- got -the-Tee-shirt.   Yesterday received "scan" of No.5 Grandchild.....


Now a day of placing large lumps of metal in small places - at least I know every things on site (providing all the truck drivers are!)  


Lets hope all our (hump)day goes well, 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!

Bit chilly overnight. Youngest Herbert got home at 3am. He is not a happy bunny as he has been told he can't carry the two weeks holiday he is owedowed over (he was told they were too busy for him to rake it as holiday). I am less than impressed! Even more so when he woke us to explain what he was doing about it!


Off to see Sister Drags little helper and will enquire if my x ray has arrived with my doctor.

Parcels to post then..housework then some paid modelling to do.


Have a great Wednesday everyone!



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Morning All,


There is a light sprinkling of snow here this morning - but nothing dramatic, and I am sure it is going to disappear as soon as it gets light.  The temperature is hovering just above freezing.


I now have a two day software safety audit to look forward to.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all. Couldn't sleep again last night, due this time to threatened acid reflux. Due to a rather fine curry, it's the price you pay...


A lot of Medical to sympathise with today, and I do. Personally I'm much improved, with two working feet again. The thing about gout is that, when it's gone, it was as though it had never been there. And I had a result yesterday when the dentist decided not to bother with the root canal filling (which has never caused me any pain - she just spotted something on an x-ray) and just fitted a new crown, so that was stress free.


Shopping in a bit, and then taking car into garage to see if the repair to the power steering has cured the leak. I hope so, as we have to drive to my cousin's funeral on Friday. After that the diary is completely free, so possibly a trip to IKEA to get some more storage for what was my office but is now the Computer and Modelling Room...


Have a good hump day, folks. Stay cheerful.

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  • RMweb Premium

Been around -2°C when I got up and somewhat frosted over, too. I did tread lightly when I went out to the supermarket a short while ago!


At the staff conference yesterday, we were told that given an ample overall funding situation and a sponsorship promise that had come in on top of everything as a kind of Christmas present to our school, we could now go ahead and obtain a batch of tablet computers for an initial classroom utility evaluation. This will also comprise extending the wireless network to better cover the school house. I thus offered our in-house IT staff (which essentially comprises two Computer Science teachers who handle these matters on top of their teaching obligations) my assistance for anything related to setting up required hardware or software and shall be curious as to how well these tablets will be received by students and colleagues!

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  • RMweb Gold

Still no wheelie bins in South Essex, Tony? We left in 2010 and I well remember those on the street that put their bags out the night before, only for them to be ripped open overnight. When the wind blew, bizarrely, most of the street's rubbish ended up on my drive.

In other news... erm...

Ah, to Hell with it, I'll just leave it at "Morning all"!

No wheelie bins yet in Castle Point District Council area. The bin bags seem less attractive to wildlife now that waste food goes in a mini bin.


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.....the charcoal sketch around the waters edge and behind the rocks...sits beneath the descending light....the still surface reflects its arrival.


Hardly poetic but a calm, clear & frosty dawn in remote corners of the Staffordshire Moorlands is perfect for a few moments of quiet before the bustle of the day, watching the strengthening rays from the rising sun change the monotones in the landscape to colour. Without question the best time of the day.


A bowl of warm water and some crushed peanuts put out for the feathered ones...sunflower hearts, niger seed and fat levels checked as well.


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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I don't know what's happening to the weather here. It was hovering just above freezing when I put the dogs out last night but had risen to 8 deg C by 6.30 this morning. However, according to the news/weather, the rest of the country has ice and freezing fog. Oh yes, it was also wet and windy over on the beach. Three dripping dogs and one damp owner returned home, still in the dark.


Blue bin went out last night (in case I forget the following morning). Someone may have to explain to me what this lump day is all about. I must have missed something!


I might have to bite the bullet today and 'tidy up' the lap top. Rather a lot of unwanted photos to be discarded and check the state of the back up.


Hope your weather is better than ours.

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  • RMweb Gold

We now keep our wheely bins out the back as there isnt enough room out front for all of them plus quite often the neighbours in the flats next door would stand out the front and put their fag ends into them winding up my other half!!


A heavy session last night commencing in Borough Market then to Croydon where our friend was staying. Trains messed up though at London Bridge so did the musical chairs routine swapping  platforms via the last remaining bit of the footbridge!! Even gone 7.30 pm trains are still packed.


Good job I dont have any meetings today as just feel tired.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, cold and a sharp frost this morning bit at least the sky is blue and the sun is starting to make an appearance.


Quiet day at home today, some computer stuff to do then a sort out in the shed, time I got rid of a few bits and bobs I think.


Avatars life expectancy now as I type 21 sleeps 15 hours and seventeen minutes.


Enjoy your day and take care



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  • RMweb Gold

A beautiful morning here but rather nippy. OUr food waste bin doesn't get used. Uncooked food waste can go on the compost bins and if we cook it we eat it. Cannot see the point of cooking stiff you are not going to eat. However that still leaves the Grey wheelie bin for general rubbish black and green open boxes for the recycling and a Green waste bin (extra charge!) which takes stuff that won't compost well such as woody pieces.



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Ta, things are entering the "phoney war" phase where everyone's sitting around waiting for battle to commence...


Which reminds me, I need to use the next few weeks to get my nascent layout to the point where I can work on it on an ad-hoc basis...

You haven't yet entered the "drop zone".


And I don't think that getting your layout ready is quite akin to nesting but you might want to bear it in mind....!

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Morning All,


Grey, wet and dismal in this part of the world. The wolfpack has been walked and is quietly dozing as I move (electronic) paper around. Hurrah, hurrah for the home office....


The Linzertorte thief has been identified, it was Lucy! Schotty, being a perfect Gentleman, did not "grass her up", it was forensic evidence that got her nicked (examination of her spoor upon a routine "bagging and binning" sweep). After much discussion, the CPS decided not to prosecute and Lucy was let off with a caution and warned that she'd get an ASDO (anti-social dog order) if such unlawful behaviours were repeated.


I am currently mulling over placing an order for the Kernow/DJM models GWR Railmotor. I can't really justify it for the era and location of my layout, but....


Have a wondrful hump day



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Morning all, blue skies with bands of grey over Borough Market Junction. No frost but the paper tells me there will be tonight. Mind you, the weather on telly suggested a band of cloud and rain might settle over the south east, so we shall see!


Thanks for your wishes over the FiL's op. It seems to have gone well though took longer than planned. they managed keyhole surgery but managed to reattach everything so no initial bag. he's in intensive care of course.


Good luck to Mrs Railsquid for the end of January! And it seems that Jock is feeling a little better?


The Boring Borough has long had wheelie bins, although there are local variations as to who gets what. It's quite possible that AndrewC has different rules for his part of the Borough than we do.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry but dull start and may be some showers today.

I too am under the weather as it appears I have caught a very virulent form of  affliction known as the common cold. Needless to say I received lots of sympathy when I took Chris to work at 5.00AM and she left me with these calming words "Oh - just take some paracetamol and get on with it!" Nuff said!

Waiting for various parcels today but nothing nice for me.

Have a good one,


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No wheelie-bins in Japan, no space for them most places. Instead we have a communal pickup point (which we legally own 1/10th of) for the street (10 houses). Unfortunately it's just outside our front door, on the other hand it meant the house was cheaper, and this is Japan, where people still Obey The Rules (mostly).

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


A lovely sunny day at the moment, my plans were to go for a walk but I dozed off and missed it !


Jock - when I was very young we had a few, very few, clockwork toys and pencils and paper - nothing fancy and we used to go out and play in the garden rather than vegging around the house.


Killybegs  - Hump day (sic) - get over the hump and heading towards the weekend, although "hump" can also mean something quite different in some dialects !


"Jocks" RHTT isn't running today, perhaps this is the start of the run down, it would be about right as yesterday there were a lot of delays due to poor rail head conditions, making it the best time to stop the train which helps prevent them - it could be down to failure of course, time will no doubt tell.

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  • RMweb Premium

Why is it all the decent people end up leaving your place of work!!


Just found out that the project manger I have been working with for past year left today but only just gone 5 pm

That says a lot about your bosses.


No wheelie bins yet in Castle Point District Council area. The bin bags seem less attractive to wildlife now that waste food goes in a mini bin.


Anything liable to attract the local fauna its best to double wrap. Having said that, for any meat that is slightly 'off' or getting a bit old goes out for the 'specialist' disposal, the foxes which abound hereabouts. They also deal with any possible rat problems that we may have.


Still no wheelie bins in South Essex, Tony? We left in 2010 and I well remember those on the street that put their bags out the night before, only for them to be ripped open overnight. When the wind blew, bizarrely, most of the street's rubbish ended up on my drive.

In other news... erm...

Ah, to Hell with it, I'll just leave it at "Morning all"!

We have wheelie bins for 'garden and food waste'. Food waste that is not compostable is dealt with as above, anything that is goes in the compost bin, woody bits go through the shredder first, and sometimes twice to reduce it to sawdust.

Edited by PhilJ W
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The Lurker, on 03 Dec 2014 - 09:03, said:

Morning all, blue skies with bands of grey over Borough Market Junction. No frost but the paper tells me there will be tonight. Mind you, the weather on telly suggested a band of cloud and rain might settle over the south east, so we shall see!


Thanks for your wishes over the FiL's op. It seems to have gone well though took longer than planned. they managed keyhole surgery but managed to reattach everything so no initial bag. he's in intensive care of course.


Good luck to Mrs Railsquid for the end of January! And it seems that Jock is feeling a little better?


The Boring Borough has long had wheelie bins, although there are local variations as to who gets what. It's quite possible that AndrewC has different rules for his part of the Borough than we do.


I think the whole boring borough is pretty much the same. Green bin for rubbish, brown for organic and compostable waste, 3 tubs for recycling. Takes up half the bloody front garden does that lot. A bin hiding structure of some sort with shelves for the tubs is planned for the future. That will also keep the c*********** from next door using our bins for their overflow. We have 2 kitchen compost caddies. One for suitable worm composter waste and one for other organic waste that goes into the big brown wheelie bin. DonW cooked waste is things like bones, gristle, egg shells, etc. My problem is remembering to balance between what the worms can have and what they can't. (nothing cooked apart from egg shells, no onion or garlic bits, no meat or animal waste, not too many coffee grounds. (ever see over caffeinated worms?)


The council is talking about charging for the brown bin pickup. I can picture most of the borough reverting to dumping all waste into the green bins. How idiotic are they?  SWMBO's worm composter has been a big success. So much so, she's had to add an extra level to their home. Best estimate is there are around 40,000 red wigglers doing their thing. Most likely next year we'll have to add a second one.


Congrats Mr Squid. Won't be long until you have a little squidling wriggling about. Just realised mine turns 25 in less than 2 weeks. Yikes I feel ancient all of a sudden.


That's enough mindless ramblings from me. Have a good day all.

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