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  • RMweb Gold



Last RHTT today apparently - with you around 12:00 if you want it, 57002 and 57011 close the door behind them.


Morning all,


Glorious crisp morning here, my cough decided I should stay in today so I'm helping my son ride the 47s around Manchester by watching what's around and planning his changes.

A pair of Black 5s are heading a special to Norwich, I might take myself out later if I can face the muppets who normally accompany steam tours (sorry to genuine folk, but in my experience a lot of steam fans are either trespassers or people who don't care about blocking anyone else as long as they get their shot - or both)


Skipepsi - the "Spoons" next to the station does a good brekkie.


Later all...

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  • RMweb Gold


After all the talk about shrinking gums with the passing years and food consequently getting stuck in one's teeth, here's another one. I have found in the past few years that my body generates far more heat during even moderate exercise than it used to when I was younger. I can put on a lightweight Goretex jacket to go outside for a walk when it may be 15 deg cooler than inside and within five minutes I am roasting. I have now taken to removing a layer before going out. Has anyone else noticed this strange phenomena? Apologies to our younger ER's for boring them with such a mundane subject!

Earlier this year my GP suggested wearing less clothing and getting out more.
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Morning all. List as long as my arm to do today and (so far) little motivation to do it!


List includes writing birthday thank-you's from Jamie to her classmates, writing Christmas cards, wrapping presents, putting up decorations, general tidying, washing, ironing...


We're expecting some snow tomorrow and I'm taking Jamie (indoor) skiing. There's a great indoor slope at Braehead with artificial snow where she's been learning this year. I learnt last year on the dry slope on the outskirts of Edinburgh, which is a far more painful way to learn than on snow...

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Morning all, Yesterday from our back window one could see Ben Lomond (50mls) with the snow beautifully 'lit up' by the morning sun. Today one can hardly see over the Glasgow rooftops (8mls).... 


Have a nice day.

Me? more bufferstops to cast.


Dave F

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Earlier this year my GP suggested wearing less clothing and getting out more.

The autonomous control system that maintains body temperature among much else, is a learning system. Clearly the human machine is adaptable to function from chilly polar to baking desert conditions, but until the body is exposed to unfamiliar conditions it doesn't know how, and takes a few days to learn. The hilarious sight of folk from permananently warm parts of the world struggling with a comfortable 5C outdoor temperature was one I saw pretty regularly at one point in life. They became adapted in about a week, except for the occasional person who didn't....


This adaption does deteriorate with age according to those who have longer experience, but it is debatable whether it is the 'thermostat' essential sensing efficiency, or the various blobbery bits that make up our body's ability to conform to the thermostat's commands. Basically you die if the complete thermostat mechanism isn't able to maintain the internal organs at correct temperature within a pretty narrow range. That suggests to me that the sensing efficiency is likely to be the better maintained as we age, as compared to our other organs ability to conform efficiently to the thermostat's commands.

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The Sevenoaks thread has reminded me of someone who tried some thing similar back in the 70's -- (how dare he try to organise  a model rail show for personal "profit")  the  local model railway "Mafia" in the area at the time let it be known that any club or individual who supported this upstart would be "blacklisted"  - and not invited to any club organised shows.......

​Lets hope that  philosophy has died the death it deserved



There was a show at Harrogate organised by the Pickering Tractor club if my memory serves and these days it usually doesn't!

I went there with a Hull MRS layout to the mutterings of "You will never be invited to any show every again".

Well if that was true, I've not done too badly since, if fact I've had to cancel shows. I even managed a truly professional show at a location to the south of Hull where the organisation was bad, very bad. Three operators we were, put up in different hotels on either side of the town. I got a second invite but didn't go. Once bitten, twice shy.

Other people do organise shows outside of model railway clubs, the Scouts for instance! If your not sure you will be looked after, ASK around!

To paraphrase Oddudders "Experience is a great teacher".    

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  • RMweb Premium

There was a show at Harrogate organised by the Pickering Tractor club if my memory serves and these days it usually doesn't!

No it was by an entrepreneur from Pickering - and he organised it the same weekend as our show in Leeds as he didn't realise "our show was on then"... 60+ years on the same weekend.. he then moved it to his showground in pickering and then ..... he is no longer with us. 


Its great supporting "professional" shows if they are not on your doorstep but you never know....



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  • RMweb Gold

Some interesting comments about maintaining body temperature. One thing not mentioned (and with no desire to offend anyone) is the level of subcutaneous fat acts as an insulator the more you have the more insulated you are. I believe we all tend to have a thicker layer in middle age but in real old age it can reduce considerably. FiL  lost all of his in the last years of his life and suffered if the room temperature dropped below 80deg.

Marion has poor temperature regulation and fells unwell if she gets overheated but also suffers from Reynold Syndrone and if chilled her body goes into panic mode and shuts off blood to the extremities. If she gets really cold her fingers and toes go numb very quickly. On the other hand I feel the cold more easily and tend to wear more clothing but can stand being cold much longer than her and have less problem with overheating even though wearing more.

On this mornings walk we start but walking up through the woods climbing 800ft which can get rather warm. We come out of the woods onto the common at just under 1000ft if there is a breeze blowing from the north or east it can be quite chilling then it is back down through the trees via another path but although warmer not so warm as going up. Quite often I will take of a jacket and sweatshirt on the way up then put them on at the top. I suspect I have a little too much subcutaneus fat.


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... One thing not mentioned (and with no desire to offend anyone) is the level of subcutaneous fat acts as an insulator the more you have the more insulated you are...

Remember that Icelander who fell into the North Atlantic in winter and survived an unfeasible length of time bobbing around? Subcutaneous fat GOOD.


Now, this is only casual observation, not proper epidemiology, but I reckon that among the elderly of my acquaintance over the years the slightly plump group do better on longevity and general health than the lean and skinny group. But this of course is without correction for those who smoked 80 a day / attempted to drink the bar dry regularly / took no exercise since walking to school and turned into whales, etc. and thereby took themselves out of the running.

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  • RMweb Gold

I didn't think you put a coat on Robbie anyway ;)

When Robbie was a puppy he was fascinated by dogs wearing coats. If they were smaller than he was, he would turn them over for a sniff. I managed to train him not to do this.

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  • RMweb Gold

When Robbie was a puppy he was fascinated by dogs wearing coats. If they were smaller than he was, he would turn them over for a sniff. I managed to train him not to do this.


Did he follow your lead ?

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  • RMweb Premium

No it was by an entrepreneur from Pickering - and he organised it the same weekend as our show in Leeds as he didn't realise "our show was on then"... 60+ years on the same weekend.. he then moved it to his showground in pickering and then ..... he is no longer with us. 


Its great supporting "professional" shows if they are not on your doorstep but you never know....



He was the same 'enterepeneur' who nearly bankrupted the local traction engine club by organising shows on the same weekend as theirs and paying fees to enginemen in cash rather than coal.  His financial record leaves a lot to be desired.  One of our club layouts went to that show nd vowed never again.  Tehir accommodation was in Scarborough and he wouldn't pay expenses for the many miles they spent getting to an from the B & B.


On a different note the great tidy up has continued today and two more wastepaper binfuls of rubbich have come off the modelling room floor.  Phase 1 is now complete and SWMBO can get to the filing cabinet to do her filing.   I also found all sorts of things including a vital knob with insert that I need for my stepper motor controller for the tuntable.


Now it's time to get ready for my first Christmas meal of the year with friends from church.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Went out for the black 5s - no-one else around :scratchhead:

I remember those days - "It's just another Black 5" was a familiar cry around 1964/5 in Scotland.  I to find it frustrating to be aroind some of our more vociferous "enthusiasts" and have even been bidden to "shut the h*ll up" by one who wanted not only an uninterrupted view, but also total silence from all nearby so that his video and sound recording purported to show that he was the only person around.


Afternoon All


Busy and hectic today, and I had to brave a pretty hard frost first thing this morning, though as I was on the bus I didn't have Geoff's problem of the iced up car door seals - though we did have it pretty cold first thing - and as it rained for a while yesterday, then the temperature dropped, the pavements were pretty horrible in places.  SInce then, temperature has climbed consideraby and the forecast was for it to be above zero for the next couple of nights.


Not really a lot more to say today for me, but to those who are ailing, commiserations, and to those celebrating, congratulations.


DInner is calling

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Earlier this year my GP suggested wearing less clothing and getting out more.


The answer lies in the socks.


Thick socks -- I'm warm all over. Thin socks -- I'm cold all over. How do my hands know what I'm wearing on my feet?

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Almost ready for SPROG installation.  I may be some time too!


8c here but feels colder, raining now after a dry morning.  It snowed on the mountain yesterday afternoon, the road was closed for an accident soon after - normal service, you would think the white colour on the road would give a clue....#sigh#

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