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Afternoon All


Missed parade yesterday, and late today, but now caught up at last - dangerous to leave off here for even a couple of days, as the catch up took ages! 


Went to Kendal yesterday, and decided on Friday night not to put a cover on the car as forecast here from the seaweed watchers was just on zero - MISTAKE as it rained on the car, then went down to about -3.  Took 20 minutes to find the car, and had to spray the doors with de-icer to get them to open!  Got to Kendal, and the top four levels of the multi-storey car park were closed from Level four to eight - making the capacity about half of its normal.  Done in the interests of "elf n safety" as Levels seven and eight (only) are open air and were icy - one way to stop a claim, but to kn*cker up peoples' Christmas shoping trips, I guess. 


Dinner's ready, so I'll finish off a bit later.

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Where was I?


Oh yes, and it snowed in Kendal - kids shouting with glee.  It lasted about 20 minutes, and started to melt in many places within an hour, so perhaps no snowmen or snowball fights yet....


Today, it's been warmer, though you wouldn't notice it with the windchill that we had, and in parts of the house it feels as cold inside as out.   It probably isn't, though.  Wind seems to be the main element of the next few days, though probably not enough to prompt another attempt at relocating Fraggle Rock. 


Anyway, there's too much to offer individual comments, and hence generic greetings, commiserations, and congratulations are the best I can offer.


Regards to All


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Somewhat knackered.  Busy, busy day down the glen, Santa'd out!     Here is your scribe driving the Steamplex as it runs into Lhen Coan station.  Sorry it's not very good, but scrolling through the face-ache shots will give you an idea of how many happy folk we had today (many hundreds), and the quality of our Elves!




The Steamplex ran like a dream, despite being absolutely thrashed all day, those new coaches are heavy!  The sound going back up the glen (1 in 33) was superb, with Sea Lion at the front going all out too.  Tired but happy!

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Looks like all had a cracking time Neil?   Seem to remember many many many years ago  doing something similar at Leighton Buzzard - even though I was firing Pixie (KS Wren)  for driver Santa - who caused much merriment by busting out of his suit!.  I seem to remember it was very chilly --(Well actually if was Fuffin cold)


I guess in the fullness of time there'll  be some You-tube footage of todays exploits?  



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I would hope so Trev - there was some fireworks!  Trouble is most of the crew were so busy no-one has any time to video, but I did see one with a camera.  Santa trains are great fun, the family groups all seem to have a great time, we get a lot of positive feedback.  I won't want to get out of bed tomorrow though.....

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Evening all (just),

What a picture of concentration on your visage Neil - your ears must still be ringing from such close proximity to the 'workings'! Look forward to more images.

Great to hear that all appears to be fine with Sherry and Ian, long may that continue. As usual, I hope you both have a safe and trouble free journey across 'La Manche'

No 'Geminid' meteors again tonight as its pi**ing down here at the moment, guess I'll have to look out again next year!

More decorating tomorrow so I better get some rest. Hope Monday isn't too painful for those to whom it concerns,

Kind regards,


G'night Jeff.

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Having gone to bed I realised I'd forgotten my restless leg meds so I got up to take them and have decided to sit up until they take, about 2hrs, instead of reading in bed or doing sudokus while feeling uncomfortable. The meds are quite effective and if I go without I get virtually no sleep, so it's better to take it and sit up for a while. I was distracted because Martyn really had trouble getting his head round his English homework. Unfortunately, so did I; it was quite a difficult assignment.


It's turned mild again and a bit drizzly/scotch misty. The humidity is very high; my washing was wetter when I took it in at teatime than when I hung it out yesterday. It's now hung up indoors near radiators.


I think I might look for stuff on e-bay to pass the time.


Goodnight all.



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Good morning  one & all,  


Welcome to yet another week - lets hope we all make to the end without too many catastrophes!.  I  know mine will be crazy  - (and it's only three days for me!) ,


Stay safe, warm & dry, 



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Morning All,


I know what Stewart means!  A couple of days away from ERs and you have virtually no chance of catching up on news.


It is a fairly mild morning in this part of the world.  It is also my last day in the office for this year.  The company have said that all annual leave must be used, without exception, and overtime reduced to below 30 hours.  Who am I to argue with that?!?


The weekend was fairly quiet, we visited the Christmas Market yesterday and went to Church for Nine Lessons and Carols.


Have a good day everyone...


By the way - does anyone know which layout features in the RMweb banner?  The one with the Class 40 on the parcels train.  I'd like to read up on that one.

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I will be going up to London later this morning to give Matthew a hand with some of the things he wants to bring home. I'll go using one of the off peak trains, though not the first one as it is usually crowded.


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  • RMweb Gold


A lovely damp morning although it wasn't raining as we left home.


Good to see that train services out of Redhill are running normally with two consecutive London Bridge trains cancelled for different reasons.

Whilst in the East Midlands at the weekend all the trains we caught were on time.

Yesterday get to St Pancras and the Thameslink service via East Croydon was cancelled due to lack of staff. Same this morning for the 06.56,!

Southern services were late yesterday due to engineering works at Clapham Junction so despite reduced services they still had congestion problems. This morning signalling problems at Littlehampton meant that the Southern service to London Bridge ran fast to avoid many stops including s us, so it looks like a sixth consecutive working day of delays.


Luckily we are not going to Cannon Street as they have shut the station due to emergency checks on the bridge over the Thames.


Roll on next week when we have no London Bridge or Thameslink trains.. Oh what joy!!!

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Morning All,


I know what Stewart means!  A couple of days away from ERs and you have virtually no chance of catching up on news.


It is a fairly mild morning in this part of the world.  It is also my last day in the office for this year.  The company have said that all annual leave must be used, without exception, and overtime reduced to below 30 hours.  Who am I to argue with that?!?


The weekend was fairly quiet, we visited the Christmas Market yesterday and went to Church for Nine Lessons and Carols.


Have a good day everyone...


By the way - does anyone know which layout features in the RMweb banner?  The one with the Class 40 on the parcels train.  I'd like to read up on that one.


Morning all.  Robert, it says Shenston Road on my front page thingy.



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Morning everybody.

Strange to read of people ending term or closing offices. One of the oddnesses of retirement for me, that dislocation from the landmarks of the year.


Not much on today, posting cards to France and Spain, lifting crap into the loft and general housework...


I hope today is stress free for everyone, as we slide into the season of excess and silliness!

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morning all,wet here,but thankfully no frost,awaiting the plumbing engeneers return....hopefully Thursday,some decorations up last night,jack likes the sparkily lights and managed to find a bit of tinsel,this is now in vaious lorrys and wagons awaiting delivery somewhere but hes not saying where yet ! have a good day all.

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I'm delighted to say it's dry here this morning. Clear sky when we set off on our walk, guided by the light of a half moon. Quite nippy, especially as I couldn't find my gloves and forgot my hat. This was probably because I was fast asleep when the alarm went off and I think the old brain was a bit slow cranking up!


Some cheerful soul in the met dept is predicting the worst winter since 1963, arriving shortly after Christmas. Those of us who had to struggle to get to college/school/work for what seemed like months will be hoping they are wrong! The side roads were too dangerous for cycling so I walked to college each day (4 miles each way) and fell over on the icy surfaces at least once on each trip. I got to be very good at making safe landings!


Hope things look brighter soon if you are living under a cloud.

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Mornin' all,


A considerably brighter start today....no excesses from last night to work off...although there may have been a few garlic fumes from the curry....and a good nights sleep to help with tackling the day. Once again the weather matched my mood, this time with brighter skies, no drizzle and just a light breeze. The dawn colour shading across the landscapes was consequently more promising too, gone were the harsher monotones of yesterday. Somehow the hills seem less steep and the satisfaction of reaching the summit of each greater on such a day. Afternoon shifts beckon this week.


Feathered friends fed.


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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An elderly friend in Canada was presumed departed by us following four years without Christmas Cards.

A pleasant surprise yesterday when a card turned up!


Countdown now on for the village kids' visit from Santa next Sunday.

Spent hours yesterday wrapping presents for them (well, supervising!).

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Some cheerful soul in the met dept is predicting the worst winter since 1963, arriving shortly after Christmas.

Yes, but that prediction was made last year, the year before that, etc.


Morning All


Started off not too bad this morning, as I walked Lily.


My Christmas card writing was tinged with much sadness as I got to B and saw that an address in South Africa was there, as I used to send Don a card.  At (most of) our ages, the card list tends to get shorter as friends pass on, and also when cards that you've had for years stop arriving.   Now, please don't think I'm being maudlin, as I'm not.  And Dd's news of a reverse instance is good news indeed.  (Edit as that post came on while I was typing).


On a more cheery note, I think I'll make a start on the rather large list of shopping which is needed here, and spread it over a few days.  As I've done a lot of shopping in Morrisons recently, I have vouchers to the tune of over thirty quid off my Christmas food shop which should help with the cost.


Bus trip to town now calls, so

Regards to All


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"And Dd's news of a reverse instance is good news indeed."


Yes it was. Brought back some happy memories, too.

The card had been sitting with a bunch of others waiting to be opened and checked against our 'Have we sent one?' list.

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Morning all from north of Ikea.   It's damp but not raining outside so i think that the next hour will be spent delivering various church related things to the streets around us.  After that it will be off to the post office to post the main batch of cards.  As an ex Secretary SWMBO has all this organised with a long list with various columns on for sent and received.  My main job has been tp find addresses and this morning put postcodes to them.   The tidy up will probably continue this afternoon.  yesterday I managed the area under the modelling desk and finally found the two remaining bridge piers that I need for greyhound Bridge on Green Ayre, i knew that they were around somewhere.  I even managed to file one pile of papers.   


Regrds to all



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Morning all, not much to report this morning. I abandoned sending cards several years ago when my colleagues and myself decided to donate the money to charity instead. There were a few exceptions, an old friend of my late mothers who was in her nineties always got a very special card and I also received a card from her, then her cards stopped but I carried on sending the cards nevertheless for about three years. Just as well I did as it turned out she had suffered a stroke and the last card I sent was her last Christmas, this I found out after my sister was able to get in touch with her son.

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Evening, was a bright sunny but chilly winter day here in Tokyo but the sun has toddled off occidentally leaving only the chill behind.


A Christmas card turned up from the UK with no return address signed with a bunch of names which kind of map to cousin-y relatives, which was mystifying as there was no conceivable explanation why they'd send a joint card and apart from tangential Facebook status updates don't have much contact anyway. After some thought it occurred to me it must be from a UK colleague and the other names were her family members (whose names were previously unknown to me).


Also, does the UK post office no longer put postmarks on stamps? Had a few letters turn up recently with Liz's visage seemingly unbesmirched with postmark ink.

Edited by railsquid
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