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Morning all. A cold start to a new week, -1 outside and frosty.


The Southern website is saying that there are no problems although they have made more minor changes to their timetables.


Hope you recover soon Trev.


Jock, hopefully the news will be what you hope for this week.


Have a good wee, stay safe and warm if at all possible.

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Morning All,


It is a rather icy morning around here. There was light snow falling when I left to drive to work, and our terrace was a bit of a skating rink. Fortunately, the roads were quite reasonable and only a little slippery in places


Interestingly, Leipzig has retained a much larger quantity of such buildings than most any other major German city in spite of war and GDR-era mismanagement. Around 35% of all living space available is in buildings from this period.

Interesting you should mention that Dominik. Yesterday was the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Wiesbaden. Unlike many of the surrounding cities, Wiesbaden escaped remarkably unscathed. Then on the night in question, it was incredibly foggy and the RAF pathfinders didn't get through. As a result "only" around 600 people were killed, and relatively few buildings were damaged.


Thankfully, those times are in the past - but we need to do everything we can to ensure that they never happen again.


By the way, has anyone noticed that the "disagree" and "indecipherable" buttons have disappeared? Edited to say, from another thread, I see Andy has disabled it due to a few "drive by disagrees".


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Afternoon. Sunny but cold.


Extract from the Baby Diary...

  •  Day 12: Baby's First Constipation
  •  Day 13: Baby's First Constipation Relief. Nearby East Asian nations scramble fighters as a precautionary measure, while North Korea issues strenuous denials.
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  • RMweb Gold

Lovely phot Debs.


After a great weekend it's back to normal service in the commute to work. Trains wll about 5 minutes late due to poor rail conditions and station packed. A Thameslink service came in late and only 4 cars so you can imagine what that was like. Some mustn't have got on it as our LBG train is much busier.


I did manage to spend a little time last night and this morning using up some of the modelling supplies purchased at the Stafford show.


Forecast shows that it might snow tonight do a night in me thinks

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Morning all. Cold start to the day here, car windscreen frosted up so gave it a good squirt of de-icer. Set off to work and had to stop after two hundred yards to scrape the screen. I think I have the wrong technique for using the stuff, it always goes cloudy like that. We had a new windscreen fitted last year after a stone cracked the original and SWMBO doesn't like me scraping the new glass in case I scratch it. That's why I drive around the corner to scrape it.

Stay warm and safe all. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Cold start to the day here, car windscreen frosted up so gave it a good squirt of de-icer. Set off to work and had to stop after two hundred yards to scrape the screen. I think I have the wrong technique for using the stuff, it always goes cloudy like that. We had a new windscreen fitted last year after a stone cracked the original and SWMBO doesn't like me scraping the new glass in case I scratch it. That's why I drive around the corner to scrape it.

Stay warm and safe all.


You ought to walk out to the car with a chisel in your hand !!!!

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I've obviously got fat finger syndrome this morning looking at my first post.


Missed my normal train this morning thanks to people not knowing how to use the ticket machine. The 06:57 from ECR was only 4 coaches so very crowded and then some id10t blocked the doors and refused to get off delaying it by another 3 minutes. Not the best start to the day

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Morning all (again).

On the subject of large buttons, I need one that says: "If I find you, I'm going to permanently attach your test*cles to a telegraph pole using a nail gun"...

Just been out to the van to find someone's left the remains of a large takeaway pizza stuck to the bonnet, and then for good measure, smashed a beer bottle in the road...

I can't be bothered to try and circumvent RMWeb's swear filter so...


Just another example of why I hate Mondays.

On a lighter note, tomorrow's Tuesday.

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Was that un-eaten remains or the other kind?




Thankfully it was the uneaten kind without chunks in it. Although I think I spotted some pineapple.

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Like the rest of the BI's, it's very cold here. There is now a light drizzle falling which may make things a little difficult under foot.


I had some good news and some bad news from my daughter last night. First the good news. Youngest (3 years old next week) grandson's behaviour has always been a bit iffy but has got far worse over the last three months. Lucy has been seeking advice in many quarters then an old friend suggested cutting out gluten. The result was staggering in the speed of its effectiveness. Within days he went from being a little horror to being a nice little boy. Furthermore, his eczema is clearing up and he has lost the bags under his eyes.


The bad news. Yesterday Lucy moved the ponies to another field and didn't notice that a gate (that they never use) at the far end wasn't shut. Needless to say, the ponies spotted it immediately and after escaping one of them tried galloping across a cattle grid. The injuries were horrendous and the pony had to be put down. Needless to say the children are distraught. Lucy has a pretty good idea who opened the gate but, although very angry, accepts that the responsibility is hers. 


It's light outside now and, looking out of the window, the ground looks ominously shiny, so I'm off out for a very cautious walk with the dogs.


Go safely today.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!

I like that big red button Pete but despite pressing it nothing happens!

Great to see the post Debs!


Doing the square root of nothing at all planned for today....


Have a great week!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Part sun, part cloud this a.m. Sleep in for a bit, so I guess I needed that… Now getting organised as to what I'll need to do today. Purchase some stuff for dinner, mostly.





On the subject of large buttons, I need one that says: "If I find you, I'm going to permanently attach your test*cles to a telegraph pole using a nail gun"...


They should have cast you as Gunnery Sergeant Hartman!  :O


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Chilly out there today, though thankfully there's been little moisture so not a lot of ice on the road - can't say exactly how cold it is, as the outside thermometer is not accurate, and shows about -3.  Lily got me up at silly o'clock this morning, and I didn't get back down to sleep properly afterwards, but when I was out with her, it was really quite chilly.  Looking at the cars on other drives, I'm pretty glad that I put mine in its bag last night, as I should avoid the de-icer/scraper routine - Geoff's experience is the same as mine, that de-icer on its own doesn't seem to be enough, and 200 yards is just about as far as I get before having to scrape or lean out of the window to spray again with the wipers going.  I suspect that de-icer is not quite as effective as it used to be.


Change of routine this morning, as tomorrow I'm visiting the local auction room to see what's on offer, as their website hasn't been updated with a catalogue.  The just occasionally have some boxes of railway books or some in mixed lots.  I've not been lucky in that department recently as many of my usual sources seem to have dried up, or don't have anything that I need/want.  I need to have another root round here again, as I have found that I have quite a few duplicates again.


So it's off to the supermarket today (wow - adventurous)...then pick 30747 up from work.


And with that happy prospect,

Regards to All


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Mornin' all,


A tad parky in the Moorlands this morning and that was without the wind chill.....every reason to get stuck in and kick start the circulation with an energetic ascent of the first hills. Roads clear of snow but ice in various forms had to be respected. The reservoir had frozen over and unevenly reflected the orange of the rising sun playing on the underside of the cloud sheet over the water. Pretty views to be had across the snow covered landscape but it was too cold to linger.


Feathered ones remembered. A female blackbird conservatory glass casualty of yesterday had apparently been sustained by being in the lee of the house and possibly by the small saucer of milk that I had placed by her head. She flew off as I fetched the bike....unfortunately, her mate who had returned to stand guard overnight, had frozen to death on the open patio. I placed him in a shallow pan of warm water but I think that he is a goner.


Enjoy what you do.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all.  Today can only get better!  Very slow getting to work, as I had to spend 10 minutes deicing the car, then 10 minutes waiting for one of the car school to turn up (his excuses for turning up late are getting a bit like those of Reggie Perrin!), then a very slow drive into work.  Once I get here, it is freezing cold as usual, as the steam heating still isnt on (it was going to be sorted in about 2 weeks back in October).  We have a meeting later today to discuss the heating, so I feel a rant coming on!

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  • RMweb Premium

Have a good wee, stay safe and warm if at all possible.

Damn you, at my age that brings on a certain urge. :O


Morning all. Cold start to the day here, car windscreen frosted up so gave it a good squirt of de-icer. Set off to work and had to stop after two hundred yards to scrape the screen. I think I have the wrong technique for using the stuff, it always goes cloudy like that. We had a new windscreen fitted last year after a stone cracked the original and SWMBO doesn't like me scraping the new glass in case I scratch it. That's why I drive around the corner to scrape it.

Stay warm and safe all. 

I have a scraper designed for scraping car windows complete with a gauntlet so that your hand doesn't freeze. Spray deicers are useless as they always mist up the windows.

Edited by PhilJ W
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morning all,bit late on parade,although in my defence I was up at 4.....got 3 .5 hrs last night,so not too bad !! missis got some rest too,all speeing as I left this morning at 630,very cold and slippy too,so be carefull out there !! have a good day all.

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