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I think it means "light" cheese, though having tried it I'm not sure "alleged" isn't more appropriate.


Good to hear Ian's op went ok. Sherry, how are you getting on with the horses?


I've just had 2 pints of Black Dragon and can't be bothered to cook tea; as Martyn's at his mum's a cheese (proper cheddar) roll and salad will suffice.


I don't know if contacting Trev's employers may elicit some information (as in "I believe he works for you and would like to get in touch"). Probably not under privacy (etc.) rules. I think one would need a better reason than "he's a member of our internet forum".


Have a good evening all



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...................................Good to hear Ian's op went ok. Sherry, how are you getting on with the horses?............................................................





Quite well, thanks, although Bronte, the younger one seems rather intrigued by the new feed person! They say animals know when you're not sure of them....... watch this space!

Ian has left me detailed instructions about their feeding regimes (also the setting of the dishwasher & washing machine, which run at night on cheaper electricity) which I really appreciate.

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re Trev - once again, I have his personal e mail, but he has not previously responded to my requests to see if he's OK.  I sent another message today.

Ahh indeed, I'd forgotten that Neil...makes it all the more a concern <sigh>

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Evenin' folks,


A quickie from me before I nod off - couldn't resist grabbing a snap of our neighbour's lovely Short Haired British Grey feline chappie, goes by the name of 'Cairns', no idea why, anyway he's utterley adorable, very friendly and has the softest fur of any cat we've ever known...




Hope all's well, best wishes to all... ;)




* nb : please note the presence of the faded BR blue shed in the above image, the management would like to thank the Cuprinol Corporation for their invaluable assistance in this area!

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I have to say that I thought Andy's device was in fact a can crusher with a posed potato' (mustn't forget the apostrophe) as an April Fool.






You know, you might be right.





Just in case you think I was joking about spuds in Idaho, here is conclusive proof.






We even have it on our number plates!


I'm surprised they don't try something similar in the UK.  For example, in Yorkshire you might have "FAMOUS PUDDINGS"




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Evening all from the South West


Jock - I found the usual jams and ones that aren't normal. I got asked to detour to Reading for a call out. When I arrived there was nobody to be found and they weren't answering their phones either. So, a wasted detour which meant I arrived about 3 hours later than anticipated thanks to the muppets on the road today. At least I have decent internet access here at last.


Sherry - Great news about Ian. Please keep us posted when you can


NHN - Great to hear that today was a success and the weather decided to behave

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Evening all,

Just in and a bit 'tired and emotional' (in the Private Eye sense) so I had a quick scan to check on the two things that have been on my mind whilst I've been out enjoying myself!

Thank you so much for the bulletin Sherry, just what I wanted to hear - let's hope the recuperation proceeds smoothly. Good luck on the equine front and I will look forward to your next post.

Neil, I have also been thinking of you, Debs and Jayne this evening and I'm delighted to see that the ceremony appears to have gone according to plan. I guess Jayne will need a bit more support tomorrow, and I hope you and the good lady are coping with what must be a very emotional time for you also. Hopefully now, with all the ceremony out of the way, you can all get on with life and remember all the good times you shared.

I'll play catch up tomorrow hopefully, hope you all have a great Easter and all those travelling this weekend arrive safely eventually!

Kind regards,


G'night Pete if you're still lurking! G'night late night bunnies!

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For days when things are not quite going according to plan





That thing came out of a battery operated OO trainset I bought for my son many years ago. It says "Made in Hong Kong" on the bottom, but it's actually not such a bad model. I might put decent wheels and buffers on it and run it.



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Morning all, Lovely morning here in Tasmania. Its a little confusing keeping up with events of the world been almost a day ahead of the time-line. What happens there today is a bit like our yesterday but we don't here about till tomorrow, (make sense)! Hope all is recovering well from what ever knocks us down, tomorrow will be a better day.  Cheers and up ya kilt, Tex. 

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BR  Idaho Chip Van MK1? or will it be from the Train Crash series?


I'm not sure. It says "Through to the Continent by British Rail" and "Ferry Way" on the lower panel. Do you think it was used for importing spuds from North America on the North Atlantic Train Ferry, and re-exporting them as chips to France?





Note the Fine Scale flanges.

Edited by AndyID
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Could very well be that, perhaps we could get some feed back on exports from Idaho in the US. Yes I'm sure shipped to UK , via the Atlantic, processed in Andy's chipping device then forwarded to France. Makes sense to me so best keep the BR Idaho Chip Van MK1, it has some history behind it. Tex.

Edited by Tassie Tex
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