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Just been out for a look. Definitely a frog, but an ex-frog. Thoroughly deceased. I briefly considered a decent Christian burial with a few poignant words, but then I realised it's bin day...

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Morning all. Trying to get my caffeine levels to an acceptable standard before doing further battle with the laptop.


Jock - I hope the eye appointment gives Joanna sort results


Pete - Good to hear that your prompting of the electrician worked


Have a good day everyone

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Many years ago, I offered to become one of the 'casualties' in a first aid course assessment being run by a friend.  I was rather hoping to be assessed by attractive young ladies, but it didn't really happen that way.  The trainees were rather shocked at having live casualties even though they knew it wasn't for real, and so missed the tag around my neck warning of some serious condition (I dont recall what), so I was 'dead on arrival' at hospital!


When I was actively involved with the RNLI, there was the annual Lifeboat Day coming up, and a part of this always involved a casualty rescue from the cliffs near, but just out of sight of, the boathouse. As practise for the big day, I stupidly volunteered to be the casualty, arranged in secret with the senior helmsman. He was planning to "spring" the rescue at about 11am on Sunday's training day as a surprise to see how quickly the crew reacted. I duly sneaked off unnoticed, crawled about 30ft up and lay prone on a rocky outcrop awaiting rescue. 11am came and went... so did 11.30. I hung on until midday and then climbed down and headed back to the boathouse. The boathouse was locked, deserted, and I eventually found them all in the pub. B*sta*ds...

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Clouds occasionally scudding across the sky and the forecast is similar to yesterdays. Because of yesterdays forecast I put off giving the weeds poking through the patio a dose of Roundup. Whatever made you think that retirement meant that you will spend your time relaxing Jock? Its now over seven years since I retired and I've never been busier, even though I don't have any wife or family to consider.

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Morning all, there are blue skies with white clouds over Borough market Junction. It was cold first thing but it's warmed a touch since.


The train was delayed on the way in, points failure at New Cross. I could see the guys working on something when we passed. We were routed over the flyover at St Johns, down the Tanner Hill Flydown and on to the Up Charing Cross. There is still a cross over at the Country end of London Bridge which got us to platform 3 Up Cannon Street line. I must ask on the London Bridge Redev link whether that pathing will still be available when the work is complete (I don't think so); or whether my suspicion that the Thameslink programme will result in complete cancellation when something similar happens is correct.


Younger Lurker complained that the maths on the first day of his maths week was too easy - it was just 1/3rds and 1/4s apparently. Meanwhile Mrs Lurker was volunteering in year 3 with the girls who haven't got number bonds to 10 yet.


I hope Joanna's eye appointment goes well.


Enjoy the day all, work beckons....!

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Our train into LBG was on time!!

Could have done with it being delayed enroute so I could get a few more zzzs in.
Really feel knackered already so here is hoping today's work isn't too involved.

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Morning everybody, morning Sue.

Cool, a bit damp and very windy here in the Whelking Capital of Surrey. The whelkmen will be staying abed today, I suspect. Or at least if they've got any sense.


Up early today - Daisy slept over and we took her to school, so I was up baking croissants at 6.45... We're trying to give her parents a bit of relief as the new baby tends not to sleep well, and was up all night. She'll then sleep all day. She's already a student.


Already done some modlyn. (Remember him?) May do some more. 


Taking Daisy to school means chatting with the other grandads doing the same duty. We all decided that grandadding was better than commuting...

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...I hung on until midday and then climbed down and headed back to the boathouse. The boathouse was locked, deserted, and I eventually found them all in the pub. B*sta*ds...

No doubt to be greeted by empty glasses being thumped down and a traditional chorus of "Your round!"   :drink_mini:


Morning all,


Ah comments about Kate Moss (some pages back) - saw her once some years back while we were having a snack at somewhere in the Cotswolds and was distinctly unimpressed - she looked rather tatty I thought.  Some of these celeb folks can be quite alright when seen 'in normal life' but others simply don't come over as anything in the least bit special - 'the lovely Debbie McGee' really is when you see her shopping in Waitrose  but rather a 'chocolate box' style of loveliness and Marsha Fitzalan still has something going for her as does Jenny Agutter while some of the blokes are really nice - Simon Williams is a smashing chap and Phillip Schofield is very 'ordinary'  despite being, I suppose, a celeb of some sort.  Takes all sorts doesn't it - Kenneth Connor was one of the shyest people I've ever met, just seemed to like being ordinary and why shouldn't he?


Anyway weather unchanging with the sun hiding behind clouds but so what - I have been tasked with vacuuming and 'clearing up'  Oh and nice of the good Doctor to remind us that she is coming home tonight ;)


Have a good day one & all


La Moss would be more than welcome to sit next to me on her next budget excursion. However, the downside is that I most certainly wouldn't have recognised her, a prospect no doubt more worrisome for the celebs of this world than intrusive photographs by us plebs. 


As for my own encounters with celebs they have generally been charming people. Ben Fogle, who I once had a coffee with, was annoyingly good looking, although I suspect quite a lot of time was spent on grooming! Babs Powell was delighfully scatty. Ran Fiennes was good company over lunch, always ready with an anecdote of derring do!  

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As for my own encounters with celebs they have generally been charming people. Ben Fogle, who I once had a coffee with, was annoyingly good looking, although I suspect quite a lot of time was spent on grooming! Babs Powell was delighfully scatty. Ran Fiennes was good company over lunch, always ready with an anecdote of derring do!


I have met some contributors to ER!
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 Ah, celebrity. I know two - extremely talented both of them who have won well deserved recognition for their work-  and am amazed at their ability to 'turn it off' and pass unnoticed in public places. The lady tells me that she just acts the way she always did, before anyone knew her from Eve, and that still works.

I was going to write about what I just had for breakfast but it sounds too pretentious...

 "I imbibe early every day from the zygoner energy levels of the ethereal planes until the universe is in cosmic harmony - you should be very grateful to me for this service to all life."  As nearly as I can recall it that's what the whackiest celeb I have ever encountered confided to me. I resisted the temptation to set the back of her dress alight, and then tell her that the thermonuclear furnace in her posterior appeared to be out of control...

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Afternoon all from a sunny village. Started early with a trip to the undertakers. No not for measuring for my coffin, but to get some coach roofs manufactured for the NBR 6 wheelers. As I was heading that way I had the terrible task of taking a neighbours daughter with me as she had a 'differential equations' A level at an early time and getting a lift gives her an extra hour in bed. The school is across the road from the undertakers. Then various tasks ensued and the church fire alarm has been sorted after a call to the alarm company and a very prompt response. Now various tasks lie ahead as we prepare for a holiday and I won't be able to drive for the next couple of days due to an arthroscopy tomorrow.


Bill, sorry to hear about the death. I wonder whether or not you will be called upon to give evidence in the future. Printing off your RMWeb entry might be a good idea as it was written soon after and explained your reasoning.


As to celebs I haven't met many though Prince Charles once used my fountain pen to sign a visitors book. My mate and I did once spy David Bellamy on northbound train heading for Edinburgh. My mate didn't endear himself to him by say "by shots you look rough this morning" He was only stating the truth.



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Prince Charles drove over my foot. Brands Hatch 1968. Made me a republican.

Geoffrey Howe trod on my wife's foot during a visit to the House of Commons. I believed she stopped voting Tory for a while then the genes kicked back in.



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Good afternoon all, hope your day is good and you are all well ? I've just been sent this link from my daughter, Lisanne, she's never done anything like this before !



One very proud father !

Not sure where she gets it from ? ( p.s. I'm the one at the front on the right)



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Greetings from the Palace of Attendance Downunder.


Nine days on is at an end and shall be celebrated by five days booked off.  I'll try to find time to read through recent pages.


Roster change will take effect from this coming Sunday which was going to see me relocated and arguably sidelined.  Having stood my ground and refused to be bullied by management I am (as things stand while I type) staying put at the hub of all things.  Certain tasks have been regraded meaning there are winners and losers.  Such is the nature of the beast.  I've been in and around the industry long enough to know how things work.  And why they often don't.


There's still a lot of uncertainty and indecision about so it ain't over until a female of certain proportions raises her voice.  


When I worked out my hourly rate for yesterday (a public holiday with late shift penalty rates also applied) and compared it with the effort involved it all seemed worthwhile ......... ;)


Best wishes all.

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Geoffrey Howe trod on my wife's foot during a visit to the House of Commons. I believed she stopped voting Tory for a while then the genes kicked back in.Jamie

Not a political story but many years ago I had a client who invited me to a Pro-Am Celeb golf tournament. I'm not a golfer but thought it might be an interesting day out.

Whilst following the tournament we were stood behind the barrier very close to a certain Liverpudlian comedian "Tarby" who sliced his shot. I remarked " bit of hard luck Mr.Tarbuck" in a genuine manner, at which point he turned to me and said " why don't you F-off and mind your own business!" That didn't go down well with me or the following crowd.

The next celebrity was a certain Mr.Frank Carson, who saw the professionals shot, he put his hand to his brow and remarked, " that's gone further than I take my wife on holiday!" Great laughter from the crowd.

Later after the tournament had finished we were in the refreshment marquee mingling with all and sundry when I saw a certain Mr.T.

I wandered over to him and made it quite public what I thought of his earlier outburst, at which point he became very apologetic and extremely red faced. Funnily enough I've not been to a golf event since !

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Mixed weather today. Warm in the sun but a bit nippy when it hides behind a cloud.


This morning's excitement was sheep sheering just up behind the house.



They look a bit cold without their coats on



and the lambs are wondering when their mums are coming back!



After that I had to play the big scary monster, very exhausting for the monster. Where do three year olds get all that energy!

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Afternoon all,

Busy morning just completed with the taxi service to get Freddie to nursery school. Joanna's peripheral vision test yielded a good result with a further improvement in the last six months - the doctor is convinced that her giving up smoking (after her heart scare nearly two years ago!) has produced this change!

Neil, I couldn't believe that 'Hutch' is racing again after all the rebuilding his body required, let alone winning the Supersport race around arguably the world's toughest course! It is also hard to believe that the 600cc bikes are now capable of lapping at over 126mph! I think the 'chairs' now look like three wheeled F1 cars these days - I once had the dubious pleasure(?) of lapping Brands in the sidecar of Chris Vincent and his BSA outfit, a pretty scary experience, and they had nothing like the power and grip of today's versions!

Ian(roundhouse), pleased you made it back safely, and thank you for the photos - are you managing to stay awake today?

AndyID, 'Indy Car' racing, like F1, is a far cry from the spectacle it was when A J Foyt and the likes were racing. I always preferred the 'circuits' to the 'ovals', and I loved it years ago when the likes of Hill, Clark, Stewart, Fittipaldi and others from F1 visited the '500' and carried off the trophy!

Duncan, thanks for your kind wishes for Joanna - she has to have six monthly checks due to a high incidence of diabetes and glaucoma in her family. The pressure behind her eyes was unacceptably high when she first had the tests, and the poor girl has to administer eye-drops every evening for the rest of her life! These are working well however, and apart from sensitivity to oncoming headlights at night, she is cleared to drive, apart from her currently damaged shoulder, hence my chauffeur's cap!! Still, for better or worse, and she's certainly had to do her share of helping her old crock of a husband!

Bill, that is very sad news about the loss of life as a result of the accident you came across. I don't think there was anything else you could have done, and your intervention almost certainly helped save the others occupants!

Jamie, best of luck with the arthroscopy - I had both of my knees done on the same day many, many years ago and have had little or no trouble since. Be very careful to rest afterwards, exactly as advised by your surgeon, and you should heal fairly quickly. Rushing things is inadvisable as it's likely to delay healing. We'll be thinking of you here in Clacton.

Kind regards,


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Mixed weather today. Warm in the sun but a bit nippy when it hides behind a cloud.


This morning's excitement was sheep sheering just up behind the house.

attachicon.gifBreconside 31.jpg


They look a bit cold without their coats on

attachicon.gifBreconside 33.jpg


and the lambs are wondering when their mums are coming back!

attachicon.gifBreconside 34.jpg


After that I had to play the big scary monster, very exhausting for the monster. Where do three year olds get all that energy!


John, your photo's are superb. Did I read somewhere that you do it for a living?



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Bill, sorry to hear about the death. I wonder whether or not you will be called upon to give evidence in the future. Printing off your RMWeb entry might be a good idea as it was written soon after and explained your reasoning.


I am saddened to hear this news of Bill's, too :(  . I really can only second what you wrote, Jamie, though I suppose it will be difficult not to second-guess yourself after such an event...

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