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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from red dragon land, at least from what I can see of it which is almost nil. 100 yards maybe?


Job for today is to give my new Henry a good innings.  One of the steel tubes arriived with a big dent in the end but, after filling in the website feedback form and receiving a couple of friendly emails back from Numatic admin staff, a new tube arrived in the post yesterday.


Enjoy your day.

I'm off to do breakfast and a cuppa.

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  • RMweb Premium

Let us all celebrate POETS Day as best we can.


I finished my shift by 11.00 which meant I could truly say that I had "departed early"


Best wishes to all - and special thoughts to those under the weather or otherwise not able to enjoy POETS Day celebrations for other reasons.


Have a good weekend and a safe one.

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Good morning.


Cool and wet here at Carshalton-sur-Mer, and the whelkmen are staying abed. I don't blame them and would follow suit if we didn't have a whole day of deliveries lined up - Sainsbury's, a carpet cleaner, cables for the iPhone (left in France) and some steam coal. And anything else which may turn up. Julie's in the shop, so a day of talking to myself as well.


I may buy Lottery tickets.


Some Monty beckons, but also woodwork. I won't be able to clear up the workshop until all the deliveries have been, though...


Have a great fin de semaine. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Yep, very grey here in London. Was fine drizzle when we left home amd was starting to do the same here in London.


More storms for tonight forecast.


Just hoping that the Eastbourne air show is Ok tomorrow (cancelled yeseterday) as its my last chance ot see the Vulcan flying.

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  • RMweb Premium

Grey and drizzling here in the village.  Not a lot on the agenda for the first part of the day bit I will get some baseboards shifted.   This evening is the great 90th birthday dinner for the Father in Law.  His three kids and their spouses (That's where I fit in) plus 6 of the 7 grandchildren and various other halves plus Will's 2nd wife.  It should be a good do.  We've got a private room at a restaurant in Leeds that overlooks the river with a balcony for drinks if the weather is OK.  Beth has had to do a seating plan to try and accommodate various family politics, and avoid putting her dad, who wears hearing aids, too near the loudest of the younger generation.   I just hope that the snotty niece doesn't end up taking a dive over the balcony if she upsets her cousins.


Good the see Flavio's progress and AndyRam I do hope that your other half doesn't read ER's.



Edited by jamie92208
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Got up this morning expecting serious rain, but half an hour after getting up, the rain has stopped and it looks brighter in the west.  Might get outside soon, so paperwork beckons for now.  Enjoy your day!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, and it is a rather grey and muggy one here after a night of much rain, but no thunder.


I had a rough night for some reason, burning up and couldn't get to sleep, then Mrs H was snoring (or more like riveting in a boiler factory!) and woke me when I finally did sleep!  Decamped to the spare room at 4, I predict a lazy day.

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Showers earlier and the wind has gone around to the North West. The forecasters are undecided about the next few days. We could stay dry or we could get wet! This is quite important as this afternoon afternoon/evening we will be supervising over 2000 competitors dropping off their bikes on a site where access, to put it mildly, is very restricted. Then, at 6.30am tomorrow, we will be timing them as them come into transition from the run and kayaking, then get on their bikes to head off to Croagh Patrick. After they get back down from the summit, it's back on their bikes and into the finish in Westport. 70km of hell! At least if it turns out to be wet and windy, we won't be plagued by midges! Then we have to dash home ready to receive our next load of visitors!


Time to go, crank up the motorhome and hit the road,


Enjoy Poets day and the weekend.

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Morning all. Woke up to heavy rain this morning. Sarah and Amber were home late from her mum's and I was even later to bed after the pub night so it has been a lie in all round today. Even the cats have decided to curl up and ignore the temptations of the garden.

In response to a couple of members on here. No Sarah does not read ER and I do not talk in my sleep. But would like to clarify that I was not amongst the male staff fighting to help the scantily clad young lady with her pushchairs!!

Sarah has some jobs to do around the house today which I need to make myself scarce for. I had planned to take Amber up to the tram museum at Crich, but the weather looks to have put a stop to that plan. I may drive up to Masson Mill, take Amber for lunch and see if the weather clears. At least I can browse the Hornby outlet and whisky shop whilst I am there.

Have a good day.

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News from the Belgium front.

The weather was so hot and clammy last eve on our arrival. Today brings fresher air and clear blue skies. We are surrounded by partly harvested fields and small woods. Into town this afternoon.

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Morning all from a sticky but still rather boring borough. Last day of the staycation. So far we've managed to remove the last of the old paving slabs on the patio, chisel up the mortar, level everything, move and lay around 300 bricks. Tuesday was a day out to RHS Hyde Hall gardens and a picnic. Some pics may appear if I can be ar$ed to shrink them down. Another 120ish bricks carried through the house this morning. That just leaves the final pallet of 500 to shift. If the weather and my knee holds we should actually finish this project over the weekend.


Have a great Friday and enjoy your weekend.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bit late this morning as I overslept, doesn't matter any more as I'm retired. Talk of calenders reminded me that mine is still showing July so a quick change was in order, nothing naughty just old photographs of castles. Ever since retiring I've had to purchase calenders, when I was working there was often a pile of calenders in a cupboard all sent gratis from various companies that we had dealings with. If you wanted one of the girlie calenders you had to grab it quick, not because of male colleagues grabbing them but an arch militant feminist who took it upon herself to censor such items. One year one young lad managed to grab one before the 'censor' had seen it. He got away with it for a while as he sat at a corner desk and it was not visible being hidden from view by a filing cabinet. That was until he managed to upset another member of staff who got their own back by directing the feminist in his direction. She spotted it straight away, grabbed it and ripped it up whilst haranguing him mercilessly. The rest of the office couldn't help laughing, after the feminist had left of course. I have retained a few old calenders as I did intend to fillet some and have the pictures framed. One has some Frank Sutcliffe photographs which are very well reproduced.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning from a very persistent East Lancashire.

Off to work in about 15 minutes for a POE at 3pm.

Plan is then to play a doubles golf knockout match, but the forecast is predicting non-stop precipitation until about 8pm. I may suffer the same fate as Gordon.


Have a good weekend folks.




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  • RMweb Premium

It did chuck it down by 3.30 am, but only in the west and south of Leipzig apparently. Felt quite dozy initially but driving went smoothly. Photos to follow!


Oh, and did I mention how much fun it is to advise illegal parkers of the misguidedness of their ways? :yes:

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  • RMweb Premium

It all went ok until Andyram said to the scantily clad young lady "I'd like to punch your ticket".

It's a good thing she had a ticket or he might have had to take down her particulars.


Hat coat gone.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


It's Friday, we're home (stating the blindingly obvious) so it must be Waitrose - we'll probably got to the Tilehurst branch and that at least might give an opportunity to see if the local poppy fields have been harvested.  We didn't see any elsewhere on our train journey home so maybe they're a localised thing although I believe the drug companies are offering good money to farmers who wish to grow them.  It is of course persisting down but it has turned intermittent since the earlier deluge so it might be sensible to head off for the shops  before over long.


Now, responding to Jock's request, here's a pic of one of the navigation screens (it will enlarge when you click on it).  This particular screen is set up to integrate the ships planned course (dotted red line) and actual course (solid black line - the small circle shows current position by GPS and the dotted line & arrows ahead of it show our current heading).  You'll notice that at this point, in the English Channel, we were well off planned course and that was to weave our way through the westbound traffic lane and particularly to avoid the CMA CGM America - which is the named green triangle just above us - its past course is shown in solid green and its planned course in dotted green and the split in dotted green indicates that it is making a slight alteration of course.  (The other black line at top right was our outbound course from Slapton Sands to the Channel Light Vessel, our 'live' course was from the Light Vessel to Mevagissey, the light vessel separates the traffic lanes at that end of the Channel)


Other green triangles and lines show other vessels and you can see that at this point we were looking at three westbound ships and also three headed south which were fishing vessels.  The screen has thus integrated not only our ship's planned and actual navigation but using radar and AIS is showing the course and identity of other vessels.  The remainder of information on the main screen should equate exactly to that shown on Admiralty charts - depth, type of bottom etc, the wiggly pattern purple lines are cables either on the seabed or buried.


The normal planning method used to set a course on Patricia is to do the initial work on a paper chart to establish the waypoints at which alterations will be made - the waypoints are then fed into this system and used to control the autopilot as well as provide the sort of information you see on the screen.


The second pic was taken 3 minutes later and shows the CMA CGM America - about a mile away.







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Morning all (from a drizzly Scottish HQ)!


I've been enjoying Mike's pictures from Patricia.  No pictures posted from my travels last week yet but if I get time to resize some I'll post tonight or tomorrow.


Girlfriend is away this weekend on family business so I'm home alone for 3 nights, and have Saturday to myself. I'm planning to tidy the flat a bit (you can barely move in my lounge) and go to the Parkrun tomorrow morning.  The forecast is looking good for a 5k tomorrow morning, and I need to prepare more as I'm taking part in the Great North Run in a month's time.  I did it in 2012 (some of you were kind enough to sponsor me, and I'm grateful!) and it took me an hour to cross the start line from the gun going off.  Mo Farah is defending last year's win - he did the course in 1 hour and 1 second last year, so on that basis he'll be finishing as I cross the start line!


My mind was meandering this morning, and it occurred to me that while Glaswegians will batter and deep fry pretty much anything (Mars bars, sausages, pizzas...) I've never seen deep fried bacon.  I wonder why. I'm not recommending anyone tries it, probably a heart attack on a plate...


I need to update my rolling stock / loco list - so while I'm tidying I'll make notes for that.  The locos list is mostly there, though some need chipping and others need inputting onto the list. The carriages list, though, is woefully incomplete.  I like to keep a check on what I've got and at the moment I haven't a clue...


Hoping for a POETS day too...

Edited by sixoh8sixoh
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