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Early Risers.


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Morning All,


We had rain overnight again, and it is a bit gloomy this morning - but set to brighten up later on.


Apart from that, there isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


A satisfactory visit to the GP was followed by breakfast in Wetherspoons of which he would not have approved.  When I got home after this indulgence I found that postie had left a card asking me to collect an item described as "other" from the sorting office.  There is mystery in the air.  Other tasks were brought forward to accommodate this extra trip but at the price of not getting the soldering done.  Sorry, Brian.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Dry but quite windy here. Apart from Sunday night, we have managed to avoid the rain that others have been talking about.

Another day in the loft beckons. At this stage of the holiday I would normally be well into planning for next term and my thoughts would be on returning to school. It is only now that the fact I have retired is starting to sink in. A sort of mild euphoria reigns.

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Evening all from Dante's innermost circle of hell. Err fecking Swansea. Just 3 weeks of this crap to go. Tonight I learned a valuable lesson. Don't go drinking with a brewer on a school night.


Far too much to catch up on, but good to See Ian A and Ian L got to meet for a jar. Saddened by the air crash. My niece was only a couple of miles back in traffic at the time. Phew.


Now for a question. I've still got 10 days of unallocated leave to take this year. I've got a 5 day weekend at the end of Sept and 10 days off at Christmas. Do I take one week in each of Oct/Nov or should I have a long 2 week chillax? Thoughts


In other news, did I spy our imperious leader this morning on platform 1 @ Paddington just around 08:15? Or does Mr Y have a doppelgänger?

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Sunshine and blue sky at the moment but more rain is forecast,

Great night's sleep on the new mattress which turned up on time. All I've got to do now is somehow get the old one down to the dump but I don't think it'll fit in my car so will have to get some help.

Wood was ordered yesterday and will be delivered sometime today so that's the easy bit dealt with. Not sure when construction will start as The Boss is on holiday and seems to be formulating plans which don't involve railways this week. To be fair to her we are going to Staverton and Swindon in the near future.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Sunny here too this am.

Final packing to do and some jobs to finish then off to the airport.

Jock, not sure that we will have WiFi so if we don't can you all stay calm and behave yourselves (fat chance of that!)


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  • RMweb Gold

X-files time. Posted late last night. Heard the whoosh and shut the cover of my iPad. Opened it this morning to see the green dots and the posting still being posted.

That's a relief.

I thought you had totally lost it.

Too polite to comment of course.

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It was a run on landing at Aldergrove with all civilian traffic in and out put on hold whilst we skidded to a rest by the fire tenders.


We were very lucky it happened with sufficient height to recover. Had it happened close to the ground we would have gone in, as was seen some time later when an RAF Wessex from Valley ditched into Llanberis lake from low level, with the tragic loss of a number of Air Cadets who were on an air experience flight


Gosh, I once had a ride in a helicopter at RAF Aldergrove at a cadet force camp in 1962! I don't recognise the place when I fly out of what is now Belfast International Airport.


I have had quite a few rides in helicopters. The most dramatic was landing on a mountain shelf opposite Mt Cook in New Zealand. The most frightening was at a press day for a round of what used to be the Castrol Autosport National Rally Championship. BA sent along a helicopter to give the press an aerial view of a stage where professional drivers were giving other members of the press the opportunity of sitting in a rally car at speed in the forest. After the event was officially over, myself (as Clerk of the Course) and a couple of others went up for 'a spin'. I was scared sh**less as he flew flat out down forest rides barely above ground level and then proceeded to carry out aerobatic manoeuvres. Friends said I looked a bit green when I got out but the contents of my stomach were still where they were meant to be.


Birthday cake for breakfast this morning!


PS. It's another sunny but cold day here. Rain forecast for later.

Edited by Killybegs
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  • RMweb Gold

 it does shows the aircraft "twitch" from side to side as it comes to the bottom of the loop 




Most of the professional pilot forms are pointing to the twitch.


That twitch is characteristic of an accelerated stall,  and as the tail drops it makes the aircraft look as if it is trying to climb.


The stick has been pulled hard back and the angle of attack exceeded.


Although the plane is above it's stall speed, it's wings are no longer generating lift.


At that altitude it is a nose high skid into the ground, with little hope of recovery.

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I was going to click friendly/supportive for your last post, Bob, but it made me sound like the mattress. When I went to click the same button in response to a post by one of our lady ERs, I had similar, yet different thoughts...

(To the tune of El Cóndor Pasa: "I'd rather be a brassiere than a mattress"...)

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  • RMweb Premium

Gwiwer, the main airport entrance is off the Lower Brighton Road at the south of the airport. The A27 has approx 20 sets of lights at the junction you are talking of by the College.


Normally that is the case.  Owing to the large volume of traffic the air show generates the low railway bridge is considered unable to cope.  For the show the main access has always been via the A27 at the Sussex Pad Hotel.  Traffic was very heavy at the time of the crash and had been queuing to enter for some time.  That may be one reason the casualties are so many as they are.


The road is not now expected to reopen until at least next week.  Bus disruption continues.  The erstwhile toll bridge, for many years now used only as a footbridge since the flyover was built, has become a carpet of floral tributes being the closest convenient place the general public has access to.


I concur with the comments regarding black humour so long as it remains among those closely involved.  I was on duty at Euston when the Kings Cross fire occurred; I was in the street above the tube station when Moorgate occurred.  I was very close to but not directly involved in either though had colleagues working at Kings Cross at the time.  I still walk through that (much rebuilt) ticket hall with a sense of the past and if I use that escalator well it is with a lump in my throat.  I feel the same if using Moorgate platforms 9 and 10.  My brother-in-law lost his best mate to suicide at East Worthing fairly recently and having known the poor chap myself I find it hard to use that station - which is closest to my parents' home - without sensing his final moments there.  I have no doubt I shall feel moved when I next pass through Shoreham.  These things are normal human responses to such events.  And there is any amount of support and assistance for those who may need it.


Onwards.  Shoreham continues to unfold in scope but the rest of the world still turns.


Having spent much of my time these past few days on the phone or following news feeds I haven't paid to much attention to events here.  Generic greetings seems a little disingenuous but given some time I hope to catch up on significant events.


And has anyone heard from Torr Giffard at all???

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All

Happy Birthday John.

Sunny here.

Had to get up quite early to call the Dr this morning, as their phone is manned from 07.30 and gives an engaged tone by 07.31, so had to get Lily out, walked and back to make the call promptly.

Shopping calls.

Back later?


Regards to All


Edited by 45156
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  • RMweb Gold

Wood has been delivered and is currently in the conservatory. The Boss has just gone on record as saying that she would rather I "get on with it so I can have my house back" - so I better start cutting.

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Morning all, and sunshine is promised for the morning here. Then rain. 


More Gantt chart prep today. Wondering if there is a button I can press to get an overview of this monstrosity of a project!  


Last few days of the summer holiday; must make time to take the children to the park and do some fun activities. It's been a packed holiday so far but it'd be a shame if the last bit had them kicking their heels whilst dad hammers away at the laptop. 


Have a nice day everyone. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny here, rain forecast from lunchtime.

Happy birthday John. Enjoy your breakfast cake.

Matthew will be off to the LSE today to hand in his hard copy dissertations, and various other tasks. He was going to do this yesterday but delayed it to avoid missing lunch with his Gran. As the tube strike is postponed and he won't need to head home early I think he will do some shopping, I know he needs some shoes.

I suspect I will be making tea and coffee throughout the day. Aditi is hoping to complete the timetable today. The people who should be doing it are on holiday too! Aditi I think regrets not starting her retirement this summer. Though I suspect she wouldn't be going up in to the loft as BoD is!


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Birthday cake for breakfast this morning!

Happy birthday John!


Morning all from sunny Scottish HQ.


You know that long-winded homebuying process? GF got her decision in principle on a mortgage on Thursday, saw a flat on Saturday, put an informal offer in, followed by a formal offer yesterday, which was accepted by noon yesterday!  (The handover date is looking like being towards the end of October).  We went round again last night to take some measurements.  There's a lot of work needed to get it into "home" condition - it's liveable but needs a lot of renovation/prettification.  Some of the work is beyond me, but I can see a number of my Saturdays over the coming year being taken up with me looking like Bob the Builder...

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Happy birthday John!


Morning all from sunny Scottish HQ.


You know that long-winded homebuying process? GF got her decision in principle on a mortgage on Thursday, saw a flat on Saturday, put an informal offer in, followed by a formal offer yesterday, which was accepted by noon yesterday!  (The handover date is looking like being towards the end of October).  We went round again last night to take some measurements.  There's a lot of work needed to get it into "home" condition - it's liveable but needs a lot of renovation/prettification.  Some of the work is beyond me, but I can see a number of my Saturdays over the coming year being taken up with me looking like Bob the Builder...


Can we fix it? I thought that under the Scots system it was advisable to have surveys and preliminary legal work done before making an offer on the grounds that the offer was a contract?



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