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I tried that deterrent (sic) for Coloured or Black fabrics years ago. Could not detect any difference in results - over time - from regular “delicate” or “gentle” brands. I stopped buying it. 


Best, Pete.

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What a wonderful concert last night, considering Peter Yarrow and Noel Paul Stookey are both now 77 it was impressive! Unfortunately, Peter looks like he has possibly early onset Parkinsons as he had some quite visible hand shaking, but he's stronger than ever in his peace and justice beliefs. It felt like we were in the midst of a '60s peace rally. Truly exceptional human beings the pair of them.

They played for nearly 3 hours with just a brief 20 minute intermission, and some backing from a few local musicians to give them breaks in the sets - truly energizing.


Today I've some free time - Mrs has her annual "...watch a Twins (baseball) game..." with MiL and all the female family members, a lovely experience for them all, AND a free 4-5 hours for me, with the bonus that I've NO to-do list :)


Tonight we're going to see "The Martian". Jemma had mentioned she was going with her boyfriend and the Mrs suggested we go too, which was greeted with much enthusiasm. Cunning these youngsters, I've paid for the tickets - I'd not even given it a second thought until after I'd dashed off and bought them proving how simply and successfully you can get them online now! :jester:  :O


Looks like the hurricane/storm is pretty much confirmed as moving out across the Atlantic so shouldn't hamper my return to Long Island tomorrow - other than there's expected to be a carp load of rain in the coastal areas for a few days - hello JFK :(


6 sunny and delightful, as I retrieved the paper FROM HALF WAY DOWN THE !@$^%!@$ PATH again <grrr>, expecting 16 for a high.


OK, enough of this, I'm off to do some serious modeling and other fun stuff, while the cat Mrs is away :senile:

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Well, survived a mega shopping trip around Yorkshire, it would appear a bigger car might have been a good ikea, sorry idea.  No trains either, although I did exercise the credit card in Haworth station shop yesterday on the way here!


NYMR to Whitby to Monday though, as my treat.  Chish and fips for lunch no doubt.

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Afternoon all. Better things to report today. Wife is feeling better and is determined to be up and about asap, I think my cooking has something to do with it. The washing machine has settled down again and my wallet has stopped crying. Stewart hobbled past earlier on, his speed has picked up so he must be on the mend. Hope all you others that are ailing have had a better day today too.


Rugby Union is not my game at all but I am aware that there is some kind of tournament going on at the moment. Obviously I would like my fellow countrymen to do well but I dread the media coverage if they do. Way back when England won in Australia I was working as a brush hand for a decorating friend. Painting inside a refurbished warehouse one Saturday afternoon we had the radio on for company. After I had heard the commentary on Johnny Wilkinson's dropped goal for the fifth time I told my two Scottish workmates, "I don't know about you but I am sick of hearing this".  We then discovered that the old radio would only receive the one station so it was switched off. I think the lads were being polite to me but if was tiresome for me it must have been doubly so for them. Which goes to illustrate that the BBC is there for everyone in these islands, not just the English.


Stay safe all.

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Well, survived a mega shopping trip around Yorkshire, it would appear a bigger car might have been a good ikea, sorry idea.  No trains either, although I did exercise the credit card in Haworth station shop yesterday on the way here!


NYMR to Whitby to Monday though, as my treat.  Chish and fips for lunch no doubt.

The Magpie - quartet of fish, eat the fish first - don't have any bread and butter - and have a pot of tea... well worth it!

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What a wonderful concert last night, considering Peter Yarrow and Noel Paul Stookey are both now 77 it was impressive! Unfortunately, Peter looks like he has possibly early onset Parkinsons as he had some quite visible hand shaking, but he's stronger than ever in his peace and justice beliefs. It felt like we were in the midst of a '60s peace rally. Truly exceptional human beings the pair of them.

They played for nearly 3 hours with just a brief 20 minute intermission, and some backing from a few local musicians to give them breaks in the sets - truly energizing.


Today I've some free time - Mrs has her annual "...watch a Twins (baseball) game..." with MiL and all the female family members, a lovely experience for them all, AND a free 4-5 hours for me, with the bonus that I've NO to-do list :)


Tonight we're going to see "The Martian". Jemma had mentioned she was going with her boyfriend and the Mrs suggested we go too, which was greeted with much enthusiasm. Cunning these youngsters, I've paid for the tickets - I'd not even given it a second thought until after I'd dashed off and bought them proving how simply and successfully you can get them online now! :jester:  :O


Looks like the hurricane/storm is pretty much confirmed as moving out across the Atlantic so shouldn't hamper my return to Long Island tomorrow - other than there's expected to be a carp load of rain in the coastal areas for a few days - hello JFK :(


6 sunny and delightful, as I retrieved the paper FROM HALF WAY DOWN THE !@$^%!@$ PATH again <grrr>, expecting 16 for a high.


OK, enough of this, I'm off to do some serious modeling and other fun stuff, while the cat Mrs is away :senile:


Told you that deck wasn't big enough.  :sarcastichand:



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The Magpie - quartet of fish, eat the fish first - don't have any bread and butter - and have a pot of tea... well worth it!


No tea Baz, hate the stuff!  Had FnC at the Wetherby Whaler today, not bad....prefer Murghatroyd's though.

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Afternoon all,

I did manage to get back to sleep after about half an hour or so in the middle of the night - thanks for all the wishes. I slept through until 8am when the alarm went to remind me that it was time to prepare Archie's morning diet of 'Dentastix', Piriton tablet disguised in treats, some Shape biscuits, and water bowl.

Dom, good news about Elise, and I'm pleased to read that you are mending well.

Jo(Steadfast), thanks for the reply - your job is an important link in the chain that gets the stone from quarry to end user! I love the Mendips, having visited Somerset several times whilst our daughter lived in the county. There are quite a few quarries in the area, and I believe I once spotted an 08 shunter, could that be yours? My father used to do occasional extra shifts in the fifties, between his express passenger turns, running trains of empty coal wagons in to one or other of the many Ayrshire coal pits. I used to enjoy going on the footplate to the mine with him, as we transferred to the guards van with tea and bacon butties, whilst the NCB shunters moved the empties through the hoppers. I admired the skill of the drivers from the deck of the guards van as they formed up the train ready for our return (downhill) journey.

John(CB), funny how the distaff side always seem to moan about the cost of 'our stuff', unless it affects them! A recent example was over the ordering of a new batch of inks for the photographic printer in my study - Joanna has always grumbled that 'it isn't long since the last time, and do they have to cost that much'? On this occasion I mentioned that I had to print several copies of Freddie and Ava's (great grandchildren) first proper school photographs. With a smile, she produced the card that we use for Internet shopping! Probably never understand them.

Flávio, you were spot on with the Haggis, Tatties and Neeps comment - it is not just for 'Burns' Supper', born as it was from the desire of Scots to use absolutely every part of the sheep they had slaughtered! Wonder if you'd ever tried Drambuie gravy for a change? My father was a vegetarian (it's a long story!) and mum, being a superb cook, knocked up a veggie version whilst us carnivores tucked in to the authentic version. Problem was, getting enough of the gravy before dad got his hands on it - he certainly liked his tipple. She used to make individual pots of 'cranachan' to finish with home made shortbread 'petites gastelles' (petticoat tails to the unpretentious, but thought to be the origin of the name!). As to the dogs showing emotions, I hadn't realised until we had Archie, just how expressive their faces can be. You certainly know when he isn't happy, and he can use his big brown eyes when he wants something. Hope you are back to full fitness soon.

Pete(trisonic), the answer to your question about the Daily Mail has to be a resounding 'yes'. Definitely gutter press. My dad used to have a cartoon on the wall which showed a dead terrier who had been given the wrong paper by the newsagent (The D. Mail) and it had poisoned him! I too like 'Gado Gado', but I sadly have to be careful of the chilli strength of the sauce these days.

Best wishes for a continued recovery for all our recovering members. I will try to post again tonight if I stay awake long enough, and I hope not to be posting in the small hours tomorrow morning.

Kind regards,


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Btw I’ve not given up on “El Faro” - they may be without any power at all. Not good to be so near a Hurricane, however. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


Here’s the longest track I can find for Hurricane Joaquin. Probably why the BBC are saying that the British Isles weather will go down hill next week. Not to worry I expect it to arrive as a normal depression.......




Best, Pete.

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Evening all


Brrr! Quite chilly outside now but what a great week of sun and warmth.


Many thanks to all of you for your support and helpful words about my forthcoming chemo, really appreciate it; your advice will make it easier to deal with. Like the idea of ginger biscuits and ginger ale.


Good idea, Flavio and Jock, haven't had haggis and accompaniments for a couple of months, must do so soon. Never tried Drambuie gravy though.


Shame about Scotland's rugby loss but SA were the better team. Here's to an England win later this evening.


Hope your weekends are all enjoyably going to plan.



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Again, another early night, as again, I start to wilt around 8 and it's just better to lie down and have a read of ERs rather than seeing a load of daytime TV "stars" cavorting round a studio masquerading as a ballroom and being criticised for doing so Strictly Come Dancing.  Am I showing age or what, but what happened to the Home Counties North formation team?


Geoff - I didn't see you as I was hobbling round the block - must have been sometime after 30747 got in from her traffic-ridden trip to Morecambe.  We all went out together again Lily included, to save 30747 from having to take us both for separate walks.  As long as Lil stays away from the crutches, it seems to be working OK.  But thanks for noticing that I was moving at a better speed.  Pleased to hear that Kath is a bit better, and that the washer has stopped making expensive noises. 


One great advantage is that as my legs are now the same length, I am actually a lot more stable on my feet than I was before.  Luckily I had a few pairs of unmodified shoes in the house, and am putting them to good use, until I can get some of the others altered back to standard - which I can't do until the surgeon confirms that the new hip is stable, and there isn't going to be any further change to the lengths.


Neil, hope the rail trip comes up to expectation, and that the fish and chips are likewise.  Got to say that my preference is still for fried food cooked in vegetable oil rather than beef dripping, as the latter makes chips that taste better initially, but which I now find to be less digestible.  If you are in the North West, the Angel Lane Chippy in Penrith has an excellent reputation, and DOES make awesome chips.  Well worth hunting out....


Anyhows, an hour's audio book, and

Nighty night


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Evening all.  So Australia and Wales are through!  And a prediction that the semi-finals will be South Africa vs. New Zealand and Australia against either France or Ireland.  The game between the latter two in Cardiff next Sunday will be critical.  Then probably a New Zealand vs. Australia final.


Sorry Jock, your plea for all four home nations getting through was never going to happen.  Australia are too good.


Cymru am byth.    Bill 

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Evening all,

Bill, I realise it was a forlorn hope, but I do wish that England had demonstrated more fighting spirit. Quite a few of them simply didn't 'turn up'. It looks very much like being a Southern Hemisphere final - guess the bookies knew what they were talking about!

Just heard on BBC News 24, that Dennis Healey has passed away aged 98! I don't propose to trot out politics on here, but he always seemed like a decent man, and true to his centrist convictions. Also known to work hard for his constituents for most of his time in the 'house'. RIP Dennis.

Neil(NHN), hope you are both enjoying the tour, and that the fish and chips match the anticipation. I'm sure the railway part of your visit will be good - I can almost smell the steam as I anticipate some of your excellent photographs on your return to the 'Island'! Careful not to let anyone too close to your necks around Whitby!!

I'm going to turn in shortly, in case I have yet another interrupted sleep tonight. Whilst I was reading the electronic Guardian this evening, Joanna was watching an awful (in my opinion) programme called 'Embarrassing Bodies'. She has recorded part of the show which has a piece on the effect of radiotherapy on the colon/bowel. Although the patient involved had been treated for prostate cancer, the information therein might explain why I have so much trouble in that department. I shall watch carefully and make notes to discuss the topic with my oncologist during my next consultation. You really do learn something every day!

Good to see Mal posting in such good spirits, despite the outcome of the Rugby! Good too that Stewart and Flávio continue to mend, and I hope that goes for 'Is' and all our other recent sufferers and that includes 'grandadbob' who by now is likely to have damaged yet another part of himself! How is the bruising Sherry, I believe it always looks worse before it gets better?

Hope Sunday goes well for everyone, especially those involved with shows, Hope also that the lovely Debs enjoyed her visit to the show, and that some images might be forthcoming (if not on here, perhaps a link to their whereabouts would be useful!).

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night late lurkers!

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The first game I saw at Twickenham in the early seventies was against Australia - I know it was good but remember very little about the day........


Don’t fall into the US thing of winning at all costs, it’s not a war. Let’s hope that England actually learn by their mistakes.


Best, Pete.

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Just a quick visit this evening. Had a good day starting with our monthly men's breakfast at church then some shopping and a good 2 or 3 hours of soldering and achieved a lot. I didn't find the trap door to the parallel universe but will continue looking. However I have now fettled up 5 and a half of the 8 bridge girders and am very happy with the rate of progress. I was planning on sorting another one this evening when I was suddenly summoned to go to the brother in law's for a 'shed burning' party. Just got back from a very enjoyable evening sitting round a fire having a drink and a good chat. Our two nieces joined us. The old shed has now been duly incinerated in a good cause and a good time was had by all. All very impromptu but very nice.


Hope those that are heading towards bed sleep well and without pain and for those who are only part way through or just starting their day I hope it goes well for you.


From what I've read above I'm glad I missed the rugby.


Goodnight all.



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