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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. See, I can do like you do, Ian!  :mosking: By the way, did you know that in Spanish, exchanging one consonant turns an egg into bone?


Tis true. Sorry Dom, but I am prone to minor mods to words as seems appropriate. Bluebottle and Tony S are right. Although I am also prone to hijacking vaguely similar words too. The architect was not impressed by being referred to as the architrave. Little things famously absorb little minds!


Oh, I have to disagree on the "little minds" bit, Ian!


Just having some coffee and something to bite to prepare myself for work. Split shift today, first part from 5.48 till 8.25 with depot sortie and return.



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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up! Raining here, but do I care...no!


Off to moreasons for shopping and breakfast. Newly finished the DCC fitting might try to sneak a picture of said loco on later on.


Jock, hope all goes well with the hospital trip.


Andyram, her indoors says good luck with the children's activities at school, I think she has had enough of teaching various pupils to play Christmas related tunes on various wind instruments!


Off to drink a mug of tea and then time to get Friday sorted.


Have a great day!


P's in our house we have chish and fips, and her indoors likes mleemlar (marmalade) - must be cos she is a grimberian.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Not sure what the weather is doing out there this morning.


Half day for me today then down to Brighton for a special event for us and few beers afterwards. Hopefully a photo or two later.


Ian (OD)- hope your trip to Kernow boosts their takings today!

Edited by roundhouse
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Morning all.


Have missed a while here, so generic greetings/congratulations/commiserations/etcetera as appropriate.


An afternoon storm's just bumped the humidity up to stupendous levels here, which is most uncomfortable; air-con is working overtime trying to dehumidify the house.

16mm scale loco is gradually progressing, progress mostly depending on the relative comfort of the workshop.

There was roadworks right outside the house the other day, dad went to help them out; fortunately this was met with more amusement than annoyance by the council workers. I got him back inside be before he could actually try doing anything other than wave a couple of cars through the roadworks. Then deadbolted the doors.


Meanwhile, there's some turkey breast in the oven for dinner.


Enjoy your day all!

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There was roadworks right outside the house the other day, dad went to help them out; fortunately this was met with more amusement than annoyance by the council workers. I got him back inside be before he could actually try doing anything other than wave a couple of cars through the roadworks. Then deadbolted the doors.



A difficult situation and a lot of responsibility for you, Lisa.

We have similar issues with MiL.

Best wishes with it all.

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Good morning one and all


Mike Tyack gave a show in Stevenage last night full of stunning photography of steam trains in or near the landscape.   In some it was difficult to make out the train at all.  [it is hard to spell 'difficult' at this hour, especially when the zoom function keeps kicking in without a conscious command.  Grrrr ...]  Anyway, what he showed made me no closer to picking up my own camera which has lain fallow since August.  I must charge both its batteries before I take it to Switzerland in, hoorah, less than a fortnight's time.


Another fodder run today.  As the holiday approaches, as does my absence, a balance must be struck between having too much in the fridge when I go away and not enough when I return.  This is easier said than done.  Today there should be the latest issues of Hornby Mag and the Toddler to entertain me, plus the festive double issue of Radio Times so that I can decide what to record while I am away.


As inspiration evaporates, breakfast calls.  Good health to all who need it.



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  • RMweb Gold

When Dad was still at home but after he had his license revoked due to his illness he used to go knocking on neighbours (who we didn't know) doors and ask for a lift to the pub. He was always very forward made worse by his illness.


Met a fellow drinker at the bus stop this morning. He had a great time in Italy riding the high speed services searching out Italian craft beer Brewers. Must try the same next year as some of the Italian beers we have had here are superb.


Train before and after ours cancelled for different reasons so we are the lucky ones so far.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good to see Lisa back among us.  And Debs who I've noticed popping in at times as I trawl back through recent days.


A little prevening snack here of crackers and brie with a glass of el-cheapo Shiraz.  Chicken and veggies roasting away in the oven for a little later.  Snoozeletter duly composed, authorised by SWMBO and print off in small numbers.  Must upload to Dropbox later.  


Other than that a quiet day, three of five booked off, with strong wind making the required tidying of the acres scheduled for today unfeasible.  


Neighbour's school graduation - come - Festivas - come - leaving-home party 24 hours from now.  I think we're the only "grown-ups" invited so might be an evening sat keeping her parents company.  No matter; we're good friends and have been for years.  


Edit = Why on Earth does our profanity filter object to the word "come" just because it's placed between hyphens?????  Spaces introduced

Edited by Gwiwer
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Morning All,


It is a rather grey morning here - but more seasonal temperature wise, and it is also my last day at work for this year.  The company have insisted that everyone uses their leave up before the end of the year, and who am I to argue?!?


Part of yesterday evening was spend testing Thomas for his religion test.  I am optimistic that the retake will be better than the first time around.


Oh well - time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Damp outside, forecast to be wet later.

We had a nice afternoon with Mil yesterday, even the M25 traffic was quiet.

Not sure what we are doing today, I think Aditi would like me to get the Christmas tree set up.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all and good luck for tomorrow Jock,

Seems to be dry and breezy here at the moment but there may be some outbreaks of light rain later.

Yesterday I managed to finish tracklaying and wiring droppers. Everything seems to be working OK but I think an extensive testing session is now called for. :locomotive: :yes:  This will be done this morning as The Boss is off to see her hair mechanic for a major service so may be gone for about 3 hours. Any thoughts she has of leaving me "things to do" will have to wait.  This may result in a period of increased tension for a while.but as we're off to Steve's flat tonight for a family get together I'm sure that won't last and a great time will be had by all,

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all. I'm off to pick up my laptop from our techie guys, as I had a phone call yesterday to tell me it had been fixed, then back to the Wirral. They are usually very good but time will tell I guess. Software called MAGIX available here in the UK can be used to covert cassette tapes, vinyl which I've used successfull and even video which I haven't used. I bought my package about 10 years ago so there is probably a more upto date version available now.

Good luck tomorrow Jock.

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I was listening to the discussion re Heathrow expansion on the news and they were talking about the relocation of BA headquarters and other buildings to make way for the runway.  


Almost as an aside at the end of the report they also said "the M25 would need to be moved"..... :O


That'll be fine then......

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Mornin' all,


Keeping the house bright with flower colour just now....alstromeria



Somewhat dark constitutional for the last hour....clearing sky with single figure temps, about average for the time of year. Head down calorie burn around the short anticlockwise to make up for a few missed.


Is is comfortable but has a drain in at the mo, which makes getting around and sleeping problematic


Now music by Craig Ogden.....carols on strings


Feathered ones provided for...lesser redpolls munching on sunflower hearts


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Just noticed that this topic is only 100 pages away from having 4472 pages, which is oddly exciting.


Speaking of trains (trains in early risers?), those who've been on this site for a while (in its various forms), may be aware of my occasional starts on building a model of Smallford on the long closed ex-GNR Hatfield to St Albans line. I've so far started it 3 times in 2 different gauges/scales, I will (probably) actually finish (after starting again) a model of it one day. However I came across a short 1933 silent film on youtube last night which features Smallford, referred to as Southmoor in the film.



There's some good railway scenes in there, both at Smallford and elsewhere, including a short view of 4472 at speed pulling the train she was named after.

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Morning all! Caught up at last... Again, too late getting up to do so before getting to work. Nice easy commute this morning though, there's something rather relaxing about driving one of the slowest things on the road that's not a tractor- if you are running late you might as well just sit back and accept it 'cos there's nothing you can do about it! Not that I am.


POETS here, we finish 1hr45 early generally (although most higher up the ladder than me start slinking away at lunchtime) which gives a bit of useful time. I'm slowly trying to teach myself Solidworks so the quiet Friday afternoons are ideal for this. It will have it's uses in work for designing fixturing and such- much better than "back of a fag packet" especially when you are drawing something for the machinists down the road. I dare say it will be useful for modelling based things as well; next tutorial is "revolves" so perhaps we'll see if we can draw a stovepipe chimney for the 7mm Terrier.


Laura normally finishes at midday but works one Friday afternoon in 5, today is that day which is handy as I'm hoping her Christmas prezzie will be on the doormat when I get home!


On the subject obsolete music formats, one job for this evening is to unbox and test the fantastically 80's tape deck that arrived earlier in the week. There are hundreds on eBay, supposedly "New Old Stock" having been stashed in a warehouse for donkey's years. Certainly looks it from the box. Assuming it works OK (the seller said he'd swap it if it doesn't, he's got lots) it's destined to be a Christmas present for a friend who is into 80's hip- hop, for reasons the rest of us can't quite fathom. Feel unusually ahead of the game this year although I've not done any cards yet.


Work's do tonight, into Stroud for a curry and a few beers. I'm on taxi duties as usual- the curse of the teetotaller. I don't mind really, I just hope whatever boozeatorium we end up doesn't mind making me a cup of tea every now and again... I'm actually quite fond of Wetherspoons for that reason, they don't look at you like you've dropped in from another planet when you order three pints and a cuppa at half 11 at night (equally they don't seem fazed when folks order a pint with breakfast, I'm not sure if they recruit based on indifference or if it's in the staff training package).


 Enjoy your day all :)  

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Lemon Turd Carts has escaped these lips as well though luckily not when asking for them in a shop ;)


Dr. Spooner, along with Mrs. Malaprop, has munch to answer for.

I did once refer to a lady called Sophie Roper as Ropey Sofa, though not to her face. She must have had a sense of humour, because she was told about it and found it funny.


Spoonerisms do run in the family. back in the 1960s, and uncle referred to my parents new property (called Penlan in Gipsy Lane), as Ginlan, Pepsi Lane.

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  • RMweb Premium

Lemon Turd Carts has escaped these lips as well though luckily not when asking for them in a shop ;)


Dr. Spooner, along with Mrs. Malaprop, has munch to answer for.

My good lady once ordered a portion of 'Stiffy Tockee pudding' whilst out with the family.  The waitress couldn't continue for laughing.



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  • RMweb Premium

Going back to earlier posts regarding spoonerisms. When my eldest was small we were in a bakery ordering cakes and buns etc. he wanted to pay so we let him. When accepting the change he thought he'd be clever and say thank you in German, but he got a bit mixed up and said donkey shite instead. He also came out of school one St David's Day and shouted in a loud voice the it was Daffodildo day. Sheila face was a picture.

Edited by BSW01
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