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Early Risers.


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Morning all.


Bit damp here. Lots of traffic this morning for some reason. Some kindly soul let me out of the end of my road though- it's not normally busy enough for that to be necessary.


I must say Rick's posts are proving an education- sounds like our cousins down under are more like our own dear countryfolk than I thought... always got the impression things were a bit more relaxed down there. I suppose people are people wherever you go; I must admit I consider myself lucky to live relatively "out in the sticks" in what is a pretty quiet part of the country (some might say backwards...) anyway. Although I was slightly amused by the discussions around late night transport- even with the cuts mentioned that's a rather better service than we get on a Sunday! Still, there are rather fewer people to serve hereabouts.


Good to hear that Harvey is on mend- I think Jock's nightcap was well deserved after that!


Seems to be the week for dental attention- I've got a checkup on Thursday but my one filling escaped last week so that will need redoing. Good luck those of you having your teeth prodded today, and I hope Brian manages to get through the training without dozing off!  

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Morning all, and looking forward to blast off coverage.  


Ahhh, you can tell it's Christmas....


So, last night my neighbour knocks on the door and on letting him in I see he is clutching a lingerie catalogue - or, less interestingly a mobile phone browser opened at the relevant page and obviously panicking.


Neighbour: I need to know what size my wife is.

Me; She's a 34c

Neighbour: Ta.....this size chart is confusing.

Me: She's a "Small".

Neighbour; Ta.....what colour bra do you think she'd like.

Me (warming to the theme and keeping a straight face): She normally goes for pastels and likes to make sure she matches top and bottom.

Neighbour: Ta.

Me: But you might want to go with something jazzier to spice things up a bit... 

Neighbour: Ta. 

Me: My pleasure. 

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Morning all from a misty village so we can't see Ikea.  Hurray.  Actually we can't see it anyway as it's the other side of the watershed.  Good news about Harvey, I hope that his recovery continues Jock.


Dentists, don't talk about them, I've got to have  grumbling molar taken out on Thursday and am not looking forward to the ordeal.  I hope that the other visits to the fang menders go OK.


Anyway despite the weather the day looks good so far.  The boss has departed to pick up sister in law and they are off to Betty's cookery school in Harrogate, for the day, for a cookery demo/course.  That leaves me free to play apart from a few minor tasks.  As a result the loco shed roof is already resting on the dining room table and hopefully progress will be made.  Glue dries a lot more quickly here rather than at the colder club rooms.


Hope the course goes OK Brian.


AndyB, your story reminds me of a burglar we locked up one Boxing day, he had broken the window of a lingerie shop and stolen a bright red bra and pantie set size 34B after consuming well over a gallon of ale.  Asked why he did it he replied that it was a present for the wife.   At 3.30am we went to tell said wife that her dearly beloved was partaking of our hospitatlity.  She answered the door, fortunately she was wearing a nightdress but 34B she certainly wasn't, more like 48G but needed a belt to keep them in check rather than a bra.  Not the sort of sight we should have to be subjected to at that hour.  We never did find out what happened when hubby eventually got home.


On that cheery and festive note I'll wish you all good day.



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. It did indeed rain here early this morning, it woke me up at god-knows-what-o'clock but I soon went back to sleep. It looks as if the rain won't be back until this evening. Looks as if today I'll be getting on with more clearing of the tip spare room, I might even find my worktop. Bye for now, be back later.

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Major Tim Peake and others take of from Baikonur Cosmodrome for the International Space Station today, with lift off set for 11.03GMT. They are due to spend 6 months up there. 


Wonder if they have room for the fellow manning the PayPal help desk?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, and looking forward to blast off coverage.  


Ahhh, you can tell it's Christmas....


So, last night my neighbour knocks on the door and on letting him in I see he is clutching a lingerie catalogue - or, less interestingly a mobile phone browser opened at the relevant page and obviously panicking.


Neighbour: I need to know what size my wife is.

Me; She's a 34c

Neighbour: Ta.....this size chart is confusing.

Me: She's a "Small".

Neighbour; Ta.....what colour bra do you think she'd like.

Me (warming to the theme and keeping a straight face): She normally goes for pastels and likes to make sure she matches top and bottom.

Neighbour: Ta.

Me: But you might want to go with something jazzier to spice things up a bit... 

Neighbour: Ta. 

Me: My pleasure. 

He didn't think of asking you about how you knew such intimate details about his wife then. :sungum:


Morning all from a misty village so we can't see Ikea.  Hurray.  Actually we can't see it anyway as it's the other side of the watershed.  Good news about Harvey, I hope that his recovery continues Jock.


Dentists, don't talk about them, I've got to have  grumbling molar taken out on Thursday and am not looking forward to the ordeal.  I hope that the other visits to the fang menders go OK.


Anyway despite the weather the day looks good so far.  The boss has departed to pick up sister in law and they are off to Betty's cookery school in Harrogate, for the day, for a cookery demo/course.  That leaves me free to play apart from a few minor tasks.  As a result the loco shed roof is already resting on the dining room table and hopefully progress will be made.  Glue dries a lot more quickly here rather than at the colder club rooms.


Hope the course goes OK Brian.


AndyB, your story reminds me of a burglar we locked up one Boxing day, he had broken the window of a lingerie shop and stolen a bright red bra and pantie set size 34B after consuming well over a gallon of ale.  Asked why he did it he replied that it was a present for the wife.   At 3.30am we went to tell said wife that her dearly beloved was partaking of our hospitatlity.  She answered the door, fortunately she was wearing a nightdress but 34B she certainly wasn't, more like 48G but needed a belt to keep them in check rather than a bra.  Not the sort of sight we should have to be subjected to at that hour.  We never did find out what happened when hubby eventually got home.


On that cheery and festive note I'll wish you all good day.




Jamie, that reminds me of the times I used to do the census, when the door opened there was plenty of sights best forgotten but for some reason you never can. Best one was when the door was opened by an attractive 21 year old blond, naked except for a small towel barely keeping her modesty.

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quick check in using my sisters internet connection. Great day at tony Wrights yesterday - sir took lots of photos of my dad's engines.... nuff said but if you are interested they are omn his thread.


Fatchy pog here and about to brave the road to peterborough Hospital.


Stay safe and have a great day.



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Morning all,

Anyone interested in the Principia Mission? : Major Tim Peake and others take of from Baikonur Cosmodrome for the International Space Station today, with lift off set for 11.03GMT. They are due to spend 6 months up there. If you can't watch it on terrestrial TV, the European Sace Agency web site (simply Google ESA!) are showing it live from 10.00GMT.

Enjoy, hopefully back later,

Kind regards,



And if the skys clear we shall see him overhead(ish) at 5.12pm. . . 


See . . . http://iss.astroviewer.net/

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Morning all from a grey Scottish HQ. 16 pages to catch up and a pile of work as high as my nose, so I don't think catching up will happen!


I do wonder sometimes why I don't write all my Christmas cards in February and store them away for the next Christmas. Always seems to be a stress and a struggle writing them in the lead-up to Christmas! I haven't written a round robin letter, but really ought to...


Hope everyone's well and I'll catch up with you all in due course...

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Morning all, it's grey and gloomy here but that may be because the view is through the windows in HR and I guess it is always grey and gloomy in there.....


I had missed Jock's news about Harvey but I wish the lad all the best. Jock's family seem to be put through the wringer regularly. Let's hope they now have a run of consistent good news.


Not long til Tim Peake is launched. Younger Lurker was very interested about this - and left me having to work out whether he was going to low, middle or high earth orbit while he got dressed this morning. (the first of these if you didn't know). In other news, he seems to be looking forward to being 7 on Thursday, to finishing term on Friday and no school for several weeks. And Christmas too of course.


I must brave the crowds again this lunchtime for the next tranche of shopping. I've discovered that Waterloo has two shops I would like to visit so a quick tube trip beckons.


Have a good day all

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The Welsh Railways Research Circle's winter newsletter has just arrived.


Flicking through it and came across the following link of a DVD on the South Wales Valleys lines. (1960s to 2015)




I've ordered mine.


Christmas day viewing is a must, much to the disgust of the rest of the family whom I'm sure would have preferred to watch  the Great Escape.


(I have no connection with the production company)

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Now you're talking.  Had crumpets yesterday - done in the toaster.  Not the same. :nono:

As a "lad" on first starting on the Signal & Telegraph department (as it was still known  in 1959) a project was the making of toasting forks with long prongs, from lengths of copper wire, for sandwiches .

The copper had to be properly twisted and soldered. Then if you got a sandwich who's contents you didn't really like, you toasted it!  :boast:


Edited by Judge Dread
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WOW, that Major Tim Peake is a lucky, lucky bu**er in my book, officially a 'spaceman' now. An awesome thing to watch, and ponder on the amazing science and engineering involved - wish I'd been able to do that!

Catch up later,

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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Ian (RH) I gotta ask; what does JMRI stand for? I'm guessing something model railway interface to allow you to control your layouts from computery things  as I have seen you doing this at exhibitions. Or possibly one of your helpers as I don't know what you look like!



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I wanted to buy some Christmas cards but the shops were too busy.  The aisle back-to-back dimensions between the shelves were on the skinny side and I spotted at least three livery errors on the reindeer.


Ho Ho Humbug Ho.

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Ian (RH) I gotta ask; what does JMRI stand for? I'm guessing something model railway interface to allow you to control your layouts from computery things  as I have seen you doing this at exhibitions. Or possibly one of your helpers as I don't know what you look like!



As Ian is probably at work,



A most useful piece of software!

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G'day all.


A pleasant visit to Dracula's daughter and the mystery of the 'fasting blood test' finally demolished - quite why some cockwomble sent me a letter telling me one was wanted remains a mystery and I sincerely hope that it wasn't a 'medical secretary' as the receptionist I spoke to last week to check and Drac's daughter today were both clear that it wasn't a fasting test, and it's good job it wasn't as I had my usual biccy and a cuppa this morning.


Jock will be interested to know that on the suggestion of the chap who serviced my Citroens I bought a  set of NGK plugs and they definitely made a difference, a big difference along with the battery with more oomph.  And good to hear taht harvey is bouncing back - little ones always seem to be incredibly resilient (fortunately).


Anyway on return from the town I duly found Mrs Stationmaster and the good Doctor had installed the main (living room) Christmas Tree and were busily decorating it - seems Christmas is running early this year.


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ian (RH) I gotta ask; what does JMRI stand for? I'm guessing something model railway interface to allow you to control your layouts from computery things  as I have seen you doing this at exhibitions. Or possibly one of your helpers as I don't know what you look like!





Lunchtime now and the meeting I was going to on site has changed.


Its probably me you have seen as very few of us use JMRI - Java Model Railroad Interface.


I use it on the laptop hooked up to the test track behind the layouts. Its a great way of storing all the decoder settings and also easy to work out what many of the CV values do. The more common one I generally know off by heart and often use the DCC system but when it comes sound decoders or special effects then JMRI is much better as a whole (there are the odd decoders that it cant read).


JMRI is now also used on the touch screen PC's in the fiddleyard on 'Santa Banbury' which shows the track plan and route setting.


With the loco information entered into JMRI it also helps when using the wifi control using smart phones / ipods etc as more info is displayed on the screen. Its been even more useful on 'Roundhouse' where we have been wandering around the layout with the wifi control.


The big push of recent is to try and get every loco that has a decoder into the software especially now that the JMRI files are accessed through the Dropbox folder on each PC. This means it regularly updates the files on all my PC's so I can access the loco settings wherever I have a PC with JMRI on it.


Still plenty of features on this free software that I have yet to explore.

Edited by roundhouse
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Had occasion to make adjustment in my profile.

Don's picture is still there as a friend as is another.

Does anyone else have my reluctance to delete them?


Not sure I've got the hang of things yet!

How on earth have I accumulated ca30k 'likes' from 360 posts?

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