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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and breezy start after a wet and windy night but should be a bright sunny day.

Jock - a Very Merry Christmas to you and your family. I think the "GREAT BIG THANK YOU" should be from all of us for your fantastic posts and showing us how to deal with major adversity.

Last stupid start today depositing Chris at work at 4.15. Meeting her at 10.30 then we have the joys of the final Christmas shop at Sainsbury's.

Apart from that I better wrap her presents this morning and then I may play with the trainset. Still extensively testing the track but so far so good and I seem to have ironed out the problems.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all. The little one got into bed this morning and decided to take over most of the bed so it has been another early wake up. Still in bed as I type, whilst children's programmes dominate the television.

Today looks set to be busy. Already plans include a visit to the local supermarket, a trip to the crematorium to lay the traditional Christmas wreath and a visit to the vets. The latter is a planned trip to collect tablets for snotty cat. Early look this morning suggests the snot is still coming out, but no blood seems to present at the moment so that is something. I have not checked on the hamster yet this morning but I am less hopeful.

I must fit some present wrapping in at some point in the day too.


Enjoy your day.

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morning all,merry Christmas to all,been a intresting last few days,busy at work and home,both of us up last night,daisy teething,jack sick and a cough too !! so little sleep,and both a bit ratty today....hope every one has a good day,might try and find a estate to get a bit of kip in......I should be so lucky !! starting the day with a broken convertible of all things......must have very hot blood wanting the hood to work in this weather....have a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

New suburban EMUs for Berlin to be delivered from 2020: http://www.siemens.com/press/de/pressemitteilungen/?press=/de/pressemitteilungen/2015/mobility/pr2015120117mode.htm&


Slightly extravagant design, I should think, but I'm happy to reserve final judgment until I see them for real!

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  • RMweb Gold


Before the forecast rain for Christmas Eve we are having a sunny interlude this morning.

Matthew will be studying today, Aditi is making something in the kitchen. I am going to try and tidy up Robbie's fur.


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Morning all - it makes a nice change to be able to report beautiful blue skies this morning, although the forecast reports heavy rain to come.


The dentist trip for the lurker boys led to the suggestion of fissure sealing of molars and Elder Lurker has one that has come through with no enamel and a big hole - so a filling required too. It's almost like my dentist's Christmas present to himself!


Personally I think fissure seals are a good idea particularly where they protect from overbrushing. I appear to have been blessed with strong teeth, but time will tell I suppose!


Today is my last day in work this year and any hope of being able to tidy up a few loose ends seem to have been dashed - the CFO has alerted me to something which needs dealing with today!


Today is the day the in-laws arrive for Christmas. The red wine has been duly stocked and I expect to come home to a pile of newspapers. It seems strange to think that this time last year we had plans all disrupted by the f-I-l's tribulations on the operating table. He's struggling on.


We have avoided what is forecast to be the worst shopping day of all by arranging an Ocado delivery. Hopefully everything will be there or I know what I will be doing tomorrow - in addition to taking Elder Lurker to the doctors at 8.30 (he has a terrible and persistent cough) and picking up the turkey from the butcher's.


This is likely to be the last post of the year so let me wish you all a fantastic Christmas and a great New Year. Stay happy and well!

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Cracking start to the day here in sunny Teignmouth. Sun is out, some wispy clouds around but over Babbacombe way I can see a heavier, higher cloud. The roads are dry at present.

Went to Totnes last night for the Christmas late night street shopping. It teemed down all evening but the atmosphere was good despite a lack of street music. At the top of the High Street the over powering smell of marijuana was strong. I would think that at first snowfall this winter someones roof will expose all to any passing helicopter!

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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land.  Clear sky and sun coming up behind the mountains.  Keeping up on here, so far.  Busy day ahead making the place look like a home instead of Santa's shed.  I could think of another comparison but it might be too close to the truth. Hohoho hum.  :mosking:    Anyway, Henry will be making a last, through the house, appearance before C****tmas. 


Thinking of you all.  Enjoy the day as much as you can.


Best wishes


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  • RMweb Gold

I was really chuffed to get home and find this picture waiting for me from a highly skilled wildlife photographer.

I'm not blowing my own horn, just inviting you to share my admiration for this work.


Yes, an exceptional piece of work.

I'm sure that what you mention on here is only a small fraction of what you do for others,DD. The certificate is well deserved.


(Also she is very beautiful and the subject of much dreaming over the years!).


You've spent you life dreaming of small rodents???
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Yes, an exceptional piece of work.

I'm sure that what you mention on here is only a small fraction of what you do for others,DD. The certificate is well deserved.


You've spent you life dreaming of small rodents???


Don't be silly.

That's a male bank vole.

One can tell by his p...osture.

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  • RMweb Gold

Apart from that I better wrap her presents this morning and then I may play with the trainset. Still extensively testing the track but so far so good and I seem to have ironed out the problems.


 Oh what a silly grandad.  Presents wrapped and then went to play with trains when I suddenly realised that tomorrow we have a houseful of visitors and the house will need cleaning from top to bottom. Not that it's dirty but The Boss won't accept that. As I'm the only person here with a Dyson licence I better get busy......phone's just rung and she's finished work early so that will have to wait.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Nice bright sunny day - the only one we are forecast to have this week so definitely a trip to enjoy the countryside enroute to collect the meat.  Not sure if the shops here will be busy but no doubt our spy in the retail trade will tell us when she gets home but at least laddo did not come home yesterday muttering evil words about the Waitrose distribution centre cockwombles and their GM apparently seemed happy.


Next door for drinkies this evening - her parents are here and they come from somewhere adjacent to one of those major rivers in the far north - either the Tees or the Tyne - so I'm sure they'll be good company.


Have a good day everybody


PS Tesco had two different sorts of Hot Cross buns on the shelves yesterday, I think the Easter Eggs are already in the stock room as I understand they are normally delivered to their shops just before Christmas.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dom, those S-Bahn trains look like DLR trains on steroids. Bright and breezy this morning so the car stays on the drive as I venture into town today.


How do these dates relate to the adjustment in the calendar in 1752? The winter solstice would have been a different date then.

The calendar adjustments in 1752 were to adjust for the anomalities that had built up under the old calendar that was drastically out of sync. In fact if it hadn't been done we would have celebrated this Christmas last August. This was why the Gregorian calendar was introduced with the innovation of leap years to keep everything in sync. As it is it is already slightly out as it changes every year and to keep things on an even keel every 200 years a leap year is 'skipped', the last one was 1900 and the next one will be 2100. This is because the Earth circles the sun in fractionally less than 3651/4 days.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. We've got blue skies here in Manchester too! But it's a little cool though at around 5C, but as The Lurker said, it does make a nice change to see blue skies. I'm wondering is this the calm before the storm, Storm Eva? We'll soon find out I'm sure. I've grovelled to my dentist apologising profusely for missing my appointment yesterday and made a new appointment for late January.

I've still had no more work been issued today so I think I'll just keep my head down until tomorrow, when I shall go to the office to complete my end of month expenses and also partake in our traditional Christmas Eve hotpot, hopefully there might be some mince pies too!

Jock, thanks for the kind words, it's a fact that modern cancer treatment has come on in leaps and bounds recently. It's the now case that cancer treatment is tailored to suit the individual, I know it's true in my case as my radiotherapy was postponed for a for 5 days whilst the team discussed the options available due to the results of my pre-radiotherapy scan. They eventually went for IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radio Therapy) on 3 different dose settings instead of the original 2 that had been proposed but still the same keeping to the original 37 sessions in total, because I was so young and fit (there words NOT mine) mind you I did nearly trip up over his guide dog on the way out. Each dose I had was slightly more powerful than the previous, but as the power increased so the area being treated shrank so as to reduce the amount of tissue damage. Still it does seem to have done the trick, but it's still early days yet. But then again, you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.

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Morning all from a dry though not exactly sunny Scottish HQ! Got the last of the presents wrapped last night so I think I'm (roughly speaking) organised for Christmas.


The last couple of weeks have seen me thinking about a (non-modelling) project that I'd like to do over the next 12 months. It'll involve writing, walking, photography and some drawing. If only I could draw... unfortunately my drawing skills are appallingly bad so I may need to try to find someone with a better idea of which end of a pencil is which.


Have a good Christmas Eve Eve...

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks to all for the supportive ratings and messages.  Painkillers doing their job, still, so long as I don't have anything hot.  Breakfast cooled down so off to try that, then it's round with the Henry - if I can get it out before someone wants elevenses.  :D

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  • RMweb Gold

We had a phone call yesterday morning. It was the receptionist at our dentist. She was calling to let us know that Matthew had missed his appointment, but he could be seen if he got there soon. This was achieved. We can see the dentist's surgery from our house which is handy.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Diary entry: Wednesday, being the twenty third day of December in the year of our Lord twenty thousand and fifteen.


Lay on right side

Had coffee

Lay on left side

Went to loo

Lay on right side

Had coffee




Hope I'm not boring you

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Diary entry: Wednesday, being the twenty third day of December in the year of our Lord twenty thousand and fifteen.

Lay on right side

Had coffee

Lay on left side

Went to loo

Lay on right side

Had coffee

Hope I'm not boring you

No not at all

Its really Good to hear from you!

(from Monty Python)


You were lucky!

we weren't allowed nowt...



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  • RMweb Gold

Serves me right!


Just went through 2 pages of something about a fantasy Hymek.


Do not waste your time


It is the equivalent of RMweb scamming/coldcalling /PPI stuff. It's not even funny (and for me to say that means it must be dire)


I am now off to end it all.......where did I put the mess Webley?

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