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Good thinking, if I win, how about BOTH! :locomotive:


The Euromillions lottery is up to £45M tonight, and Saturday's UK Lotto is expected to be around £60M

So double chances for ER's to win!




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Afternoon all,

We have a real parking issue in Clacton that never fails to rile me. As you possibly can guess, my knackered pelvis restricts the distance I can comfortably walk, let alone sit down, and the local council have made a few areas near the centre of town available to blue badge holders. One such is a short stretch of road which was blocked off by the one way system, leaving disabled only spaces either side, one of which could accommodate three cars, the other four. Poor parking of course limits this to two and three most days, thanks to thoughtless drivers who are after all only making things difficult for fellow disabled people. The number of idiots who drive in forwards, even on such a short piece of road, and then execute something like an eighteen point turn to get out, simply beggars belief. I reverse in to spaces as a matter of habit, having the obvious knowledge that the front of the car can be moved left or right, whereas the rear is rigid in terms of sideways movement. Perhaps I only make it look easy after so many years putting cars in to tight showroom displays? How these people ever passed a test is hard to divine. If there is a medical reason for being unable to turn your head or neck, the simple solution is to have parking sensors fitted! Using mirrors is also useful. It is even more embarrassing when I note how many of the transgressors were actually supplied a car by me (several hundred per annum over just under thirty years here means there is a good chance!).

Stepping off my soap-box now, but it upsets me when I see disabled people acting in such a thoughtless manner to folk in the same state as them!

I'll be back later when I've calmed down!!!

Kind regards,


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Afternoon All


No chance at all of catching up (again) due to too many domestic tasks and too many trips to various places, mainly to act as chaffeur to the sales.  Much of this week has been taken up with this sort of thing, but that's next Christmas done and dusted for the shopping, and many of the gifts are wrapped and put away to be delivered when we visit the recipients.  As many of these live Down Sarf, the visits can be at any time of the year, so the gifts might for some people be passed on as early as Easter depending on who we visit and when.


As I don't know who's doing what, and who's ailing, I can only give a blanket greeting, and in that regard, I do feel guilty that I'm not picking up everything on here. 


Oh yes, and just as a little surprise, it rained today.  My garden looks a bit like a swamp, but of course compared to many (some quite close by) that's nothing.


Regards to All



Edit - ps


I'm still getting a bit of pain from the hip, despite doing all the required exercises and so on.  Also, I've managed to cut down on the pain relief.  So as the pain hasn't subsided, a trip to the GP earlier this week, and I was lucky that the Dr on duty was an expert on matters skeleto-muscular and he said that it is bursitis again, and that the exercises as given by physio post-op are too weak and being done in the wrong direction,  They were right at the time, but are no good for the current inflammation, so a new set of exercises, more strenuous, and an increase in one pain killer, and a reduction in the other, should sort things out in a few weeks.  Here's hoping. 


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When my lady learned to drive (some years ago now) There was NO requirement to teach the ability to reverse into a space between two cars in the street! This is apparently why so many people drive round and round until they find a space that is big enough to drive into forwards, and why many vehicles are so appallingly badly parked, frequently across two spaces in supermarket car parks - and for a rant - WHY do so many people insist on walking, or driving, behind cars in the process of reversing out of parking spaces??? It is reaching the point where parking sensors are a requirement and not a luxury - I thanked my guardian angel this afternoon, that I have them, in my local Tesco when two silly tarts walked past with their noses buried in texting on their phones

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Commiserations with the hip pain Stewart - got the T shirt....but luckily only have to hit the tramadol once or twice a week.  I was doing OK until the weather changed at the beginning of December!  This week has been particularly bad, my physio tells me it is the atmospheric pressure changes. As the barometer here was on the bottom of the scale earlier in the week that makes sense!

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Hello again!

I've caught up while lying here under doctor's orders - swelling still very uncomfortable although not painful. Made better by all the kind comments doubtless!

Chris, I for one would be very interested to read your views on '4472' as I have some interesting opinions of my own on that iconic locomotive. If what you have to say is a bit contentious, you could always put it in a PM.

Ian(RH), after sixty-eight mainly great years, during which time a lot of fun was had whilst fuelled with alcohol, I certainly don't propose to give up now! This, like most such pronouncements, is likely to change in the future and in any case is essentially an opinion or interpretation of statistics! I look at how the French thrive on wine from a very young age. I hope all goes well with 'Banbury' in Bognor.

Gordon(gordon s), life's ups and downs are indeed strange when it is almost as if one departs to make room for the new arrival. 'Hope' (a lovely name!) seems to have entered the world in a similar state to Ella, my blonde bombshell of a granddaughter with whom I appear to have a special rapport. She was really beaten up during delivery but now at approaching eighteen years of age, she has certainly reached the 'swan' stage being beautiful inside and out. I would wager that you will be able to say the same about Hope as she grows. Prepare to be 'wrapped round her little finger!

Richard, the not knowing what is causing your eye trouble must be very frustrating - let's hope for a resolution after your next appointment in May.

Dave(r-a-r), I actually new a 'Nina' very well, and I was driving a 'Dagenham Dustbin' as a company car at the time. The back remained unused however, sadly!

Phil, I hope your back improves soon, such pain impacts on everything you do.

Ian(Abel), bet your chest puffed out when Gemma waved from the cockpit - was there a crowd around to see the incident?

Baz (or 'Baez' if you don't notice the auto-correct!), I did remember to e-mail Tex but without any result yet.

Best wishes as usual to our sick members, and I hope all those that sought the 'E' today, got their wish. I'll try to stay awake to post later,

Kind regards,


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Thought of you last night, Jock when there was a feature on the news that a two or three GP surgeries in Clacton had shut their lists as they couldn't handle any more patients.  I really hope you are well looked after...


Every time I think of Clacton I recall holidays as a kid in a caravan at St Osyth, Jaywick, scooter trips in the 60's and bowling on Walton Pier.  Seems a lifetime away now....


I went to my golfing mates funeral today.  He was of a similar age to myself and we were both Spurs supporters, so talked about Tottenham for hours over a few pints.  His brother got up today for his eulogy and talked about Bob's love of Spurs and how he would reel off the names of the players in the double winning team of '61.  Of course I found myself mentally ticking off the players at the same time.  Two of their star players, Bobby Smith and Cliff Jones lived within a 100 yards of the house where I was brought up.  Both had modest semi's in a normal road and I used to knock on their door to get their autographs.  They were both lovely guys and once the word got out at school I found I was knocking more regularly.  It eventually got to the point when it was 'not you again', but always in jest.  Two lovely gentlemen from the past.


A long way from the Prima Donna's of today's game.


Quiz night at the golf club tonight, so need to get my thinking head on.....

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Dave(r-a-r), I actually new a 'Nina' very well, and I was driving a 'Dagenham Dustbin' as a company car at the time. The back remained unused however, sadly!




Perhaps she'd like a ride on a space hopper.

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When my lady learned to drive (some years ago now) There was NO requirement to teach the ability to reverse into a space between two cars in the street! This is apparently why so many people drive round and round until they find a space that is big enough to drive into forwards, and why many vehicles are so appallingly badly parked, frequently across two spaces in supermarket car parks - and for a rant - WHY do so many people insist on walking, or driving, behind cars in the process of reversing out of parking spaces??? It is reaching the point where parking sensors are a requirement and not a luxury - I thanked my guardian angel this afternoon, that I have them, in my local Tesco when two silly tarts walked past with their noses buried in texting on their phones


Reverse parking - both parallel and bay is part of the current driving test. Along with reversing around a corner to the left and turning around using forward and revrse gears (it's not officially a 3-point turn as it can be carried out in 5). Only one revese exercise is required.


When I teach my lot reverse parking, they've often heard many stories about parallel parking going wrong, but can't believe how easy it ca be if they follow a simple routine.


There is a consulatation currently going on about altering the test and driving forward into a bay is being suggested, despite reversing being the recommendation.........


(Oops - let's not turn this thread into the driving standards thread - that got messy)




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Thought of you last night, Jock when there was a feature on the news that a two or three GP surgeries in Clacton had shut their lists as they couldn't handle any more patients.  I really hope you are well looked after...


Every time I think of Clacton I recall holidays as a kid in a caravan at St Osyth, Jaywick, scooter trips in the 60's and bowling on Walton Pier.  Seems a lifetime away now....


I went to my golfing mates funeral today.  He was of a similar age to myself and we were both Spurs supporters, so talked about Tottenham for hours over a few pints.  His brother got up today for his eulogy and talked about Bob's love of Spurs and how he would reel off the names of the players in the double winning team of '61.  Of course I found myself mentally ticking off the players at the same time.  Two of their star players, Bobby Smith and Cliff Jones lived within a 100 yards of the house where I was brought up.  Both had modest semi's in a normal road and I used to knock on their door to get their autographs.  They were both lovely guys and once the word got out at school I found I was knocking more regularly.  It eventually got to the point when it was 'not you again', but always in jest.  Two lovely gentlemen from the past.


A long way from the Prima Donna's of today's game.


Quiz night at the golf club tonight, so need to get my thinking head on.....


We're very lucky as our GP has become a family friend. I first met him around twenty eight years ago when my dealership supplied him with a Renault Espace. He has purchased many vehicles for himself and family since then, and all his children enjoyed their 'starter cars' that my staff located for them. He is of course now enjoying the reward of a top of the range Mercedes that his surgery is now successful enough to fund.

He is undoubtedly responsible for saving Joanna and my life by fast tracking us when necessary. Sadly proves the old adage about "who you know, not what you know"! We are well cared for but there are some terrible areas without GP cover of any sort!

Both piers at Clacton and Walton are doing fairly well, although the Walton one has suffered a bit financially as the 'bowl' has become a bit tatty, and a new one opened in Clacton a couple of years ago. I'm not sure you'd recognise either place as their have been massive changes over the last twenty-five or so years - not all for the better!

Kind regards,


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Reverse parking - both parallel and bay is part of the current driving test. Along with reversing around a corner to the left and turning around using forward and revrse gears (it's not officially a 3-point turn as it can be carried out in 5). Only one revese exercise is required.


When I teach my lot reverse parking, they've often heard many stories about parallel parking going wrong, but can't believe how easy it ca be if they follow a simple routine.


There is a consulatation currently going on about altering the test and driving forward into a bay is being suggested, despite reversing being the recommendation.........


(Oops - let's not turn this thread into the driving standards thread - that got messy)




A certain person I have been married to for more than 50 years now (no names, no pack drill) uses her version of an RAF expression namely "Any landing parking you can walk away from is a good landing parking!".

Good parking is a matter of practice, you don't wake up one morning and exclaim, "I know how to park now, it came to me in a dream last night!". :nono:

Edited by Judge Dread
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If you think Car Parking is bad come and watch some of the car/van/lorry driving at the Warley show. Once people get into the hall its either a GP circuit or can I do a 95 point turn to get this vehicle into the place I want. Goodness knows what would happen if they tried to drive a Challenger tank (no revs = no steering and no brakes) !


Been busy today flea baying and shopping. I now have all the bits to sort out some kit built locos with sound so ...TTFN

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I think a better treat would be to Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, continuing onto Leipzig for a ride on one of Dom's party trams!


Good Luck!

Did the first last April, doing the second this April.


Not doing the lottery.



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I managed POTS today but I'm not overly concerned about the missing E. A long and technically complicated project was completed today on time, within budget and with no outstanding snags. I also got a heads up on three more upcoming projects that will probably be coming my way.


Jock - I hope that the fluid problems resolve themselves as soon as possible

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Afternoon all,

I reverse in to spaces as a matter of habit, having the obvious knowledge that the front of the car can be moved left or right, whereas the rear is rigid in terms of sideways movement. Perhaps I only make it look easy after so many years putting cars in to tight showroom displays? ... it upsets me when I see disabled people acting in such a thoughtless manner to folk in the same state as them!.

My (pretend) uncle Frank allowed me to learn to drive his Ford Consul from about the age of 13 on Southport/Ainsdale sands during the winter.

He insisted on always reversing into parking spaces.

He'd been in the Eighth Army in North Africa where he said it was essential for a quick get-away as Rommel had a habit of appearing out of the desert at any moment!


My Bro-in-law is blind and pursues a vendetta against cars parked with two wheels on the pavement. He once broke his leg on such a car and always has painful bruises on his legs.He says it is dangerous for wheelchair users too. Surprising how widespread this practice has become.


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Evening all. Off to the pub shortly to mull over the Chief Medical Officer's latest advice over 4 units and a packet of crisps.  


In other dodgy statistical evidence of the day I note that Hampshire is now a dangerous place to live because it causes more disease and death than anywhere else. 

The causal nature, apparently, is due to the elderly age of the population who, inconveniently, start to wear out more than people in other counties who have younger residents.

Taking this startling news a step further the cause would seem to be that the county is, presumably, a pleasant place to live and folk like to settle here in retirement; so in a sense it is the geology, topography etc of the county that is causing our demise. I'm waiting for someone to propose that we tarmac over the whole place to help reduce our high mortality rate. 


Quiet weekend planned with some progress on the layout intended.  

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Sorry all that parking stuff derailed me.

I'd meant to post to report that driving Miss Daisy to her supervisory session in Durham turned out better than anticipated.

"What will you do for an hour?" I'd been asked as she alighted from the back seat.

"Oh don't worry about me..." I replied (deliberately looking hang-dog.)


While passing Chester Moor (on the old A1) I'd noted that NE Model Supplies in a big former chapel was open - so I whizzed off back to spend a very happy 40 mins browsing and daydreaming. I came clean with the proprietor about my Mr Toad craze reviving the forgotten Hornby Live Steam set. I knew he was into Garden railways but his is the big stuff. NH Neil would like his Yank stuff - not steam but big NH etc. diesel electrics.


I got treated to lunch in return for my chauffering (set menu in Finbarrs below the railway viaduct).  I arrived home to my Hornby Live Steam rolling road off ebay had been left by 'Postie Paul' around the side of the house, complete with nice Smiley face drawn in Biro ballpen on his note. :yes:


Can't wait to play Vitry, Chapelon and Bulleid on the Rolling Road tonight.


Mr Toad

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Evening all,


Trip to London worked as planned with the route taking me westwards toReading before going east towards the big city delivering me to the latter place quicker than heading directly eastwards.  What's more a near empty train - in the posh bit at least - ensured the arrival of a decent cuppa and a slice of fruit cake before we'd even reached Sonning Cutting.  The back working - similarly weird route - this evening not only allowed time for a gratis orange juice and a packet of crisps but delivered me at Reading station in a shade under 23 minutes for the (a couple of chains short of) 36 mile run, almost like the good old days of new HSTs running the distance in 22 minutes.


An excellently convivial day was passed in most of the interval between arriving in the big city and leaving it and it would seem that ChrisF and I have not entirely dissimilar views on the subject of 'Flying Scotsman' (although his struck me as perhaps a little on the mild side - worst riding engine I have ever ridden on but that was quite a while back and Riley's have no doubt done a good job).  The world was suitably put to rights anyway - on a number of subjects.


At supermarkets I always park head on for the very simple reason that the way the halfwits who visit supermarkets round here tend to park I would be unable to open the tailgate to load the shopping.  And it's no problem reversing out provided you use the mirrors and rotate your head to keep an eye on what is happening around you.  Oddly I also reverse out at home but that is partly because if I reversed in the presence of the house would prevent me from properly opening the car door - it is a very simple matter to reverse several car lengths back to the gateway, I just look in one of my driving mirrors and reverse until I reach the gate and stop prior to looking out for oncoming speed trials contestants out in the road; seems to work.  Alas even if I cleared my stockpile of building materials there's not enough space for me to turn in front of my garage so it will forever be 'drive in & reverse out'.  And of course the garage contains far more important things than my car - a freezer, all sorts of  essential bits & pieces, and the Good Doctor's concrete mixer.


Enjoy the rest of the evening and trusting everyone gets home safely and comfortably.  Shopping duty tomorrow but hopefully I (we?) might then head off to the small show in Maidenhead.

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Evening all. Off to the pub shortly to mull over the Chief Medical Officer's latest advice over 4 units and a packet of crisps.  



For some topers of my acquaintance in student days, who defined "a unit" as eight pints, the CMO's advice would have been neither here nor there...

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