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I think the last time I went to the pictures was to see re-run of  Easy Rider, some time mid 90's . . I sang along to "Don't Bogart That Joint" which didn't go down too well with the Staff Nurse who had asked me out.


Goodnight everyone . . .Sleep well.



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Morning all,

Surprisingly feeling a little better again today although still very tired - lifted yet again by all the comments, thank you. Nursing sister daughter called to check up on me on her way to night duty! She pronounced herself happy that although my frequent nocturnal trips to the loo limit my sleep, she explained that it was the body's way of dispersing the oedema - she has had me weighing myself each morning and it has dropped dramatically from over 12stones at the weekend, to 10stones 7lbs this morning! Hopefully the oncologist can answer my other questions tomorrow! She broke the news that she will be leaving the local hospital early next month - at their suggestion, as they are funding another year at university for her to eventually become a nurse practitioner. We are very proud of her, starting as she did as a ward auxiliary many years ago, on the ward she is running this week!

Robert, by an odd coincidence, we live fairly close to the Clacton ambulance station, and just like you, have an unscheduled alarm now and then as they answer emergency calls. How loud the noise is can obviously be affected by the wind direction so it isn't really a common occurrence in our prevailing Sou'westerlies.

DD, what an awful way for your close friend to lose her mum! On a high in the belief that she is well enough to be discharged, to be hit by such a blow must have a shattering effect. I think you might be called upon to provide all the support you will doubtless offer and I hope you can find the right words when needed.

Stewart, best of luck with the diabetic blood test. Have you been a good boy in terms of diet recently?

Several people have mentioned 'Tassie Tex' lately - I have his e-mail address which got some response last time his dispute with the ISP took him off air. He contacted me several times that way last year but the last one was 18/09/2015. I've sent three subsequent messages without response!

Dick, I hope your 'colb' disappears as quickly as possible - I would highly recommend a Scottish single malt medicine before you head to bed.

Simon, more beautiful images thank you, the one of Derwentwater simply encapsulates the meaning of calmness. You certainly have chosen a lovely area for your retirement!

JohnDMJ, good luck with the discussions this evening - it looks like it may be some time before you get to know the exact nature of what ails you. It really is difficult to fight something that is as yet not defined. Hope you get clarification soon.

Rick, hope you and the good lady enjoy your break - I'd choose the 'cool water side' of the sand bar to fall in if the temperatures you mentioned last week still prevail.

Brian(BSW01), for a change you've beaten me to it tonight! I am in full agreement with your comment on driving policy - hence why I've forgone my nightcap tonight as I have to get to Colchester General in the morning. Doubtless, like your bubbly, it will wait till the weekend!

As to cinema going, the last time I went was when my brother acquired a couple of tickets to the British premiére of 'Gallipoli' at the Odeon Leicester Square! Previous to that, it would have been the trip from West Cornwall to Plymouth in the seventies to see 'The Life of Brian' which was banned in the Duchy at the time. Like many, I'd rather wait to enjoy a film at home where I can pause the Sky+HD box while I go for a comfort break, and I can munch a snack of my choice without offending anyone.

Really tired now so best wishes to our poorly friends for a speedy recovery, and strength to DD and Ian(OD) to cope with the grief associated with the sort of bad news they've just had. To the rest, a trouble free run to the weekend,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night anyone else daft enough to be reading this!

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I did French for only 1 year before changing schools. The new school didnt have a language lab until I left. I can say "shut the door" and "shut the window". I think I also learnt to say 'my shoes are red'. Strangely I have never found reason to use any of these sentences and would have found it rude telling someone to shut their window anyway.

A few years ago I bought an English-Spanish translation book. It must have been early 30's and had useful sentences. The best one that I remember is 'excuse me could you tell me where I can change my spark plugs'.

I have always found that wherever I have been in the world the words "a beer please", said in clear English, always comes up with the goods.

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Good morning one and all


So there were six of us for lunch pre Area Group and two more turned up later, including the organiser.  The food was good, the company likewise and the pub nice and quiet.  We have agreed in principle to have afternoon meetings quarterly and try an evening meeting there.  Let us hope that there is no footie on the TV on 17th February (or ever again for that matter ...).  One guy who came for the first time has some Blowzabella records and is therefore dead cultural.


Today there is more ironing.  It serves me right for doing the laundry yesterday.  Perhaps there will be something entertaining on the radio as the iron is wielded.  Or not.  Another job tor done is to read the latest Steam Days properly.  A swift glance yesterday revealed that my letter has been included!  It drew attention to a silly caption in the August issue.  I do wonder sometimes whether those who write captions for photographs published in books and magazines look at them first.  The trouble with erroneous info is that succeeding generations take them as gospel and mislead future readers. 


Tomorrow I have an appointment at the surgery at 08.10.  This is for the injection prescribed by Professor Oncologist which may or may not keep me out of the 69 Club.  It means having to rush in the morning, at which I do not excel!


To all who ail - let health prevail.



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Morning All,


It is a slightly warmer morning here today.  It is "only" -1°C!


It looks like it is going to be a fairly busy day, as I have test readiness reviews all morning, and the associated paperwork before leaving to take the little guy to the orthodontist to have his brace adjusted.


Glad to hear that you are feeling better Jock and sorry to hear your news DD.


Oh well - time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


An earlier start is morning as my other half has to be in the office for an 08.00 conference call with their Singapore office.


No buses this early so out even earlier to walk to the station.


This is one of the very few Thameslink services that go tovLBG in the peak hours. Despite it terminating ere it's still very busy much as it used to be.


So no modelling done last night or this morning.

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Morning all.

Da col in da heb and insomnia got me...


Firstly, best wishes to Jock and Chris, and condolences to DD. I don't have much to complain about, really.


Jolly cold and frosty here. Frigid, in fact. Julie's at the Craft Gallery today, so I'm on my own, and plans include bread making (I'm going to try getting the breadmaker to make the dough and then oven bake it) and a bit of modelling. And cooking dinner in my excellent new copper sauté pan (half price at Sainsbury's) which is a very nice bit of kit. Comfort food of some sort to follow yesterday's chicken curry. Possibly some savoury mince, proper school dinners! I've also a load of cold beef to do something with. Maybe sandwiches or a meat & potato pie. You see where this is all heading?


Have a good day, everyone, especially those in travail. I wish our wishes could sort things for you...

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Morning all.


Earlier than usual today since I am required to make up the 1/2 hour I shall miss at work whilst going to the GP's this afternoon!


Long gone seem the days when a 2 hour allowance was made for medical visits and companies paid sick pay. Current employer even runs a quarterly attendance bonus scheme - 3 days off and you're  out!


Not exactly my best subject at school,


- Mine neither!


I do really feel sorry for todays youngsters leaving school with an armful of qualifications and still being unable to find a decent job.

And some of the subjects on offer at higher levels leave much pondering as to 'why?'


JohnDMJ - I hope that the health resolution doesn't take too long



JohnDMJ, good luck with the discussions this evening - it looks like it may be some time before you get to know the exact nature of what ails you. It really is difficult to fight something that is as yet not defined. Hope you get clarification soon.


Thank you both! Aiming to post later on the state of play.


Tomorrow I have an appointment at the surgery at 08.10.  This is for the injection prescribed by Professor Oncologist which may or may not keep me out of the 69 Club.  It means having to rush in the morning, at which I do not excel!

Unless there's a 105 bus involved!!


Have as good a day as is possible in all the circumstances that seem to exist

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  • RMweb Premium

Good Morning / afternoon/ evening (delete as required for your own time zone) from a dark but dry north west Leeds highlands.


Our local cinema isn't that expensive but you have to be quick to see some films. Typically even the big money takers are only on for a week. It is cheap and if you pay a little extra you can sit in the Pullman seats..very comfy!


More parcels to be posted, trip to deliver weathered stock to be undertaken, a bit of weathering to do... Looks like it could be a busy day!


Tea first, then let today's adventures begin.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Sleepy still but sufficient time remains to become fully awake till my shift starts. Will be back in a while.


Meanwhile, may I just send my thoughts to everyone in ailment or in need for moral support due to any other causes…

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  • RMweb Premium

Forgot to mention that I must have been lucky with languages at senior school, French, German, Latin and/or Russian were on offer. Failed French and Russian O level but later passed a few German exams.


My old man went to the same school and excelled in German, Latin and ancient Greek...came in handy for him in a war he attended (but he never did find any ancient Greeks!





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  • RMweb Premium

Aditi took Robbie for a walk.

Sounds more like Robbie took Aditi - hope she's OK, as hitting the ground quickly and unexpectedly is not pleasant.

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morning all,parky here too,about -2 on way to work,glad to here your feeling a bit better jock,i know the weather doesant help !! plays hell with my joints !! all quiet as I left this morning,and quiet here too,bit of cleaning up and wait for the days onslaught !! have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Rude awakening today, as 30747 is working an extra shift today, and we were awake quite early, before 6, and on her work days, I am on breakfast and sandwich duty - and Lily decided to join in by requesting a visit to the garden just as I got back upstairs.


Yet another trip to town is called for as there's a few things that I forgot in the food department.  So that'll be another bus trip after blood tests are taken.  I can't say that this time I've been sticking rigidly to the diet, but when I see the pharmacist practitioner, he'll let me know what's what.


Pleased to see that Jock is still progressing, and I think that he is very fortunate in having both a steely determination AND a highly supportive family.

NIce pics from Simon showing just what a beautiful area the Lakes can be - though that beauty is less obvious when it's foggy or raining.

Hope we hear from Dd again soon.


Generic greetings to everybody else.


Regards to All


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Morning all. It seems strange posting this late for a working day. One meeting this afternoon then drive to the Midlands.


Jock - I hope that the oncologist can keep the treatment going.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a frosty village. After a rushed breakfast I was volunteered to go and help move tables to set up for Weightwatchers. I'm now back and have time to red through here. The day is looking good as I'm planning to spend most of the day at the clubrooms working on the layout and then some friends are coming round for a drink. The main purpose of the visit is for me to give Martyn some advice on how to build the kit of Hush Hush that he's bought. he must be a masochist as he's never built a loco kit before. I suspect that some single malt will aid the discussions.


Yesterdays trip to see a collection of negatives was interesting. They turned out to be several hundred glass quarter and half plate negatives taken by Yorkshire Post staff photographers between the 40's and the 60's, They were apparently given to the society in the late 60's when the paper vacated some old offices. They've been partially sorted then stored for the past 30 plus years. Many of them are of transport themes such as bus and trolleybus accidents but there are many that look to have been taken by war correspondents during the advance into Germany in 1945. These include many taken from the air as well s tanks and aircraft being serviced. There is one batch of Cologne from the air showing the bomb damage. Absolutely fascinating stuff but they need to be scanned and catalogued. We also want to make sure that the non transport ones go to a good home. I'm just glad that they haven't been thrown out.


Glad that Jock seems to be back on song but feel for all the others who seem to be under the weather.


Regards to all



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Morning all from a frosty village. After a rushed breakfast I was volunteered to go and help move tables to set up for Weightwatchers. I'm now back and have time to red through here. The day is looking good as I'm planning to spend most of the day at the clubrooms working on the layout and then some friends are coming round for a drink. The main purpose of the visit is for me to give Martyn some advice on how to build the kit of Hush Hush that he's bought. he must be a masochist as he's never built a loco kit before. I suspect that some single malt will aid the discussions.






May not aid the construction though!


Morning all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cold enough to freeze Robbie's outside water bowl last night. Lawn was crunchy to walk on too.

I don't know what is planned for today. Possibly a trip to a purveyor of paint.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a dull and dreary Estuary-Land. Glad to see that Jock is almost back to his usual self and nearly rid of the space hopper. Quite a change in the weather overnight, I had to defrost the car before departing to the clubroom last night and again a couple of hours later before coming home, even though I left a bit earlier due to the fog coming down. Living close to Basildon Hospital as I do I frequently hear the sirens at any time day or night so much so that with the fog suppressing any sound last night I noticed their absence. The air ambulance frequently flies over my house on its way to the hospital, I am directly under the approach flightpath. Sadly it means someone must really be in a bad way to require the service. Now on a lighter note, I could have done with this before I retired but for those who have not acceeded to that happy state >> http://www.bullshitbingo.net/cards//

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Thanks for all the supportive thoughts.

Of course my friend is shattered by the experience.

I am indeed helping as I can - more in the way of guidance through the various tasks to be performed before the funeral.


A brighter incident :

A friend heard a Tawny Owl behind the gas fired boiler.

After a visit from the gas fitter, the owl was released and after a spell of recuperation flew away.

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I remember many years ago working with some one who's daughter was blonde and dyed her hair brunette to be taken seriously!




My daughter is blonde but a couple of years ago when they moved to their present house, the copper levels in the water turned her hair green so she dyed it brunette. That was when she realised how much she had been able to get away with as a 'gorgeous blonde'! We paid for them to be connected to the mains as we dreaded to think what all that copper was doing to their bodies, so she was soon back being a blonde again.


We rarely go to the cinema unless we are away  somewhere as the nearest cinema is a hour's drive away. We now have a large collection of DVD's!


It's a fairly miserable day here, so different to yesterday which was gorgeous. I saw our second red squirrel in the garden yesterday, it hasn't shown any interest in the bird feeders yet.


I had better get back and check the rest of the recent entries before I head off to the workshop.

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Whenever I feel cold I remember Yakutsk; a city in an area where the average winter “low” temperature is -50C.  Then I thank my maker (for convenience sake) that I’m not really the worst off!


-3C here at the moment but almost balmy (not barmy) 3C later today.


Try and make the most of your day wherever you are.


Best, Pete.

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