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Greetings all from a foggy London Bridge. Still as I type the clear blue is peering through and St Paul's is emerging from the gloom.


I note from Bill that the Mudlark is doing Landlord. Next time I go out around here I may venture that way. Tuesday night saw visits to the George (rammed) and the Bunch of Grapes (equally rammed) followed by  a curry at the Shad Indian in Tooley Street (so busy we had to wait at the bar for a table, and while we waited others were turned away).


Today sees Younger Lurker make a trip to the Evelina for his next allergy challenge; this time Brazil nuts. Mrs Lurker has baked them into biscuits so he should find that more palatable than some of the previous tests he's done. If successful he will have removed 4 of the 5 things from his list of "foods to avoid", the remaining one being peanuts. That may not be challenged as his reaction is too strong.


The office is quieter now as people head home for the holidays. But I shall soldier on until Friday before breaking. We're promised mulled wine and mince pies at 4.30 this afternoon, and there's a reason to be in if ever there was one.


Thoughts are with those who are ailing, Andyram's Sarah springs to mind.

I liked Rick's description of Sharon's last day at work; let's hope her new role at Kew is equally fulfilling.


And now, to work; HMRC want some information regarding our VAT position in Romania. Exciting isn't it?

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Mawnin' awl. Currently on a short visit at my parents' up in Schleswig-Holstein until Friday. A longer visit will doubtlessly follow next year but we wanted to see how things are after their move here. I can say that it is a rather nice house they got!


The Prius ran just fine, too. Cannot recall ever having been travelling on a similarly comfortable car.


Yesterday also saw the delivery of our first NGT10 tram, so I joined a sizeable crowd of colleagues (many of them equally rail-nerdy) to brave the cold at Heiterblick in the early morning...














Exciting times!


Have a good one, folks!


I'm surprised they didn't split that for transport, it's a heck of a long load. I'll bet you are looking forward to driving it.



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  • RMweb Gold

Is that wise?

I'm not saying Bob is accident prone but when he paid a visit to my railway room the first thing I said to him is mind your head when you duck under to get into the operating well, I leave you to guess what happened next.  :banghead:

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I'm not saying Bob is accident prone but when he paid a visit to my railway room the first thing I said to him is mind your head when you duck under to get into the operating well, I leave you to guess what happened next.  :banghead:



So when Bob visits under H&S rules should you provide a hard hat?

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Morning all,

Misty outside but forecast to brighten later.


Bob 81C - remember they have a test track at the back of the Alton Emporium if you have concerns about your Danish purchase.


Dom, the livery on that tram of yours looks interesting. Or is that Christmas wrapping paper they delivered it in? 


Good luck to the Young Lurker - my eldest is in a similar position with multiple allergies (makes cooking somewhat limiting chez nous) and advice that we introduce nuts into her diet on a daily basis. 


Rick, I'm sure Melbourne's loss will be Kew's gain! Enjoy the hols. 


2 days left at work with some website tinkering on the agendum today, wading through govt consultancy papers and meetings with customers tomorrow. 


An early Christmas present was a complete box set of Only Fools and Horses. My children have recently "discovered" Citizen Khan so I thought OF&H would be the next step in their education. I don't recall the very early episodes and it certainly developed into comedy gold over the years. Safe to say it was an education of a sort...."Ok children, we don't use that word. Nor that one. Ok, you don't learn about that until Year 6, Ooh, look Christmas University Challenge is just starting."


Finally Here's one for Darwin Award aficionados  

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Just a brief visit, such is the hectic social life I am forced to lead here in Torbay.


Tuesday was the theatre Xmas party. A lower-key event than last year, but equally convivial. I spent some time talking to Alec, comparing notes on our recent radical prostatectomies. He must be a little older than me, as he and Di celebrate their Golden Wedding shortly. Alec was the architect who converted the church into a theatre, and most visitors concur that he did a fine job. But rather more than 40 years ago, then living elsewhere, he was the architect for the new Torquay Hospital, little thinking his personal plumbing would be sorted there in 2016!


I hope those ailing can recover their comfort in time to be suitably festive.

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Hello from a dry and sunny Somerset.


I had an 0430 panic when I woke up and realised that I had forgotten to tape the paper-girl's Christmas card to the outside of the letter box. So I ventured downstairs in the dark and did it then, hoping no one would be about to see me in my pants (not a pretty sight).


After returning to bed I assumed I would just lay awake for hours and then get up properly out of boredom, but I fell asleep and didn't wake up until gone 8 a.m. :O


My eldest son is expected to arrive later, and with my father in tow will raise the total age of our house occupants by 130 years; which is a good start for the festive period. When my daughter, husband and two grandchildren turn up tomorrow they will only add another 71 years between the four of them.


The robins in our garden are very territorial, and only in the breeding season do I see more than one at once. In fact the current robin takes offence at any small brown bird; chasing dunnocks, chaffinches and blackcaps around the garden until they go somewhere else. It is rather sad really, as I do prefer the variety. However, the robin has developed a taste for sunflower hearts from the hanging feeder and can hover by the port long enough to grab one seed and swallow it. Presumably, he/she is not one for sharing.

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As an addendum, any of you staring at the Christmas festivities and wondering what can possibly top that for fun and amusement, take a look at this

Applies particularly to Bob, Bob (81c), Mike (SM), Ian (RH), Duncan....  

Edited by AndyB
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning, pity its not forecast to last for very long. Yesterday I had a leaflet through the door for a 'Special Christmas Pizza' :no: no thank you. Only a bit of shopping to do today, bread and newspapers and thats about it. Congratulations and commiserations where neccessary, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


And many happy returns of yesterday to Gabe.


Quite a successful day yesterday - having done a swop round of cars I duly set off into motoring cockwomble land driving my own for once (instead of the Good Doctor's) and had barely got round the corner before encountering the first maniac who seemed to have considerable difficulty reconciling the width of her Fiat 500 with the fact that her side of the road was full of parked cars and 1.5 tonnes of Peugeot (mine) was coming the other way but I eventually frightened her into submission and forced her to obey the rules of the road.  Anyway my journeyings then proceeded to return achievement - first (secret) stop was to successfully obtain Mrs Stationmaster's top secret surprise Christmas present which I suspect she will greatly enjoy.  Then I decided to pop in on my regular auctioneer friend to be duly welcomed with a nice warming cuppa and a little snack - however the business manager of their little concern is reviewing finances and sought my opinion on which way they should go - I plumped for the idea of a £2 lotting fee instead of upping my 7% seller's commission rate and agreed heartily with her plan to hold the buyer's premium down to 15%, now one of the lowest around; it helps keep the hammer prices up.  Next stop was the establishment in Alton mentioned above by AndyB with my arrival immediately, and handily, preceded by that of the latest GW Journal although the main purpose of my visit was to obtain my pretty little blue Christmas present from Mrs Stationmaster to myself - looking very fine in a nice shade of H&P blue (an area where I gave Hornby some assistance so nice to see the result) and duly run round the test track as Paul always does, ooh and a couple of rather nice cattle wagons as a pressie from me to me.


Journey home coincided with the gradual going down of the sun which meant that special brand of cockwomble who brakes when they see headlights coming the other way was out & about; but a stop for the lowest priced diesel around was also included duly saving a couple of quid for no extra mileage and central Reading totally avoided in both directions I'm pleased to say.


Now down to the more mundane - pressies to pack (like Bob I might manage it before Christmas Eve this year - maybe);  herself is at the hair-do place this morning and might visit Waitrose so a taxi call might come.  Tomorrow it's back to Pangbourne to collect the meat and a hopefully brief Tesco visit for the final veg items, just a couple thereof.  Oh, and clearing of the dining table to complete.


Regrettably the Good Doctor failed her Driving test again and just to try her further today she will be dishing out the Christmas pre-orders at Tesco - as of 23.00 last night said pre-orders had not knowingly been delivered to the shop.  Laddo hopefully will be approaching a quieter time having had several nights of 'phone calls trying to sort Waitrose's distribution centre staffing problems (wholly a result of their incompetence and stinginess on pay rates it appears).


In the meanwhile trust you all have a  good day today and that those who are ailing make some progress towards recovery

Edited by The Stationmaster
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More photo's of Dom's new toy:



The "QR code" wrapping is, as Dom already intimated, intended to conceal the true livery until such time Dom's employer deems fit to reveal it :)  And as for not transporting it in parts: the centre articulation has a single bogie, so a little difficult for the one part that doesn't get it. Besides, as the transport would be heavily regulated anyway, why not save one-selves the hassle of splitting the vehicle, with all associated risks, when you can have it delivered in one piece? ;) Remember that the LVB has even longer trams (NGT12, 45m long) which, IIRC, where also delivered ready-to-roll-off-the-transporter.


[edit: here's a view from underneath. Well, a 3D model anyway ;) click]

note: all links are in German, which isn't surprising given that Leipzig is very much a German city :P

That seems to be the way that most modern trams are delivered. The Blackpool ones came that way and once the ramp was connected up to the low loader the pantograph was raised and they were driven off. I believe that they had a few problems with clearances on the first delivery in terms of the length and certain vertical curves.


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Great Scott! Actually 1C this morning.........though some light snow showers will pass through. Having eyes dilated this am, then internally inspected - just a check up.


Must remember to get card for Wife. Daughter has her last “Final” tomorrow at 8:00am, then pick her up. Weather for Christmas Day forecast to be clear and sunny 47f (similar to London but with sun). Light breeze.


Have a good day. Pete.

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....The Prius ran just fine, too. Cannot recall ever having been travelling on a similarly comfortable car.....


Weighing 1495kg, it should do, as all the batteries are in the floorpan so you've got a fairly low centre of gravity. That's only 25kg less than my old 635CSi, and heavier than most variants of the Citroen CX.

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The other thing for Dom to compare with his photos of the tram arriving is the picture on the BBC of the Southern carriage getting stuck last night while being transported by road...




Well, you can't say that Southern aren't looking into all options to get their trains moving!  :jester:

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