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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all, 

Dry and dull here and will probably stay that way.

Was yesterday National Jet Washing Day? No less than 3 of my neighbours were out with their machines cleaning their paths and drives. Mine need doing as well but none of them took up my offer of doing it for me. I thought they were friends!  Mind you, one is Scottish and he's coming over to watch the match with me tomorrow. Will we remain friends after that?

Looks like there will be domestic strife stuff  done today. Chris was wondering what she'd do tomorrow while I'm at Basingstoke but my suggestion of "the housework" didn't seem popular. 

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning and salut to you all.


It's cool and misty here, et les hommes de bulots reste en lit.


Nothing happening, waiting for the plumber to come and fit a new shower mixer unit. The last one was put in by an English plumber, and it's crap. It broke... 


Maybe off for lunch in Vire if he's done in time. Apart from that, rien.


But it's Friday!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


POETS Day has dawned grey but mild and dry. We are promised the attendance of Mr. Washing Machine Fixer and Mr. Potty-rodder in order to deal with small maintenance issues which have turned up. After a late night we were awoken early by Mr. Garbaj bin Emptya. We need to remember when he visits and act accordingly.


Neighbours sighted. Contact yet to be made. The natives upon the Hill of Strawberries appear adequately hygienic and not unfriendly.


Have a good one and may all who can enjoy the Poetry of the Day.

Edited by Gwiwer
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  • RMweb Gold

This morning I read about the tragedy related to fans of the series, Game of Thrones.


Apparently a live feed had been set up to view a melting block of ice: After the ice had melted the trailer for the new series would begin.


But the trailer didn't run for technical reasons...................


Fans are distraught!




Well my heart is pumping purplepiss for them.


Don't they realise should take the free training they have received in a positive manner?


It bodes well for helping their determination when it comes to the upcoming marathon of watching paint dry.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all, 

Dry and dull here and will probably stay that way.

Was yesterday National Jet Washing Day? No less than 3 of my neighbours were out with their machines cleaning their paths and drives. Mine need doing as well but none of them took up my offer of doing it for me. I thought they were friends!  Mind you, one is Scottish and he's coming over to watch the match with me tomorrow. Will we remain friends after that?

Looks like there will be domestic strife stuff  done today. Chris was wondering what she'd do tomorrow while I'm at Basingstoke but my suggestion of "the housework" didn't seem popular. 

Have a good one,


Those words would be dangerous in this household the knife block would need hiding and I would have to stay out of harms reach for best part of the day.     :blackeye:   :girldevil:

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  • RMweb Gold


Rick - 'Love Symphony'...... :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:.

Yes, it does add whole new meaning to the term 'noisy f****rs'!


And, anent that activity, Rick also mentions the Kingston Roundabouts. (Not to be confused with the nearby Scilly Isles, which really are roundabouts, near Sandown Park). When I first went to work at Waterloo in 1984, in the Planning Managers' office, there was an old boy in admin who clearly was on good terms with a younger lady - single, substantial, less than pretty. Some lunchtimes they would head off onto the concourse and catch a Roundabout, no doubt choosing a single compartment for the privacy afforded. I do not know whether they generally started their trip from the Main or Windsor side. Nor whether they sometimes did it the other way round!


I have at last seen the car I ordered way back in November, when it was shown on the website as 'in stock'. It finally reached my local garage on 7th Feb, while I was away. It appears to have come from Poland, despite being a brand new Renault. He is now getting it registered, for which he needed a copy of my passport page to present at the Préfecture in Le Mans. Then I can get insurance and away we go. Maybe by Wednesday next? Yawn.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


We are off to see MiL at lunchtime. Before we go we will pop next door. Our neighbour is off early for the weekend and we said we would look in to see her elderly doggy before we go. Neighbours mother and her children will be there in the afternoon. Neighbour Becky likes us enough to know we are genuine about possibly having to deal with a possibly incontinent Jack Russell.


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Yes, 'tis Friday again and Mrs RhBBob has gone to get the 'hat' trimmed and shampooed before buying up Asda.  After lunch she will be off to the Surgery as her (my) cold has lingered too long. I have provided a list of the 7 meds she has been taking since 24th Feb. Our new GP, code-named Doctor Lucky is superb !  We are very lucky, I realise that.


I have completed some of my Friday schedule, which includes steam cleaning the kitchen/hall floor tiles and hanging out the washing on a rather cool morning. Darling Daughter heads off to see Olly Murrs this weekend accompanied by her Best Mate and her Daughters, one of which at 13 is still the most disagreeable teenager you could wish to meet; nothing ever suits her mood which is permanently 'grumpy'.  Reminds me of our Grandson !  


Must remember to feed Daughter's Ginger Cat...like a typical cat, he (actually 'it') will continue to eat however much you give him. Soon Mrs RhBBob and I will take him to the Vets where his claws will be clipped; this will, for the time being at least, stop him from opening the 'locked' cat-flap from the outside. Locking the flap prevents him from bringing home small dead creatures which he places behind the kitchen door ready to be ..........when the door is opened from the other side. Well you get the picture!


Have a great day !

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. My post last night was upbeat, talking about the joys of bread pudding. Yet it received a load of friendly/supportive marks? Or do you all hate bread pudding? Bright enough this morning but not predicted to last but also predicted to stay dry. Have a good day all and hope that everyone has a POETS day.

PS Here is my (mums) recipe for bread pudding.

Required. A large mixing bowl, wooden spoon, oven dish.


1 large loaf preferably sliced (most breads including wholemeal are suitable) slightly stale bread is best, 'reduced to clear' from the supermarket would be ideal.

1lb of mixed dried fruit.

4oz. of golden syrup. My mum often used mollasses (black syrup) and I have heard of maple syrup or honey being used.

1oz. of allspice, the quantity and type of spice can be changed according to taste.

Crumble the bread including crusts into the mixing bowl then fill with water just enough to cover the bread, cover with a teacloth and leave until all the water has been absorbed, best to leave for about 12 hours.

Knead the soaked bread until it is of an even constituency, add the syrup and spice and fold in with the spoon adding the dried fruit as you do so. Grease the oven dish and evenly distribute the contents into the dish using a knife to smooth the top.

Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180.C, gas mark 5 for 30 minutes or until the top is golden brown.

EDIT the baking time should be 45 minutes. Best way to make sure its baked is to put a knife into it and if it comes out clean its done.

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. My post last night was upbeat, talking about the joys of bread pudding. Yet it received a load of friendly/supportive marks? Or do you all hate bread pudding? Bright enough this morning but not predicted to last but also predicted to stay dry. Have a good day all and hope that everyone has a POETS day.


I think the friendly marks were because we want some..... yes please....

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Yesterday was quite unproductive.  There was one piece of track, between two turnouts that I could just not get to fit correctly. I will have another go today.

Mrs BoD is off to the hairdressers.  What she pays for one shearing would get me three years worth.

I just thought this though, I didn't actually mention it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mrs BoD is off to the hairdressers. What she pays for one shearing would get me three years worth.

I just thought this though, I didn't actually mention it.

That's probably for the best! Edited by BSW01
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Morning all,


Dull and overcast day here.


There are some right c@ckw@mbles out on the road today. 

1. Dropping eldest off at school. Taxi driver does mirror, signal maneuver and ends up driving parallel and abreast with me down road as I was trying to pull in to the kerb. 

2. Approaching a major roundabout. A car approaching the roundabout sensibly decided to give way and let traffic on the roundabout clear. Sadly the car behind her had other ideas and accelerated into the roundabout the back of her car.  


swmbo has decided that decorating is on the agendum. So we've been out and spent a small fortune on paint and decorating accessories. I invested in a some storage for the fiddly bits that accumulate on the layout. This will have to go straight out to the garage before my eldest discovers it an decides it is perfect for craft materials (her's, not mine!).


This sort of leads on to my firming up the decision to reduce the size of the garage layout and build something better over the coming months.  

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bit dreary out but that has not put off the O group - so I am duly instructed not to 'waste my time' on here (effin cheek calling this revered place a waste of time :O ) and am variously tasked to drive us to the garden centre where we shall purchase various commodities including salt for the water softener, hanging basket liners and possibly a light lunch.  The latter will not include sweet potato soup if they have that awful stuff on the menu - beats me why anybody sells it, 'orrible stuff according to my palate.


There is also a major technical task lined up, partly my own fault (what else would you expect?).  Herself recently made a new tea cosy and while admitting to getting it not quite right I added that the stitching showed that stitching showed that the sewing machine tension wasn't right either - so today I am deputed to the task of sorting and hopefully correcting the tension on the sewing machine; this could get interesting, probably.


But at least I have a trip to Basingstoke to look forward too tomorrow - depending on the good offices of GWR to get me to Basingstoke station and then the ability of the free 'bus to finish the journey (hopefully with no windows threatening to fall out if your breathe on them - I never was impressed by Aldershot & District or Dennis Lolines )


Have a good day one and all

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Morning all


Yesterday was quite unproductive.  There was one piece of track, between two turnouts that I could just not get to fit correctly. I will have another go today.

Mrs BoD is off to the hairdressers.  What she pays for one shearing would get me three years worth.

I just thought this though, I didn't actually mention it.

What SWMBO pays for one shearing session is more than what I paid for the clippers that have seen me through the past 13 1/2 years.

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Morning all


Yesterday was quite unproductive.  There was one piece of track, between two turnouts that I could just not get to fit correctly. I will have another go today.

Mrs BoD is off to the hairdressers.  What she pays for one shearing would get me three years worth.

I just thought this though, I didn't actually mention it.


Don't forget to mention how nice it looks, though.

That would be an unforgivable crime.


My mistake last time was asking if she was happy with it.

"Why, what's wrong with it?" was the first shot across my bows.


I am, of course referring to SWMBO and not Mrs BoD who I'm sure is a very reasonable and kind person.

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  • RMweb Gold

I am, of course referring to SWMBO and not Mrs BoD who I'm sure is a very reasonable and kind person.


I've clicked agree, just in case she ever sees this.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

Late reading and writing this morning late everything, I got off to a good nights sleep helped by some of the red stuff, but still awoke at about 03:00.  then down to the sofa and I remember seeing the 0:400 news, but then woke about 05:30 Panic !!!  rush around to get ready, have breakfast and leave about 10 minutes late...


The drive in was accompanies by a beautiful dawn, houses glowing pink and yellow in the early morning light.

 There were traffic lights in Coltishall, for some already completed road works with tarmac patches in the road, but the diversion at the Coltishall triangle had gone, the water is still flowing down the road from the bridge though.


 I got to the Industrial estate to find the cockwombles, at a Y junction where I had right of way to take the right hand leg travelling from the bottom. A Transit lorry belonging to a Crane Hire company pulled out in front of me, assuming I was going down the left leg like the two cars in front of me. Much braking and blowing of horn..

Further on an Artic was pulling into a factory gateway, the problem being the gate was still locked. So it left him with the back end across 1.5 lanes, meaning a squeeze past on the pavement ( no verge there)


 Thence into work, to find a unit awaiting me, with a label on it saying to be calibrated and shipped today....

The unit takes 5 hours including paper work, But I was already committed to calibrating some Current shunts which took me 3.5 hours  although i've completed some work which can be done at the same time, but it's going to be touch and go if it ships in my 7.5 hour day....


Neither myself or SWMBO go to the Hairdressers, the last time I went was just over 10 years ago for the job interview for this job. My hair now falls out almost as fast as it grows, but in the area I work, looking like a mad professor :crazy: with my hair fits in quite well. SWMBO just lets it grow long and occasionally puts it up in a pony tail to get it out of the way.


 I like the recipe for the bread pudding, sadly I will have to modify it as I'm not allowed the golden Syrup :beee: .


MRC tonight which should be another session of cutting a layout in half!!!

Shed work tomorrow as planned, looking at the weather, though I'll have to time the work on the box on the telegraph pole so it's not raining, I hope also to finish two ends of my own layout board I'm sloooowwly working on.


A little hazzard I managed to avoid on my way home a couple of days ago... it was 65ft long 15ft wide, and about 15 tall, accompanied by men with chainsaws for trees, the Power network people to move electricity wires and not suprisingly the police. The bill to move it from North  Walsham the 25 miles to Great Yarmouth ....£29,000!!!!


Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


POETS Day has dawned grey but mild and dry. We are promised the attendance of Mr. Washing Machine Fixer and Mr. Potty-rodder in order to deal with small maintenance issues which have turned up. After a late night we were awoken early by Mr. Garbaj bin Emptya. We need to remember when he visits and act accordingly.


Neighbours sighted. Contact yet to be made. The natives upon the Hill of Strawberries appear adequately hygienic and not unfriendly.


Have a good one and may all who can enjoy the Poetry of the Day.


Strawberry Hill House is rather spectacular not sure how near you are. Some nice places to visit round that area.


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Greetings all.


It's gone grey over London Bridge, probably serves me right for succumbing to the temptation not to wear the big overcoat to work today! As I refuse to wear a flasher mac, that means no coat....!


We now have a leak from the pipe that leads to our kitchen sink. It is obviously a fairly slow leak as there is a great big stalactite from it, but the leak appears to be flowing quickly enough that we need the attendance of friendly plumbers. Added to which the drains outside seem to be rather slow flowing. We are hoping that discussions with our neighbours will reveal that the blockage is downhill of us and not at our property!


I have managed to apply for one ETA for our Canadian visit in the summer, 3 more to go.


Work is very slow. But the weekend is nearly upon us.


I hope that those who are suffering improve and those who are enjoying themselves continue to do so!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Awl,

Late reading and writing this morning late everything, I got off to a good nights sleep helped by some of the red stuff, but still awoke at about 03:00.  then down to the sofa and I remember seeing the 0:400 news, but then woke about 05:30 Panic !!!  rush around to get ready, have breakfast and leave about 10 minutes late...


The drive in was accompanies by a beautiful dawn, houses glowing pink and yellow in the early morning light.

 There were traffic lights in Coltishall, for some already completed road works with tarmac patches in the road, but the diversion at the Coltishall triangle had gone, the water is still flowing down the road from the bridge though.


 I got to the Industrial estate to find the cockwombles, at a Y junction where I had right of way to take the right hand leg travelling from the bottom. A Transit lorry belonging to a Crane Hire company pulled out in front of me, assuming I was going down the left leg like the two cars in front of me. Much braking and blowing of horn..

Further on an Artic was pulling into a factory gateway, the problem being the gate was still locked. So it left him with the back end across 1.5 lanes, meaning a squeeze past on the pavement ( no verge there)


 Thence into work, to find a unit awaiting me, with a label on it saying to be calibrated and shipped today....

The unit takes 5 hours including paper work, But I was already committed to calibrating some Current shunts which took me 3.5 hours  although i've completed some work which can be done at the same time, but it's going to be touch and go if it ships in my 7.5 hour day....


Neither myself or SWMBO go to the Hairdressers, the last time I went was just over 10 years ago for the job interview for this job. My hair now falls out almost as fast as it grows, but in the area I work, looking like a mad professor :crazy: with my hair fits in quite well. SWMBO just lets it grow long and occasionally puts it up in a pony tail to get it out of the way.


 I like the recipe for the bread pudding, sadly I will have to modify it as I'm not allowed the golden Syrup :beee: .


MRC tonight which should be another session of cutting a layout in half!!!

Shed work tomorrow as planned, looking at the weather, though I'll have to time the work on the box on the telegraph pole so it's not raining, I hope also to finish two ends of my own layout board I'm sloooowwly working on.


A little hazzard I managed to avoid on my way home a couple of days ago... it was 65ft long 15ft wide, and about 15 tall, accompanied by men with chainsaws for trees, the Power network people to move electricity wires and not suprisingly the police. The bill to move it from North  Walsham the 25 miles to Great Yarmouth ....£29,000!!!!


Good job it is going over the bridge it would never have gone under. One does wonder what it was doing at North Walsham in the first place judging by the size of the two person it needs a fair draught.


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  • RMweb Premium

Good job it is going over the bridge it would never have gone under. One does wonder what it was doing at North Walsham in the first place judging by the size of the two person it needs a fair draught.


The bridge behind the camera is even lower,



Many of the boat building yards have moved away from the rivers themselves as the land by the rivers is too valuable for "executive homes". 




This was all boat sheds a few years ago. Getting planning permission in the Norfolk broads area is as difficult as a National Park, for an industrial building for modern boat building.


From Lord de Mauley (DEFRA) to Dr John Packman (Broads Authority).

In terms of government policy, the Broads is treated as a member of the national parks family 

although its statutory basis is quite separate and IT IS NOT LEGALLY A NATIONAL PARK. 

We do not propose to change this position and it is DEFRA's intention that the three purposes of 

the Broads remain of equal standing."


Hardy marine who built that boat,  http://www.hardy-marine.co.uk/ have their yard in North Walsham.

Edited by TheQ
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Afternoon all,

The garage archaeology project has started. Plenty of stuff to ebay in due course! 


Looking for some thoughts if I may?

I've put my name in the hat for a job which I'd be quite keen :yes:  to win and just had notification that I've a first interview in a couple of weeks time.

Not sure how many candidates have been called forward but there's a choice of 2 days. 

The format is interviewing on competency and technical* knowledge. 


Given the choice would you go for Day 1 or Day 2? i.e. early on in the interview list or further down?


I have been interviewed by this organisation before and the feedback was that I didn't have any knowledge about something they didn't ask me about. :banghead:

So, this time, lesson learned, lead the conversation, get every point out there, don't assume they've done more than glance at the CV.  

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