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Morning all. Still too dark to see what's happening with the weather but it is predicted to be dry and warm. I won't hold my breath.


A lousy nights sleep thanks to my brain not wanting to rest which is a good start for a long day.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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SWMBO bought me 2 more variations on cough lozenges this morning, and after the first one I was able to say a few intelligible words. The effect has worn off a bit with repetition.


I was trying to certify myself as a folk dance instructor and was required to teach a number of sessions under a recognised teacher.  Dayle came along to the class mid-year as a total beginner and someone suggested that she might like my other class. I managed to walk her home or take the streetcar with her after classes.  The other place we courted was on the TTC's Tourtram, a 1923 Peter Witt car which they brought back to run a 20 minute loop downtown. It was also a gathering place for railfans -- ride forever for one ticket.

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Morning All,


Echoing what Chris said, I am not sure where the weekend went - let alone just Sunday!


The weather is pretty good at the moment.  Saturday, we had planned to go out walking, but unfortunately, after breakfast we noticed that the water was not running away in the kitchen sink.  As there is a rather long pipe run to the outlet, I had to spend quite a lot of time finding out where exactly the blockage was.  Naturally, it turned out to be outside, so ended up popping down to the local DIY store for a 10m spiral.  Fortunately, I was able to clear the blockage without having to call out the drain people.


Rather ironically, yesterday was the local sewage works open day - so we went for a visit and a tour of the site.


All in all, a rather sewage related weekend!


Have a good day everyone...

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Mawnin' awl. Holiday over and had been booked on an early shift due to dispo week. This did remind me of why I opt out of earlies normally!


Training day tomorrow, the theme of which will be troubleshooting refresher training mainly.


And here's to coffee. What would I do without it? :jester:

Edited by NGT6 1315
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Morning Awl, I went to sleep an hour earlier than Normal, and awoke an hour later than normal, giving a full 7  hours sleep so I'm happy about that.


Yesterdays expedition to the garden to realign the dish, was a total failure, I went through my normal routine to align the dish no signal. I checked all the sockets, no signal. I suspect the LNB. 

 For those who don't know the LNB is the Low Noise Block (invented by Marconi company) that receives the Satellite signal and mixes it down to a signal that can be sent along the cables, to your Satbox.

I've done a little research on LNBs and they only have a mean time between failures of 10,000 hours or about 2 years in normal use. Now many of you will have had LNBs lasting much longer than that, but the big thing that affects LNB life is heat. They also often fade gently, rather than die, so If you live up North , your dish is high up on a building with lots of cooling breeze around it it will last a lot longer. My dish however, is just 6 ft off of the ground, as it's the only site with a reasonably clear view of the sky, this also means sheltered from the wind as much as possible, as living on the coast when it blows it's strong enough to move the dish.

So for me a new LNB will be ordered later.


SWMBO and me, met in November 1985 in the NAAFI, at RAF Boulmer, we moved in together when we left  the RAF in October 88, by coincidence we were both due to leave The RAF within 9 days of each other. So we are just coming up to our 32nd or 29th year of being happily unmarried to each other. With no children there was little point in getting married..


For some reason the internal net here is doing strange things it keeps stopping and starting I've tried a couple of computers both the same...


This week starts with another major system which belongs to the lab I work in, not the outside Lab. One of the pieces of test equipment I use is no longer available, and would be very difficult to get repaired. We have but one left out of the 6 when I Arrived 10 years ago. So today, once I have calibrated the system with the old equipment, I have to try a new procedure and shiny new test equipment and see if I can get the same results.


Time to... get on with work

Edited by TheQ
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Good morning and I hope the sun shines wherever you are today.


I have been summoned to umpire a counties over 60s match tomorrow. If it's like the last one I did it should be good.


Wasn't too good at N the he needs but as some of the salad I had for lunch yesterday was made up of very strong cucumber. Cucumber doesn't normally bother me unless it has a thick skin. Seem to be OK now though so time to break fast then...crust earning.



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...Fortunately, I was able to clear the blockage without having to call out the drain people.


Rather ironically, yesterday was the local sewage works open day - so we went for a visit and a tour of the site.




Something of a case of deja vue!  :jester:


I can just imagine the Blue Peter-esque comments:

"....and here's one I made earlier!"  :lol:

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Morning all,


So, today is meant to be sunny and reach 21oC. And to start with it's sunshine and clear skies here.


The clematis montana has now finished flowering - it's an early variety and vigorous, so needs pruning with shears. As most of the foliage will drop into the border I may well weed that. 

swmbo was going to do that job but as I was apparently snoring last night, I may need some brownie points. 


Not sure if anyone else watched the coverage of RHS Chelsea yesterday but I got the distinct impression that one of the presenters was a little non-plused. "8 show gardens vs 15 last year", "very different from other years.."  One of the co-presenters then seemed to go on the defensive and say "you have to look below the surface to find the gems". Hmmm. 

Now, if I'd known they were potentially struggling  I could have taken some of the weed collection along that has started to force its way through into my garden. :sungum:  


As an aside I happened to see a bit of Countryfile from the Clyde Falls. We drive up to Aberdeenshire each summer and pass this area. Could be a nice opportunity for a leg stretch, methinks. 


Today is a working from home day with spreadsheets. 

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Morning all.

It is slightly cloudy but pleasantly warm. Forecast to be warmer and sunnier later.

I don't intend to do much today. To be honest I would like to do things but my body is rebelling somewhat! Robbie will expect a walk whatever state I am in though.

I hope everyone has a good day and may all your drains run free.


Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all !


Today's task was simply to find strawberries and (non-alcoholic) wine for tomorrow's visit by Sister and her new fella.


Now I await a call back giving me a figure for the clutch replacement on Darling Daughter's car. Dealer quoted £660 so am hoping that our local garage (local as in 25 miles away) can come up with a smaller figure.  


They were going to ring before 9 am today but maybe they have gone into a huddle drawing straws to see who breaks the bad news.... :O


Daughter is driving her friends to the Take That concert at Sheffield on 29th so matter is reasonably urgent !


Happy days !  Take care, y'all.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Donw, 8 people in a Standard Atlas camper van? I suppose if they all got out and pushed it might just be able to pull that skin off of the rice pudding. Having driven one all I can say is that it is one of the most awful vehicles I have ever driven. If anyone in south Essex is interested the Adams family musical is at the Cliffs Pavilion 30 May-1 June, if you prebook through Travelzoo you get a 46% discount. Will be tackling the shrubbery later today then one morning later in the week I will do the pointing, no good doing it in the afternoon as it will be in full sun that time of day. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Morning all !


Daughter is driving her friends to the Take That concert at Sheffield on 29th so matter is reasonably urgent !


Happy days !  Take care, y'all.


I would have thought that the failed clutch would be the perfect excuse to get out of having to see Take That.  I'd certainly prefer not to see them, but the kids do say that I'm a dinosaur. I couldn't possible comment.



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Good morning all,

Apologies for my tardiness this morning but other things, people, "somebody" got in the way and "needed" taking urgently to banks and shops etc.

This is now done so I'm back to impart more drivel to you good people.

It's nice and sunny and breezy here so more work can be done outside (I'm told)

Yesterday's BBQ was very successful and I not only managed to cook a bit too much but eat it as well. There was some beer and wine to help wash it down. :yes:

I met Chris at a youth club in September 1965. We were both going out with other people at the time but gradually got friendlier and our first date was IIRC February 24th 1966. We got engaged two years later and married in 1970 when both 21. Our children and grandchildren think that was ridiculously young but it wasn't unusual in those days. Something must be right as we're still together after 51 years. 

Would I change anything? Yes - but not her.

Have a good one,


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A'noon.  Lazy start due to a miserable night - foot has decided to not be better for some reason.  I suppose these days have to be expected occasionally, not sure I did anything to it, other than the physioterrorism but that has been OK really for 6 days.  Odd.


Mrs NHN and I met due to a phallic symbol.  I was at sea, and she moved into a house that happened to be two away from ours after a family break-up - a regular occurrence in her young life unfortunately.  She had a small Honda 100cc motorbike, and used to look lovingly at the 900cc monster in the window of the local Honda dealer.  One day it was gone.....and arrived two houses away from her in the charge of a dashing young MN officer she had never previously seen as he was away being....dashing. And oily and sweaty and drinking and all that young bloke stuff. Aaaand there we go.  Moved in together about a year later, and married a year after that 33 years ago, also quite young as Debs was just 20 by two months and it was the day before my 25th.  We have had about 40 bikes between us since then, and still have 5.


I'll googledrive along that road thanks, Mike.  I have a feeling we might have been there 5 or 6 years ago, by chance.  Edit - only there for two nights, 2nd and 3rd unfortunately so can't do the show this year.  We seem to have a helter-skelter itinerary this year, Mrs H wants to pack a lot in and as she's driving I have to go along with that!


Edit edit:  Not the one I was thinking of, Mike!  We have driven past Root One many times and totally failed to see it!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Afternoon all.


Playing catch up again. Saturday was the Royal Oak with HJ and a couple of pints of Light Mild. Sunday was a couple of services then the interfaith walk from the synagogue to the Tamil temple, where I had a chat with my PPC. Today I must do my German homework before a CFR meeting.


Keep well all. Bill


PS - ERs will split between those who will divulge how they met their nearest and dearest - and those who won't. I'm one of the latter.

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Greetings all from a warm and sunny London Bridge.


My weekend consisted of cleaning out gutters and mowing the lawn and getting my haircut. Such is the life of a busy Lurker.


I met Mrs Lurker first in around November 1997; she was the best friend of a work colleague of mine. Nothing much came of it. We met again in March 1998, at my then boss' leaving do. The rest, as they say, is history.

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No shame there, Bill. Some of us find it easy to talk about the past, good or bad, and some of us don't. Neither group is wrong.

I am obviously a bounder - but then you all knew that! - because each of my two wives has been nicked from another bloke. Implausibly, each of those guys has shared a drink with me in the last few months!".....................

............... Sherry and I knew of each other at skool, and we had been in daily contact for some years before Deb's death in 2012. I couldn't imagine a more suitable new partner, and pestered her from 2013 onwards. When daughter Caro blew the gaff on what mum had been up to in March 2014, Sherry realised the time was now right to please me. And, most of the time, she seems pretty pleased, too! ...........Sherry arrives next week. Life could be a lot worse.

I rated this comment "agree" to the content above, especially the bounder part.

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