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Morning All,


It is a chilly morning here - the temperature was down to 2°C in the forest, but it is probably still a bit warm for the time of year.


Happy Birthday to Aditi!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all, with belated birthday greetings to Aditi and a warm welcome to Steve Western-Glory.


Baz, like most other things it must be fully 40 years since I saw a very young Richard Digance doing a floor spot at the Angel Folk Club in Elstow Road, Bedford.  The pub is long demolished and replaced by what used to be called yuppie flats.


I tried to change my electricity tariff yesterday.  The webshite would not load so following a webchat with someone called Rebecca I called the phone number she gave me only to be told that it was not the right one.  Perhaps grudgingly the man on the other end put me through to someone more helpful who led me to expect a return phone call within five working days.  What an entertaining way of spending nearly half an hour.  Later I booked a phone call with the GP.  I was right to be wary of "nothing to worry about".  Apparently my kidneys are now borderline due to too much caffeine.  How can four or five cuppas a day and no coffee from one month's end to the next constitute too much?  Perhaps I will get more sense from Sister Diabetes at the clinic.


Today there will be a fodder run.  Maybe, just maybe, the stocks of own brand custard powder will have been replenished.  It is almost time to start thinking of good old-fashioned beef stews with lots of root vegetables and dumplings.  Chop it all up, bung it in the oven and enjoy!   In the meantime much can be accomplished with a bit of creativity and out-of-the-box thinking [a bit like m*d*ll*ng], which reminds me that I missed Nigella on TV last night because I was out.  That will be something to enjoy this afternoon.  Hooray for i-player.


Best wishes and warm thoughts to all in distress and recovery



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Morning all,

Up early to try and get ahead of the rush hour traffic. Tuesdays are apparently the worst; to prove this i queued for about 45mins to get 400 yards last week. 

Not much to report since last night.

So, have a pleasant day everyone. 

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Greetings to all........


Shock horror!


14 stone this morning, the enforced rest after the back op is taking its toll so.........


NO more Lidls own brand digestives or popcorn and far brisker walking........I need to get back to about 13.9, which is a better fighting weight.


Actually working today.....which will see a visit to North Cornwall, not Bude this time and hopefully the roads will be relative,y tourist free.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and fresh start but no frost. Looks like there will be rain later.

Today I'm still in cough, splutter sniff and sneeze mode - many thanks to The Boss for sharing.


Went back to bed for a while after taking her to work at 4.30 and managed another hour's sleep so I've had about 4. There is a chance I may doze off in the armchair later. :whistle:  This will probably bring forth a reprimand from management who believes the only place for sleeping is in bed. (I think she thinks I make the place look untidy if sprawled in the armchair) I don't care, it's her fault I'm knackered.


Apart from that there are trains to be played with and later of course as it's  Tuesday Gemma & Joe will be here after school. Tonight they have requested toad in the hole which is fine by me.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl.  I better beware what I mention in these hallowed pages.    I did however have a good day yesterday and can actually see the exit from purgatory with 3 bogies now complete and the fourth about an hour away from completion.  A good evening at the club was had.    Up fairly early today as I'm off shortly to collect my trailer to move a bed and various other items to the container, hopefully before the shower that the lovely Lisa has just forecast.    


Domestic duties may ensue this afternoon, apart from that not a lot to report.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold



Just noticed a new badge someone wearing who’s got on our train at ECR but couldn’t read it till someone offered her a seat an she sat down


It’s a blue badge with white text ‘please offer me a seat’. So need to watch out for those in future as had only sen the white badges with ‘baby on board’


Today is our hump day which is great. Wish it could be short working weeks every week.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Still missing the odd day or two here due to matters domestic, Oxfam books, taxi runs, vets, and many other things.


So I missed Aditi's birthday, so sorry, belated best wishes for that.  Apart from that, I can only offer the usual generic greetings all round.  Sorry, no, a special mention for Debs for posting here when many would not.


Welcome aboard Steve, and I do hope that you join in with the fun here.  We're a friendly and supportive bunch, though we are a small part of RMWeb, and we will discuss anything  but we do try to avoid the attentions of the mods by self moderation, so we do tend to avoid any political and religious comments, as we do all have differing views - but other than that, just about anything is open for posting here,  We do try to confine our comments to non modelling areas, as there's lots of places where these can be discussed.


Now then, what has happened chez 45156 - not a lot.  Off to Oxfam in a few minutes, then pick up 30747 from work. 


Back later/tomorow

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a rather dull Estuary-Land. GDB, your not the only one to fall asleep in the armchair, problem is when you wake up something is always numb or stiff (I mean the neck for all those with smutty thoughts). Chris, tea contains more caffine than coffee, and caffine can also push your BP up. Tesco's vouchers arrived at the weekend so its time for a 'big shop' though a couple of the vouchers are for things that I don't buy/never use so they are virtually useless. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

........It’s a blue badge with white text ‘please offer me a seat’. So need to watch out for those in future as had only sen the white badges with ‘baby on board’


Today is our hump day....

So it would seem.

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Greetings all you groovy protoplasms from the borough of boring. Welcome Steve. 


Local excitement, some womble de coque nearby is trying to get our side street classified as a CPZ. Why, I have no idea as 90% of the houses along there have off street parking. The few spaces along the street are already used by locals and there are maybe 3 or 4 spaces available during the day. A lot of faff and cost just because some nimby wants to free up those 4 spaces. The downside of course is that it will make our alleyway more tempting for the 4 non-local people that use the street parking. Being private property it's now nearly impossible to get vehicles removed. Idiocy. 


Back to the daily grind of work. Yawn. 


Enjoy the day. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


And it's not raining yet - but allegedly will later if the Exeter seaweed was dangled in teh correct manner.


I'm told some shopping is called for and the latest mugatea has just this minute been announced so I shall be off to suitably charge my drinking receptacle (which rather strangely, and completely inappropriately, advertises paint; I wonder where I 'found' it?).


Have a good day one and all

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  • RMweb Gold




Greetings all you groovy protoplasms from the borough of boring. Welcome Steve. 


Local excitement, some womble de coque nearby is trying to get our side street classified as a CPZ. Why, I have no idea as 90% of the houses along there have off street parking. The few spaces along the street are already used by locals and there are maybe 3 or 4 spaces available during the day. A lot of faff and cost just because some nimby wants to free up those 4 spaces. The downside of course is that it will make our alleyway more tempting for the 4 non-local people that use the street parking. Being private property it's now nearly impossible to get vehicles removed. Idiocy. 


Back to the daily grind of work. Yawn. 


Enjoy the day. 


 If it's private property you could have a very nice side line in clamping and then the releasing for a 'small' fee.


It would certainly increase your modelling funds.

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Morning all,


Rain stopped here after breakfast so a quick walk around the beach. We were about 5 minutes too late to catch the sand as the tide was on the rise, and we had to walk along stones for part of the way. Coffee now consumed, and next it is off to the local Cancer Support Group meeting this afternoon, then off to Sister Drac to extract some red stuff in advance of my next consultant appointment next week. SWMBO has decided that the latter outing will also involve some food shopping, which is OK with me, as Asda have some wine offers on just now, so I can stock up for Ch******s.

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