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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Today we are going out - to meet a distant cousin of Mrs Stationmaster's at Reading station; sounds simple doesn't it?  Well the easy bit is that we've met her before so we know her but then it gets complicated as she lives in Poole but has said she will be on a train from Winchester - so far not too bad.  But she has also said, in two separate 'phone calls, that her train arrives in Reading at 12.53 and according to RTT there is nothing from that direction due at that time so it's question of a bit of detective work to find the right train and platform (fortunately the two likely ones are almost adjacent) and seeing which one she actually arrives on - all i hope is that she isn't actually coming from her niece's place at Basildon (Berks) as that would put us on the other side of the station.  And looking on the bright side that means today will be a train ride and train spotting day.


Duly interrupted by the management who had decided that I 'needed a trim' - presumably to make me presentable for her relative or possibly simply because I'd be seen in public with her (Tesco clearly doesn't count as 'in public' :scratchhead: ).  


And on that happy note I wish you all a good day and trust the weather will not be too unkind to you.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Good luck Duncan and I hope everything turns out OK Steve. As I have mentioned I take my friend and his young son to exhibitions. The lad although he is 9 years old he is rather small and looks not much older than 7, whats more he has a mental age of 5. Despite that, or possibly because I quite like playing grandad to him, all his natural grandparents had gone before he was born. The cause of his problem is genetic, his older sister has the same condition but fortunately his eldest sister who is 17 is perfectly normal.

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  • RMweb Premium

Some armpit  :stinker:  has just tried to con me into updating my paypal details through their spoof website. Paypal Security thanked me within two minutes for forwarding it to them.

Beware People - Chrimbo is nigh, and the scammers are active!

I've had a couple already, but fortunately they've gone straight to my spam folder.

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  • RMweb Premium

For such armpits the term “spider in the underpants of society” was coined.


Beware, people. And beware people, for not all are trustworthy.

Edited by Gwiwer
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  • RMweb Gold

Back from an enjoyable breakfast at 'spoons.  When one of Chris's friends spotted me at a distant table she said that her husband (also called Bob) had wanted to come but she had vetoed that! As he is one of the good guys (with a name like that how could he be anything else) I have suggested that the next time the girls have their meet and I am needed for taxi duties he and I should do the same.

All I need now is a parcel to arrive and also the kids here after school and my day will be complete!  :imsohappy:

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  • RMweb Gold

Some armpit  :stinker:  has just tried to con me into updating my paypal details through their spoof website. Paypal Security thanked me within two minutes for forwarding it to them.

Beware People - Chrimbo is nigh, and the scammers are active!

I delete anything and everything with Pay Pal on it then check on my own link, I have a text from Hamaz Road post office (not one listed in the UK) every month asking me to pay my tv licence (which is on standing order)

  trouble is some people fall for it I've given up reporting that one now it just flags up on the phone as ***kwit No1. :boast:  

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here.

 Another good nights sleep was had, 5 hours then followed by lots of dozing on the sofa.


A bit late on parade, as work has been busy, I've 3 different sets of spreadsheets up,  two sets of equipment running,  the third is awaiting the IT man to come and put it back on the network as it's fallen off through lack of use...


Our MRC also does the, sell the inherited Model railway stuff for 10%, also sadly, this comes around too often.


Some years ago I  looked at working for myself, but having looked various friends who went this way, too many end up working longer and harder as their business takes over their life. Now with just 6 years left till retirement I'm too much of a K.O.S. to do that sort of change..


The landrovers insurance mileage has now been doubled from 5000 miles a year to 10,000 miles and it cost £80 for the remaining 9 months of this years policy. Next year the increase will be less (per unit of time) as there won't be an extra brokers fee for the service.


Report on the radio as I type, that empolyers are still reluctant to employ those already over 50, another reason for sitting tight in this lab, for the next 6 years, as long as this factory is open, this lab has to be open..



 Time too,, type in some more figures...

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  • RMweb Gold

Some armpit  :stinker:  has just tried to con me into updating my paypal details through their spoof website. Paypal Security thanked me within two minutes for forwarding it to them.

Beware People - Chrimbo is nigh, and the scammers are active!

No doubt I have had similar emails but I just bin them and go straight to the website my self to check the account.


The only sites hat I click on the link is when I have been told on the pukka website that I will get a link to verify an account such as when I have forgotten a password.

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No doubt I have had similar emails but I just bin them and go straight to the website my self to check the account.


The only sites hat I click on the link is when I have been told on the pukka website that I will get a link to verify an account such as when I have forgotten a password.

Oh, I didn't click on it - I just hovered the cursor over the " From " and saw the address, which gave it away immediately  I'm almost certain that , if I had clicked on it, Malawarebytes would have flagged it up anyway. I run that , and Clamwin and they stop everything naughty/nasty.

I just wanted to remind those good folks out there that the scammers are celebrating Chrimbo too, as one of their favourite times of the year when people may be less alert.

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  • RMweb Premium

I rather like the word "Christmas".

Not too keen on "Chrimbo", though...

I have to agree.


Call me a


but what ever we choose to believe personally the festival is Christmas derived from Jesus Christ and not from a name which sounds as though it might be a chain of US cheap-ware stores.


Rant off. Coffee on.

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Afternoon all.....


So, it goes like this. Doctor - come in. How are you? I’m fine (aren’t I?). Yes, you ARE fine. 99% certain that you are clear. We will remove 'Lumpy' just to be 100%. So life returns to normal. Thank you sincerely for all of the good and positive wishes. Each one helped enormously.


....and even the M5 played ball both ways today....doesn't get much better......;-)

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.....


So, it goes like this. Doctor - come in. How are you? I’m fine (aren’t I?). Yes, you ARE fine. 99% certain that you are clear. We will remove 'Lumpy' just to be 100%. So life returns to normal. Thank you sincerely for all of the good and positive wishes. Each one helped enormously.


....and even the M5 played ball both ways today....doesn't get much better......;-)


That is good news. Very relieved for you.

It's nice to get some cheerful news in ER's

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Fair point gents, but sadly "Commerce" has taken hold and full control of this "festival" to much annoyance from ordinary folk (including myself) who'd then ridicule this commercial harvest-fest-for-the-wealthy :rolleyes:


"Say not the struggle naught availeth"!

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Good luck with that Simon.  We find ourselves doing that all too frequently at our club and our club sales stand at the annual show is well known.  The club takes 10% which is useful.  We've made many thousands for widows/partners over the years.   Dealers will only offer a fraction.  Many societies have executor and trustee (Or other names) sections that charge  a similar percentage.  I believe that there is a G scale Society that disposed of a lot of G scale stuff we had to deal with.   It can be hard work however it can also be very rewarding, particularly when you hand the bereaved relative a large amount of cash.



You are right about the hard work, as I controlled the stock and finances the last time we did this, and I suspect will do so again. I think that there is at least one G gauge layout planned to be at the Workington MRE this weekend, so I will have a chat to them at some point. We may also contact the G gauge society, as it is a gauge that no-one at our MRC has anything to do with.

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I rather like the word "Christmas".

Not too keen on "Chrimbo", though...

...what ever we choose to believe personally the festival is Christmas derived from Jesus Christ and not from a name which sounds as though it might be a chain of US cheap-ware stores.

"Chrimbo" seems to be a particularly British thing. I've never heard it anywhere else.  In Australia I've heard "Chrissy" as an adjective.


Many years ago I remember my mother expressing her displeasure with the use of "Xmas" (her not associating the "X" as the Greek letter Chi and the first letter in Christos / Χριστός)


Looking at the writings of 18th century people I was surprised (and then subsequently not surprised) to see how common the substitution was back then in their use of words like X'tian / Christian.  My guess is that it was a convenient shorthand in the days of quill and ink with perhaps some carry over of Hebrew traditions regarding the utterance of the name of God.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Given this type of 'web-content' can be introduced to a website fairly easily (keyword: web-shop) why not use the club website for it? Put some clear statements on the page(s) to the effect that goods cannot be returned, all sales are final and all stock comes from an estate and is therefore 2nd hand only (but could be in as-new-condition) and some other safeguards on who's buying and a minimum price in case you choose the auction option in the shop to prevent industry cowbois (commercial and/or private resellers) taking advantage. You've been around the sun quite a few times, so you know how it goes ;)


Just me tuppence! :yes:

Thanks for that. As the society “Webmaster”, I am the person best placed to do it. I will do a little research on whether I can put some auction content on the website, or possibly just a list of items and prices and contact details.

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Afternoon all.....


So, it goes like this. Doctor - come in. How are you? I’m fine (aren’t I?). Yes, you ARE fine. 99% certain that you are clear. We will remove 'Lumpy' just to be 100%. So life returns to normal. Thank you sincerely for all of the good and positive wishes. Each one helped enormously.


....and even the M5 played ball both ways today....doesn't get much better......;-)

May I just say WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!
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  • RMweb Premium



you can sell it on Fleaby at less than 10% (its about 7%) and ask for cheques or P.O.


you don't have to use Paypal...


I have sold a lot of items on commission through Fleaby and get more than 10% to cover things like postage and packing, my time setting up photos etc


and 7% is less than 10%...which is better for the people who will get the money in the end..



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Missed Olddduders birthday a couple of days ago: I hope he is ageing well and maybe pop in here again sometime. 


Ageing well? ;)  Sounds like a fine wine or top-quality furniture!!!


I did manage to offer him the annual felicitations on his Facebook feed.

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