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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


It’s been a lovely sunny, albeit cold day and not a lot has been done. First thing this morning we had a structural surveyor round to look at a crack that appeared just after the builders next door had started removing a wall. Thankfully it turns out to be nothing serious and remedial work can wait until the next time I’m due to decorate. Although I see no point until all the work next door has finished anyway. I had a feeling it was only superficial, but due to the said building works, I just wanted to be safe, rather than sorry.


Once he’d gone we had a quick brew and then, as Sheila wanted to go to the Trafford Centre, we then spent the rest of the morning there. However, we were able to get a few things for bits and pieces for tea tonight, as we have James and Amelia coming round.


After dinner Sheila visited the dentist to have her temporary crown removed and the proper one fitted, whilst I sat and did a bit more research.


DD. Sorry for your loss.


Jamie. I hope all goes well with Beth’s operation tomorrow.


Nice to hear some good news from Deb’s, my fingers are still crossed though.


Goodnight all.

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A late night update.


I am now in a sleeping bag on the sofa.


Amber in our bed after being sick all over her’s. If she has picked up the sickness bug that has been rife around her school I predict that it will be a case of whether Sarah or I get it next.


Oh well....first world problems and all that...

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... Colombian-Polish joint venture Italian restaurant ...

Now that is intriguing. Will they also produce Colombian or Polish dishes off-menu if you ask?

So long as no one gets confused and starts offering sauerkraut empenadas with ají picante and shredded pork pierogi with sour cream, though you could argue that on one level it doesn't really matter.

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  • RMweb Premium

So long as no one gets confused and starts offering sauerkraut empenadas with ají picante and shredded pork pierogi with sour cream, though you could argue that on one level it doesn't really matter.

It all gets mixed up when it gets to it's destination anyway.



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Thanks for all the kind messages.


A new danger lurks - apparently we are all going to be poisoned by old Lego.

As I use it to square off model buildings and other purposes, I'll have to work in a Hazard suit and thick gloves.

Haven't seen what Lego have to say about it.

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Good morning one and all, with condolences to DD and felicitations to all on the sick list who are on the mend.  That just came out as 'sock list'.  Fix the Crabtree filter, somebody.


Yesterday morning was delightfully messy.  After the fodder run, and with the plunder still in the boot, I popped over to the home of the camel to do a bit of work on it.  I was issued with a packet of Modroc, an oblong bowl of water and some scissors.  The last time I can remember using Modroc was as a a teenager.  After a couple of hours there was an expanse of lumpy white terrain already beginning to dry.  It is salutary that the layout is to be shown in public in three weeks' time.  A saying comes to mind: it will be all right on the night.


Today there will be pottering, which for once can be specified.  The station building for said camel is nearly ready and there is work to be done on the set of rickety steps.  By the time evening comes I will be ready for culture, which tonight comes in the form of the Hut People.  The venue is but five minutes' walk away and the concert will for once remove the stigma of having nothing better to do on a Saturday night than stay in and watch Casualty.  Tomorrow the hole in my mileage budget will enlarge further as I head for the Southampton show.  Knowing my luck the buckets and spades are still out on the M3.


Warm thoughts, comme d'habitude, to all those who are ailing, recovering or missing.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A dullish dry start to the day and there may possibly be some sunny spells.

I ventured into the railway room last night and actually ran some trains. Maybe this is the first step towards doing some actual muddling. 

Daily orders haven't been posted yet and I wonder if, in fact, they will be because as far as I know all domestic tasks for the week have been undertaken.

This may leave me free to do my own thing which will almost certainly involve rugby at some stage.

Won't hold my breath though as I've probably just put the mockers on my day by saying that.

I'm tempted to go and see The Darkest Hour. I haven't been to the cinema since I went to see Apollo 13 in 1995.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all. Best wishes to you all on this Saturday morning and supportive thoughts to those who need them.


I think it is fair to say the old phrase “ the best laid plans of mice and men..” rings loudly in my ears right now. I had high hopes for this weekend. Sarah was due to be at her mum’s last night prior to an early morning hair appointment. Amber was likely to join her. As a result I was looking forward to a Friday night catch up with my old mate / best man in the pub followed by a trip to the GC Winter Gala today before a nice meal with Sarah on Saturday night and a pub Sunday lunch with Amber and Sarah to wrap up great weekend.

The swelling on Sarah’s glands meant the hair appointment was cancelled. My illness and that of my mate meant last night was off. As mentioned in my previous post Amber was sick in her bed last night. Apparently she continued on and off through the night so it appears she does have the sickness bug that is so rife at her school. Sarah was up much of the night with her so it is my time to be the caring parent whilst she catches up on sleep. I have started with a sore throat so clearly my bug has not given up yet. No chance of the GC trip today then. The LMS liveried crab will just have to remain a pretty picture.

Tomorrow looks like being dominated by Avon book collection which, if Amber remains unwell, will fall on my shoulders too. At some point I will need to sort the paperwork prior to the dragon advisor’s visit on Monday. Hopefully that may get done later today.


I appreciate that, compared to the problems that some fellow ER’s are facing, these problems appear rather trivial. It helps put things in perspective but does not stop me feeling well and truely fed up. The first month of 2018 is nearly over. The year has not had a good start for many of us.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Greetings from sunny South Essex.

I don't think much is planned for today. I will go round and tidy up my neighbour's computer. There were a few temporary email accounts set up to see what was and wasn't the cause of the problem. By the time I had got it working I was tired and said I would return to finish it.


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Morning all and it's a dull and chilly one outside.


I'm currently using Raildar to watch the MiL disappear into the north. Not sure what frequency the live layer refreshes. 

She should be ensconced in our holiday home by late afternoon. 


Another cuppa and I'll be ready to attack the baseboard components with a jigsaw.

A chippy down the road has asked if he can come and watch - apparently he doesn't get many laughs. Cheers, bloke. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl from a reasonable time of day now that the street have aired. Beth and I left for the hospital shortly after 6 for a 7am admission. We then sat outside the ward till after 8.30 with a selection of nervous nurses bobbing out to say what was going on. Eventually she was transferred to another ward at the far end of the hospital and sometime after 9am had been seen by the anaesthetist and the surgeon. The gas passer very gently persuaded her to have the op done under a local and she is due to head for the theatre about noon. I'm never very good in these situations so very shortly am off to see The Darkest Hour. Then it's a trip to Leeds to have a good browse in HMV and Smith's. I've got to ring about 2pm and will visit this evening at 6pm. That should leave me time to spend some time working on a control panel this evening.


On another front I actually got a loco to move under DCC control n my mate's new Austrian NG layout last night. Great result.


Hope to hear good news from Debs and best wishes to DD.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Welcome to the weekend. It appears to be cold and grey outside but that remains untested currently. Muggertee in hand; almost up to date with tasks domestic; it might be time to saddle up and set forth for somewhere as yet undetermined - are cockwombles found in Godalming?


What ever you have planned may this be a safe and rewarding day. I’m off out and I may be some time.

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  • RMweb Gold

Now that is intriguing. Will they also produce Colombian or Polish dishes off-menu if you ask?


The menu is basically Italian and a few English dishes.   And having 'enjoyed' Polish food on a couple of occasions (the first time for a whole week) it's probably just as well that they don't offer it. The most palatable dish I ever encountered there was cabbage soup with black bread which was highly enjoyable and was found in a station restaurant which also sold beer (which might not sound unusual but having visited some towns where beer seemed to be completely unobtainable it was definitely a novelty - no wonder the shipyard workers in Gdansk revolted).

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  • RMweb Gold

And now,  Morning all,


Jamie trust all will go well for Beth - I don't blame you for keeping out of the way, not nice places for all the good that they do.


No daily orders as yet although I believe a Tesco excursion might be on the cards - the G word should be out as a bit of precipitation is forecast and I exercised the vacuum cleaner yesterday so should be excused that duty today and the Picture House was of course visited yesterday evening (and very good it was too including the incredibly fictitious bit and the occasional anachronism).


Have a good day one and all and my those who are ailing improve.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late on parade today, spent some time this morning soaking in the bath so I'm all behind. Not much else to report so congratulations and commiserations where required, be back later.

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Evening from a very warm (38°C) Murray Bridge.


Collected our hire car..a Toyota Kluger. A SUV with a large boot and an auto gearbox. A visit to the market revealed some of the biggest cherries I have seen.


We shall have a leisurely breakfast before setting off down the large lane by the sea.


Had a few bottles of Coppers last night following our trip to see the sea side (where a glass of 4pines summer ale was drunk).


Now for some sleep...my sore ribs are still a bit sore on occasion but are getting better every day.


Stay safe and warm...



Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold

Hmmm. I was mistaken in my belief that domestic tasks were all over.....but they are now!


Had a bit of not very good news earlier. Young Jack (Abbie's boyfriend) is a team leader at Sainsbury's and has been informed that he is being made redundant in June. (along with many others)*

However he's taken it well as it wasn't actually the career that he had planned for himself so he can now concentrate his attention on finding the right job.



* Just heard that my mate Russ who also works for them is losing his job too. 

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Good morning all,


Daily orders haven't been posted yet and I wonder if, in fact, they will be because as far as I know all domestic tasks for the week have been undertaken.

This may leave me free to do my own thing which will almost certainly involve rugby at some stage.




Have a good one,



That made me jump - Bob's going to play the ruffians' game played by gentlemen?

Ah, no - must be a good game on the telly.


As you were. 

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  • RMweb Gold

most railways have 'entertainment-teams'


Just need to train him to cartwheel topless down the platform waving at the drivers with his feet whilst whistling 'Waltzing Matilda' and drinking beer through a pair of straws.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl, just back from Cromer And Sheringham,


Ben the Border collie behaved himself and got lots of cuddles.

We spent over £100 on books between us, of which two thirds are mine. Some from "the works" most are from second hand book shops.

I also got some, pin vices, N gauge fencing and acrylic paints for muddling.


Oh if anything of you are interested "the works" are discounting the Haynes owners manual for Class 50s, down from £22 to £6..


Time for a long soak in bath... Tonight, it's kilt on at 18:00 leave home by 18:30, Burns night dinner commences 19:30.

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