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20 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

Evening all


I believe the Eurostar headcount is similar to those now required by shipping operators. It is to ensure all aboard can be accounted for in the event of emergency. Specifically an emergency deep beneath the water and some miles from land. 


The only way it seems possible to board any train other than that booked is if one happens to be in the adjacent platform and open for boarding. Which is not normally the case. Even if it were one might end up in Brussels rather than Paris. 


It is, incidentally, a requirement of travel on British domestic trains that when a seat is reserved (usually with a discounted ticket) that seat is occupied and no other. This has been largely unenforced and we have reached the point where passengers regularly take which ever seat they fancy or any seat they can find. Often to the exclusion of others. It has been noticeable however that GWR on-board staff will remove labels from unclaimed seats as they pass through the train checking tickets. This has the effect of releasing seats for thise boarding farther down the line. It isn’t so easy with the new-generation electronic reservation systems however. 

Its perfectly possible Rick.  At St Pancreas once you have entered the ticket turnstile your ticket is not asked for again.  In the concourse you all sit together.  When a train is announced and the unmanned barriers opened anyone on that concourse can go up on the platform.

At Waterloo we had to show tickets as we went from the concourse but this was pretty much cursory.

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55 minutes ago, lightengine said:

Once through security at Eurostar there is nothing to stop you boarding a different train to the one that your ticket is for. The time before last that we travelled there were passengers waiting for 3 trains.  No further ticket check is held.

The on-board staff walk through doing a head count. Perhaps a head count has to match with a boarding list.

I presume the headcount is to make sure the manifest list is correct and that somebody hasn't got on the wrong train.  Sounds a bit odd because apart from that in the past the list was required to be in Eurotunnel's hands within minutes of the train concerned leaving Waterloo and of course a lot of the train was checked against the list as passengers boarded.


Alas St Pancras terminal departure area is very poorly laid out, and lacking in space, compared with the original Eurostar terminal at Waterloo - all in all a very good example of what can happen when you build down to a price in a site which hasn't had enough of its already limited space devoted to actually getting people onto trains.   The number of platforms for international trains is also inadequate which has led to all sorts of additional ECS movements to get trains out of platforms simply to clear them for the next train but that was pointed out forcibly when the plans for the station were being developed and the answer was to provided a platform which could be used either for international trains or MML trains.  Fortunately that latter bit of innovative stupidity never came to pass but on the other hand no extra international platform was added to the original plan.    A great shame really that the original idea of retaining Waterloo International to create two CTRL terminals in London was dropped but the costs of hanging on to it, and North Pole depot, would have been massive and London & Continental quickly made their minds up to do what subsequently happened and nobody could offer them any financial inducement to change their minds.


So London is lumbered with a somewhat less than adequate international terminus and I doubt that will ever change.

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Good evening folks


Well I never got to the workshop today, after I’d returned from today’s shopping trip and put it all away, I made myself a muggertea. Then a couple of small domestic jobs materialised, these took me until just after dinner to finish, so I thought it wasn’t worth getting changed, so I spent what was left of the afternoon developing the artwork on the computer, so I can print off my own decals for the L class loco as I can’t seem to be able to buy what I want. It’s almost finished, I’ve just got to tweak it a little then I’ll do a dry run on paper before actually printing it out on the decal sheet. 


Goodnight all.

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Bins day. Last week I had to heave them up on a snow bank; this week they went on the grass.

We set a high temperature record for the day of +8. But that was before I got up and it's been going down since. Supposed to be freezing rain all night or tomorrow morning.

Lostock Junction operation was hectic as it had been postponed from last week (see BINS above) and a few operators are longterm under the weather.


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Morning All,


It is a rather chilly -3°C this morning.  However, it is dry and snow free.


There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning all,

Rain seems to have stopped but more is forecast throughout the day, getting heavier later.

Domestic stuff to do this morning and also some paperwork. 

Tonight we are going out for a meal. This is a freebie courtesy of a birthday gift to The Boss last September which we've only just got around to using.

Apparently I should be grateful that she's taking me with her! :rolleyes:

Have a good one,




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Good morning from a damp Surrey.

A busy day yesterday starting with servicing 'EXMOUTH' before heading to a friends to continue wiring up his SwIss metre gauge layout. By 3.0pm we had my Harz loco running round before wiring up the Tortoise switch machines. One short that was quickly found to be a stray wire strand in one of the D connectors.


Today more loco servicing and repairs, one being a Hornby T9 that requires the disintergrating mazak motor bracket replacing with a brass one that arrived yesterday.

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Morning all.

Slept well. 

We are now thinking about breakfast. Aditi is undecided about what to today.  I am sure she will narrow down the options while eating breakfast. 


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Morning all from a grey and misty Charente.    We had a great afternoon yesterday at the 70th birthday party, a lovely meal then the 4 males spent an enjoyable hour or two in the railway room whilst the ladies did whatever they did.   The big plus point is that Beth has now volunteered to come with me to the monthly group meetings.   On our return there was a major panic as the fridge/freezer in the kitchen seemed to have gone on strike.   Much moving around of stuff got all perishables into the other fridges and freezers in the utility room and the shed.   An hour later when I put it back into place It suddenly came back to life of it's own accord.   We then de frosted it and it's still working this morning.   However we now don't trust it so there may be an expedition to some sort of big shed in due course.


Off out shortly to pick up our medical notes as we are changing doctors, then the usual tasks such as filling the ready use log basket and some ironing.   Hopefully there will be some time spent in the shed later with a soldering iron on my hand.


Regards to all, especially those in dock.



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Overcast but dry and mild in North Shropshire this morning. Currently shaking hands with Mug O'Coffee before going to the medical centre for a check of blood pressure and various bodily functions necessitated by being permanently on anti-inflammatories due to lower spine problems. Next up is market shopping then SWMBO has decided on us going for a walk round a local lake later on. Having a meal out with a friend this evening then going to see Bohemian Rhapsody so no workshop time today, ya boo sucks!

Have a good one everybody.


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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare,

A terrible nights sleep, just couldn't fall asleep in the first place, went to sleep sometime after 2 hours late, Hence I've only had around 3 hours.


The above probably explains why I feel carp this morning, and almost fell over earlier when trying to stand up.


The trying to stand up was after plugging in the first major system of the week and connecting all the cables down near that floor,. on standing the room seemed to move around...


The major system from last week is still not back in use, we've been rerunning sections of the programme but the results don't look good. I'm waiting for the boss to come in this morning, as he has been reprocessing the results of the run that was still going when I went home yesterday.


Warm-ish and wet this morning on Ben the Border Collies patrol, very dark with no moon showing , although the hint of dawn was just lightening the clouds in the east..


Cabbage spuds and onions on the shopping list today, which sounds like a trip to the farm shop, a genuine one in a farm.. Luckily I pass by the front door on the way home, no excursions neccessary.


 The book I'm reading at the moment is is about excursion traffic in the early days of our interests..  If you wish model excursion trains of the 1840's  be prepared for some massive trains...


The Lock and Hinges for the new pedestrian door into the garage arrived yesterday, I wanted substantial and they are,,

I need to measure the holes in the arms to get the right size bolts...


Time to take another measurement, DC current...











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Good morning everyone 


The sun sun is shining and it’s a bit warmer of late, 4C according to the app on my phone. Once I’ve finished my breakfast I’m off to the pool for my weekly swim. Later this afternoon we have Ava and Max coming for tea, there is no Evie this week as she has been off school all week with a sore throat. 


Enjoy whatever you’ve got planned for the day. 


Back later. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Awoke to bright sunshine this morning but according to the forecast its not going to last. Club night tonight, hopefully more news on the club room. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Dense sea mist over the river again today.  Shaldon has vanished once more and we await the sun to return to sunny Teignmouth.


Monday saw a large part of Dawlish closed of all day because of a gas leak.  Shops were closed and homes evacuated.  By the end of trading it was fixed. Some wag suggested it would have improved Dawlish if it had exploded.  No black swans were hurt.




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Morning all,


The weather seems reasonable and we shall be pub-lunching later with friends, I might be tempted to a glass of alcohol if the right brand of cider is available but will have ti exercise v care as I'm still on fortnightly INR watch according to my latest results received this morning and I don'y t want to muck up a number which is now in the right place.


And for ChrisF - what to do in Sydney?  well unfortunately you can rule out a trip to the Zig Zag railway because it has still not recovered from the fire damage but other train trips on the rail network are available and the trip up to Newcastle involves some interesrting scenery but the station there has been totally ruined by doing the UK trick of moving the railway away from it, and further from the town centre.  Perhaps a bit more productive to head for the tramway museum if it's open on a day you're there and there is also a railway preservation site out beyond Penrith but I didn't visit it.   What you must do is take a trip across Port Jackson (aka Sydney Harbour) on one, or more, of the numerous ferry routes - the trip to Manly is probably the best in terms of scenery but it's outside the most basic, and cheapest, multi trip ticket area.  A trip to Mosman, whence I used to commute by ferry, might lead you to a decent bacon sarnie in the café at the pier there but it's no doubt changed hands so could well not be in the league position it once occupied catering wise.  Walking wise a nice walk is round from Circular Quay to Mrs McQuarie's Chair and possibly on through the Botanic Gardens to Woolloomooloo Bay which no doubt still f has a hostelry at its inland end - you can then cut back through a different part of the Botanic Gardens.  if you don't mind climbing stairs an interesting little adventure is to visit the South Pylon of the Harbour Bridge and its museum plus the superb views from the higher levels - but it is not free however it does give you a chance to look down on the brave(?) souls doing the g bridge walk.  Right I think that's just about covered what I did on most of my weekends when I actually had some time off work.


BTW Chris the gremlins appear to have got into your Barmouth caption and a Western lower quadrant subsidiary arm has become upper quadrant for some reason.  Much more can be said about the signal and signal box with the latter having an interesting history which ended up with it being Grade II listed but then getting demolished and subsequently being rebuilt at the Gwilli Railway.


Have a good day one and all

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After yesterday’s abortive attempt to get a nurse appointment at the GP surgery, I was up early and arrived at the surgery a few minutes before 8am, and joined a queue of about 10 people.  By the time the surgery opened, the queue had grown to nearly 20.  I managed to get my appointment for 9am, and duly got a referral to a podiatrist.  This was the result I had hoped for, as I have a growth on the underside of one foot, which is making it uncomfortable to walk.  Hopefully it won’t be too long to the podiatrist appointment.


The result of the morning has been spent doing assorted shopping, and I have just sat down with a coffee after what has been a busy morning.  

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