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2 hours ago, chrisf said:

Good morning one and all


Thanks to Mike Stationmaster for his views on the Imperial in Exeter.  It’s tempting, but it is the furthest ‘Spoons from the city centre and it is a lot closer to the place where the procession ends than to the place where it assembles.  I will be based at the Travelodge by M5 Junction 30 for the weekend and will be reliant on buses to get me around.  The transport network map on the internet is less than coherent but I’ll see if I can make sense of it over the weekend.  Obviously I would rather have breakfast at a ‘Spoons than a motorway service area – who wouldn’t?


We seem to be blessed with culture lovers.  Not only is JohnDMJ an aficionado of Pyewackett but he has a better memory of past conversations than I do!  Now Rick shows the flag for Fisherman’s Friends.  As he speculates, I have seen them a couple of times, at Sidmouth, and have either two or three of their CDs.  One of their songs, not from the tradition, is a bit of an earworm – “No-Hopers, Jokers and Rogues”.   I suspect that they were induced to record it by their producer, who just happens to have written it.  Oldest trick in the book …


It is high time that I paid a return visit to the LGBT group.  A meeting is scheduled for this afternoon.  There will not be many there but the conversation can be interesting.  I wonder what they will say when I tell them that I will be walking in the procession at Pride in London?  Hate my guts, probably.


Best wishes to all



The Imperial is only about a 10-15 min walk from the town and Central station, its 5 mins from St Davids and its on the bus routes. Plus factor, if you walk via the ironbridge to town you can visit the model shop.

Edited by lightengine
Model shop
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All my work stuff has gone well, bits of electronic equipment will be flying to China, Monday,

So today, from now on, I have a few unhurried shunts to measure.


And.................................... Relax..:)



Tonight, MRC night, more work for Slartybartfast..


Tomorrow Norwich MRC show followed by an event  at the Broads museum about the 60th aniversary of the closure of the Yarmouth and North Norfolk Railway, which ran a few hundred feet from the museum site..


Sunday assemble ground frame for new garage, then a meeting about the crane at the sailing club.

Easter weekend, weather permitting, assemble garage.


I'm still resisting smart meters, which would have absolutely no use for me, It's a piece of technology looking for a problem that for most people doesn't exist...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

The amusement continues - apart from an ever changing port of disembarkation in the future today is turning into faux Friday as well as really being Friday.  All I need now is to be in the vicinity of three conflicting AGMs but I won't be so that is one piece of fun I'll not be enjoying watching them all flit from the wrong meeting to the right meeting or whatever.  Maybe there'll lots of Wyverns on blazer jackets or T shirts to sort the Midlanders from the others?  I doubt I'll make Trainwest as various preparatory preparations are in hand for other things and maybe - faint hope - someone will arrive to deal with the fence, fortunately our neighbour is quite happey with the gap and in any case she's off to Vietnam on her hols tomorrow.


Now a quick look round RMweb before we head to the trainspotting branch of Waitrose am nd thence to Tesco to collect (I hope) my precription.


Have a good day one and all.

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Slowly getting a round tuit. Legal adviser spoken to at length and many apologies received. Things will be put right forthwith because, as he rightly said, "You've paid us a lot of money for this and there is no excuse." I suspect somebody in his office is in for a rollicking. (Maybe himself? :whistle:)

Coffee now and then I will be "shedding."



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl. Welcome to Friday. You have reached your destination. 


Cold but sunny around the traps this morning. There are already numerous anorak-wearing bag-toting chaps around. More are expected. Something to do with an airborne person from North of the Border on its way back from Swanage shortly. I believe it’s out of steam and being towed at the back. Nothing to see here ;) 


This afternoon will include a practice weathering demonstration with baby nephew ahead of up-coming public appearances. Then a few beers are scheduled after dinner to celebrate POETS/BINday. 


Warning. I may return later and may contain nuts. 



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Cheers, folks. Quite cool outside, so I got our food purchases done quickly. Goulash is on the menu tonight!


Tomorrow will see us doing some paintwork at FiL‘s, followed by dinner there. We originally planned a barbecue, but given the weather forecast, we‘ll save that for Good Friday when 21C are predicted.


Congrats and commies as appropriate. Later...

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1 hour ago, TheQ said:


Tomorrow Norwich MRC show followed by an event  at the Broads museum about the 60th aniversary of the closure of the Yarmouth and North Norfolk Railway, which ran a few hundred feet from the museum site..





I remember steam trains going over Breydon water bridge in the early 1950's when on a family boating holiday.

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Black Hole "Photo".


Anyone interested in this event should watch this Vid. Probably the best description of what you are actually seeing in the "photo" that I've found:


In case you are wondering why he keeps referring to "our own" Black Hole at the time he made the Vid it was 50/50 as to which set of data they would use first. The Milky Way centre Black Hole will follow in due course (it's relatively - ha - smaller).

Best wishes to everyone, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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I am waiting on a delivery from Amazon, probably have to wait all day and it's only for...……………………...a flippin' £30 posh loo brush that was not ordered at my request. Rather dull today and cold with it, feet up today to recover from my first post op hike into the hills yesterday, which although it was trying to rain/snow was great to be back in the wilderness.

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26 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

I remember steam trains going over Breydon water bridge in the early 1950's when on a family boating holiday.



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POETS will be taken...


Little of note yesterday, light snow off and on, didn't amount to much more.

This morning rather different as it seem like it's decided to get heavier! :O


Today's evening baseball game cancelled due to "inclement weather", still supposedly planning on the game tomorrow, but as it's still snowing not sure they'll be able to clear the ground/seats suitably for tomorrow yet!!

Tomorrow is also the grand opening and first home game for the new soccer stadium in town, they are also scrambling to clear the field/seats in anticipation of playing rather than having to cancel.


Mrs already at the "other house" as the replacement window is being installed. We also will potentially go get the flooring later today with a possibility of starting on the basement over the weekend.

If the baseball game is "on", makes for a busy weekend as the game starts at 1PM, and Sunday the choir sings for the Palm Sunday services.

May leave little time for any flooring work, unless the baseball game is cancelled.


Zero with snow off and on until mid-afternoon, high may reach 3.


Enjoy the start of the weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

The shed is now almost empty, just got to remove the various garden tools and brackets they are hanging on so will do that tomorrow.

Tonight there is rugby to watch. Rather a crunch match between Newcastle & Leicester. Wouldn't want to bet on the outcome but can guess the result TigerB is hoping for!

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1 hour ago, The Stationmaster said:

Ah, went the shopping well?  Well not entirely as it happened owing to the inability of Waitrose's 'butchery' staff to actually cut a piece of meat - to wit a leg of lamb - because they are not allowed to use saws (which Tesco locally do allow).  So we reversed our course and returned to Pangbourne to visit the real butcher where not only was a suitably sized piece of  a lamb's leg secured but also some of their ham - which means ham, egg, and chips for my dinner tomorrow night, and some garlic to go into the leg of lamb (does any other retailer sell garlic by weight I wonder?).


Then it was off to Tesco to secure the medicines (along with an earnest request to get the right quantity of one of mine as Tegretol is in short supply. again) then to deal with a trolley oaf who clearly does not understand that other people want to use the checkout aisle adjacent to the one his trolley is angled across - I think he was slightly upset when I shoved it out of the way (which made me rather cheery in consequence).  But at least Tesco wasn't beset by the seeming multitude of geriatrics infesting the aisles in Waitrose, some of whom were no doubt several years younger than me but they'd clearly left their limited brain power outside the door.


But today has not all been a tad on the frustrating side because earlier on Kev was sitting on next door's tv aerial an I was able to get a reasonable pic of him through our bathroom window



And I thought it was only me whose "grumpy" button was repeatedly operated by the assorted idiots who frequent Waitrose (and some other stores too). Your rather nice picture reminds me of a tee-shirt I once sported. It pictured two large Vultures on a wire with one saying to the other: "patience my @rse, I'm going to kill something".
I'll see your Kestrel and raise you my buzzard:


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Something's wrong.  I completed the allotted tasks from management on the van, and another I thought of myself.  Nothing fell off, blew up or otherwise went mammaries up.  This is of course impossible, I'll wake up soon.


No kites in the garden here, but we see woodie sometimes - hear him all the time but he's elusive. Apols for the poor photo.



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Just heard on the news of the death of Tommy Smith, former Liverpool FC skipper and hard man. I'm no soccer fan but I did meet him very briefly once when he was one of the after dinner speakers at one of my firm's management conferences. Most vivid memory of that hilarious talk was his "dislike" (that's putting it mildly) of his former team mate, "The No 6" who he never once referred to by name. I also remember him hobbling very badly which ISTR he put down to all the injuries over the years and is not surprising to anyone who has taken part in any form of contact sport.

RIP Tommy,  you made me laugh!

Edited by grandadbob
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6 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

Just heard on the news of the death of Tommy Smith, former Liverpool FC skipper and hard man. I'm no soccer fan but I did meet him very briefly once when he was one of the after dinner speakers at one of my firm's management conferences. Most vivid memory of that hilarious talk was his "dislike" (that's putting in mildly) of his former team mate, "The No 6" who he never once referred to by name. I also remember him hobbling very badly which ISTR he put down to all the injuries of the years and is not surprising to anyone who has taken part in any form of contact sport.

RIP Tommy, I you made me laugh!

And I would add that he was of a generation of players who were less cosseted, had to face more rigours and were certainly less rewarded than those who benefit from the obscene amount of money sloshing about in football due to television deals!

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12 hours ago, Legend said:

Good morning . Beautiful clear day up here in Erskine , Scotland


Camped at Erskine a couple of times when I was a Boy Scout. IIRC we were in the hospital grounds. I seem to remember it rained a lot  :)

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1 hour ago, grandadbob said:

Just heard on the news of the death of Tommy Smith, former Liverpool FC skipper and hard man. I'm no soccer fan but I did meet him very briefly once when he was one of the after dinner speakers at one of my firm's management conferences. Most vivid memory of that hilarious talk was his "dislike" (that's putting it mildly) of his former team mate, "The No 6" who he never once referred to by name. I also remember him hobbling very badly which ISTR he put down to all the injuries over the years and is not surprising to anyone who has taken part in any form of contact sport.

RIP Tommy,  you made me laugh!


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