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5 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:


May have shot yourself in the foot with the second one as well Mein Capitaine.

How so, Winnie dear boy?

What was it?


My contention that an all maple neck (including a maple fretboard / fingerboard) is the only way to go on a Fender or that my Supervillain alter-ego is working on a computer virus that will render Farcebook totally and completely “null and void”


The first, I admit freely, is hugely subjective opinion; the second? I could well get a gong or two if it works as hoped....

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3 hours ago, Compound2632 said:


Is non-possession of a mobile phone - of the smartphone variety able to read QR codes - an instance of selfish stupidity?


If so, count me in among the stupidly selfish!

 was clearly referring to the statement about it being discriminatory, nothing to do with mobile phones, that is another debate for another day maybe.

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8 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

 was clearly referring to the statement about it being discriminatory, nothing to do with mobile phones, that is another debate for another day maybe.

But Compound's "This will, I think, quite rapidly be found to be discriminatory and alternatives will have to be found. Alternatively, you would have to be provided with the equipment by the state. Otherwise you are being taxed by a private corporation, effectively. (Like the television licence.)" clearly refers to Phil's " More worrying though is that vaccination passports will be in the form of an app on your mobile phone, no mention of those who don't have a mobile", rather than the concept of a  vaccine passport. They may be deemed discriminatory by some, but I will object strongly to being barred from a pub, cinema or "non-essential shop" etc. for not having an "App".  My phone makes calls, it also receives texts, though I won't do texting; I don't need more.

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The skip arrived a few minutes after 10 o’clock, once the driver had gone and I’d put the car in front of our house I started filling it. I took a break half way through, but 25 or so trips with the wheelbarrow and I’d cleared the back garden of all the accumulated rubble etc by 1 o’clock :yahoo: :yahoo::yahoo: :yahoo::yahoo: :yahoo:


It was then a quick tidy up and putting away of tools etc then inside for a good wash and change of cloths and time for dinner. I’m now taking the afternoon off, I think I’ve deserved it. 


The plan for tomorrow is to move the water butt then the last few bits of old paving can go in the skip and then I’ll arrange for it to be picked up. 

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17 minutes ago, petethemole said:

My phone makes calls, it also receives texts, though I won't do texting; I don't need more.

I suspect if some sort of proof of vaccination or exemption is deemed to be necessary as time goes on for mixing in crowded places it could well be implemented on mobile phones. However I strongly suspect that while the pilot projects like some big sporting events will require an app, by the time it is safer (hopefully) to mingle other non phone versions will be available. It is all very new. I know there are those who don’t wish to divulge any details about themselves who don’t like leaving name and address at venues. Then I suppose there are people like me who even having been vaccinated are still vulnerable. This means I won’t go out for a meal or drink in somewhere that doesn’t have checks. Though going out was something I rarely did before the smoking indoors ban as smoke filled rooms made me unwell. 

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3 hours ago, Compound2632 said:


Not so, I have internet banking via my PC. As to security, for many years I have been sending through the post to all sorts of people pieces of paper with my bank details and signature written on them and receiving through the post pieces of paper not only details of my accounts but my balance and payee history too.



This will, I think, quite rapidly be found to be discriminatory and alternatives will have to be found. Alternatively, you would have to be provided with the equipment by the state. Otherwise you are being taxed by a private corporation, effectively. (Like the television licence.)


Bear does do internet banking at home quite happily - but absolutely, definitely won't use a phone to pay for things at the till etc. I've got a credit card that does that quite happily, thank you very much - and if I lose or break the card then the bank gives me a new one for nothing.  I also have tablets - but these only occasionally get used at home; I won't log onto bank accounts etc etc. with them and anything involving financial transactions is restricted to the laptop.  A tablet very occasionally goes on hols with me - about the only thing I recall logging onto was BA etc in order to do on-line seat check-in for the flight home.


As for not getting a vaccine passport if you don't have a mobile being "discriminatory" - I can only see such a passport being required for overseas travel (and perhaps only because the destination country has the b*lls to insist on one, or you ain't comin' in, matey).  So if you want to go abroad then you get yourself a mobile, in the same way that you get yourself an airline ticket.  It seems that everything in this country is rapidly becoming "discriminatory", to the point where nothing will get done before long.  Vaccinate the oldies first?  Age discrimination.  Vaccinate those with health conditions first?  Discrimination against the healthy....


2 hours ago, Tony_S said:

I assume people who don’t like mobile banking absolutely avoid PayPal too.


Bear won't do mobile banking, but happily does Paypal...


In other news:

Outside painting of the Conservatory plinth finished (30 min job), then two hanging baskets planted up - I decided that was more exciting than weeding.

I also noticed a small Fuschia plant was mysteriously growing in the middle of the lawn - I guess that a nearby b.great plant of the same name (that grows to probably 4ft across when in full flower) is somehow responsible.  Anyway, "junior" managed to escape the clutches of Lucifer the Lawnmower a few days ago, though repeat escapes are highly unlikely.  So plant dug up and now in a flower pot to work it's magic.


Postie delivered the news that Bear is to receive a Pension Increase, to the tune of a little over 69 LDC's :yahoo: And then it struck me......Bear will lose a fair wedge of these to......(those of a nervous disposition should look away now)......

.....the Tax Man :scared::scared:

The thought of some little scrote in the Inland Revenue munchin' on Bear's LDC is enough to change Bear from a cute n' cuddly ball of fur into a mad, axe-wielding nutcase....:devil:

Perhaps Bear should consider a tax-haven?  Any room on Fraggle Rock @New Haven Neil?


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40 minutes ago, petethemole said:

 vaccine passport. They may be deemed discriminatory by some, but I will object strongly to being barred from a pub, cinema or "non-essential shop" etc. for not having an "App".  




You would be barred from those places without a valid ticket, or an ID card to prove you were over 18 (if the entrance rules required that). Some people are barred from various premises if they are wearing jeans or trainers, or not wearing a tie. Is that not discriminatory?


I am not sure why prolonged lockdown has infected a number of people with the "I have the right to walk into any premises of my choosing without having to prove I am not going to infect everyone  inside with a deadly virus, it's my human right" attitude. 


The world changed in Jan/Feb 2020, and maybe there are some deluded souls who believe we are soon going to get back to how it was in 2019 and before; but we are not. The virus is not going to go away, and we have seen how quickly it can spread when restrictions are relaxed. Vaccines will cut this dramatically, but they will not eradicate the virus completely. That is going to take a lot of effort from humanity, and part of that effort will include having to put up with a few minor inconveniences such as carrying some form of recognition that you are certified to be virus-free. 

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I rarely use cash - the last time was to pay for haircuts at the barber's, which doesn't take electronic payment. But before that I struggle to remember. I used to despair at people paying by chip and pin for small amounts, but I happily tap to pay, which is quicker than cash (usually). I don't require a receipt, except in a pub where I find it useful to look back at what I spent the morning after. And certain pubs are somewhat unscrupulous in that regard too.


I did however make a contribution to Elder Lurker's bank account to take the cash received as birthday and Christmas gifts, so my wallet has plenty of it.


As for vaccine passports, it looks like the EU is going to move towards them as a way of opening up the tourism industry. It's not going to work well for family holidays, and with the younger age groups being the last to be vaccinated, perhaps it will militate initially against the sort of 18-30 type holidays that destinations hate to host - whilst loving all the income. Incidentally the BBC reports that the  EU has not had contact with Britain over inclusion in the potential scheme, although Britain intends to raise it at a G7 meeting next week. So don't go booking your fortnight in the costas just yet...!



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I don't have a mobile connected to the internet either, so unless they come up with another form of passport, no pub or other such venue will be getting any of my money either. I have a travel passport and a drivers licence with my photo on it, I have a bus pass with my photo on it, all of which I am happy to carry as it shows I am who I am and that I am prepared to accept the legal requirements for the use of said documents, I see no difference in having another form of document to establish that I have had an inoculation, be it for exotic diseases in far flung places that require to had or to save lives and protect others from this current crisis.

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2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

How so, Winnie dear boy?

What was it?


My contention that an all maple neck (including a maple fretboard / fingerboard) is the only way to go on a Fender or that my Supervillain alter-ego is working on a computer virus that will render Farcebook totally and completely “null and void”


The first, I admit freely, is hugely subjective opinion; the second? I could well get a gong or two if it works as hoped....


Well neither or is that niether oh evil one.


It is instead your plan to release a bio weapon on the great unwashed mass of the anti vacinators resulting in them going down with whatever lurgury they oppose as I suspect the vacinated mass would be quite content with that.

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Afternoon all,


Great to hear the good news about Dave looking forward to his dad\'s relocation - it will, I;m sure, make a huge difference.


Wildly different lunch today, must be the soggy weather.  so it was bacon sarnies followed bya helping of still warm rhubarb crumble which came with freshly harvested rhubarb from the garden.  as for 'phone apps they are nothing to do with me - I have a mobile 'phone which can make and receive 'phone calls and also receives txts but doesn't send them because I can't make that bit work.  That is all i need it for - I have cameras, various, which can take far higher quality photos than a 'phone and I have a 'puter to access the 'net which I'm happy to be away from when out.  So all I need is the relevant document to prove my Covid vaccination status.  As for going abroad then the simple answer would no  doubt be the well proven one of an International Vaccination certificate in my passport (or electronically linked to it if it is machine readable) - just like the one I used to have.  No need to buy an otherwise near useless and expensive 'phone simply to get on a train or ship in order to travel to another country.


Cash is an interesting one and I have had to succumb to using a card over the past year but I'll be back using cash as soon as I can manage to do so although a card is handy - as ever - for some purchases.   Mrs Stationmaster does our internet banking and I have never used Paypal in my life and can't see the point of ever doing so because either a credit transfer 9herself in command) or a Postal Order or cheque does most things that Paypal can do.  People who offer only take one, very restricted, means of payment clearly aren't interested in having a full range of customer options and that's their loss not mine - if they don't want my business they won't get it, simples.  Oh and as for folding money and coinage it's dead easy to work out how much you do or don't have - look at your bank statement and count what you've got in your wallet/pocket/under the mattress and check receipts to see where you've spent it if you happen to have forgotten how you spent it.  Just like these daft smart meters for electricity when you can already see where your electricity is going why have that thing to tell you?  All it does is save a person coming round to make the annual(?) check on the  meter readings you have been doing on behalf of your gas and electricity suppliers.


Rant over and back to normal. but sorry because it does irritate considerably when somenody tells me that certain information can only be carried in the very narrow way that they dictate when you know alternatives are readily available.


Enjoy the rest of the day one and all and stay safe.


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2 hours ago, Compound2632 said:

Can we just clarify here that the accusation of rudeness is directed at @tigerburnie not myself?


I infer from Tigerburnie's phrase and the context that not having the technology, wherewithal and/or desire to use it might be considered "selfish stupidity" (whether you discriminate against it or not is irrelevant) which IMHO it most certainly isn't.


"Didn't know you could discriminate against selfish stupidity.............................who knew."


Of course I might have the "wrong end of the stick" or even completely the wrong stick in which case, I have misunderstood the intent of the statement and I apologise.  


 My fundamental point was that not having or wanting to use a particular technology is not stupidity, selfish or otherwise, it is an individuals choice.   


I choose not to use Paypal, I do do internet banking but choose not to do general internet banking or indeed anything complicated on my phone (with the exception of paying cheques in)  but that's my choice, right or wrong.    In the case of paying cheques into an account  I fully appreciate there is a very good technical reason why you have to use the banks app on a phone to do so and cannot scan your cheque on your PC and use that route.  As going to a bank hasn't been a particularly viable option in the last 12 months or so  using the mobile app to do it has basically been Hobson's choice!

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Afternoon all.

A drizzly and miserable day here (but we need the rain)  so, as soon as I run out of displacement activities, I'll do my VAT return (Ugh!) and some other accounts I'm responsible for.


For some reason I had a very vivid dream this morning involving a train journey from Tatternham Corner on a train that turned out to be going to Chislehurst instead of London, getting off a large but unidentified station with a lot of shops  and trying to buy a railway ticket there to get back to Waterloo. I haven't actually set foot on a train (tubes don't count) since a hospital visit during the 1st lockdown.  No idea how to interpret it but there seemed to be a number of enthusiasts around, who were also out for the first time in a year and strangely excited by two EMU sets being split  I have no idea where any of this came from but it turned into one those dreams where you're half awake and know you're dreaming but want to know how the story ends so try to stay in it (and needless to say fail) Nothing there to inspire the next Netflix box set though!  


Last night I watched the second episode (I've not seen the first yet) of "Bent Coppers" a fascnating doumentary about police corruption in London in the 1970s , Ep. 2  was around the porn trade in Soho in the 1970s and included a quote I'd not heard before from Sir Robert Mark the Met. commissioner sent in to clean it up "A good police force is one that catches more crooks than it employs". 


I then watched the first two episodes of Between the Lines from 1992 (Neil Peason and Siobhan Redmond) on BBC iPlayer. I'd never seen the early episodes before but they're very good.

Edited by Pacific231G
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I did my good deed for the day as my neighbour’s daughter had a cv that needed printing. They are lovely neighbours who have always been kind so I was pleased to be able to help. Then we drove down to Benfleet (there isn’t really a town centre) so Aditi could collect some prescriptions. I wasn’t expecting mine yet having only requested them online from the GP on Tuesday morning. But Aditi was asked if she wanted Anthony’s (my official name) prescription too. It was probably taking up too much space there! All very efficient from GP and pharmacy. 
Earlier today I sat in my car and let the battery charge, circulate the air con and install new maps just in case I have a need to drive to Russia. Our next outing will be to Rayleigh (the town in Essex not any other Rayleigh)  in about 10 days for Aditi’s second vaccine. I know where the venue is but just to check the sat nav installation I entered the name and it presented me with a sensible (the way I would have gone anyway) route. 

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There have been a number of posts today, concerning the use of technology and how it impinges on our lives now and on our (eventual) post-pandemic lives. Some posts have been, how can I put it, somewhat testy.


I think that we have to consider two things: firstly, today , as with the (first) industrial revolution, you either embrace the current technology of the day or get plowed under. Regardless of what one may think about app driven activities (from using a smartphone app as a boarding card, to online banking and beyond), there will come a time when the overwhelming majority in society will use such technology and catering to those who, for whatever reason choose not to use such technology, will find themselves - at best - ignored by companies and social structures who are only concerned with dealing with the majority. At worse, people who refuse to adopt the current technology of the day will find themselves isolated and marginalised.


The second thing to consider is that in the post-CoVID world is that "doing it my way", "rugged individualism", "sheer bloody mindedness" (or whatever soubriquet you wish to use) will be increasingly frowned upon. I think that it’s no accident that there were/are incredibly high CoVID infection and mortality rates in those countries (like the US and the UK) where individualism is prized over social cohesion. A post-CoVID world is likey to demand the social self-discipline of a populace that behaves sensibly, follows guidelines (albeit often reluctantly) and realises that long term benefit requires short-term discomfort/inconvenience. Countries where social cohesion is high (e.g. S Korea, Vietnam) have managed the pandemic better and with much less damage to their societal fabric and economy than many Western (and individualistic) countries. It is arguable that, in today's highly interconnected world, being "excessively" indvidualistic will be much less accepted (or tolerated???) than in the days without the internet, cheap flights and ubiquitous mass media - when societies were more homogeneous and insular than today.


Ultimately, freedom of choice also means accepting the consequences of those choices: if the majority of the population accept that a CoVID app is necessary for a normal life (or a CoVID passport or a biometric ID card or whatever the situational requirment is) and you don't. That's your decision, no-one should stop you from making that decision. But if the consequence of that decision means that you are denied entry to a pub or can't fly to Thailand for a holiday, so be it.


In an interconnected world, as Mr Spock (and Utilitarianism) would have it "The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few”


The above is most certainly a "broad brush" philosophical pondering, but on topics I think we all shouldbe thinking about.



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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. 

8 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

Didn't know you could discriminate against selfish stupidity.............................who knew.

There are (not all) users of mobile phones who are selfish and stupid. The other day I nearly cannoned into a guy who stopped without warning to text on his phone. As for those who use a mobile while driving, no comment.

8 hours ago, Compound2632 said:


Is non-possession of a mobile phone - of the smartphone variety able to read QR codes - an instance of selfish stupidity?


If so, count me in among the stupidly selfish!

Quite so, see my comments above.

6 hours ago, petethemole said:

In what way is not having a smartphone selfish stupidity?  I freely admit to being both at times, but I neither want nor need one. 

Same here, I don't need one so why should I be forced to use one.

3 hours ago, jonny777 said:




You would be barred from those places without a valid ticket, or an ID card to prove you were over 18 (if the entrance rules required that). Some people are barred from various premises if they are wearing jeans or trainers, or not wearing a tie. Is that not discriminatory?


I am not sure why prolonged lockdown has infected a number of people with the "I have the right to walk into any premises of my choosing without having to prove I am not going to infect everyone  inside with a deadly virus, it's my human right" attitude. 


The world changed in Jan/Feb 2020, and maybe there are some deluded souls who believe we are soon going to get back to how it was in 2019 and before; but we are not. The virus is not going to go away, and we have seen how quickly it can spread when restrictions are relaxed. Vaccines will cut this dramatically, but they will not eradicate the virus completely. That is going to take a lot of effort from humanity, and part of that effort will include having to put up with a few minor inconveniences such as carrying some form of recognition that you are certified to be virus-free. 

I have been vaccinated and I'm quite happy to take a test to prove that I'm free of the virus. I would carry proof that I am corvid free but as I have no intention of making it electronic.


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2 hours ago, PupCam said:


I infer from Tigerburnie's phrase and the context that not having the technology, wherewithal and/or desire to use it might be considered "selfish stupidity" (whether you discriminate against it or not is irrelevant) which IMHO it most certainly isn't.


"Didn't know you could discriminate against selfish stupidity.............................who knew."


Of course I might have the "wrong end of the stick" or even completely the wrong stick in which case, I have misunderstood the intent of the statement and I apologise.  


 My fundamental point was that not having or wanting to use a particular technology is not stupidity, selfish or otherwise, it is an individuals choice.   


I choose not to use Paypal, I do do internet banking but choose not to do general internet banking or indeed anything complicated on my phone (with the exception of paying cheques in)  but that's my choice, right or wrong.    In the case of paying cheques into an account  I fully appreciate there is a very good technical reason why you have to use the banks app on a phone to do so and cannot scan your cheque on your PC and use that route.  As going to a bank hasn't been a particularly viable option in the last 12 months or so  using the mobile app to do it has basically been Hobson's choice!

No need for apologises here, my comment was taken the wrong way, that is as much my fault as anyone else really.

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